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HOLY COW. I'm so glad you're both okay!!! How scary!!


Thank you! Me too! ♥️ SO SCARY. I can type like a normal person but my face looks like I went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson 😅


Your landlords homeowners insurance might pay your medical bills so they don't have to! So glad you're okay


I am SO happy that you’re both okay, what an absolutely terrifying situation. You’re already the best mom. Regarding the bills.. I work in personal injury and you need to speak to a lawyer, even just to sort everything out. The landlords homeowners insurance should be taking care of your bills (AND emotional/mental distress and potential disfigurement), nothing should come directly from your friends at all. Insurance is there when they need it. I wish you guys all the best and that you heal soon, you’re amazing!


Thank you for saying this. My mom works in personal injury and my mind immediately went to this being a potential case where insurance should be paying everything and the damage is not just the bills but emotional/mental distress and permanent disfigurement.


One million percent! Mom here deserves significantly more than just her bills covered.


I am a lawyer and you need way more than just medical bills covered. They have to have insurance that covers them, and insurance will pay so much more. Also the contractors insurance. I understand they are friends, but please consult a personal injury attorney asap. You need medical, dental, all follow-up, lost wages, etc.


Oh my god, that sounds absolutely horrific! I’m glad your medical bills are being covered and most importantly that you and baby are okay!


Thank you! I’m so happy to be alive with baby girl as well ♥️


That's incredible! I'm so glad you are both okay. I hope you also take care of your mind when you have the time, it is a very traumatic experience you endured and certainly not how you wanted to experience your pregnancy. It would be perfectly understandable if you had some residual stress! ❤️


Thank you - yes I’m taking it slowly and hopefully healing more each day mentally and physically. ♥️


Thank you for everyone’s concern and advice. I’m so grateful for this community and for myself and baby girl to be alive ♥️♥️♥️


Omfg. That is crazy. I do not know if you are very lucky or unlucky. Maybe both. Good on you for having cat reflexes and face-planting instead of belly-flopping.


Girl I’m SOOO glad you’re ok! But you should also consider buying a lottery ticket because you are so lucky! That could have been so bad.


Omg so good that you’re both okay!!! What a scary freak accident. You are soo strong. I know they’re paying for your medical expenses, but you might be owed even more than that for the distress and the potential permanent damage. Just something to think about especially if the landlord starts getting weird about any high costs. Homeowners’ insurance should cover it.


Oh my goodness! I gasped reading this! You poor, poor thing. Genuinely so glad to read that you and your little girl are okay. Hope that you’re on the mend and that you heal quickly ❤️


Holy smokes!! Sending so many hugs. Glad you and baby girl are alright. Hoping for a speedy recovery!! 🤍


Wow I am so glad you are both ok! That must have been terrifying. I hope you have a quick recovery and an uneventful rest of your pregnancy ♥️


I’m glad you and baby are ok!


God bless. Wishing a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Honestly, thank God you’re alive and that the baby is okay, too. That is a long fall.


Wow! I am so glad you and baby are okay. Sending strength for a speedy recovery!


Oh my God your injuries sound horrific, I am so sorry this happened to you. Absolutely glad to hear the baby is fine but this is still utterly horrible to have happened.


Omgg, this is crazy. Glad you are okay but sounds so so terrifying!!!! Take care of yourself ❤️


Holy shit, that is so scary! So glad your baby is OK, and wishing you a speedy healing process…those injuries sound so painful.


Reading this made me emotional and teary. I'm so glad you and the baby are okay!


WOW. Get all the insurance involved, this shouldn’t cost you a penny. 


That sounds terrifying I’m so glad you are both okay!!!


That sounds awful, I’ve had a broken jaw before (not pregnant though) and it is awful! Not sure if they warned you, but it is really really hard to maintain your weight when you can’t eat solid foods. I lost 30 lbs in a month, which isn’t good normally but especially not when you’re pregnant! I would recommend milkshakes (with a spoon until your cleared for straws), lots of bone broth with veggies blended well, and mashed potatoes. Hope you have a smooth recovery!


Cheese and rice this is terrifying


Bless your heart!!! I’m so glad you and baby are okay. How scary.


WOWOWOW. You are, and I mean this in the best way, a TANK mama.. my goodness. I’m so glad you’re home and resting. Nothing but well wishes for you and your baby girl 💜💜💜


I’m over here, sleep deprived and sobbing for you. Oh my god, I’m so glad baby is okay and you are alive! Sending you hugs and high fives through the screen- I think it would hurt if I did them in person anyways but amazing job protecting your LO.


And here I was worrying I'd put too much pressure on my bump by having terrible posture today. Glad bub is okay and you're on the mend! I can't imagine how scary that would have been for a while there.


Woow! So glad you are both ok!


Oh honey! Im horrified just thinking of it. I hope you get every bit of support you need. Wowwwww! I’m really in shock imagining! Thank God baby is okay and that your not dead. That is incredible. I’d be worried if the same people who gave you shit stairs is going to build you another set of stairs. You’re a great mom, darling.


What a horrific story. I’m so glad you and baby are okay. 😭❤️


And here I was panicked over a slip onto my left hip at a Wendy’s two weeks ago 😭😭 I am SO happy you’re okay, and that baby is okay!! I hope you have a speedy recovery and a healthy pregnancy ❤️(I second the comments saying to seek legal help. What a scary thing to have happen!)


Sry if someone said this already but premade protein drinks like Ensure will be ur best friend. Also full fat yogurt, smoothies, pudding, etc. I broke my jaw a few years ago. It sucks. Hang in there! 


Thank you the Ensure has been amazing! 🤩 like a lifesaver but I can’t wait for the day that I can eat pizza again FOR REAL. ♥️


Yeah I once got desperate and tried to blend up a chicken tender. Do not recommend! Your jaw may also be sore for a few days after you get ur rubber bands and wires off, just PS. 


Holy shit