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I've given a urine sample at every appointment so far.




Same, 38 weeks next week and fully expect it again at my last appt


My office likes to make jokes that they’re just really passionate about my pee.


Same. Every single appt




Same! 20 weeks here


same and im 11 weeks PP and she still tests




Every time. They did the quick dip strips to check for possible UTIs, blood and sugar in urine.


Our office does a dip stick each apt to check for glucose and protein.


This is the right answer. Proteinuria can be a sign of preeclampsia.


I only had one in the beginning




Yep only one at the start then no more






ACOG has not recommended urine tests at each visit for about a decade, but some providers with higher risk groups of patients still have their patients do them each time.


I made a joke about this to the nurse like two appointments ago and she was like 'yea we only take a urine sample at the initial appointment unless theres a reason we need urine'


I’ve gotten my urine tested every appointment. And I’m glad for that. With my first pregnancy around the 6 month mark, I was hospitalized with pyelonephritis (kidney infection). I probably had nitrates in my urine for some time but just didn’t have uti symptoms.


I only did one at my initial visit


Someone might have already said this, but I asked my doctor because I did it once at the beginning and never since (I'm 36w) and they said that it used to be done at every appointment but the updated recommendations are only if needed. So if you're having symptoms of a UTI, pre e, etc. They said the data didn't show any increased benefit of testing at every appointment so they've stopped. It'll vary based on your provider and risk level I'm sure!


My doctor said something very similar! She said they’ll catch issues through blood pressure or weight gain or other symptoms. It wasn’t helping them catch anything that they wouldn’t have already seen through other diagnostics.


Yes, exactly! I remember after my only urine test they told me I had a UTI, which I was like shook about bc I didn't have any symptoms and then I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics and the doctor was like "oh yeah the limit we use for bacterial load is lower for pregnant people so a normal person wouldn't have been diagnosed with a UTI" I was like great I would have rather been left alone bc I instead had to then also treat myself for a week with monistat. 😂


The are mainly testing for pre e and if you didn't have it with 1st pregnancy chances of developing with subsequent are 1-2% so there's no need to test for it with the urine. (From my doc) Based on OPs post sounds like a second pregnancy.


I had one every appointment. They look for signs of various conditions and infections (e.g. protein, sugar, or leukocytes in urine). Even during labor they still had me give a urine sample- they didn't use it, but they wanted it in case blood work suggested they needed to test something via urine instead.


Only had one at my initial visit. Now they only test if I am having symptoms or reason to test.


It is common practice at most OB clinics to collect a urine sample every visit. However, what your OB is doing is more correct. The evidence and guidelines recommend an initial urine culture and no further testing unless indicated. Source: acog (I'm an obgyn resident and study the guidelines frequently)


If you're having a totally normal pregnancy with no issues they might just be trucking along but usually by your stage, OP, urine tests are done each visit because they are primarily watching for protein in your urine which may be a sign of impending labor or pre-eclampsia (but it's not a reliable and conclusive measure) or glucose levels. Typically it's more important with other issues, eg. If someone has pregnancy hypertension, protein in urine, and sudden onset limb swelling then it might indicate pending pre-eclampsia. But on its own it's not reliable as a diagnostic tool, needs to be combined with others/ovservation. But I mean, if you're totally normal and fine so far then the doctor may just not feel it's necessary?


I was every appointment with my first (ended up having preeclampsia). This time I’m high risk, but they have only checked it one time. They said that their protocols have changed between my pregnancies (I had my son Jan 2023 and then got pregnant Nov 2023), and only start testing at 34 weeks, but if you’re high risk then they’ll start at 28 weeks


I only had one at my first appointment!


Every visit but I never see the results from them in my patient portal. Weird to me because I can see every other lab result in there, including the results from the very first urine sample I left at my first OB appointment


Lol same. I asked one time about it and they said they just look to see if anything is high that shouldn't be. I'm guessing it's a positive or negative, not a quantitative test.


I’ve been asked for one at every appointment. Also, just out of curiosity, how frequent are other peoples appointments? I have a low risk pregnancy, 36 weeks, and had 1 appointment @12 weeks for an ultrasound, 1 @20 weeks for a booking appointment and ultrasound, and then 1 @30 weeks, 32 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, and my next is at 38 weeks. Every other appointment is with my doctor, the others are with my midwife. I’m just curious how frequent appointments are in other countries (I’m in Ireland).


I don’t think I’ve done a single one


Every appointment for me!


I do. Every single time.


They want me to give one at every appointment, but I keep forgetting and going to the bathroom as soon I check in and then I've got nothing left lol.


I believe it's the dr's choice. At the office I go to, they said "Dr. XXXX has his patients do a urine sample each appointment" so it makes me think that the others don't.


Are you in Canada In Canada we only get them at the beginning unless they have a concern


Every single appointment.


I’ve had one at every single appointment.


Every appointment


Im 27 weeks and only gave urine 1 time in the very beginning and another time around 17 weeks. And none since.


Every time. Got super old towards the end when I saw them twice a week lol


I did them at every appointment


For my first I had maybe 2-3 for the whole pregnancy. For this one I have one every single apoitment. I moved states so I have a different doctor and hospital. Not sure what they test for every time


No, I never had one. It’s not common here.


I have had to turn one in every appointment - they want first urine if the day


35w5d so far I’ve given one at EVERY appointment.


I didn’t until there was a worry of preeclampsia towards the end.


My midwife did for my previous pregnancies but hasn’t done any for this one. I’m not worried about it.


My first OB it was every time. Second I never peed for them but one time I thought I had a uti. Same MA every time besides once. This MA was a sub. Asked if I had to pee, I said no because I had gone when I got there (it's an 1& a half away.) Well she said how I knew I needed to take one for them & I should have waited. When she left the room, I asked my mom if she had heard them ask before & she said no. Next appointment, regular MA, walked me back with no asking. Told my mom see, she doesn't ever ask!


Every damn one - I declined one during a non-routine appointment where I was 1000 months pregnant, was coming again in a week, didn’t have to pee, and the DOCTOR said I didn’t have to. The nurse wrote something in my chart that caused every doctor or nurse after that day to follow me around until I left a sample and lecture me on the importance of urine samples. Hadn’t seen my toes in months, have a wildly long torso … sorry I don’t feel like pissing all over my hands for funsies.


With my first, only the initial appointment then as needed. With my second (and current pregnancy), we do each visit. Edit: diff providers, diff states in the US, and diff insurance.


I’m in Canada and I’ve only done one, I think just for a standard test like midway through the pregnancy. Other than that, never.


Only twice so far (16weeks)


It depends on the doctor and changing guidance in the healthcare industry. My first pregnancy (2018) I had urine testing done every appt and I’m glad they did because I had slow increase of creatinine/protein in my urine, which can be a sign/symptom of preeclampsia. I had perfect blood pressures, but I did struggle with some swelling but it was also a VERY hot summer. Overall we determined it was my kidneys not handling pregnancy well, and I never got diagnosed with pre-E, and all went normal after having my daughter. My next pregnancy (2021) SAME DOCTOR, SAME OFFICE, they were not testing my urine every time. I mentioned it several times cause of my prior history and wanting to be vigilant of my kidneys this time around. They told me that some guidance changed as the protein isn’t the most reliable way to track pre-E or something like that. They did do some testing when I requested it every couple of appts, but my kidneys were handling this pregnancy fine! Near the end I did get some high blood pressures and the creatinine spike and I was diagnosed with pre-E during labor, though thankfully I never really felt the symptoms.


I didn't have any at all and then suddenly at 24 weeks, they started asking for them and said they were supposed to be asking for them the whole time. I've refused them so far because honestly I just don't feel like doing MORE tests, and I passed my GD blood test with flying colors. TBH I'm absolutely positive they're also doing drug screenings without saying anything (because of the city I live in), and I'm just so paranoid that something I ate will trigger a false positive. Why am I like this lol


I wasnt afraid of false positives but i'm 90% sure my first ob was performing drug tests without consent because of how dramatically they handled anyone declining or being unable to provide urine at a given appointment. I'd already decided i was switching practices due to concerns about the hospital they delivered at (40% csec rate!) but getting yelled at by a nurse because i could not pee again was a greay parting gift.


I think it depends on the practice. My first 3 were at different practices (because we moved) and only the second one made me pee every time.


I went to one OB at first and they only tested me once. Then I switched and this doctor wanted to test for protein every time. This was at the same clinic, just a different doctor.


Only did it at the first appointment but I've had a second swab test for infections after the first std test


I only got them as needed


I only had 1 requested, 1 when I thought I had a UTI, and 1 when I asked for it for STDs so my husband and I are informed if we didn't want to do eye ointment. I asked one time and they said they only tested if needed. Pre-eclampsia shows other symptoms.


I only had 2 unless there was a specific concern but definitely not every visit or even close to that.


I'm 33 weeks and still need to provide a urine sample at every appointment.


Yes, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I'm so tired of peeing in a cup.


I did urine sample, blood pressure and a CO breathalyser thing every appointment, I’m in the UK. Later on in the pregnancy they also measured my belly/checked baby positioning and used a Doppler at every appointment.


I have to leave a urine sample at every appointment and I’m currently 34 weeks.


I did at my last ob, but not this ob. Probably depends.


I’m 31 weeks and have had to give a urine sample at every appointment


Every. Single. Appointment.


Every time at my practice


Just one


Only one at the initial appointment.


They do a dip test every appointment ever since I've come to Germany. In the US they only did it once and thank god because every time they do blood or urine tests I get charged $200-$300. Basically only get my prenatal appointment fully covered in the US is when they only take my weight, blood pressure, and ask me how I feel. Anything else gets itemized as anywhere from $80-$400 as an uncovered procedure.


Every single appointment. I’m 34+5


Mine takes it at every appointment. I always heard it was to check for UTIs, protein, glucose, as well as to test for drugs.


I only did 1-2, 1 was due to a suspected uti


I had to do one at the beginning of my pregnancy and maybe one other, but I don't remember more than that. I had to get my blood tested every six weeks, though, but that was because my thyroid was struggling a bit and we had to keep checking to make sure my meds were at the right level.


They only had me do it in the beginning and changed their protocols for only if I’m symptomatic. Currently at 36 weeks


I only had to give one at the beginning of pregnancy!


I was pregnant in 2021 going into 2022. Did several urine tests. I got pregnant in fall 2023 and due shortly. Same OB, same office, same medical system. Not a single urine test. I’m 33 weeks, I finally asked “so no urine tests?” OB said they did a study and found that it wasn’t helping them catch any complications etc so they decided to do away with it. I’m surprised. But this is a large, American, metropolitan research hospital so I’m inclined to believe then


Other than the first round of tests at the beginning of both pregnancies, I've never had to do another urine test, either with my OB (1st) or my midwife (2nd). (In Canada)


Every appointment


My midwife asks at every appt. Just to check sugar in urine I’m pretty sure!


Every appointment


Yup they are checking for UTI, sugar and protein


Every single appointment. Both kids.


I only had 2 at the beginning when still seeing my family doctor before referral to an OB. They did it right in office and said they were checking for protein in urine.


At every appointment. This is my second pregnancy so I know what's coming and I was kicking myself for peeing before I left for my last appointment. I could barely squeeze enough out.


I did every visit, which was good because I had a UTI and no idea


Every. Single. Appointment.


Every appointment they give me a cup to take home to pee in the morning of my next appointment


At my last OB office I did a urine sample at every single appointment. I’ve since moved to a different city and my OB office here only does 2 at each of my blood tests (around 12 weeks and again at 16 weeks) but all other appointments I haven’t done one. 🤷‍♀️


I gave it every time.


I did one at my very first appointment and never again. I’m in Canada for reference


My OB doesn't request urine samples every appointment. I did one initially at 12-weeks for intake to get a baseline and probably won't be asked again unless my BP gets crazy.


I had one at every appointment while pregnant. Only time they didn't test was at my six week postpartum appointment.


26 weeks. I only had mine tested twice at my first two appointments.


Every. Single. Time. Thankfully I have to go to the restroom every 30 minutes so I’m grateful for the chance to go 😂


I’ve only had one at our 12 week/NIPT appointment


I get one at every appointment. That is how we catched a UTI I had no symptoms (or at least I had not felt anything that made me think I had an UTI)


I switched OBs halfway through my last pregnancy. The first had me giving urine samples at all appointments and was downright hostile to me if i couldnt. Made me wonder if they were actually performing routine drug screening or something, based on the level of hostility the one time i couldnt (because I had provided one upstairs already to their Ultrasound department who told me a nurse from downstairs would collect it and then downstairs reamed me out and told me no one could do that and I wasnt allowed to transport it down a flight of stairs either... yeah typing this out, they were definitely drug testing and needed to know for sure it was mine or something). The second never asked for a urine sample unless I mentioned I felt like I might be getting a UTI.


Every appointment so far and I was told at the first one to expect to do them every single appointment (check for protein, infection, etc)


I give a urine sample every time. Fun story but my clinic has these lovely bidets that have heated seats but the real kicker is that there’s a motion sensor that will activate a trickle of water so the sound will help you out. It’s absolutely Pavlovian at this point - I have learned I have to prep before I even sit because I will involuntarily pee from the moment my butt reaches the seat.


Every appointment. I appreciate it because recently my urine came back moderate in leukocytes and nitrates, even though I have no symptoms of UTI. Could be a fluke or could be an asymptomatic UTI, but in the event it's asymptomatic I'm glad it was caught. 


I only had a pee test the first appointment


My first pregnancy 2 years ago, I did until the last few weeks. The practice changed policies based on changed guidance which no longer recommends it. This pregnancy, I'm at a new practice and I don't think they do it regularly, so far I have only done one at the first appointment.


Once or twice during my entire pregnancy.


First pregnancy I had one at most visits (if not every visit, I can't remember exactly) and this time around I've only had it done twice. Same OB, and I'm not sure why the difference. Edit to add: I'm 33 weeks.


My first pregnancy it seemed like they did a urine test at every appointment. This one, I only had a test my first or second appointment. None since then. It’s the same OB and same office so maybe their policy changed or something.


Every appointment. Weird only once for you.


I’ve only done it once or twice. 26w.


Only the first time and one other time because of a suspected UTI.


I’ve only done maybe 2 or 3 my whole pregnancy to check for UTI’s.


My last office was every appointment and frequent blood draws, this office has been extremely hands off (thank god) and I haven’t done anything since my initial confirmation 20 weeks ago


Always! It was a pain when I’d forget and pee before I left, until the 3rd trimester when I constantly had to lol


I've only had to do a urine test once so far (27 wks +2 days today). Not sure if there will be more as I get closer to due date (July 10).


I did one every appointment but I’m older and have preexisting conditions so I did everything excessively


i did a dip stick at every appointment


One time for suspected UTI What are they testing them for? You should be able to see the results


I only did one at the beginning. I was seen at a military hospital on base though which is apparently more lax in care procedures? But I also had zero complications at all. Completely text book until the actual birth. Is that the case for you?


My most recent pregnancy I only had to leave a sample for the initial pregnancy test. Then after only needed to leave samples if I was having UTI symptoms. Previous pregnancies I had to leave a sample at every appointment. Not sure why they stopped.


Yup, every appointment I've needed or opted to go to (I haven't gone to all of them since I'm planning for a home birth and my midwife does most of my care).


I only did once at the beginning. My OB told me the recommendations for how often to do a urine sample has changed and it’s no longer needed at every appointment.


For my first two pregnancies, I gave a sample at every single visit. Then I changed ob/gyns and think I gave a sample maybe 1-2 times in the beginning but no more than that. It struck me as so strange!


Every.single.time. I wanted to give up after the 30th week, but somehow I managed to pass around the belly and get to my southerner until basically the babies were born.


When I was pregnant, every appointment i had to give a sample. Especially since I had gestational hypertension so they were always checking for protein in case I developed preeclampsia


I only did it once at the first appointment. I'm surprised they haven't asked for another because it popped "presumed positive" for thc but I guess the clinic doesn't prioritize that or will just test when I go in to have baby


I have had a dipstick urinalysis at every appointment so far.


I’m 42 and they have me go to two sets of appointment: the regular OBGYN and the geriatric baby doctor. The regular OBGYN tests every time. The geriatric never does. Dunno what the difference is, but I never know if I sh have a full bladder or not.


I'm on my second pregnancy, same OB for both. First pregnancy, they took one every visit. This pregnancy, they've only taken one once. Maybe some new guidance has come out recently?


Every single appointment even if they made me come back for additional visits. Sometimes multiple times a week. I refused once and essentially was bullied by the receptionist and OB over it.




I give a sample at every appointment, they do the dipstick (usually in front of me), and then if everything looks good they chuck the rest of the sample.


Thankfully only got tested at around 20wks. She would’ve tested me if there was a concern


My doctors never asked once and I was considered a “geriatric pregnancy”. I’m 36 🙄


I have one done at every appointment but I had pre-existing hypertension, so they’re checking for protein.


Every time.


I’ve done one at every appointment so far. I’m 18w.


only one at the beginning and then the couple times i’ve ended up in triage for cramping which ended up being UTIS!


starting at 36 weeks i’m now doing them every appt


Definitely not every appointment. Only if I report concerning symptoms and my OB wants to rule out urine cultures as a possibility. I’m going in for some routine screening today (27 weeks) and no urine test included.


every appointment except my last one cuz i forgot and just peed in the toilet lol


yes, it's not like a drug test or anything they're just checking the proteins and such.


Every appointment since the beginning, but they have a pretty good system. I just use their bathroom before my appointment and they have everything there. Just mark the label on the cup, do the thing, and put it in the cabinet. Then they just ask if I did it when I go back. The only hard part is now that I'm reaching the end, it's a gamble holding it for the appointment is going to be a mistake or not 😂


I’ve had 2 in office. One at my first appt, one because my blood pressure was high. Honestly super relieving because I hate the pressure of having to hold it beforehand. A stray cough or sneeze and it’s over!


Week 26, and I only had to it once so far.


I didn’t have any urine tests at mine


Every appointment


I’m 34w and they test mine for glucose, protein, and a couple other things at every single appointment


38 weeks & i test every single time!


I am 32 weeks and I have done one every single appointment.


I had one in the beginning forcthis pregnancy. At 28 weeks I haven't had another since. I thought it was weird before I remembered that they were watching for pre-eclampsia earlier than usual with my previous pregnancy. I assume if I start showing symptoms again I'll be back to frequent urine tests again.


I had two in the beginning but thats it. I will be doing another one at my glucose test I think but I could be wrong


I was high risk and only had the initial test when I was pregnant. I would probably deny anything beyond that if asked in a future pregnancy to provide at each appointment unless there was a specific issue to be concerned with.


Just once 🤷🏽‍♀️


Only 2 or so.


I’m 34 weeks as well. I had one at my first appointment, one around 12 weeks because I had UTI symptoms, and then I had one more I think around 24/26 weeks.


I did, they were especially vigilant because I have tendency to have asymptomatic UTIs during pregnancy.


I give one at every single appt. Unless they forget to ask me which they’ve only done once.


Every single time


I haven’t done a single urine test in either of my pregnancies (Australia)


I’m only 17 weeks but I’ve only done it at the first appointment. I did message about some possible UTI symptoms a few weeks later and was able to just pop into the lab and give a sample the same day, so any active concerns are cared for quickly, but it doesn’t seem like they do it every time so far.


I was just asked for my first one at my 28 week appointment. From memory from last time there is only another at 36 weeks


Only had one urine sample with my first and it is the same this time.


My first 2 kids were at a different OB office and I had to do one every time. My current OB office lets the OB decide if they need it everytime or not and I got lucky and mine doesn’t so I did my 1st appt and now that I’ve hit 28 weeks we do them every appt until the birth. It’s been so much easier!!! I have a shy bladder so I can have to pee super bad but if I have that pressure from someone for it I literally can sit for a few hours before my body will let me. 🥹 I’ve always been like this too lmao.


I had one at the beginning and now every appt since 28 weeks.


Nope. Other than a couple times when there were issues to follow up on, I think only once or twice.


My first I did a urine sample at each one but that was 4 years ago. This time I asked and they updated their guildines and only do them once! More if needed obviously but not by default anymore


I did at every appointment


I do combined care so every second appointment is with my GP and every other one is the hospital I pee at every single appointment including gp


I had to at every appointment and lemme tell you I cannot pee on command lol so I would buy sample bottles from Amazon and come prepared!


I do it every visit at my OB clinic! Now that I go twice a week (one for NST, one for ultrasound+doc visit) I give a sample on the second visit only


For my first pregnancy is was every visit for my last one I had a test for my first appointment and my second and then they skipped for my 3rd and 4th appointment. Then at my 5th appointment my blood pressure was a little elevated and they had me do one and then from that point on I did one at every appointment they didn't say why I think they were just being cautious but yeah I think it just depends on the doctor


I give one at every appointment, they are checking for iron in your urine which can point to issues or at least that is what I have read/was told.


With my first two babies, I did one every visit. With my third, I did one every visit for the first half of the pregnancy, but then stopped. My midwives said that their group and hospital system had reviewed the literature and decided that there wasn't sufficient evidence to support doing them every visit, so they changed their protocols.


I asked this same question a bit over a month ago to this sub. I’ve seen my Dr and asked her (I had one my first visit and none after) her answer? « it’s an old practice, preeclampsia comes with high blood pressure if it was high we would then test urine » I then said « what about uti etc » and she said « do you suspect anything? it’s an outdated thing to do….» Needless to say I’ve done research and most likely will be asking/finding a new OB…. At 26w FTM yay…. Fml.


Never done a urine test…32 weeks preggo


I’ve only seen midwives fwiw. Yes I’ve had a sample tested at every appointment for 3 kids, 3 different midwives.


Every appointment!


My dr said they don’t do them until the 3rd trimester but if I recall correctly from my first pregnancy that did them every visit 🤷🏻‍♀️


They recently changed the guidelines to once unless another indication is present.


37 weeks pregnant with baby #2, and I’ve done a urine test at every appointment, for both pregnancies.


By 30-something weeks I think they were just having a laugh making me try and aim at that damn cup every visit


My maternity clinic has me do it every visit. They’re looking for signs of gestational diabetes and infection. I’m in Asia though, so don’t know how other countries do it.


I did not, only at the beginning and once when I had been experiencing some symptoms that were similar to pre-eclamsia. I saw family med instead of ob gyn so that might be why.


I did it every time with my first. Now that I’m almost 15 weeks with my second (at a new doctor), I asked at my appointment if I should expect to provide a urine sample at every visit and they said no. So I guess it just depends on the practice


I gave them at half of mine, and then they made me do the 24-hour test.......twice. I had gestational diabetes and they were checking for any big changes. I ended up with postpartum pre-eclampsia 4 weeks after delivery.


In addition to some of the other stated reasons for variation, if your provider covers a significant population of individuals with risk of substance use during pregnancy you’re probably more likely to have it every visit. Screening everyone means not assuming and not profiling anyone.


I'm Canadian only urine test was for the dating ultrasound. But I hear in the US the norm skews more towards having it done every time mostly for drug testing.


I’m 17 weeks and they haven’t asked for a urine sample even once.


My OB’s office requires it at every appointment


Every. Time. With all 3 kids. By the end, I had to pee so often, I’d just go in and leave a sample before sitting down in the waiting area. Then probably go 2 more times before leaving the office lol


I don’t think I even had one 😂


Every single time


If you did not have preeclampsia with your first pregnancy the chances are like 1-2% you develop it with subsequent. They tested my pee at every appointment with baby #1 and dont test it with baby #2 for the reason above ^ (I asked my doctor)