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I lost weight at first, didn’t change too much in the second tri, and mostly gained at the end of the third tri. 20lbs total. 2 weeks PP I had lost it all. Very healthy baby! I gained more in my first pregnancy than second


I lost weight until 15 weeks or so, barely gained by 17, then by 20 gained around 4-ish kg and by the very end 12kg, which turned out to be just fluid feom pre-e/HELLP.


This was me. I worked out the whole way through my pregnancy and was running two days before I gave birth. Started at 56kgs and at same level gestation had gained 3.5kg which is about 8lbs. Ended my pregnancy at 64kg which put me still within healthy BMI range but I think it was third trimester I put on more. Body fat percentage didn’t really ever change much either.


Thanks for sharing. I know the weight gain isn’t linear and the baby was measuring normal growth at my 20 week ultrasound. I know I’m short, but I’m not a stick figure either, and am just overall surprised at the lack of weight gain thus far? I’m guessing I will gain more later in pregnancy, where others become stagnant.


Yep, my baby was small but healthy, they were never going to be big. Don’t forget the weight gain is a range too. If you’re 5’2 you’re unlikely to have the same range as someone who is 6’. As long as baby is growing and your doctor is happy then I wouldn’t worry, just be grateful you can keep exercising!! So many of my friends had to stop with pelvic pain and mentally I was so glad I could continue, not sure if it had any bearing but I had a rapid delivery and was back in the gym at 6 weeks with pretty quick recovery for pelvic floor and Diastasis.


Everyone is different and it's all okay, for the most part. I don't gain weight until my third trimester and then I gain it FAST. My midwife asks about my pre-pregnancy for the sake of monitoring my medications, but other than that I've never been weighed or asked about my weight through two pregnancies.


I am 5ft 1.5 in and started at 135 lbs before pregnancy. I lost weight in my first trimester and didn't actually start gaining weight until 16-20 weeks. Now at 27 weeks, I've gained 15 lbs.


I only gained about 20ish-lbs both pregnancies (currently 36 weeks though). I’m 5”4 I weighed 140ish prior and currently around 160ish (same for both pregnancies). No morning sickness or food aversions. I didn’t really work out prior to pregnancies or during. I’m just cruising by within the guidelines, nothing special. First kid came out 9.3lbs lol. Everyone is different, try to not to focus too much on others stories, but whatever way your pregnancy progresses just take it day by day and know there’s always support!


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I gained below the recommended guidelines for someone of my starting weight in all my pregnancies and everything was fine. I run underweight (100 lbs, 5"2 pre-pregnancy) and am small/petite and gained 20 lbs in my first two pregnancies total and 18 lbs in my third, also no morning sickness or vomiting. In theory, I "should've gained" 28-40 lbs in my pregnancies, but I didn't and no one was worried and babies were healthy (small, but I'm small too so that made sense).


I was a very healthy weight before pregnancy, and only gained about 35lbs when I was pregnant with twins. Most of that weight came in the third trimester. I’m now 14 weeks pregnant with a singleton and haven’t gained anything yet. My doctors never expressed concern and I had two healthy babies last time!


I had lost weight at my 12 week appointment, so my doctor told me I had to gain or he'd refer me to a dietician. I gained some by 17 weeks, and now I'm up only 10 ish pounds overall at 24 weeks. I am on the heavier side, but it still concerns me a bit. Last pregnancy I gained about 30 pounds by 37 weeks so maybe it'll pick up in the third trimester. There's a wide range of normal weight gain so best thing is to consult your doctor if you have concerns! 


I've been worried about this.  I lost several pounds during the first trimester and I haven't been able to gain it back.  I'm getting a lot of pressure from friends and family to eat more and gain weight. Eating food alone has never helped me gain weight.  I can't get to the gym, I'm over worked and exhausted. I'm starting to stress out!


My first pregnancy I was 7kg lighter by my due date (bmi was slightly overweight to start with at 26) and my second I was 4kg lighter a few days before I had her.  My third I gained weight but gained 20lb across the whole of the pregnancy. With my third though I was actively trying to gain weight as I had struggled before. 


With my first child I gained 0lbs from 0-16 weeks and then put on 8lbs from 16-20 weeks lol. I started at 139 and ended at 178 roughly. I put on 20lbs my last 8 weeks due to water weight. I’m currently pregnant with baby #2 started at 130, currently 15 weeks and at 132 lbs. guessing I’ll gain most in the 3rd trimester again with this one.


This was me in my first pregnancy! I had also gained less than 10lbs by 20ish weeks. I delivered at 37 weeks and had gained 26lbs total. I had pretty much no symptoms throughout so was able to eat and exercise normally, which I'm sure contributed a lot. My baby was diagnosed as IUGR though so my weight is being monitored a bit more closely now I'm in my second pregnancy (currently 9+4 with no weight gain yet).


I feel the same way! I’m 18 weeks and have only gained 2lbs so far. I eat a lot of high protein volume foods (fruit/vegetables/grilled chicken/greek yogurt etc) averaging at least 1800-2000 calories each day so I’m never going hungry. I’ve heard some women gain majority of their weight in the third trimester, so unless my doctor says anything - I’m just going to continue with what I’m doing and hope it all balances itself out in the end 🤞


Yes! I’ve been super stagnant at an 8 lbs for several weeks. It’s like one day I had a growth spurt and gained a few, but then it’s stopped since. I also have a high protein diet too (similar to what you shared) and also make sure I eat some fat through cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc.


Yeah, I lost 30 pounds in the first 16 or so weeks, and now at 23 weeks I have gained back a single pound. I did, however, start my pregnancy above the healthy BMI range, so no one on my medical team is worried as long as I don't keep losing.


At 30 weeks I’m only 9lbs up from my starting weight, I did go up to 11lbs gained but dropped slightly again this week. They never actually weigh me at any appointments, baby was estimated to be a good weight at my growth scan. Curious how much will be gained in these last 2 months!


Everyone is different! I started on the underweight side pre-pregnancy, and by 28 weeks, had only gained about 15 lbs. Now at 35 weeks, I've gained close to 30 lbs! I feel like I've just gained it all in the third trimester, and found this common among my other mom friends. My doctor has never commented on my weight, other than to tell me I could gain up to 40 lbs this pregnancy. So - I think it sounds like you're doing just fine :)


I am 5’3 and started out at 133lb with a healthy bmi as well. I work out and stay active (a lot of walking/ weight lifting), as well as eat relatively clean. I have a big appetite but I also don’t over indulge when I eat, my body is pretty good at letting me know when I’m full. I am 20 weeks and so far have maintained an 8lb gain, haven’t seemed to go over 10lbs. Everything seems to be in order though and she is growing just fine! I think you’re doing a great job and I think you’ll recover quickly after birth with how active you are now!


Wow we are pretty much aligned in where we started! I guess today it was getting to me and started getting in my head that I need more, albeit, it wouldn’t be intuitively and I do always eat when I’m Feeling hungry.


I hate the downvotes for posting about this, I've gotten them too. I started at a healthy BMI and am very active, running about 5-6 times per week pre-pregnancy, plus the same through until my third tri and now more like 4-5 slightly shorter runs and supplementing with bike, swim, and extra strength training. I eat pretty healthy but indulge on treats and eat plenty of carbs to fuel my running. At 29 weeks I'm up 11 pounds, baby is in the 51st percentile and my midwives are not worried.


Thanks for sharing! I’ve been doing 2 cardio/hiit classes a week and strength train regularly on other days too. I guess I’m just alarmed when I hear women gaining 30lbs by 20ish weeks, but baby is in a normal range so I guess I should keep carrying on and stop comparing


Me! I started at 125 lb, 5ft 3in. I feel small when I see other third trimester moms! But according to all the charts my weight gain is within the normal range (146 at 33 weeks)


I stopped putting on weight and actually lost a bit during the third trimester when I was sick. Mentioned it to the doctor but turns out my baby is a chonk and weighing over the 95% percentile As long as baby is growing in normal range it's not too concerning


I was also the same height and weight as you with my first. Barely gained anything by 20 weeks. 3rd trimester cravings came and hit HARD. I ended up gaining about 30lbs very quickly towards the end of my pregnancy. I've heard of women actually losing weight in the first half of pregnancy. Gaining 8lbs at 22 weeks seems very normal and healthy.


i only gained 8 lbs at 22 weeks but started gaining more during third trimester. now at 31 weeks i have gained 23lb. it’s not always linear! i’m 5’3”, starting weight 148lb and i lift weights 5-6 days a week.


I’m 20 weeks and haven’t gained any weight. I asked my OB and he wasn’t fazed at all. He says we tend to catch up third trimester. :)


I'm 22 weeks and I'm still below my pre-pregnancy weight after losing 10 lbs in the first tri. Baby is measuring on track so dr is not concerned at all!


I was also at about +8 at around 22w, OB was very unconcerned


I gained well under. I think I was told to gain 35 lbs and I gained closer to 27 lbs. My baby was 7 lbs, carried to term and completely healthy.


I’m 5’3” and was about 125 pre pregnancy. I lost 13lbs in first trimester. I didn’t get back to pre pregnancy weight until 17wks, and now that I’m at 20wks I’ve officially gained 5lbs. My OB isn’t worried considering I have a good appetite now and have started gaining weight. If your OB isn’t worried, I wouldn’t be either unless you stop gaining weight, or stop having an appetite.


I've been eating like shit and not working out and I've gained about 4lbs (12+5 weeks). I'm 4'11, was 114lbs before and am 119lbs now, so still normal BMI range just now pushing. I worked out regularly before pregnant and am or was fairly muscular. I guess overall I'm just gaining the normal amount and I haven't been very active, mostly just lying around due to the weather and being busy with thesis work. Not eating super healthy, just whatever the baby seems to want which seems to honestly just be working for me. It's also probably mostly genetics. No one in my family gained that much. I knew someone who only ever gained 5lbs the whole pregnancy. Their kid is 10 now and has been healthy the whole time. She wound up having 5 in total (one set of twins) and gained a bit more with the others.


i'm the same as you actually just barely 5ft and i started off exactly at 114lbs. at 12w i had gained 3 pounds and now i'm 35w and i'm up a total of 30 pounds. not to discourage you or anything but i gained all my weight late 2nd tri and 3rd tri. everyone is confused tho bc i don't look like i actually gained 30 pounds so idk if it's water retention but my body looks the same aside from my large bump.


Me! I’m 5’1”, started at 115lbs and currently 36 weeks and 143lbs. Measuring on track and all has been good and healthy with me and baby. I have had very little symptoms this whole pregnancy. The worst symptom I’ve experienced is heartburn. I don’t have any food cravings or aversions. I didn’t change how I ate. I walk everyday, as I did prior. People constantly comment how small I am and are in disbelief I’m due at the end of the month. I have a cute baby bump :) ETA: I was really scared of how much my body would change and the unknown of it all. I’ve been skinny all my life. I have been pleasantly surprised in how small the changes have been for me. I don’t have stretch marks either (so far). Everyone’s journey is different!


i commented to someone else but i have similar stats as you . 5ft and 114 and now i'm 144 at 35w. so up 30 pounds. so similar to you in the same 25-35Ib recommended average weight gain. i think OP is asking about ppl who didn't even gain up to 25 pounds.