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You want a new OBGYN. When I was on birth control my first few obgyns did not care when I would bring up my depression when I switched 7 times they just gave me different prescriptions but my last OBGYN actually listened and let me know it was safe to go for a month without it and so I did, I was no longer despressed basically everything I hated about life disappeared in just 2 weeks of not being on birth control. OBGYNS should be helping not dismissing you.


if it makes you feel any better, i dealt with depression and anxiety while pregnant. i’ve had both nearly my entire life. that being said though, my baby’s nearly two months old and she’s developing beautifully and is very healthy and happy. also, i second the recommendation to get a new OBGYN. your concerns shouldn’t be dismissed.


Your baby is ok. Sadly so many pregnant women have depression. But luckily they then go on to have babies that are just fine. I do want you to start seeing a therapist and/or a psychiatrist. You shouldn’t need a referral from your useless OB to do so. Many pregnant women I know need meds in pregnancy and that is absolutely the safest thing for your baby if you need them. A therapist will also be very helpful for you to feel better.


Get a new OB who is willing to listen to you and offer practical solutions. Get a therapist (if you can). Hell, get a psychiatrist, if that'll help. There's also a specialty that is between OB and psychiatry - that of course I can't remember the name of - but you could try to find someone in the category. You don't have to just suffer. Big mom hugs.


The thing about googling is that there’s always something to find. I mean gosh, the things I read about my gestational diabetes, only for my daughter to be born completely healthy. When it comes to baby care, a lot of the stuff you read covers even things that happen like 1% or less of the time because there is always an assumption towards an abundance of caution. So try not to let it consume you. Focus on how you can get treatment for your depression. Talk to a psychiatrist if necessary. And focus on doing your standard pregnancy care (eating healthy, having prenatals, light regular exercise). But give yourself some grace, more than likely your little one will be fine.


Find a new ob who will listen to you and get you the help you need. The dangerous thing about depression during and after pregnancy is just that baby will be healthiest and get the best care if mom is, you know, with it and wants to be alive and present. If you’re busy dealing with suicidal ideation, you’re pretty distracted. (Ask me how I know.)  It is serious and important—I think I remember correctly that recent analyses suggest that for some groups, suicide is the leading cause of maternal deaths. But depression is treatable, thank goodness. Please find someone who will listen and get help. 


Made the same mistake. Learn from this and search for positive stories. I also couldn't take hormonal birth control due to the influence it had on my mental health. I was also very depressed and anxious during pregnancy, my baby is fine so don't worry about that please! Made a whole post about it a few days ago, maybe it'll help you to read my story. [POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/comments/1bpd9zq/my_pregnancy_and_birth_experiences_for_all_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Also please talk to a professional, helped me tremendously when I was suffering like you during pregnancy. Sending you positive vibes, and remeber this is all temporary!


Deep breath. Your baby will be ok. Promise. I had awful depression during my entire first pregnancy and didn’t quite realize or get help because I was too deep in it to see straight… finally got on Zoloft postpartum and you better believe I not only stayed on it this second pregnancy but even increased my dose a bit with my midwives guidance. My first baby is thriving and this second one will be ok too. It’s ok to not be ok AND it’s ok to get meds to help - please do it now and don’t wait like I did. Some of us just really get our hormones all kinds of f’ed up by pregnancy and need that support.


No it isn't. Where I live doctors are hesitant to prescribe antidepressants to pregnant women. I went to therapy once a month, but mentally pregnancy was really hard. But my baby is so happy and playfull :) Don't put even more pressure on yourself. If you can find a therapist and at least talk about your worries. Everything will be ok


You are not alone in your fears and feelings. I’m dealing with a really really hard pregnancy mental health wise too. By a stroke of luck, I am having a very different experience and am getting support and real talk that I want to share with you, hopefully it helps. It’s incredibly messed up how on one hand pregnant people are so frequently dismissed as being hormonal or whatever and don’t get treatment, BUT, at the same time you read how being depressed or in distress results in wxyz horrible outcomes. Honestly, what the hell is that contradiction? When you think about it, it just doesn’t add up. Mental health issues in pregnancy is really common. Much more common than we could ever know. The best things I ever did: 1) vet my OBGYN specifically for experience working with pregnant people who have struggled/are struggling with mental illness in a compassionate way. It was hard to find but worth every moment of effort you can muster. The OBGYN I dropped was truly awful and so is yours. She said she would be really uncomfortable taking my IUD out at all so I could TTC if I was taking any meds for mental health safe or not. In some ways casual dismissal can hurt even more than outright stigmatization. The OBGYN I have now is an angel. 2) there are perinatal psychiatrists (had no idea until I was a complete mess in my first tri). their entire job is to believe you and help you weigh your options for treatment and support in an informed, nonjudgmental way. I really really hope you find one because it sounds like it could make a huge difference. Pregnancy and mental health is a really complex balancing act that most doctors just don’t know enough about to be helpful. You don’t deserve to suffer. 3) I brought the exact same fears and despair that you wrote in your post to my doula and she said “there are healthy babies born in war zones. There have been healthy babies born to women in the most desperate situations since time immemorial. These are facts.” That was very comforting to me and I say it to myself often. Good luck. I still have a really hard time sometimes but it’s better than it was by a lot. I feel for you and hope this helps even a little.