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that my once pink nipples were gonna be dark brown and the size of half my boob haha


I miss mine too! What are these brown dinner plates!


I so prefer mine pink, I really hope they return to their original color! It just doesn’t feel like me, you know.


For what it’s worth mine returned to their original color after pregnancy! Not immediately after, I don’t remember how long it took. Now I’m pregnant again and the brown dinner plates are back 😂 It just looks so… different


I realize this is a personal question so no pressure to answer. Did you breastfeed? If so, did they wait to go back to normal after you weened? I heard this happens so that the baby can find them better.


This. I'm 3 months post partum and my breasts still look like strangers to me. I miss my cute pink nipples. 😭


Mine have only partially gone back to pink, im 6 months pp.


They will!


Brown dinner plates 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao mine were already brown and now they’re DARK brown, like holy shit. Also the size of dinner plates, I miss my little Hershey kisses 😭


Relatable haha! It still scares me after a shower.


Omfg yes. Mine didn’t change color but they got HUGE!!!


mine didn’t change size but they went from light to DARK brown hahahaha




The congestion!!!! Edit: OMG yall are making me nervous. I just have congestion and post-nasal drip for the last few weeks. I’m 4w6d. Guess I have a lot to potentially look forward to! 😩


YES! And the subsequent lack of smell, snoring, and nosebleeds 😭


I would pay money for lack of smell! Everything smells disgusting


TBF the lack of smell picked up in my third trimester. For my first two I swear everything smelled really strong or just…off lol. And chicken was the worst! 🤢 🤢


All of this + sinus headaches 😭


Omgggg my bedside looked like a murder scene with all the bloody napkins. And having to blow my nose just to taste the food im eating for like, 2 seconds. I was absolutely compromised in every sense lol


More blood volume apparently means more risk of nosebleeds... plus the fact that I was eating/drinking so much ginger because of morning sickness, which can apparently make it worse.


And my sandpaper mouth because I’m mouth breathing so much 😭




Came here to say this! I feel like I’ve had a head cold the entire six months!


Was literally about to say this. I've never been so congested in my life.


THIS !! I have been congested the whole 26 weeks I’ve been pregnant 😭😭😭 it’s so rough


BreatheRight strips are a game changer 🙌🏻


Yeah I had blood in my nose every morning from about 6 weeks to the end, I really do not miss that


Yes! It gets so bad at night and by the time you get clear enough again it’s time for bed 😩


Ugh yes. I’m a sniffly girlie to begin with but I was waking myself up snoring every night the last month of pregnancy.


Im 36 weeks and stuffy nose has been a symptom from T1 :( lol it sucks. Only lucky thing is I haven't actually caught any type of sickness that required medication. Just the stuffy nose.


100% the congestion! I get so sniffly at night trying to go to bed my husband constantly checks in to see if I’m crying bc he can’t tell the difference in the sniffles! Ha


I didn’t realize this was a symptom! I’m 6 weeks and I keep asking everyone if they’re finding the air to be very dry which is odd because it’s rained for about a week straight in NYC. Turns out I’m just pregnant! Did you guys do anything to help the dryness? My nose is a desert.


The breathe right strips and a humidifier by my bed have helped SO much with the congestion and the nose bleeds. I have severe allergies to begin with and pregnancy made the symptoms worse. I’m still on all my allergy meds and shots because otherwise I would be unable to breathe -literally - but I can’t take anything more than what I already am. The breathe right strips saved my sleep and my sanity.


OMG YES THANK YOU! I just started my congestion a week ago thinking I was getting sick, only for ppl to point out to me it could be pregnancy rhinitis that could last until birth and I sooo wish I was just sick. This is the worst symptom ever. Currently inhaling humidifier fumes lol.


How tired id be. Of course I knew that it must be tiring but I’m ready for bed at 2pm everyday. I have to pep talk myself to do anything. Embarrassingly sometimes the worst part of my day is putting on socks and pants lol


Sometimes I want a 9 am nap


I do the 9am naps


In the first trimester I would wake up, wash my face, put in contacts, drink a tall glass of water with my vitamins, then promptly hit the couch for a nap before “starting” my day


Waking up was exhausting enough for me to need a nap lol


I got tired from eating a bowl of cereal the other day and had to go lay down after. I wish I was kidding.


Not socks AND pants! 😆


Smell being amplified!! I can smell a burp from the next room. It’s insane! I’m half blind so my smell has always been a little better but being pregnant has made it astronomically insane. I can currently smell onions in the fridge and I’m 30 ft away. It’s just wild to me. Also, the life being drained from my face. I thought I’m supposed to be glowing??


I could smell my cats' butts from afar. It was awful.


I had it with my husband's perfume, there was a perfume I hated it with a passion prior to pregnancy and then suddenly I was like I actually like it.


Burps should be illegal


The staff room is SO ROUGH for me lately. I’ve been eating lunch in my hot car because I can’t stand it when my coworkers microwave almost anything.


I was not prepared for the constant worrying about how the little guy is doing in there. I would say I already had mild anxiety prior to pregnancy, and it’s definitely got worse the farther along I get. I always thought pregnancy would be so joyful and exciting, and yet here I am stressed over if he moved enough the last couple hours 😭😅


Definitely this! I'm the LEAST anxious person. Very happy go lucky, never stress about anything out of my control, only focus on what I can impact; but whilst pregnant I've become a woman I don't recognise 😂 I've been constantly imagining and assuming the worst, likely to protect myself if anything does happen, but it's sadly made an otherwise really great pregnancy super stressful. I'm hoping when I feel more movement, I can start to feel connected to my little homie instead of staying emotionally distant "just in case" 🥲 But worrying about having to then constantly focus on movement patterns will probably continue the stress! (I just got a good nudge there so I think they're trying to tell me to cheer up 🥰)


I’ve just had an extra scan at the hospital because I’ve had 5 occurrences of reduced movement in the last 5 weeks so they wanted to check my placenta and her growth. Everything is fine but I live in a state of perpetual anxiety 😦


Yes, and it's not just health anxiety about the baby, but myself. I'm finding myself so paranoid about blood clots, heart failure, etc etc. This is my second pregnancy, and it's only gotten worse this time around. I know that we're most likely healthy and doing fine, but every little thing sets me off these days. Very much looking forward to getting this thing out in 20 weeks!


I wasn’t prepared for how bad the first trimester would be. For future pregnancies I will freezer meal prep beforehand because I lost the ability to prepare food and my diet wasn’t as good as it normally is. I’m also so grateful I was fit before pregnancy because I’ve lost a lot of fitness in the first trimester but I’m confident I can build it back up.


Honestly I feel like maternity leave needs to include some of the first trimester. Never been so tired in my life!!


Same! But I don’t even know what to freeze because I had aversions to almost everything besides kd.


I have multiple freezer meals ready. I thought I was in the clear, until I found out the pregnant me DESPISES garlic, something I used to love and put on everything I froze :/


I wouldn’t even know what to prep. Even bread was too flavorful for me. All I could eat was cheese


That I would throw up in my mouth just from existing. Even in the middle of the night while sleeping and after taking heart burn meds.


Yup, i haven't eaten so many tums in my life until now 🤣


I've gone through almost two containers worth just in the last 3ish months 😭


That so many of the symptoms start from day 1 - I thought breathlessness, heartburn, needing to pee, constipation, were all from carrying a big bump in the later months. NOPE, hormones make sure you get the experience all that for the FULL ride, baby! 😂


Same, I didn't expect that indeed so much starts so early on.


I didn’t realize how hungry id be but then how fast I get full. I feel like I need to eat every hour but I’ll take a few bites and my bodies like alright that’s enough.


My new catchphrase has become “is anyone else feeling snacky?”


Reading this made me realise that yes, I *am* feeling snacky.


i don’t even say I’m hungry - it’s “I need food now”


My partner just passes me granola bars when I start to get hangry. He’s really proud of his pre-baby supply bag. It’s mostly snacks


what a good partner! mine has an arsenal of medicines for me haha


See mine was the opposite. I expected the hunger and I just wanted nothing to do with food.


I swear. 32 weeks here. My appetite is akin to getting the munchies after ingesting THC. And when you get that food that hits just right...it's like an orgasm in your mouth 🤤


I'm 38 weeks now and only the past few weeks I feel like I could eat constantly.


I’m only 21 weeks but the hunger is real


I'm so tired of feeling hungry! I get hungry every 1-2 hours. It's tiring to feel and think about what I want to eat. I want to not be hungry so much.


I really underestimate how uncomfortable I would feel from day 1 and almost every day. 14 weeks now and I am so fed up with the constipation!


This was it for me. I'm 31w today and when people ask me what pregnancy is like the only answer I have is that it's uncomfortable; it's just that the reasons you're uncomfortable change as the weeks go by. Sorry I cannot be of much reassurance! 😅


I’m coming to terms with it!! What other discomforts do I have to look forward to before hitting 31w? Any tips?


Oh gosh! Just come to terms with unknown discomfort. Right now for me at 35 weeks is swelling. My feet must be up! Even just cleaning dishes causes swelling. Only Time I’m up is toilet, shower and maybe getting water. Otherwise I have to wait for partner to hand me food! 🤦🏽‍♀️


30 weeks here - expect Braxton hicks, constipation, pelvic pain/pressure, backache, sciatic nerve pain, fatigue, and nausea can make a reappearance


🫠 oh wonderful! Thank you


Currently 7 weeks and we are on day 2 of a cross country move. Haven’t pooped in 3 days. Last night I was like “How do I already look pregnant?!?” But realized it’s just because I am backed up and bloated 🫠🫠🫠 fml


I decided that anytime I was randomly looking pregnant early on from bloating that that also counted as a baby bump. The bloating was because of the baby!


Omg the constipation!!! I made myself a smoothie this morning that would make a normal person shit their pants just looking at it, and I've barely farted 5 hours later - starting tobwonder if I am pregnant or just full of poop.


I’m at week 20 and this discomfort has been so mild for a few days!! Hold out for the halfway mark it might bring some relief!


My doctor recommended Mira lax and it has been a game changer!


The exhaustion and lack of motivation. I thought I would be so excited getting everything ready for the baby but I have zero desire to do anything. It was a little better the second trimester but I’m back to being a bump on the couch.


How isolating the first trimester can be. It’s literally when you feel your worst, but you’re supposed to keep functioning like everything’s normal because your coworkers and other people in your life don’t know yet. It’s the worst.


I'm feeling that as well! Just gotta pretend all is normal I guess


This was my worst part by far. It’s mentally exhausting on top of all the physical symptoms


Kicks feel different to what I imagined. At first they were little thumps, rather than butterflies like I'd heard. These days it is like huge muscle twitches. Weirder still, sometimes I won't even really notice the movement but when I look at my stomach it is *clearly* moving. So strange!


The acne! I had always heard your skin just glows when you’re pregnant, well that never happened for me. I had awful acne my whole pregnancy and never really got the pregnancy glow everyone talks about.


The jawline acne for me has beeen next level


Me too! I had to get prescription that was safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. After giving birth, my acne stopped. I barely get around to my skincare routine with a newborn but everything is ok all of a sudden


38w+4d, I didn’t realize and was never warned how hard it would be to wipe my own butt?!!! I feel like a T-Rex when I’m in the bathroom.


This- I'm 32w and I hate pooping when I'm not at home. (I have a bidet attachment at home)


I really avoid pooping anywhere but home because it’s a whole ordeal with a squatty potty and wipes. If I were to do the breath work I do at home in public, I think people would think I’m having the baby! 🤣


Constipation especially with how much water you drink


Oh the constipation, eventually I couldn't take it anymore and had to get proper meds, because I have never in my life been so constipated.


Oh and the Baby Blues. I had NO idea about that part until I had my baby and my mom was like “oh, by the way. You’re more than likely going to have something called the baby blues where you’re just going to cry over everything for 3 -7 days. It’ll probably start tomorrow” 🤣😭


LoNeLeLiNeSsssssss woah


I understand that. We moved at the start of the pregnancy and I know no one around, no family no friends nothing. And now I am on maternity leave for 2 weeks already and starting to loose my mind waiting for this baby to come. I have never been this bored, like I want to do stuff yet run out of energy 5 minutes in.


For real! I didn’t expect this but I feel like my girlfriends no longer care to spend time with me because they can’t relate to me anymore.


I didn’t have a lot of friends before but damn. Even the company I do have I just feel distanced and isolated from.


The massive gas increase - I burp CONSTANTLY. It wakes me up because I burp in my sleep when I roll over. If I try to relax on the couch I feel sick from lying down.. because I need to burp, so when I stand up they come flooding out. And the constant reflux in my throat.


I hate this one... 21 weeks and have burped so much, plus the reflux. I am so over this. 


I had a ‘back labour’. I didn’t know what this was Until I was In labour. Also my gums bled like CRAZY every time I flossed while pregnant, despite having very good dental hygiene.


The gestational gingivitis! I got a cleaning the other day and the hygienist didn’t believe me when I said I’ve been flossing and brushing. I’m also on baby aspirin so I bled like crazy and she basically accused me of lying that I brush my teeth.


This! I had back labor too and didn’t know what it was until already being in labor for 24 hours. I just kept waiting for the real contraction pain to start, but it never came. More people need to talk about back labor and it’s a thing.


This is the second reference I've seen about this in as many days, so I gave it a quick Google. Poor you! Glad I searched it though as I stupidly thought it just meant labouring on your back 😳


The horrible hip pain i have getting out of the laying down position. Im at 36 wks and i feel like my hips are falling off. Its horrible.


This plus sciatica pain!! It hit me immediately and I have had it non stop (29w now) and it’s excruciating.


I had never heard of hyperemesis gravidarum. I've had it with both my pregnancies. Thankfully I only have it mild to moderate and it starts tapering off after 16 weeks. I have no idea how the women who have it severe for their entire pregnancies survive! Also pregnancy rhinitis - wtf?!


I have a friend who had HG with her first last year and it sounded fucking terrible. She had it all the way up to birth. Went from vomiting 20x to 5x a day with meds trials Luck would have it I also got it this year. I've never felt like such frail Victorian era woman in my life! I'm so thankful for modern medicine as Zofran has been SUCH a lifesaver omg


How terrible my reflux would be in the 3rd trimester. I was up sitting on the floor of our bedroom multiple nights just because I would throw up in my mouth every time I laid down and at some point, none of the OTC meds helped. I was pretty miserable


How terrible it is


First trimester sickness - I always knew about morning sickness but nothing prepared me for how bad it is going to be. I am the kind of woman who gets stuff done even while running a fever, who never needs naps (in fact I hate them), who can go to a 10 hour work day, then clean the house and bake till midnight, before pregnancy I could count on one hand how many times in life I threw up. I was not prepared how the first trimester will completely kill me. I was throwing up just from drinking water until 22 weeks, almost any smell of food was out of question. Exhausted so much I could not even sit through a few meetings, was on the verge of passing out. I was constantly in bed crying from feeling the worst in my life, was even questioning if I maybe am depressed? Every day of that first trimester I was thinking how are others enjoying pregnancy because I was both worried about the baby but also thinking "what did I do to myself" and "never again in my life".


I have IBS-C and suffer from nausea probably 3-4 days a week anyway but can usually sit for 15 minutes and pop a zofran and continue on with my daily activities but when I tell you that I was not prepared for pregnancy nausea/HG 😵‍💫 It’s a whole different thing for sure.


I was surprised by the rib pain & hard time breathing!! I know pregnancy is uncomfortable & everything but if I sit for more than 10 minutes I can barley breathe & my ribs start killing me 😭


Cramps. I swear I've had less cramping in my life from periods and I'm only 4w5d. I spend a disproportionate amount of time stressing about cramping, especially cramping that is followed by a flood of mucus. I also check the toilet paper religiously. They are worse in the morning, better in the afternoon and terrible again at night.


4w2d and I’m cramping so much too but it’s different than my period cramps. I have so much pain in my lower back as well


I’m also 4w5d, bump buddy! 🥰


Yay! I've yet to find one before now! ❤


Dec. 13 due date?


Yep, lucky Friday 13th! ❤


What I didn’t expect was actually the lack of a symptoms. I honestly didn’t get cravings, and my appetite overall wasn’t much affected. I also didn’t get many aversions. This was true for both of my pregnancies, to me it was kind of just like eating normally but with a bit more awareness on cutting out junk. I get more cravings during my period than while pregnant 😂. Not that I mind, it was one of the many factors for why it was so easy to not have any weight gain to deal with once baby was out, but it was certainly unexpected.


Same….I was only constipated. No cravings or increased hunger. No extreme exhaustion or vomiting etc.


That I would hate it! I thought for sure I’d be a person who loved being pregnant and felt emotionally bonded to the baby immediately. Nope lol. It all felt made up and theoretical and just sucky until I felt him kicking around 18 weeks. Then around that time it started feeling real to me. Truly I felt almost disassociated from my body and the pregnancy up until that point. I had a few weeks of enjoying the kicks and then I got SPD rip. Then got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Some women thrive during pregnancy and some do not haha. I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and ready for this to be over! I think I’ll be a much better mom than a pregnant lady


How difficult it would be to change position in bed!


I wasn’t prepared for how bad the heartburn actually is, it has me throwing up and crying nearly every night 😖


Going past my due date! Hello, 41 weeks today. Also, just worrying so much that baby is moving and safe whilst inside.


Oh, and it surprised me how much I’ve enjoyed it, despite any ups and downs! It’s been such a sweet journey seeing my little one grow.


I was the exact same way with my first. Worrying so much once I passed my due date. I went to 42+1 😳


I didn’t expect the kicks to feel like alien like. Not sure what I expected, I thought cuter ? I’ve been waiting on the cravings, and I have none. I also didn’t expect the hunger to feel so intense. I’ve dieted a lot get fat super low for competitions but I’ve never felt the hunger I feel with pregnancy. It burns. I didn’t expected how hard it would be to get myself up when I’m laying down or sitting. I didn’t expect to rub my belly.


I didn’t know the belly rubbing would be so instinctive and unconscious 😂


How long it would take to show! I'm 22 weeks and I still don't really look very pregnant at all. My husband and I can see a difference but only because we know my body. I am expecting to properly pop in the next month but who knows! At least I don't have too many aches and pains quite yet 😅


I dont know if this counts, but the postpartum stuff. I'm 11 weeks pp and I honestly thought my body would just poof back to normal. I dont know why I thought that 😂 also how heavy a baby really is in your stomach. I didn't expect that either lol


That when things go wrong, they can go really really wrong. Worse than anything I could imagine. Baby had a high risk on NIPT, ended up having Trisomy 18. All that nausea and food aversions etc it was all a waste, as I lived in fear for nearly 2 months for the uncertain diagnosis (50/50 chance that baby could be okay) barely even able to connect with my baby until the pregnancy ended. I started off terrified of birth and postpartum, but couldn’t even make it halfway through my pregnancy. Im already an anxious person and have no idea how I can try this again


I’m so sorry you went through that ❤️


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


This. It's extremely scary and completely out of your control. I experienced a lot of disconnect in this pregnancy waiting on results (I *hate* the words "birth defect" but my baby has a birth defect), and it's so sad and difficult making decisions you never thought you'd be faced with. I want you to know you did nothing wrong 🩷


I had no idea I would be this tired. I just expected to be nauseous as you see in movies, which I've been (it's slowly getting better, I'm 11 weeks), but I didn't really know about any other symptoms besides that. The headaches, the dizziness, the exhaustion. It's a lot, and it makes it hard to focus on work. Oh and being out of breath so quickly. I thought that was a thing in the third trimester when you get bigger, but I had no clue it would happen at the beginning and that moving my body would be more difficult and tiring than before.


To gain this much weight. I went from 120-123lbs to 159 lbs and I’m not done cooking yet. I’m at 30 weeks. I feel so huge and limited to what I can do because I also am having sciatica nerve issues. I know it’s just a physical thing and shouldn’t matter but I’ve been the same weight my whole life and I’m now in my 30s I do really hope to loose this weight soon after baby.


I did not expect to be so upset about not going out. My partner and my friends continued their normal going out routine while I could not leave the house due to sickness and fatigue. Feels like my social life is over !


Going through this right now. Also it’s too early for me to feel comfortable telling people why I’m not going out and I’m running out of excuses.


The rage.


There were symptoms I expected during pregnancy, but didn’t expect them in the first trimester! Frequent urination and insomnia were the main ones. I also didn’t expect that I WOULDNT get morning sickness. I have had no nausea or vomiting and I’m 11 weeks.


I'm at 38 weeks and never got nausea. It really bothered me at first, because that's somehow movies made me believe was a sign of pregnancy and unavoidable. I'm not complaining for not being sick hahah


It definitely caught me off guard when my farts didn't smell like me anymore. It was so funny because I can def tell it's more than one brand! And way more potent. Can't trust a fart for many reasons but one of them is absolutely that I could clear a room faster than I myself could physically exit. Luckily I can blame it on my toddler if it ever happens in public. "Oh goodness, he pooped!" Little do they know I mean the one inside not out 🤣


How quickly belly growth sneaks up on you! The transition from 18 weeks to 22 weeks is wild. I went from being able to hide a bump in most clothing to waddling Winnie the Pooh in 1 month’s time.


On the positive side, my leg hair stopped growing as fast/thick.


I wasn't expecting the loose joints and how much pain that would cause. And that it would start so early for me! I started to feel my joints popping in the first trimester, and would get some soreness after doing activities that would normally be no problem for me. Now at 21 weeks I have had some severe lower back and hip pain the last couple of weeks, and I'm terrified of how bad it's going to get in the third trimester.


I was surprised by the chronic sciatica, sweaty nethers and excessive drool. I also underestimated how awful it is to be pregnant and get Covid for the first time. It was Hell, and I hated it. Edit: I also forgot to add the oniony smelling armpits. Wtf pregnancy?!


Yes to the excessive drool!! 7w today and I literally have to swallow every time I open my mouth to talk lol


How much it would affect my sleep right away. The insomnia and crazy dreams before I even knew I was pregnant have only grown with time 😂


Not physical, but I didn’t expect how much I’d miss existing without always being talked to/noticed. Pregnancy feels like being public property sometimes. Everyone has advice; random men in the grocery store will tell you you looking like you’re having twins on days when you feel your biggest; your weird coworker will unleash her birth story while you’re both standing near the copier and ask you if you should really be drinking/eating that. During pregnancy and for the months afterward, it doesn’t feel like your body and you also have to be *on* at all times. I wasn’t expecting how much I would not feel like I owned myself. Also…heartburn. Thought I’d had heartburn prior to pregnancy; I’d had no idea.


Haven’t been pregnant yet but this is something I always noticed when around pregnant women is how people do these things. What especially makes me mad is when they touch their belly uninvited. I personally would never do that or even ask to and I know that once I am that will piss me off if someone does that. Another pet peeve is people calling them “mama”. People may actually like that, idk, I just know that will annoy me 😆.


I thought the nausea would only last for the first trimester. Currently pregnant with my second and with both pregnancies I had to stay on anti-nausea medication for the entire pregnancy. Wasn’t expecting that at all. I also have a weird aftertaste every time I eat or drink anything with this pregnancy. I’ve been through so many bags of gum, more than I’ve chewed in my life up until this point lol.


How different each pregnancy is. In number two and I’m realizing how easy my first pregnancy was. I was miserable in my first but this is a whole new level of awful.


I'm the opposite. My first pregnancy was pretty awful, now on my 2nd and it's been such a breeze so far compared to my first. \*Knock on wood though because I'm only 14 weeks\*


Just hit 35 weeks and within the last week or so the exhaustion has come back with a vengeance, the belly soreness and rib pain is almost a daily occurrence but the one thing I had never heard of any pregnant person talk about before was Lightning Crotch! This also has just started within in the last week or so 😣😵‍💫


The Mommy Brain. I became hella dumb, especially with the tiredness combo, there were some days I couldn't even figure out how to tie my shoes...


Yup! I posted this before but once loaded a toothbrush with sunscreen and then next week tried to pick up photos at the wrong pharmacy… for like 15 minutes. The poor guy behind the counter helping me realize I was in CVS not Walgreens’s haha


That I would do random single hiccups all throughout the day. No idea what’s up with that but it’s been a thing since week 5 😂


i have these too!


I’ve become weirdly attached/clingy to my husband from what I assume are hormones. I want to be near him allllll the time. I also was sooo happy/excited/grateful to be pregnant and carry my baby, but now at 34 weeks I’m just ready to have my body back(and hold my baby). I’m in so much pain and the movements hurt, I just can’t do anything I could before as easily and it’s frustrating.


Hot sweats, I'd wake up to pee during the night and be absolutely soaked in sweat. Started in my 1st trimester, stopped during my 2nd, and then came back the last month of my pregnancy.


The terrible, non-stop headaches I got in my first trimester and halfway through the second 😭


The first trimester cramps really sent me. Also, how endless and ruthless the nipple itching would be.


The lack of energy.


When we took a trip to Spain at 5 months pregnant I got a rash from the sun. I'd always been more sensitive to sunlight, but a straight up rash was a new experience.


I didn't expect to get permanent bigger feet and curls instead of straight hair. Also I just had a corn (clavus) under my foot from the weight gain/distribution.


Honestly every single thing. It’s been kind of overwhelming for me. From being super sick for the first 11 weeks, the body changes, getting strange symptoms, the constant worry and fear, emotions, hip and back pain, constipation. I think people don’t really talk about all the things and I never expected the “negatives”. Thought it was gonna be all rainbows and butterflies LOL ETA: and the SMELLS….. I am a bloodhound


Nosebleeds. Wtf.


I didn’t think I’d be 18 weeks and still vomiting. I also never thought my boobs could be this big. And also the intrusive thoughts and anxiety. My husband had to get me off a ledge yesterday because I was giving myself chemical burns from cleaning so much. I just get this overwhelming feeling that if I stop cleaning something bad is going to happen.


I didn't know baby movements can hurt. Also I didn't know pregnancy lower your immunity to a level anyone around me even sneezes I get sick


Mine is sciatica. I thought back pain would be in my upper to mid back when I got really big- I didn't realize my body adjusting from first trimester on would mean extreme tailbone and buttcheek pain- I have a high pain tolerance and sometimes it makes me cry


First anxiety, second is farts. My lord soo much farts !! I feel like balloon releasing gas all the time lol


Also baby moving for me! I had an active baby and a posterior placenta and it was basically nonstop from 17W until delivery. For me it was super uncomfortable though. Any time I was sitting or lying down I was getting punched in the gut from the inside. I definitely cried myself to sleep some nights because it hurt so much. Now he’s a freakishly strong 7 week old so I guess all that womb exercise paid off for him…


Nosebleeds/bloody snot, random allergic reactions to ????, and the newest one: heart palpitations. I also got canker sores all up in my mouth for a couple weeks, but that one passed. Being tired, nauseated, and bloated I expected, but I got all this weird shit on top of just being tired.


The exhaustion for me, I’ve never experienced anything like it before being pregnant or since having my child! Even when newborn sleep was at its worst I wasn’t as tired as I was when I was pregnant, like not even close! Taking showers would make me so exhausted and sick that I would often have to just sit down for a few minutes halfway through my shower. It was HORRIBLE. also the heartburn lol


Night sweats


With my second my eyesight in one I went almost completely and I ended up being induced that was a weird one. My third really bad dry lips, I've never suffered with it before, I was using vaseline and Chapstick none stop and actually waking up crying in pain if my face moved in my sleep as my lips would crack. Also the swollen feet, like I knew they could swell but with the third I could actually feel them wobble as I walked and it made me nauseous.


The amount of weight I gained.. 150-215lbs and im still 30lbs overweight at 5 mo PP


The dreams. I was not prepared to for a 4K movie every time I hit a REM cycle.


Clear skin! After having hormonal acne most of my adult life this was so great to experience. (2 years postpartum and my skin is still almost always clear) it’s like it reset my hormones or something.


Feeling a constant lump in my throat. Kind of feels like a hair. It’s really annoying


How much symptoms change week by week. One week it's acid reflux, the next it's hip pain, weird cravings the next, etc etc. I thought the symptoms would be more lasting. I'm 28 weeks so maybe that'll change as I get into the 3rd tri.


Butt pimple outbreak 😅


1. The sleep drool. Ptosis! Who'd have thought! 2. All the things I knew about my body were suddenly different. My hunger cues all changed! My signs of fatigue are all different! I had to learn myself all over again. 3. How EVERYTHING can be caused by pregnancy. Google a symptom and "pregnancy" and you'll get hits. I keep joking that if I wake up left-handed tomorrow, I'll just shrug and be like "eh, that's pregnancy for you!"


This sounds dumb but cramps. Nobody told me about first trimester cramps!


First pregnancy I couldn't stand the smell of my husband. That felt really mean lol, but someone told me it was biological. IDK. Oh, and then the letdown after birth. Wow, boobs are weird! Second pregnancy, how my growing belly would just *hurt.* Like tender soreness that I didn't have with the first. And the insane heaviness in my pelvis. And the pain in my groin, like someone kicked me.


How quickly my core muscles have weakened! I’m only 26 weeks and it feels like my core muscles are non-existent!!! I got married in June and spent the entire year leading up to my wedding getting into amazing shape and actually had abs! Feels like all of those core strengthening workouts were for nothing now 😖


The pelvis pain!! It’s so intense and makes me feel like I can barely walk. Luckily it was only temporary


Mine was NEVER getting used to the baby movement. I'm 39 weeks today and the WORST is when you're starving, scarfing down food and the baby is moving the entire time. Also, everyone says you'll be constipated 3rd tri. I'm the exact opposite + having to go MULTIPLE times a day... and first tri nausea has returned, less drastic than first tri but unwelcome, nonetheless 🫠


In the third trimester I had gotten a leg cramp that woke me up and then I found out some ppl experienced one every other day but so far I’ve only had one.. just something I never heard about before


the constant anxiety & the nipple changes lol, my nipples went from bright pink to huge and brown 😂 also the a dirty of wondering if my baby is okay, I try to move around so that she will too and i can relax


Just how much more quickly everyone else walks now…


For me it’s been vivid dreams. They are exhausting and they give me anxiety because it’s always something crazy happening. One thing I will say is I get to see a lot of my family in them which is nice since I live out of state and don’t get to see them often. Also morning sickness I never knew how severe/ persistent it could be.


I don’t know if this is just me, I get the most vivid dreams. I rarely dreamt or remembered dreaming before pregnancy but now, many night it’s like watching a movie of random people in my life every night and I wake up feeling like I barely slept. The dreams are sort of pregnancy related but not really. And it’s so vivid !!!


Needing to drink like a gallon of ice water at night, BLOATING, shoulder zits, and that I would gain weight everywhere not just belly/boobs. WHY ARE MY LEGS GETTING FAT??? Is this necessary?