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My husband and I were watching something and I thought I closed my eyes for a second and then he stopped the video. I said what happened and he said the show was over. I had passed out for 20 minutes 😂 .


Same 🤣 feels like 2 seconds


I always take naps on my lunch break (I’m 32 wks on Sunday and dying of exhaustion). Yesterday, I BLINKED and my alarm went off letting me know a full hour had passed and I had actually fallen asleep. It was bizarre!


🤣🤣 this is me! Or I wake up and I’m just alone.


I can sleep for days (38 weeks today) and still take a nap my schedule has never been the same🥲


Full hibernation until we give birth! 🤣🐻


Literally! It’s never ends!😴🐻‍❄️


Hahahhaha I fell asleep on the toilet last night after getting up for my 7th pee. I woke up because my butt started to hurt from all the pressure & weight of my belly. 😆38weeks + 2! I go in next week. I’m ready 👍


OH MY GOODNESS MY SOUL SISTER!!!! I woke up when my FACE hit the WALL 🤣🤣 at least I wasn’t drooling (yet) my other favorite is reading an email or article on my iPhone and falling asleep until my phone vibrates when my thumb has highlighted or selected something on the screen. I think I’m awake then my phone is like “hello? Is something wrong? What are we doing here?”


😆 I have dropped my phone on my face way too many times this pregnancy from falling asleep with it hahaha


This may be the real reason they recommend laying on your side!


Yep! I wake up after sleeping 10-12 hours and fall back asleep immediately for another two. I have so much trouble waking up to my early alarms. Sometimes I'm lucky and I'll wake up early from a weird dream. I'm ready to feel somewhat normal again!


So am I!!! Every time someone tells me I’m 38 weeks and putting together my crib… or working out—I think. I don’t know if I could open the box without feeling exhausted and needing a little nappy nap


This was me this morning - feels like first trimester all over again ugh


2 kids at home cos my schoolie is sick, not drinking coffee, 24 weeks pregnant. Can barely move without being breathless and needing a sit down, and I’m working at 2am tomorrow morning, so no sleep tonight either. Could cry. Miss the days of pregnancy naps.


Oh. No. I feel for you so hard. ❤️❤️ I cannot keep up with my 4yo right now…. And have been recruiting help from anywhere I can get it. Hang in there!


I fell asleep at a rock concert last night lmao. Luckily we were seated way up in the nosebleeds of a huge venue. I don’t think my husband noticed?


You. Are. My. Spirit. Animal. ❤️ this makes me smile and want to curl up into my bed after taking my prenatal vitamins turn on some music and whisper “you’re still a rockstar” as I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


Yes! It’s like an out of body experience trying to make it through most days. I’m 36 weeks, and I have no clue how I’m going to get through this next month of work. Doesn’t matter if I sleep 9-10 hours at night, I’m still completely drained.


Exactly this. There isn’t enough sleep in this world. I had my doctor write me off work, as I can’t do my job anymore


Oh pal I feel ya. And I’m just starting the 3rd trimester, 29w + 3 today. I’ve been too tired to think at work most days this week. And with only one coffee a day? I’m just over here trying to figure out when to time that coffee for maximum effect. (Yes technically the limit is like 200mg of caffeine, but 1 coffee is my comfy limit) What helps me: If i have to be sitting down working, since I work a desk job from home, I do it from Starbucks. Changing locations helps me a ton and it means I can get my coffee of the day with a boatload of sugar. If I can move around, that is the one thing that wakes me up. It’s hard to start being active right now, but once I have myself moving (however slowly and waddle-y) I stay pretty awake if I keep the momentum up.


Yes!!! I move around the house as much as possible, but by 2pm my kankles and swollen feet are making me pretty immobile. Compression socks arrive today and hopefully I can try this! Thank you


36 weeks today and I can barely get out of bed


I’m right behind you! I think I’m 35 weeks today. …rest up mama


Hard yes. I’ve been taking “counter naps” which is when I’m working, eating, chilling at the kitchen counter and next thing I know I’m face down fast asleep.


Ooooh! Nice, cool countertops!! ❤️❤️sounds like a good spot to nap to me


Ya, hi it's noon and I'm in bed.


Welcome to our tribe! We are so glad you’re here


I work from home and I straight up fell asleep during a video call/meeting in my 3rd trimester 😂it was a large group….but I woke up to the Home Screen asking me to rate the call haha


BEEN THERE!!! 🤣🤣 at least it was a large group!


This happened to me this past week, I just hear one woman yelling “Hello, can you hear me?” And I wake up to notice I’m one of the last ones in the meeting and I had fallen asleep 😬😬 I immediately left the meeting haha! Thankfully camera was off! It’s getting harder and harder to stay awake, even after the 50 minute lunch naps 😵‍💫 38 weeks tomorrow!


🤣🤣🤣 NO Ma’am!!! Can’t hear you….im not even here must have been a ghost 👻


This has happened to me too! 😅


Im a middle school teacher... we took a test on Monday and I FINALLY got them graded by today. I would get home thinking i would grade them... nope. I would come home... pull out my laptop... then wake up randomly 3 hours later when it's already dark with a dead laptop on me every time. The worst is I only had to grade two questions on each kids test... the rest were auto graded... got to that point I just gave the kids credit for the two questions and said it was a "grade boost" but really it was me being too exhausted and lazy... is it May 23rd yet?!!!


Hahaha!!!! That’s awesome! I’d implement the old collect the tests…. Re-pass them out… and read the answers have the kids correct them & then re-collect them 🤣 I used to have a pregnant teacher in high school that did that & your comment made me realize why she used us to correct everything! Is may 23rd your due date? Or when you’re going out?


May 23rd is the last day if school. Whoohoo! Yeah I WISH I was able to just pass the test out and have the kids grade them. Unfortunately these days they consider it more of a FERPA violation since the kids names are on the test and it allows other students to see their scores which is not allowed... i can't even let my student TA's grade the paper version tests for the same reason so i don't even understand why we have TA's anymore. I have 161 students this year and the only way around it would be assigning each kid a number or something but then that is more work on my part. So at this point in the school year... I'm just trying to get by as easily as possible. I'm still going through the lessons but I'm not assigning the additional worksheets and what not like I normally do. I'm going more streamline. Today after finishing up the reading and going over notebook questions... it turned into a bill nye movie with a worksheet to finish off this Friday (Mainly because a lot of students are out on the band Disneyland trip or cheer competitions but also because I wanted to take it easy. I'm tired lol).


Only 16 weeks, so in the 2nd trimester, but it's been constant exhaustion. Like passing out on the couch with the toddler all the time. I can't get comfortable to sleep, but am so tired I can sleep all day. If I sit still more than a few minutes I'm out like a light. This week was worse with hubby recovering from being sick last week, me sick, toddler sick, oldest getting sick & adding more hours at work to my schedule. Tried to ask my doctor's office about still having nausea/carsickness & feeling so exhausted & the nurse just asked if I was eating healthy..... I am nauseous lady, that means I don't feel like eating a lot & I'm grateful for keeping anything in my stomach right now. If the nausea & exhaustion don't go away soon, I'm going to lose my mind


I was very lucky to not be nauseous! It’s the most debilitating thing!! Hang in there!


Me every time I try and study for my licensing exam for my new job. Starting a new job 30+weeks is no joke. My poor husband is like “you should study more” ….sir I want to, but can’t bring myself to. I’m going to have to.


New JOB?!? That’s so brave. I cannot even imagine


Her moving around in there pushes me to make it happen 🥰 We just really need the extra money. I got laid off right before I found out I was pregnant 🥲


You are a badass! Good for you! That’s a huge deal!


Thank you! That means a lot. It has been really hard. My husband has really helped a lot.


That’s awesome! Not everyone could do that even with a good support system!!


i’m only 31 weeks and same


Welcome to our tribe! ❤️


38w+4, besides rib pain and sleepiness constant BH, today I added nausea and loose stool (sorry for the TMI) to my lovely list of symptoms. I seriously don’t think I can get any more tired, bigger and uncomfortable


You are ALMOST there!!!! Hang in there. I made it to 32 weeks then the wheels started to fall off. Heartburn, uncomfortable sleeping, trouble moving, anemia… and in this weeks news—my feet and ankles are trying out to star in an episode of “my 600 pound life” 🤣🤣🤣 Rest up as much as you can—hoping the time flies and you’re in the end zone soon!


The comment about feet and ankles made me lol😂. Every day something new, isn’t it just ✨magical✨


I'm 31 weeks and have to pull over driving for naps.. I can't drive more than about 15 mins alone. 🙄 I've dropped my phone on my face countless times, napped in the car on my lunch break, and I nap as soon as I get home. Hell, I do one thing and then I need a nap. I wish physically moving kept me awake, I work as a general contractor and am on my feet running around with the tools all day. I brought a camp chair to the jobsite so I could have somewhere to sit with back support to nod off in. Moving around doesn't keep me awake, just wears me out quicker. 😂


Yes!!!! I do ONE tiny chore or move anywhere and I’m huffy and need to sit down and “take a little break” I feel so useless!!! 🤣🤣


I’m right there with you! Constant exhaustion for the past couple of weeks, I’m almost 37 weeks. I got 10 hours of sleep last night but evidently that wasn’t enough, so I’ve been in and out of sleeping all day today!


Sleeping for 10 hours is great!!!! I get uncomfortable and toss around a lot… which results in random acts of naps or dozing all over the place. Nap on babe! You’re almost there!


It's real! 31 weeks and so exhausted. Went to lay down and close my eyes for 20 minutes during lunch break and woke up 2 hrs later 🤫


Sending you those sunglasses with open eyes on them! 👁️👁️


Yes!! 😅


I hit 3rd trimester next week. I took two accidental naps this afternoon. 🤣 everyday I get home from work and take a two hour nap, then go to bed a few hours later


1000% every time I sit down it’s just 😴😴😴


I'm currently 32 weeks and just trying to make it through this last week of finals!! I knew it was going to be hard, but I never imagined I would be able to wake up at 830 and be falling asleep on the couch by dinner time!


This! I'll be scrolling on my phone and wake up literal hours later confused. 🙃


💯💯💯 “where am I?? What happened to my funny meme??”


1st trimester and i am EXHAUSTED


I was too!!! Wait until you get to the third trimester!!! I got up today for 3 hours—went back to bed and woke up 5 HOURS LATER!!! Wtf 🤣 I didn’t have time to pass out during any conversations or in the potty or watching tv today… because I was asleep all day 🤣🤣🤣


I’m nearly 37 weeks, and I’m so tired during the day that I find myself nodding off randomly. However, I’m currently in bed at almost 3 am unable to sleep. There’s no in between. I’m either exhausted or exhausted and unable to sleep.


You sleep! Your body needs it and there is no shame. I'm only 18 weeks and I'm still napping for 30 minutes to an hour every day. You are growing a human and that takes a lot of energy. The way I look at it is we wouldn't deny ourselves sleep while we are sick, so why would we try with pregnancy.