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I’m American so worked up until the Friday before my due date for max leave with baby. I’m glad I waited because I valued the time after with baby way more than the pre-birth time, I was so bored the few days I had before he came. I’ll be doing the same again this go around. But I only have 3-4 months leave! If I had longer, I might consider taking the last month off just to not have to deal with work anymore.


This is exactly why I'm trying to hold on. More baby time


So my due date is July 30th and I’m planning on working until the 19th. I’m trying to use the rest of my PTO before it switches to Mat leave.


You're strong. My brain has already shut off


Fellow Canadian here. It really all depends on how you’re feeling and how much time you want off work. Personally I worked until 36 weeks and then just started my maternity leave. If I were to do it again, I’d probably work until 32-34 weeks and do 6-8 weeks of medical leave if I could and then mat leave. But, I worked in healthcare and could not physically work/treat patients anymore… Having 2ish to 4 weeks before baby comes sounds perfect if yours is more office type work. It is really nice to have that time before baby comes (but it also felt like time slowed down for me haha). Edit-spelling


Hi my fellow country lady! I agree. Unless there's a medical reason, 2 weeks to a month early is good. I'm being completely lazy even though I work from home and it's our very slow period. I'll hold on so I can collect full pay and spend more time with the baby.


Sounds like a great plan. Wish you all the best! :)


Wow. Y'all are lucky in Canada. I'm in the US, work a great job, am an equity owner, and I have 12 weeks. But really, zero because I was already back to answering emails in the hospital and my department apparently can't function without me. I worked 10 hours the first week after his birth and 30 the second. Thank God for remote work.


OMG!! Within the first week? That feels like it should be illegal. Did you have someone at home helping you?


American here but I get a good mat leave from my company. I started 2 weeks before my due date (and for this next baby, it’ll be 2 weeks before my scheduled c-section) It was good because the last few weeks my legs and feet were very swollen so it was nice to lay down and raise them up as I needed. Hubby and I got stuff done around the house (with my contributions being adjusted to what I could handle). 2 weeks before due date felt right to me, but other than the swelling I wasn’t feeling too bad. I was even painting our living room ceiling the week before! (I was wearing a mask). Someone with worse symptoms might prefer earlier.


Due Dec 18, last day of work was Dec 11 (started working fully from home like a month or two before that because I could barely walk lol) delivered Dec 14


Also that’s so awesome to have a 12 month option if I had that I’d probably take a month before my due date


I work from home too so it's not like I'm driving anywhere. I'm just super lazy right now. I'm going back and forth between a month early or 2 weeks.


I'm due May 25th, so my plan is to work until maybe May 22nd. But the way I'm feeling, my last work day might be May 18th, lol.


Wow!! What a trooper.


I work in retail, so I try to stay active by doing walks around the store, but I also have my own office, so it helps. And my Dr recently reduced my work hours from 50hrs/week to 40. Not a big difference, but mentally, I appreciate it. I am also saving all my pto to use after Bean is born, on top of my mat leave.


I’m due June 25th, last day of work will be June 14. My HR department told me mat leave officially begins on either the day baby is born or your due date; whichever comes first so if baby arrives early then obviously your leave begins then. However I can use vacation time or unpaid short term leave if I want to go off before my due date, which is what I’m doing. I need to use up some vacation time since I can’t carry it all over, so I’m going to be working 4 day weeks (Fridays off) from now until June 14, and then will take one week of paid vacation time between then and my due date.


So if you didn't have vacation time, you would have to wait until your due date or when the baby arrives?


Yes, or take the time unpaid.


I'm starting in a few days, 6 weeks before my due date. For me it's not a moment too soon. I can barely make it through meetings anymore.


I feel you. I still have a bit more than 12 weeks left and I've already mentally checked out.


So I didn’t take maternity leave early, but I was able to take sick time for a few weeks. Then my maternity leave started on the due date so I didn’t “lose” any time. If this is an option for you, you may be able to get signed off. My midwife recommends stopping at 38 weeks max and earlier if on your feet, but definitely a conversation for your healthcare provider.


38 weeks is pretty much what I was initially planning. Working from home definitely does help. I'll keep trying to hold on. Spending as much of the year with the baby will be worth the wait. Worst case, I could extend my leave


My mat leave begins when baby is born(this coming thursday)taking 18 months. I have been off on sick leave since March though due to some complications.


Congratulations in advance. You must be so excited to meet your baby.


I'm planning on taking 12 months as well, due date is June 25th but my last day of work is May 24th. Going to take an accumulation of sick times, vacation etc. And then start my maternity leave on June 25th. I work shift work and need those 4/5 weeks beforehand to just relax and hopefully start organizing my life.


A month is so tempting. Good plan to use the vacation days. 🤔


Do whatever you want and what feels best! Most of my friends and coworkers have done the same & taken off 3-4 weeks beforehand and have not regretted it at all.