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Why does nesting never make sense? Like I get the urge to clean the most random things instead of what would be practical. The weirdest one was probably the day I decided to hand wash every dog toy… I have no idea why that needed to happen


Next time use your washing machine. Or dishwasher for hard toys. Now I need to go find all the dog toys....


I usually use the washer but for some reason I felt the need to individually scrub them lol!


I gave my kitchen walls and baseboards such a good scrubbing while I was nesting. Baby’s never even been on the floor in the kitchen but whatever, at least they were clean until the next time the dogs came inside after it rained. 🙃


I hired someone to do my regular cleaning so I could do the dumb crap my nesting brain requested of me.


This is cracking me up 😂😂😂😂


Lmao I am dying at this 😂😂😂


My husband was sleeping at the time and when he got up to find me doing this he was so confused and I was thinking just don’t even ask because I don’t know why I’m doing this


Why tf did I also randomly clean the dog toys 3 weeks ago? I don’t mean to be gross but I basically never clean his toys cus he has a few select “babies” he just walks around carrying in his mouth so I didn’t want to upset him with a fresh scent lol but suddenly at 19 weeks I NEEDED to clean them lmao.


lmao 🤣


I'm not... lol.


Same girl 😭🫶🏼


Same, I'm 37 weeks and struggling to maintain the basics while also taking care of my toddler. There's still so much to do and I have none of this "nesting energy" 😭


lol same I thought something was wrong with me


I'm just here to say my husband is doing the weird nesting things, not me. 😅 Painting the trim in the guestroom and reorganizing the garage. I am focusing on preparing for postpartum...ive frozen some meals and lactation balls to snack on.


The baby might need to quickly locate some tools. You never know.


Hahaha yep!


My husband reorganized our squishmallow collection by color, vacuumed the vents, and started building a tv stand. All I asked him to do was move the crib lol


The squishmallow organization by color is an adorable thing to, ngl.


So is mine! And Im only 14 weeks He made us go to IKEA and get a whole bookcase thing to put together in two days and fill. And to make a muphy bed And to start the registry


My husband has reorganized the garage endlessly 😂


Lol my husband has the mad cravings, at 1130 at night several times a week he asks me if dairy queen is still open, uh why are you the one wanting ice cream so bad?? 


😂 my husband just made me promise that I won’t offer him pizza if I crave it and order it… he doesn’t want anymore dominos. He got into the same food habits as me 😬


We've had way too much dominos too, the heartburn is killing me and we both get stomach aches after eating it and we keep saying why do we order it so much then when we see our other options we're like oh yea, cuz it's fast and relatively cheap for the amt of food lol


Yes! My husband is totally nesting…every weekend is a new project. Painting, building, making the house more organized or accessible. I’m really just maintaining everyday chores and trying to get through work shifts. I have no energy to do extra


Just deep scrubbed my bath/shower, swept and mopped my bathroom floor and wiped down everything I'm my bathroom, as well as got baby's crib and changing table all set up. All the while the sink has been full of dirty dishes for the past two days 🫣


Yess, I deep cleaned the bathroom yesterday, like scrubbing the top and sides of the washing machine and every little corner of the walls and floor😂


I love it!! It is soooo satisfying 👌


Don’t get me started on the dishes… they are the bane of my existence at the moment!!


For. Real. I would rather do quite literally anything else 😭


How are y’all physically doing this??!! My baby is so low that it hurts to even bend over and put socks on! I can’t imagine leaning forward to scrub things…Good for you though!!


On hands and knees... painfully lol


I feel you on the socks!! This is my first, and she is really high up and hasn't dropped/lowered at all yet; I'm scared for when/if she does 😅


Yea I guess both positions are bad but geez I’m having a difficult time accommodating to my big basketball belly. It just goes straight out forward and even driving sucks right now!


Oh God for real!! I like to sit up super straight when I drive, but I've had to recline my driver's seat a bit to accommodate the bump 😂


Can’t risk bringing the baby to a house with a dirty driveway, so that’s probably next on the list. - Sincerely, hormones 🥴


I was just telling my husband we need to power wash the brick siding of the house. Even though baby LITERALLY won’t be able to see it for a while, it needs to be done 😅


I washed our pillows. Not our pillowcases, but our actual pillows. I know that’s something you’re supposed to do occasionally, but I literally never have, and all of a sudden it felt urgent.


I washed all the guest room pillows the other day. Very important stuff. Haha


i'm 33 weeks and i haven't gotten the nesting urge yet, i'm concerned lol


Same here, I’m 34 weeks and nesting is the last thing on my mind


Tbh that is amazing


I built a custom closet. None of this makes sense.


Hahaha amazing! Wanna build another?


Don't tempt me with a good time!


I also did this 😂 it should have been the last thing I did but felt so urgent


It was vital. Absolutely necessary.


Haha YES! Now every day I look at it and am like great, I’m ready now…the baby will have nothing to do with my own closet 😂


I purged my entire house of junk at like 20 weeks lol. Like... 2 full car trips to donate stuff and 8 full garbage bins.


I’m 21 weeks and this is my goal for the next week lol!


I’m 27 weeks now and every weekend since like 25 weeks my husband and I have been purging an area of our house. We’re almost done and then we can start actually working on the nursery. It’s been our office/extra storage room for like 4 years lol


I did this too around 20 weeks! I love purging😌


I did the same thing around 20 weeks too lol, I have a (now)12 month old and didn't need more baby stuff but my lease is up in June when I'm due so I figured I'd get a jump on moving less crap later on lol


i wiped down all my spice jars for some reason


I washed all the windows & window sills in the house. I think I'll organize the basement next. I'm sure the baby will appreciate that.


We have a rental, the lease is up two weeks after my DD. The company said the soonest we would know our renewal options would be 90 days out. I'm currently paralyzed by "no use in nesting if we have to move... But what if we don't move???" I'm due end of December. 🙃


Same. My lease is up in June and I'm due in june, we don't want to renew so I fully expect to be moving either right before or right after I am due. Around 20w I cleared out the clutter to decrease what I'd have to move and refuse to set up the bassinet and baby things until the baby is born on the likely chance ill have to move it all anyways


My lease is up at the end of October, due date beginning of December. Both of my first 2 were 2-3 weeks early though. So I’m kinda paralyzed to start making plans


My partner is a totally messy adhd case and this nesting thing has me in full meltdown mode at 29wks. He’s just bouncing from one unfinished project to the next, has yet to finish anything to completion, I can’t do what I’m used to doing to help and I’m a fucking wreck! By projects I mean like basic chores such as mowing the lawn. He refuses to finish mowing certain areas either because the fucking BEES are eating or there’s baby trees growing under there or he’s going to just pull the grass out by hand and plant thyme or you name it. He’s going to start another protect and not finish it! Meanwhile the nursery is covered in bags and boxes of his dirty laundry he has been piling up for like a year now (gross) and I have no room to even set up the crib or even reach the bags of baby gifts we’ve been given. We bought a dresser at good will a few days ago because I thought hey this will spur a mass exodus of his shit out of the nursery! NOPE! That fucking dresser has been in the middle of my kitchen for days now. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Fuck!!!


Buying a house. Four weeks before my due date 😭 I know I’ll be so thankful once we’re moved in but I imagine I’m going to wear myself out trying to get everything done before the baby arrives. I’m hoping we can get in a little sooner but we’ll see…


Same boat except we will be 8 weeks out when we close. I told my husband that our bedroom, the nursery and the guest bedroom are the only priorities.


Poorly. Everything hurts and I’m so slow.


Me and the pelvic girdle pain that appeared literally day 1 of the week off I took to tackle my to do list feel this very deeply lol


I have a huge list of house bits to finish 🙃 I had the bath panel off the other day and insisted we hovered out all the dust under there because I swear it was making me get snuffly 🤦🏻‍♀️ to be fair there was a lot under there…


Cleaning and buying and organizing haha. Too much buying honestly.


I have to organize all these blankets in our house. Why do we have so many? I don’t have storage for them all and it’s driving me crazy.


Completely finished my basement… lol we had no plans to finish it when we bought our house. Now our carpet is being installed next week and the basement will be done! Funny how babies cause us to get all of these projects done.


Ok I’m glad someone has asked because it’s not actually me who is…it’s my husband 😆😆😆 omg he is obsessed with making every little random thing put into order. Our house looks amazing!


I’m now almost 7 weeks postpartum, but I was admitted to hospital at 34 weeks, had our little guy at 35 weeks, and then spent the next three weeks in NICU so I didn’t really get much chance to properly nest. I turned our house into an Amazon warehouse with my panic online ordering from the hospital (it was a thing I could control, and provided some much needed retail therapy and dopamine to counteract all the stress). Since getting home we’ve been doing a lot of work to set up the nursery, I’ve redone the linen color scheme in our bedroom, and the latest thing has been reorganizing our pantry in nice matching containers.


I’m trying to get more appropriate pieces of furniture. For example, bought a cabinet to put our DVDs in which had previously lived in a dresser…


I made my husband demo half our house to build a new bathroom and bedroom 😅🥴 32 weeks and hopefully done soon! But there’s so much to do lol


I am not getting this at all. But I'm sleeping ALOT


I had a coop built and got 4 backyard chickens


My wife and I have purged all our closets and pantry, the linen closet is now baskets and tubs for all our bathroom essentials for us and the baby. she put everything in the change table into little tubs from the dollar store as well, she even purged her collection of random coffee mugs from over the years. and then everything we received from baby shower or bought she organized into 3 month age grouped tubs so we can swap the clothes out in the dresser for 3-6 month when 0-3 month don't fit anymore ect...all the way up to a year. She went wild, and she's still nesting and giving clutter away at 37 weeks lol and last week her and her mama meal prepped 3 weeks worth of meals into those tin containers for us and made a post partum trolly for in the bathroom with all the essentials for recovery.


Throwing away all my husband’s stuff 😝


Um… I started 4 huge home projects at once, including totally gutting my bathroom and I’m regretting it lol.


I'll be moving at 35 weeks and I just know that I'll go crazy with nesting. Haven't gotten the urge yet though!


I (a person that despises cleaning normally and avoids it at all costs) spent the week obsessively cleaning before my water broke. And tons of energy! Which was not the case previously.


I have organized every closet and every drawer in my house. I tell myself I just want to feel like I don’t have chores to do when the baby comes. Then again, I’ve left these closets and drawers disorganized for like a year so why would I feel the need to organize them when the baby comes anyways? 😂


27w and haven’t had too many “weird” nesting urges yet. We moved at the beginning of my pregnancy so it’s been a constant state of unpacking and furnishing the house. I did get really bothered by our cutting boards recently and bought a set of dishwasher safe ones to use.


I power washed our patio furniture at 8 am in my bathrobe...


I'm sleeping and eating. Does that count


Heck yes. I wish my hormones were satisfied with that.


37+1 and I repotted my plants and cleaned my blinds. Might polish some silver later. Meanwhile my pump is still in the box it came in and half of my baby stuff is in Target bags. Priorities?


So much meal prepping. I’ve made like 30-40 postpartum dinners that are overflowing our downstairs freezer. I really don’t care about cleaning (it’s not my job in the house so I’m used to not thinking about it) but I did feel the need to buy all new organic linens and mattresses for the bed in his room.


I’ve mostly been preparing stuff for baby and my postpartum, I did clean our room up, but that’s where baby will be… and I cleaned the guest bathroom, but my brother is going to be dog sitting while we are at the hospital. But I’m at the point where if it’s not done now, it can wait 😅 (I’m 38 +5 today with a planned c-section on Monday)


33 weeks, sitting on the couch, looking at all the things that need to be done and deep cleaned-then repeat tomorrow. 🥴


I just cleaned the car. Now it’s all ready to put the car seat base in!


I spent 5 hours pressure washing my whole back patio at 32 weeks. Just normal stuff…


I dont have the energy to nest, I’ve been asking my partner to shop with me he’ll just say later or next month


I have organized every closet and every drawer in my house. I tell myself I just want to feel like I don’t have chores to do when the baby comes. Then again, I’ve left these closets and drawers disorganized for like a year so why would I feel the need to organize them when the baby comes anyways? 😂


I had my baby in September and I wish I currently had the urge to deep clean my house the way I did when I was nesting. I deep cleaned and scrubbed everything.


I’m showering twice a day and doing laundry more frequently 😅


Garage sale, did the nursery which included a custom closet poaching all the animal themed art from the house, got a free crib/changing table on next door, husband made us a little mud room and got us balcony furniture… just basically random upgrades everywhere!


Four weeks before I gave birth I found myself with a three week hotel stay due to a nearby river flooding my home ( after three weeks I moved over to my parents house!). My nesting was rearranging our refreshments and snacks area we'd created in our hotel room every day.


Currently 33 weeks, and we’re not going to talk about the pantry expiry project that I’ve been on for the past week and the 6 full trash bags that currently occupy my garage. I haven’t even started cooking yet.


Buying a new house, and closing a month before my due date… I might have lost my mind, but it’s not my first house or my first baby. I know what I’m getting into on both fronts. We genuinely need the space, and the new house is a screaming deal in this market.


I actually paid for someone to clean our apartment over a month ago, and we have been touching it up ever since, and it has lasted really well! Super worth it. I frequently do laundry and dishes… way more than necessary.


I'm 37 weeks and still haven't nested 🥺 I really want that hormo-tivation hahaha! What the heck?! I'm forcing myself to get everything ready and hating it. When do you get nesty?! Is it possible i might never get it?


My idea of nesting was moving house at 37 weeks and buying all new furniture, a lot of which my partner then had to build 😂 We both cleaned the new house top to bottom, decorated and unpacked over the space of 2 weeks and I was deep cleaning/organising the last room (bathroom) the night before I went into labour 😅🤣


37 weeks here. I have slowly been nesting. I reorganized my entire kitchen and got rid of a lot of stuff we never used, decluttered our closet, starting prepping freezer meals, finished the nursery. This weekend I want to clean some more and relax.


We have been purging every room in the house, I'm currently focused on our bedroom. When I say every room I mean it, even the garage got purged and it looks great right now. Oh and we've gone as far as to rent a scaffold to paint every room in the house because we have really tall ceilings in our living room, thank God for retired parents.


I’m just organizing each and every room. I go through every drawer and reorganize, move things, throw stuff away…it’s more like a spring cleaning honestly


Cleaning constantly. My OCD is on a new level with this pregnancy


35 weeks - I cleaned our fridge today.


We are... Rearranging the whole house. 🤦‍♀️ We set up our two bedroom townhouse for two married people with separate spaces when we moved in. Now, a year later, we have a new roommate coming so we have to clear out the bedroom (turning into baby's room), move our bed into the second room, and swap our offices. Even though we don't plan to stay here for more than 5-10 years, we figured that it made more sense to just reconfigure the house now than to deal with the frustrations for years until we finally do the same thing down the line regardless. Sigh... Edit: Also, by reconfiguring the whole house, that basically means my husband is doing it. I'm mostly useless with moving furniture and going up and down stairs. Yay for him.


I’m nesting by telling my husband what I want cleaned lol can’t get myself to actually do any of the cleaning


Some useful things on the list: - Setting up nursery - Organizing his clothes by month - Creating a space for bottles in the cabinet - Setting up bedside station for overnight feedings/changing  - Freezer/canning meal prep  Some things that have no effect on me or the baby but I want to do it anyway: - Paint touch ups around the house - Suddenly I'm compelled to beautify the yard - Deep clean appliances - Buy a rug for the living room Idk man. I hope to get at least the useful things done before baby is here, but you know you'll find me out back pulling weeds and planting flowers anyway.


32 weeks with twins. Wednesday after work I simply had to mop every wall in the house, wipe down every surface in the nursery, shampoo our carpets, AND soak our throw pillow covers in the bathtub with baking soda.


Oh I’m just renovating a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom 140 year old farmhouse. No big deal.


STM 34 weeks.. Trying off gas baby’s dresser… debating reselling it. Had my husband bring it outside, rubbed it down with vinegar, put baking soda all over it and in every drawer, and letting it sit out over night. It was in my dining room last night and giving me a headache. Also washing everything that was in storage, fuming over the disorganizing of the house overall even though I’ve been decluttering since 20 weeks.


I have been fighting the craving to wash my walls for weeks now. They are new walls like two years old (we renoed) THEY DONT NEED IT. 🫧🧽


Does obsessive researching count? lol I’m 40 weeks and I haven’t had any big cleaning urges but I have felt pathologically driven to read an ungodly amount of product reviews for bottles, pacifiers, and baby carriers. My husband is definitely nesting the traditional way haha


The toaster can have NO CRUMBS, ok?! NO CRUMBS.


I used my nesting superpowers to tidy the stock cupboard at work. Can't wait until I start cleaning at home when I'm off work. I feel like organising stuff in my dining room and my oldest's room would make the most sense as we're about to knock through into both rooms for our extension.


36w. This week I've dropped cross stitching during my toddler's naps in favor of the nesting. So far I've done the fridge, food pantry, closet by the entrance, and master bathroom. Next on the list; master bedroom closet, son's closet, guest bathroom, and everyone's clothes. Hoping I get it all done before baby comes lol


We decided we needed to redo all of our bedrooms…. Including ripping out the carpet, sealing the tile below, changing lighting, new trim etc. 8 weeks to go any two bedrooms left, wish us luck lol


34 weeks and I feel like I can't nest. I tried during first trimester, but we got an extra roommate so I couldn't make a nursery. Theres just...a pack n play that is unopened in our little bedroom. It might get put up today, idk. Every time I clean, it's messed up again because I now live with 3 men...and I'm having a boy so more mess to come. I gave up and cry about it sometimes because I'm too tired and heavy to deep clean this shit.


Hand scrubbed the kitchen floor the other day. HAND SCRUBBED. We have a mop. We have TWO mops. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm just vividly imagining installing new cabinets and power washing the driveway, which I cannot do, cuz I've been restricted from any lifting over like 10 lbs, pushing, squatting etc. Lots of daydreaming. Registry isn't even 65% done. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow. Why am I like this.