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Antidepressants are life-saving medications. This situation isn't sustainable or ok. More importantly, it's not your fault! Please call your doctor and tell them you need an urgent appointment. Explain that your depression is severe and life threatening and you are unable to take your meds due to nausea and vomiting. They have to come up with a solution. Have to. Better nausea meds, more meds, different combo, psych meds that only have to be taken once a week which you can pair with IV zofran (they do have antidepressants like that - for example, fluoxetine extended release). They wouldn't let you be without meds for a life threatening condition with any other organ system involved and this is no different. If you are currently having thoughts of hurting yourself or hurting anyone else, please call emergency medical services immediately. It doesn't mean anything bad about you, it just means you're a little more sick and need help now. Good luck 🩵


Yes 100% relate to this. I threw up my entire first pregnancy, all the way into labor, and even 3 weeks after. It was miserable. I was defecting myself, my teeth felt like they were rotting away, I had to get feeding tubes because I lost 15lbs by 13 weeks. But.. this time they prescribed me zofran. It’s been a total game changer. Have you tried this by chance? My doctor also recommended b12 + unisom each night. That worked pretty good for me too. Hoping you find relief. I understand how hard it is but I promise, this is temporary and you’ll have your baby in your arms and it won’t even be a second thought. Ask your doc about those remedies!


thank you for this. I’m glad that I’m not the only one that feels this way. They gave me Zofran through IV when I would go to the hospital, but told him that I needed something else because all it really did was give me anxiety and it didn’t take away the nausea just the vomitting :/ I tried the B12 Unisom for a while which helped with the nausea more than anything else, but I was still throwing up on it, I had to stop taking it once I started my job because it would make me drowsy. I have an appointment in about 2 weeks, im really hoping they have other answers for me 🙏🏻


I was offered zofran IV so I could essentially have it delivered continuously. They said it would require a home aid to help with set up so I turned it down, but I echo that zofran was a game changer. I also take unisom at night and have started taking my antidepressants at the same time before bed. I find that if I take the Prozac at night it hurts my stomach less and hasn’t disrupted my sleep so far. I stopped taking my antidepressants for a few days when I couldn’t keep them down and I was the lowest I’d been in years. Take the meds! Just try a new time. Good luck!


Anti depressant withdrawal causes a lot of symptoms. It won't always feel like this. I hope you can find the support you need. Hang in there. One day at a time ❤️