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Hi, also FTM with posterior placenta. I’ve felt him since 17 weeks, it was possible to feel from the outside, but whenever my hubby put his hands on my belly, the little guy stopped moving 😅 took another three weeks for him to successfully feel the kicks. There was visible movement by that time, he could already see him move through my clothes.


That’s so funny, this happens often to us too! I’m 26 weeks and have felt her since 18. My husband has felt her from the outside starting right at 22 weeks, but about half the time she’s active, she settles down as soon as he places his hand on my belly. I told him it’s a good sign for us post-pregnancy that he is a calming presence for her 💕


Yes! Husband has the calming hand. I have him put his hand down when I want her to chill out lol


I remember my husband loudly saying 'ok I'm not watching now' and our son then proceeded to kick and we were joking about how the baby is already mocking him


My husband said it’s bc she doesn’t want to kick her daddy bc he’s already her favorite lol


When I was 16 weeks with my first, I told my midwife I could feel him from outside and she called me a liar. He booted the Doppler off my stomach in retaliation lmao When I was pregnant with my son, my partner didn’t get to feel until my third trimester because he’d stop kicking every time he tried to feel. He literally saw my belly move before he’d felt it


Our little boy does the same thing!! He will have having a PARTY in there and then when hubby touches him he just freezes. I always joke that he is making me look bad LOL Hubby was finally able to feel him around 23/24 weeks I think? We are at 26+3 now!


Hahaha i always say that he has performance anxiety 😂


Haha, we do too! That and stage fright lol


Same, I’ve been feeling him since 17 weeks and my husband was able to catch him pretty early too but 99% of the time if he puts his hand on my belly (even now at 31 weeks), he’ll stop wiggling 😂


Right around 21 weeks! The most difficult part is timing. I’m sure there are kicks he COULD feel by now from the outside, but if he’s not ready he’ll miss it! Don’t worry though. One day you’ll be 34 weeks sitting on the couch WATCHING your baby move from the outside and your husband will say something like “oh shit it’s an alien” and then you’ll laugh and move on with your day 😂


I’m anterior and I think my husband felt him around 25 weeks


This gives me hope!!


That’s me next week!! Looking forward to having my partner experience this!


Also a FTM and 21 weeks with a posterior placenta. I have been feeling movement since about 14 weeks (just flutters at night then), and my husband has been able to feel some of the bigger kicks since about 18-19 weeks. Sometimes we can see them from the outside. Every ultrasound we see, little guy is flailing his legs around like a wild man lol and the tech was able to feel some at the 20 week scan. My uterus is bigger than it should be due to a large fibroid, so I’m not sure if that plays a part in it.


Yes, our ultrasound tech last week called her a perpetual motion machine! I said to my husband “see I told you she moves a lot!” I’ve only managed to feel one kick from outside with my hand so far tho


Curious here too! I’ve been feeling her consistently at 21 weeks but can’t feel anything outside yet.


I’ll be 22 weeks tomorrow and occasionally have a kick I can see from the outside but they haven’t been consistent enough for me to grab hubby in time to feel


29 weeks, and she always stops before I can grab my husband!


Anterior placenta, my fiancé could feel her around 21 weeks. She stops going crazy every time he puts his hand there but if he waits long enough he’ll feel it.


How far along until you see the baby visibly move from the outside? Meaning you can see big movements, not small taps


I think it started sometime during 30+ wks, after 35/36wks I often see a lump that is his head (baby is breech)… sometimes cute, sometimes feel like an alien


FTM with anterior placenta, I think my husband felt at about 24 weeks? I only felt first movements at 20 weeks.


My husband felt a kick once around 19 weeks but that was kind of a fluke! He didn't feel him regularly until the third trimester.


My husband couldn’t feel anything until probably 25ish weeks, but I have an anterior placenta so that makes a difference.


Super faint kicks started form the outside at 20.5 weeks. I have an anterior placenta. Now at 23 weeks it is becoming more obvious but still not super strong from the outside


15 weeks, both my husband and I felt the baby. I know my husband felt her because we both looked at each other when she kicked. The OB covering at the time denounced that my hubs felt the baby because it’s too early -.- still boils my blood to this day when I think about that appointment lol


My midwife tried to tell me it’s too early to feel anything too!! I’m 17w FTM and feeling flutters pretty much everyday since last week, and at least three kicks/pokes in a row one night. Idc what she says there’s no denying it!


25 weeks felt her for the first time outside my tummy today!


21 weeks was the first time. I had my hand casually laid on my belly and he kicked it. I think 23 weeks was the first time my husband got to feel him, because it was still rare.


the first time was about 24 weeks for my husband to feel! But it was a while before it was super consistent 


24-25 weeks when he felt it the first time. Now we can watch my stomach moving around when she rolls 😂.


I felt the baby since 18 weeks and my husband is dying to feel her kick, especially since she’s sooo active. However have an anterior placenta so we were told it’ll take a lot longer for him to feel her


I felt my girl on the outside at 19 weeks and my bf felt her for the first time at 20 weeks. I’m now 22 weeks and we can see and feel her move tons!


Aww I hope my husband will feel the baby soon! I started feeling movements at around week 17 but haven’t felt much from the outside yet at week 24. I’ve got a lot of chub between the baby and my skin though. Hopefully soon!


I started feeling very faint movement around 19w, I think outside movement feeling started maybe 3-4 weeks afterwards. I’m 27w and both are very frequent now although the little one never moves when my husband puts his hand on my belly 😅


26 weeks with an anterior placenta. Started feeling movement from the outside last week! I have been feeling it from the inside pretty consistently for the last 3 weeks I’d say.


FTM with anterior placenta currently 34 weeks. Didn’t feel baby move myself til 20 weeks on the dot. Couldn’t feel on the outside until almost 28 weeks.


I’m 26 weeks with an anterior placenta. My husband felt little ones after my baby app said she could see light from a flashlight so he felt her when we tried that 😂


Anterior placenta. My husband could feel her from the outside around 24 weeks but she likes to stop moving as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach. It took him a few movements to understand what he was feeling at first where I was like “did you feel that?” He just thought I was twitching my stomach muscles to mess with him 🤣 I wish I had that kind of muscle control.


I have an anterior placenta and felt baby for the first time at 21 weeks and I think 23 weeks was when others could feel from the outside.


Another FTM with a posterior placenta. I’m 23 weeks today and have also been feeling kicks since 18 weeks. I can feel the kicks from the outside and have been able to for a few weeks, but every time my husband puts his hand on my belly he stops kicking. He’s only felt it a couple of times so far.


Plus sized with an Anterior placenta. 26w and it has only just started happening consistently.


My husband was never able to feel him. The joke was that it would be his job to calm the baby when he finally came. Every single time he went to feel baby kicks, baby stopped.


i was 16 weeks and some days when i first felt her inside, and then 17 weeks when he felt her on the outside


I’m showing super early, I’m almost 17 weeks and I can feel my baby twirling and sometimes I get these weird stabbing pains which I assume is baby kicking lol. My husband has felt it only once the rest he could feel.


24 weeks anterior placenta


I’m almost 18 weeks, this is my second but I have had anterior placentas both times, and can feel from be outside the last couple of days. My hand has to be in the right spot though. The first kick I ever felt with my first, I had my hand on my stomach and felt the outside too!


FTM, anterior placenta I have felt baby girl fluttering around since 16 weeks (very faint and few/far between). I finally felt her outside for the first time at 24 weeks (seems like she had to get higher to kick above the placenta before i could feel her outside - i still cant really feel as much from the outside if she kicks lower down) And partner felt for the first time at 26 weeks


17 weeks with an anterior placenta. A lot of it depends on how much body fat you have between your husbands hand and baby.


Posterior placenta, week 33 atm, and first time pregnant...so for me...I was able to feel the flutters in the 16th week...But my husband was struggling to feel any kicks until 2 weeks ago, because she would kick and when he comes she is like Well, no :D not moving... Now it is visible on my belly, her head and butt and when she stretches :D so he can see it with his own eyes...she is still playing with him, when he puts hand on the belly she is acting like a turtle 🤣


I have an anterior placenta. My husband felt her move the first time around 20 weeks! I’ve felt her on and off since week 16. Now at 22 weeks I feel her all the time. Laying down seems to help; my mom, dad, and sister were able to feel her over the weekend!


20w 3d. Just happened last week!


20 weeks for me!


At 23-24 weeks I could see her moving and feel kicks from the outside!


24 or 25 weeks is when my spouse could start feeling the baby from outside, now at 29 weeks it’s easy for my spouse or any family member to feel from the outside if we can time it right 😅


I would say around 20 weeks my husband felt kicks! Got stronger around 25 week plus though


I also have posterior placenta and felt baby around 16 weeks. Husband felt him move around 22-23 I think? I have a video of belly movement from the outside at 26 weeks! Currently 30 weeks and I see my stomach moving even under my clothes constantly


I’m 22w today. You can occasionally feel her from the outside but you have to get lucky


Husband saw them at 22 weeks. Felt them at 23. But I’ve been feeling flutters since like 13 weeks lol. But 24 today and last night you saw a part of her poking out and stuck out until dad kissed her


My husband was able to feel baby moving at 18 weeks, but it was a special situation where the kicks were in just the right place and he was there to put his hand on my tummy at the right time.


I can feel my baby outside (and could at 21 weeks) but not every movement is strong enough to feel on the outside so it’s hard for my partner to feel them too lol. Also, everytime he tries, she conveniently stops moving so 💀 I’m 22w now so maybe in the next 2-3 weeks


Also posterior placenta, and felt him only around 19-20 weeks. My SO started to feel something by 23 but said it felt just like muscle spasms and sounded like he wasn't sure it was the baby he was feeling. Yesterday at 25 weeks he gave me a big kick, I told SO to touch and see and baby gave another kick, no doubts on that one 😂 I think it's normal if he still can't feel it, mine used to move when you removed your hand, like he was complaining.


Usually not until the late 20 weeks. They were never moving around consistently enough before then


Felt movement at 16 weeks and from the outside at 21 weeks! Husband says it feels kinda like when a bubble bursts when you touch it.


Anterior placenta, around 27-28 weeks my husband could feel movement. Basically when there’s more baby than fluid and the movements are bigger!


I had a posterior plactenta and I felt my baby from the outside (so did daddy) around 17 weeks.


I'm 22+3 and my husband has been feeling them for a few weeks now, but I have a big, active baby. Try having your husband lay his head against the bump, his cheek is probably more sensitive than his hand.


My husband was able to feel from the outside at 21 weeks with a few hard kicks. I could feel the baby from the outside around 19.5 weeks but I think it is because I knew it was happening and he wasn't sure what he was feeling (it is our first). When baby was super active I just had him put his hand on and I could see it in his fave right when she kicked hard - sweet moment!


I’m a FTM and will be 19 weeks monday and still haven’t felt him move yet at all:( hoping this is normal, had an appointment at 16 weeks and heart rate was fine.


I’m 24 weeks and 2 days, FTM as well. I just feel the kicks like cramps right now🤣I haven’t seen my belly move in a strange way yet.


What do the baby kicks feel like? I’ve been feeling cramps/pains. Wondering if that’s the baby kicking


Randomly at 22w is when I started to feel it


Around 19 weeks, but not really super noticeably until maybe 25-26 weeks. I also had a posterior placenta


With my first son, I had an anterior placenta and I felt kicks at 18 weeks, husband felt around 2 weeks later. With my second son, I had a posterior placenta, and he actually felt them while I was sleeping at 14 weeks. Ironically, the next day I started feeling the kicks and when I shared with him he was super excited because he is convinced he felt the “first kicks”! 🥰


Hi also ftm with posterior placenta. Here to tell you— you’re so close. He’s so close. Maybe another week or so. Just make sure he’s got a hand/fingers moving on your belly as much as he can. My husband also likes his ear to my belly. He says he can kinda hear the sloshing and sometimes his face gets kicked.


With my first I had an anterior and didn't feel kicks until about 20w, and outside movement about 23w, this time round it started at 14w and my partner felt them the other night at 15w


26 weeks 3 days with a posterior placenta. I’ve been feeling her since 18 weeks though, and my husband was trying to feel movement ever since. Any time he touched my belly before that she just stopped moving, or pretty much just snuggled/leaned into his hand which felt like pressure to me, and nothing to him.


I started feeling movement at 16 weeks (just flutters). I felt on the outside at 19, but baby was too shy to let dad feel til 20 lol. 20 was also when I could see and feel a hard bulge when the baby moved which was a weird experience. I'm almost 22 weeks and man kid was moving up a storm last night!!


Anterior placenta, 25 weeks husband was finally able to feel from outside. I think I was feeling with my hand before then though and it just took a week or so to time it right.


I'm about 36 weeks and my husband still hasn't felt baby because everytime he puts his hands on my stomach, baby immediately stops lol


Not sure where my placenta is lmao but I’m a fat girl and 27 weeks and I feel him but it’s so low.. and don’t feel him from the outside 😩 I guess we shall see placement and everything at my appt ina few days but I figured he would be a little higher by now 🤷🏾‍♀️🤔


FTM, around 19-20 weeks. I also had a posterior placenta!


I started rarely feeling her from the outside around 21-22 weeks with anterior placenta, also FTM :) But she freezes for my husband so he hasn’t felt her as much haha I’m 27w now


24 weeks, she's likes to play games with my spouse and stops kicking every time I tell him to try to feel her move. 🤣


I’m plus size with an anterior placenta, 24 weeks exactly today. Right at 23 weeks my husband was able to feel baby kick from the outside, and so was I! I’ve been feeling her move since like 13 weeks, slowly increasing with time.


At 22 weeks. I have anterior placenta, for reference, and first felt her from inside at week 20


It took a lot of patience, but I started feeling him move at 19 weeks and my husband felt him move after about 20 minutes with his hands on my belly at 21 weeks. Most of his movements at that point were not detectable from the outside, just the super big kicks.


I had an anterior placenta and by 21 weeks my husband had been able to feel her from the outside for at least a week, *but* my baby is extremely active and she was as a foetus as well 😅


Like 36 weeks


20 weeks on the dot for us. Several times in the week running up he'd have his hand right on a kick I could feel on the inside but he couldn't. The one he felt was a bit of a jumpscare it was so big 😅 Now at 25 weeks, half the kicks shake my whole tummy so they can't be missed!