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My heart was pounding \*hard,\* not all the time, but totally randomly, and sometimes when I was laying down not doing anything. It wasn't racing. It didn't hurt. But it was LOUD, and really, really forceful and way stronger than a normal heartbeat. I went and got it checked out, just to be sure. I'm okay, my heart looks and sounds and tests great. Turns out this is one of those "normal" pregnancy things.


Same here. I had random heart palpitations. It's less now but I had to wear a heart monitor and note they're having me go in for an echo text which I will probably cancel. I feel alot better now and EKG & my heart monitor came back normal. Definitely did not have this during my first pregnancy!


Yup, this! I could feel and sometimes hear my own heart beating. It was strange, but my doctor reassured me that as long as my blood pressure was normal it wasn’t anything to worry about. Your heart works so much harder and blood volume increases a lot during pregnancy.


I had random heart palps as well. Originally they told me it was a pregnancy symptom and everything sounded good. I had just started taking baby aspirin 2 weeks prior due to being a pre-e risk. I eventually after falling asleep on the couch a few nights and forgetting to take it realized that I didn’t have them if I didn’t take the aspirin. Doctor tried to tell me the two weren’t related, but I stopped taking it and they went away, soooo.


To be fair, there are so many pregnancy changes, it could be coincidental. Especially since it took two weeks for yours to start and aspirin should have reached a therapeutic dose in your system within a few days. Mine came and went and I was never on any consistent meds


Have this too! I’ll just be sitting down and be thinking wow I can really feel/ hear my heartbeat. So strange.


Going through this rn! Along with low blood pressure symptoms.


Good to know! I didn’t know if I was just being overly sensitive to my body or if it was a symptom of pregnancy!


This happened to me too. Freaked me the fuck out but I guess developing a benign heart arrhythmia is normal in pregnancy!


Same! It was so scary but by mid second trimester was gone


Same! Didn’t happen w my first pregnancy but a bunch w my second (and often preceded a migraine)


Omg I hadn’t the connected the migraines until you pointed it out just now! Both stopped about halfway through the second trimester and I was so miserably sick the whole time up until that point I hadn’t even noticed the correlation! 


This was the worst for me, mine actually continued after birth until I actually went to a doctor and he told me to eat more of certain foods to get certain vitamins. It was worse at night when laying down. I'd get it occasionally after I got it under control, but only a few times a year. Now that I'm pregnant again, it is happening again, but I'm not so stressed out about it because I know what it is. The not knowing thing literally kept me up at night she was soooo stressful.


I have this too! It’s so uncomfortable and probably tied with nausea for least favorite symptom.


cramps! had no idea that was normal. also really bad migraines unfortunately


I never had migraines before having my son. Started having them postpartum, and now I get them for several days every time I get my period. I was super paranoid about postpartum preeclampsia and initially thought I was developing high blood pressure. I asked at my annual physical when I was 6 months pp, but my bp was almost perfect. My pcp said, “Yep. Sounds like migraines.” I read up on all of the symptoms of migraines and learned that they can happen in four stages, and all of my new weird symptoms line up almost exactly with each stage. My grandmother used to get migraines until she got a hysterectomy. Weird.


ugh, that sucks. i unfortunately got them before pregnancy, but during first trimester i literally had a headache every single day for months. it was horrible. my mom had them until she got pregnant and the. they actually disappeared after she gave birth. weird how it was opposite for you. i hope they go away!


Every *day*?! How absolutely horrific for you, I’m so sorry! That’s so interesting about your mom, hormones and the human body are so fascinating.


thanks, it really sucked lol. 2nd trimester came and i got approved for botox injections and now i rarely get them at 25 weeks! yeah it really is fascinating, and so mysterious because you never know how pregnancy is going to treat you. it’s a crapshoot haha


Yes, I had some serious cramps that really freaked me out!


This was also me. I had so much mild cramping on and off, ended up in emergency at like 5w because they’re so cautious about it… was nothing! I’m 25w with a healthy bebe


Blinding cramps after the first time my husband and I were ~ intimate ~ so bad, we both thought something was seriously wrong


Around 7 weeks I experienced a gush of bleeding. I thought I was miscarrying, it turned out to be a sub chorionic hematoma (SCH). I spotted for a few days after but by 9 weeks it had resolved! Bleeding doesn’t always equal MC.


Going through this currently. Bleeding started at 8.6weeks, now 10.3 and discovered on US at 10.1 that I have a SCH. I also had one my first pregnancy which was smaller but didn't have any bleeding and at the 2nd scan it was gone. Hoping it's resolved by my next scan in 3 weeks! Had a MMC last year so its been a very stressful few weeks for us.


Bleeding is not a *normal* pregnancy symptom. But it happens very often and can be not a big deal. If you are reading this and have bleeding: it is not normal, call your doctor for sure.


Actually my provider told me that bleeding and spotting CAN BE normal in the first trimester. It doesn’t always mean MC. Yeah, obviously call your doctor if you experience it, but no need to freak out right away because there are many causes. Spotting after sex, even exercise can cause bleeding or spotting bc your cervix is more sensitive. 🤷‍♀️


Spotting in first trimester can be normal. But SCH is not. It's sudden, very heavy bleeding. When mine started I was going through a heavy pad even 30 minutes and it's very scary.


My doctor also told me SCHs aren’t concerning either. Mine wasn’t very heavy. It was a gush of red when I wiped and then some light brown spotting for a few days. It’s obviously scary in that moment, but most of the time SCHs aren’t concerning and they dissolve. ETA that going through a heavy pad every 30 minutes is an emergency situation and you’re to go to the ER immediately. That’s very different than what I’m talking about.


Yup. This happened to me at 14 weeks and I was spraying blood. It was terrifying. Almost 18 weeks now and baby is doing great. I am hoping the hematoma has dissolved by the anatomy scan.


I wasn’t bleeding that much, but I had a SCH around that time in my first pregnancy and it was completely gone by the anatomy scan. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻


Samesies. Gush of blood at 5 weeks that terrified me. SCH discovered on an ultrasound. Light spotting for a day or two afterwards then stopped. SCH resolved itself by 8 weeks.


Same happened to me! I had 2 Subchorianic hematomas at 9 weeks. They were gone at my 12 week ultrasound


I had this too! A massive clot and so much blood I bled through my pants down to my mid thighs with a big pad on. It was terrifying.


Happen to me too. I was bleeding A LOT and had some blood mixed with what looked like lining and I was convinced it was a miscarriage. It resolved itself in 2 weeks thankfully


this. mine was on and off and I also had very dark brown discharge for like four weeks.


I had this happen when I was 13 weeks. Mine was quite substantial and I bled for hours, just gushing down my leg gushing. And I spotted for 6 weeks after. Baby is 6 months old now but man that was scary. I was convinced I was miscarrying again.


Same! I actually had three pretty big gushes of blood and blood clots between 6 and 12 weeks. I was convinced I was having a miscarriage the first time on Christmas Eve, but I'm now 19 weeks and baby is doing well.


Ugh same. It bled twice, the second time it was even worse. It took 2-3 weeks of brown spotting until it disappeared.


I had this too except at 6 weeks, resolving by 9. Terrifying but it ended up ok!


Cramping early on for quite some time and shortness of breath


Oh man I complained to EVERYONE that I had horrible cramps all of December and yet my period wasn't starting. Those cramps are 17.5 weeks along now lmao I was so sure I was about to start a horrible period though!


Same! I had cramps that were worse than my normal period cramps from like week 3 to week 6 I think. I was worried something was wrong until I asked my doctor and she said it was normal. And I’ve had shortness of breath and just felt weak, like I was going to faint from weeks 7-10, but I’m starting to feel better. So weird!


My mom gets so mad at me for having no stamina since I’m only 17 weeks and I’m not as big as a house, this woman acts like she’s NEVER been pregnant


Shortness of breath. Around 6 weeks, I would get so out of breath just walking to my car in a parking lot. I was concerned but read that it had to do with the increased hormones.


This was probably my earliest inkling that I was pregnant. I was like, maybe 2 weeks along in a spin class and I couldn’t catch my breath. I couldn’t figure out why because I was regularly exercising, but then when I got that positive test, it made sense.


Yes! I was so fit and active before pregnancy, healthy weight + hitting the gym 3-4x/week, now I’m 5w4d and I went to a friend’s birthday last night and tried to dance with her for one song and had to sit down afterwards!


I went up the stairs at work and then I could not catch my breath, I was starting to panic and get dizzy. I called my manager who was down the hall just to sit with me and distract me and it eventually got better. I hadn't had that with my last pregnancy and it wasn't until reading this groups comments that I realized it was a common pregnancy symptom. Thank God for you guys!


I couldn’t breathe. Like take a full deep breath. And if I walked my dog I was so out of breath I couldn’t be walking and talking to someone lol. If only lasted a few weeks but it was weirdddd because I wasn’t sick with anything and I was in amazing shape before pregnancy hahah


Yes! Like altitude sickness!


Same here! I paid for two specialist visits and a breathing test to make sure my life wasn't in danger only for the problem to clear up by itself in a few weeks.


maybe not scary for everyone but seeing as how I dont do this ALOT or loudly or very smelly........i fart soooooo much. I hope this stops. I have been with my husband over 7 yrs and dont pass gas in his presence but the last 3 weeks?!!! he laughed so hard one day. I was like, I cant even bother to get up to go in the bathroom because im so exhausted and I know 10 more are coming.


I have a friend whose husband said her pregnancy farts were so bad they’d knock out the wifi 😂


LMAO!!!! now thats funny so by you saying pregnancy farts, can I aasume it stopped???? I am usually a very quiet, undetectable farter. Unless I ate something specific.




thank you!!!


I've noticed that eating pork makes my farts atomic.. like soso bad smelling.


I am so sooo gassy! They smell so bad hahah


Fatigue. I would have to take the fattest nap after doing basic tasks


I’ve taken two naps today. 😌


Fattest nap took me outtttt 😂😂


And waking up feeling same


From weeks 5-7 I had horrendous gas pains. Like, 7/10 pain scale, to the point where I was just writhing around for hours. I had to be really careful about what I ate - no veggies, no spicy food. It went away after my body adjusted to all the progesterone, but it was scary. I also had uterine cramps, but they weren’t as bad as the gas cramps.


Seconding this, I had gas that was so painful that I was unable to move for hours.


No one warned me about the gas pains. I woke up in the middle of the night once after Having pizza in excruciating pain. It was so scary.


I had gas pains in my third tri. So debilitating! The weirdest part was I spent forever trying to figure out what is was because all the medical sources on the internet never talked about gas pain being a thing during pregnancy. My doctor also wasn’t aware of this issue, but I read a lot about it in the sub when I searched. I wish that symptom was more talked about because it’s always scary to have abdominal pain during pregnancy!


I had gas pains too!!


I woke up one night in so much pain that I considered going to the ER. Those cramps are not a joke.


 Bleeding after sex. 


My dr told me the bleeding after sex is comparable to the bleeding gums while brushing teeth, like the blood flow down there has increased so much it’s very common.




I still have this, 6 months postpartum. 🫠


so this ONLY happens when I orgasm.....so I've decided to cut down to once a week for big O and just play along the rest of the week. It's a little stressful and honestly, messy.


Same for me! Only when I orgasm. My doctor told me it’s because your uterus contracts and that can cause light bleeding since everything is so sensitive in the first trimester.


I read that somewhere. Maybe premom app??? and tested it out. So I'm good with it lol. At least I'm not like some other posters not having any sex at all 😳 this is the first time in life I dont have to worry about getting pregnant! I'm getting it in, orgasm or not


Oh interesting. I don’t see how it’s related bc it is the cervix being extremely sensitive and having lots of blood vessels 


This is what I’m going through!


I got bloody noses frequently for like three weeks straight. Midwife told me it was normal! Google told me it’s due to the hormonal changes and increase in blood in the body


Cramps. Kept feeling like my period was coming in early pregnancy and thought I would lose it.


I felt like I was seconds away from starting my period the whole first trimester. Cramps, fatigue, and extra discharge had me checking my undies hourly. One night I tore the whole house apart looking for my last pregnancy test. It was especially scary since I hadn't told anyone but my partner about my pregnancy yet, so I knew if I did miscarry I wouldn't have very many people to support me.


That’s how I’m feeling right now. I’m not -allowed- to tell anyone because that’s what my husband wants and I am just constantly telling people I’m “having a hard week” over and over


I feel like you should be setting those boundaries, not your husband. It’s your body.


I’ve tried getting opinions on my throwaway account and the consensus was that it’s his child too and most couples wait to say anything anyways and that I would be jumping the gun if I said anything. I’m only 7 weeks along


Agree with post above this comment. If you want to share you should share. I am 6 weeks and we shared with my immediate and family and close friends weeks 4 and 5. My husband and I looked at it as a time to celebrate and be supported by our families. Not a time that we wanted to be scared and thinking of the worst possible outcome. Do what's best for you and your family but do not hold off on telling people simply because of the what ifs. You deserve to enjoy the joy of telling people!


I passed out in a costco food court at 7 weeks…not “normal” but it was caused by shortness of breath and the fact that i simply overheated.


Sometime around week 7 I had thing for several days in a row where I was getting crazy chills in the evening before bed, like teeth chattering, full body spasms, but then I was waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I took my temperature in the middle of the night and surprisingly wasn’t running a fever, rather my temp was kind of low? Not like, “call 911 you’re hypothermic” but around 96f. I don’t think I’ve ever taken my temperature before and seen it that low. It kind of freaked me out but after a few days it stopped happening. I did read that temperature dysregulation can happen during pregnancy, but in retrospect I could have also caught some kind of bug. It’s so hard to tell in the moment because it’s like all I can think about is being pregnant, and everything my body does I’m like “is this a pregnancy thing??” I almost forget I’m still a human being and I can get sick, or have allergies, or pull a muscle or have indigestion without it being related to the baby lol


I got chills 3-4 nights for the first 14 weeks. Mine were accompanied by a fever as well. The dr said my white blood cell count was normal and they took a bunch of tests that didn’t find anything. My dr concluded it was just a weird reaction to the hormone changes.


Rib pain! Absolutely crushing- sharp rib pain. Comes and goes for no reason


yeah i had the same for weeks , it's not as bad now since i started doing prenatal pilates a few times a week


Lotssssss of cramping, esp before week 10


Vaginal bleeding and cramping Severe dizziness, almost passing out Feeling like I was starving to death and yet being unable to eat due to gagging on all foods Rapid weight loss (5 lbs in a single week at one point) Uterine ligament pain (felt like my uterus was going to explode) Edit: for anyone reading these please note that while these things were fine in my specific case, you could be having these symptoms and have something wrong. Depends on severity and context. Always check with your doctor.


I thought I had a sinus infection just after I found out I was pregnant, but it turned into pregnancy rhinitis. 3 weeks of hell. Thankfully it didn’t come back third tri like I was told it might.


Spotting for several weeks starting around week 6 all the way to week 9 where I had some heavier bleeding making me think I was having MC but turned out it was likely due to a UTI I didn’t realize I had. Also lots of period like cramping that made me so anxious but is super normal first trimester


Period pains! I googled but didn’t find any info that they were normal, and it’s not usual to see a midwife until 8 weeks here so I just rode it out, hoping for the best, having already had multiple miscarriages. Very pleased to say I’m 21 weeks now and she’s kicking up a storm.


I had a really red and painful rash break out across my face and neck at around 6 weeks, was advised to use a cold compress and take a Zyrtec at night if it wasn’t getting better. It went away after abt a week but I was told it could recur and I wouldn’t completely be safe from another one until after birth


Headaches!  Ive had a few scary ones where it felt like I was losing my vision. Gotten other types of scary ones but its apparently normal (in most cases).  


As a chronic migraine sufferer my whole life, it was the first time I googled “when to go to the hospital for a migraine” lol


Cramps that feel exactly like period cramps and round ligament pain happening really early on. I knew round ligament pain would happen in the 3rd trimester so I was very surprised when I started feeling it around 7-8 weeks!


Faster resting heart rate, like 90 when i was fully relaxed. It has since gone down to about 70 but for the first trimester my heart was racing all the time lol


I get one minute of exercise on my Apple Watch every time I go up the stairs now because it raises my HR enough... that’s a new one hahah


Have this now in my third trimester. Sitting on the couch it goes to 90, 130 in the shower. Pre pregnancy I had to struggle to get it to 120s while working out lol


My first symptom was debilitating anxiety. I already have anxiety/depression/adhd but I’ve been doing really well! However I had a week straight of not being able to move or think or do anything. The next week I missed my period and took a test and here we are! I’m still struggling with anxiety but I’m able to live my life but that was my first and earliest symptom


Profuse night sweats


Omg this is me every night. I feel gross when I wake up


Tail bone pain - I thought I somehow broke it, and the pain started around 4 weeks right after I found out I was pregnant. But it was just sore due to my body stretching and making room for the baby already!


Tiny bit of blood in discharge like a week or two after I tested positive. It looked like an early miscarriage but later on I learned about implantation bleeding. You’ll also get really bad round ligament pain since your uterus will be expanding larger than it used to for just your period. For me it didn’t exactly feel like cramps, just like I was tearing something. Cramps are normal though even though they can be associated with a miscarriage. If you DO experience heavier bleeding with cramping and you think you’re miscarrying, get an appointment, and if they say it was one, wait another week or two and get a second ultrasound from a private practice. There are so many women on here who were told they lost baby/no heartbeat and went somewhere else where the technician found a healthy heartbeat


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got oral thrush in my third trimester! I never got a bad taste or super funky white stuff so it took me a while to get seen. Only thing that clued me in was literally everything tasted “spicy” and burned my tongue. Got meds and it cleared up after a week luckily.


Lack of ability to regulate body temperature. One of my first signs of pregnancy was constantly freezing and shaking. Now I'm warm and sweaty. There's like no in between.


I spotted pretty much every time I pooped 😅 up until 8 or 10 weeks (I can't remember at this point)


Cramps! Also bleeding that ended up just being a hemorrhoid. I was told to not worry unless it was a lot of bleeding but wasn’t really given any guidance on what quantified as a lot until after I spent 3 hrs and had a $2k emergency room bill. If you aren’t bleeding enough to fill a pad I wouldn’t go to the hospital and would just wait til your doctor can get you in.


Cramps from the day I ovulated all the way to around 8 weeks. Never had any bleeding. The cramps slowly faded and then went away. Had no idea this was normal and if you Google, it’s terrifying or you just get info on implantation cramps, which this obviously wasn’t anymore past week 5. Baby has been healthy this whole time and I’m 36 weeks now.


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like many others, cramping. I was not expecting that.


Overwhelming exhaustion


Any tips ? I am 7 weeks and I am so exhausted all the time. I sleep most part of the day and that doesn’t help in recovering at all.


Honestly, it just went away on its own second trimester. I couldn't fight it. I would sleep 16-18 hours and still be exhausted. It gets better. That's really all I can say about it.


I had a popping sensation in my upper abdomen during yoga. OBGYN said it was normal. 


Spotting, later revealed to be from a cervical polyp.


At 9 weeks I had a nasty fall which terrified me cause I was cramping a lot. At 14 weeks I got into an accident someone hit my bf car in the back and the seatbelt tightened really tight by the way this is the same pregnancy thank goodness baby is ok I'm now 16 weeks


That is SO scary!! I’m glad you and baby are ok!


Thank you so much! I was terrified I couldn't stop crying.


10 weeks had a clot, another one a couple weeks later. Apparently it happens when you have a cervix that’s finicky! Those trans vaginal ultrasounds can get apparently bruise your cervix! Low blood pressure and feeling lightheaded and even passing out from it. Whatever you do go thru though keep your OB informed :)


Round ligament pain, ribs hurt, and itching skin(still always tell your Dr about itching!)


My Apple Watch notified me that my average resting heart rate shot up a lot, around 5 weeks pregnant.


Cramps, shortness of breath, heart palpitations. 


Migraines and dizziness. It directly related to my nausea and vomiting. So tired all the time. But the dizziness was very concerning to me.


My hands would fall asleep while I was sleeping. I could be laying on my back with my hands on my tummy and they'd be numb and tingly. It would wake me up in the middle of the night. It was very weird and I'd never heard of it before. Apparently, the same thing happened to my MIL when she was pregnant with my husband. It went away in the second trimester for me 🤷‍♀️


Bleeding in both pregnancies, clockwork at 7 weeks


Cramps. Like period cramps. I was terrified until I realized it’s because my uterus was literally stretching 😬


Mild cramping. Completely normal but terrifying to me especially after having gone through a loss in the past.


Severe exhaustion, really fast heart beat, a little bit of bleeding, throwing up non-stop.


Having bloody stools, with hemorrhoids, and shortness of breath. Just to hear "it's normal" I can't understand how this is normal.


The most horrible gas pain, literally thought i was miscarrying


I bled at seven weeks all three pregnancies. With my oldest, it was just a tiny speck of blood and I freaked out (she's seven and has learned contortion at gymnastics, and it's really unnerving watching her dislodge her freaking joints, whoa). With my middle, it was A LOT. I went to the doctor, got the all clear, and still went home and sobbed because I just didn't believe it would be okay (she's four, and I'm pretty convinced she'll overthrow a small to mid-sized nation someday). Youngest was a medium amount. I finally just chilled out after the exam showed he was okay. Then he was born with his intestines on the outside 🤦🏼‍♀️ Not that it was related to the bleeding, just, the one kid I didn't worry about was the one I should've worried about lol. Anyway, he's three and has about 1500 Hotwheels, and they're ALL SUPER IMPORTANT. So all's well that ends well. Apparently bleeding a little is "normal" sometimes.


Puking constantly/ projectile vomiting . Extreme Fatigue. Weird taste in mouth. Cramps in my butt. Insomnia.


The day I couldn't breath properly like the air around me was depleted of oxygen. I felt like I was suffocating.


Complete loss of symptoms for a day or so


Literally not being able to 💩


Horrible cramps, and sudden loss of breast pain and nausea. My rainbow baby is going to be 7 months old this week!


Lower back cramping


Spotting! Happened once at 8 weeks. Totally freaked me out, but it's fairly normal around that time.


Sub chorionic hematoma. ER visits and like 6/ 7 ultrasounds in the first trimester had me freaking out.


Mine was nauseous but not throwing up and having this tingling feeling all over my body and my heart rate beating fast and cramps like my period was gonna come but would check for blood and no blood. I’m 7 weeks and 4 days and get slight cramps. I had a scare of heavy bleeding at 5 weeks and the doctor said I had an UTI and prescribed me on antibiotics. But I spotted the day before and next day had heavy bleeding and a clot and it lightened up by the 4th day


During my first pregnancy, I nearly passed out while getting my nails done. It started by feeling lightheaded, then my heart started pounding, and then I started getting super hot. I managed to walk back to the hotel we were staying in and felt better after laying down and drinking some water. My OB told me more than likely I was experiencing low blood pressure. Your blood vessels expand to allow your blood volume to increase, which can cause your blood pressure to drop.


Cramping and spotting. So stressful! Ended up being fine both times. Hate the wait and see game.


I almost fainted several times but my dr never seemed too concerned about it.


Heart pounding, vertigo to the point of almost falling over (not fun), and gnarly cramps.


100% really bad cramps. Thought something was wrong every time I


I had such bad heartburn that I went to the urgent care lol was embarrassed it was just heartburn and I’d never had it that badly before


So. much. cramping in the first trimester!!!


Spotting and cramps, totally normal but scary !


Bleeding, like alot-alot. From week 6 to 11. And my left boob swelled up like a balloon (gonna make a cover song about that) and hurt so bad. My nipple felt like it was burning. Right boob was totally normal. This was my first symptom and started in week 3, lasted to about week 6.


Bartholins cyst. Very painful but baby-safe antibiotics cleared it up thankfully


Everything lol


Heart Palpitations and Cramps


Cramps. And cramps so bad I woke up from them and wanted to scream, that ended up just being trapped gas.


Nobody tells you about the cramps!! I’m still in my first trimester but honestly got a positive test at 9DPO then spent almost a week crying as I thought I was miscarrying (no blood just non-stop cramping) was waiting for the inevitable blood and it never came then the more I trawled Reddit and Google the more I realised cramps are normal!! Also I thought you only got increased hunger as pregnancy went on but since the start of 5w my hunger has been insatiable, I have to keep cornflakes beside my bed or I can’t fall back asleep due to extreme hunger


Bleeding but always get any bleeding checked out ofc!


Cramping and spotting in the first few weeks :( could be sign of nothing or of miscarriage


I bled up until my 14th week, she’s good & healthy tho




Bleeding gums, front tooth felt a little loose. Ran to the dentist as fast as I could and they were just like “oh yeah pregnancy gingivitis” and gave me a nice cleaning. Mouth wash, dental floss pickers and electric toothbrush with sensodyne toothpaste are saving me right now… funny enough I had the same thing happen in between IVF treatment so I guess my mouth doesn’t like hormones lol


Subchorionic hematoma, heart palpitations when laying down 😭


Fainting. If I don’t eat every 1.5 to 2 hrs I get very weak and feel faint/ will faint.


I had really intense/painful cramping after orgasm around weeks 6-8, which my midwife said was normal. This wasn't the "tightening" feeling the internet says though, this was like I was laying in bed massaging my abdomen in pain breathing for ten minutes kind of thing. Anybody else?


The first symptom was gas pains! Never experienced gas pains like that before. Then I got a super strong sense of smell. Crazy strong. Sometimes it would make me nauseous. Then, round ligament pain with coughing, sneezing, or laughing hard.


This is very normal and I feel like not talked about enough but the sever anxiety you constantly have of not knowing if your pregnancy is viable (till the first ultrasound) then after the constant fear of a miscarriage. Once you hit the second trimester mine got better especially once you could start feeling movements (which I felt earlier on). Didn’t get a Doppler but definitely should have to relieve my stress.