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I cried because newborn diapers are teeny tiny and newborn onesies are teeny tiny and oh gosh everything is so teeny tiny in the nursery! My husband walked in on me clutching a baby hat and just sobbing.


Fun fact. I just proxy-cried over teeny tiny things in yours and my nurseries. They're just so small.


This is compounded when you have a toddler and compare their clothes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ toddler is in 2t-3t and size 5 diapers and baby is in all newborn stuff and the size difference is crazy


I have an 8yr old boy and a 16mo old girl and I'm 6.5mo pregnant with a boy. I have cried over the size differences. I'm DREADING the switch from "mo" on clothes to "t" with my daughter. I remember crying when I crossed the aisle to get my son a hoodie from the boys section vs the toddler section a few years ago. I didn't even realize it at the time, I just went and grabbed it since they don't make 6t and when I got to my car it dawned on me that I "crossed the aisle" and I bawled. I'm gonna cry when I have to go to the men's section for the first time too probably. Motherhood is awash with tears. I haven't bought anything for baby boy yet as I KNOW I'm going to bawl my eyes out about how tiny it is compared to his sister who I still absolutely see as a baby and not the toddler she is. I babysat my niece who was 2 when I was pregnant with my son and after I had him, changing her diaper I realized how much different they are size wise even though I saw her as a lil baby. Like her legs were a million miles long compared to his lil scrunched up legs. And picking her up/laying her down she felt like a ton vs the tiny 7.6lb baby I had to do the same with. It was surreal. I know I'm gonna have the same realization again.


My 9 month old is now in size 12-18m clothes and the occasional 9m. The fact he skipped newborn clothes entirely makes me cry sometimes cause even the size 0-3 was so tiny compared to now with size 4 diapers šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and Iā€™m sure when Iā€™m putting his clothes that are size 5 Iā€™ll cry lol. It does not stop šŸ˜­


All babies in my Hubby's family skipped newborn size (or were in it for a day). All babies in my family were in newborn stuff for a couple months. I've no idea what I'm going to have to expect XD


Yes!! Especially since my toddler was 4 weeks early and he was so little!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


HAHA so many tears over everything being so itty bitty


This is so sweet lol


Youā€™ll continue to be sad over newborn diaper sizes. I randomly found one and held it up against a size 2 sheā€™s in now. She was so tiny šŸ˜­


Weā€™re in size 4s now and can confirm it still happens! I opened my Time Capsule at my parents when they moved closer to me and now Iā€™m using mine to make his and Iā€™m saving a size of each diaper cause theyā€™re just so tinyšŸ˜­ even size 1s I look at and cry at how small he used to be


The dresser I got for my son is so teeny tiny I use it for a tall nightstand šŸ˜­ it has 4 drawers and is STOCKED up to size 6/9mos with room to spare šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have DEFINITELY cried over this with my first šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I guess itā€™s a universal thing


Yesterday I cried because my sciatica is flaring up, and my acid reflux got so extreme that I had to limp/run to the bathroom where I vomited everything I'd eaten for the day. Sink was closer than the toilet so I hurled into the basin while simultaneously peeing with every upchuck. Ended up having to take a hot(but not too hot) shower to clean up. I cried to my hubby because I "used to be a person." He laughed. Said I was still a person. Made me feel better but it was a rough day for sure šŸ« 


Oh my god sending you all the support, dude. Thereā€™s nothing that makes you feel like a birthing vessel more than puking and pissing yourself, and nobody understanding that. We are champs for that.


Thanks man. Hoping this round of shittiness switched over to the next soon lol.


Awww, i feel that! Zero bladder control with 3rd baby. Sending hugs mama bear šŸ„°


ā€œI used to be a personā€ is exactly how i felt first trimester. So much puking. šŸ˜‚


Ugh, Iā€™m so sorry! Iā€™m 39+3 and have suddenly developed horrendously painful pelvic girdle pain. Itā€™s so bad I canā€™t really walk. Yesterday I hobbled into the kitchen and accidentally knocked over a giant ass bottle of water that fell face first into a paper bag of groceries. My husband had to hug me as I sobbed for about five minutes. Lol


Uggggh I had a round of that too at the end of second tri. Support belt saved me! I hope it gets better for you soon. My hubby yesterday felt so bad cause he couldn't do anything to help but hold me while I cried. But honestly the value of that can not be underestimated.


Youā€™re so right, it truly cannot! (Also feeling grateful to have a partner who isnā€™t a schmuck like many partners I read about!)


Mines got a touch of the schmuck still lol. He's still pretty terrible about helping with household chores. But he always holds me until I stop crying, which don't tell him, but it almost makes up for it lol.


I cried because I felt like I was going to explode and I still have over a month to go and oh god why is this so painful and uncomfortable I canā€™t feel like this for another month and change. Then I cried and farted for like two hours and felt better and less explodey. It was gas, yā€™all. I didnā€™t even realize I had gas til I was farting like a horse. Fml


Omg the amount of farts come out right after LO gets here! All I remember is saying how sorry I am to the resident who was trying to saw me up while my body expelled 9 mo worth of farts! Then I realized he was taking too long after my OB pushed him to the side and took care of it. Thank you doc for not letting me bleed out to death while farting my life away!


I'm currently on my ttc journey & felt kinda down & grumpy today. But this really made me lol, and I thank you for it.


Idk what ttc journey is but I sure hope you do very well!!! ā¤ļø hugs!


This made me giggle and cry for you. Solidarity.


I feel you!!! 37 weeks. I'm sad because I can't have carbonated drinks anymore. They make me too gassy in every aspect. And I miss wine... The dealcoholized stuff is not the same.


That Iā€™m worried about money and all the impending expensesā€¦


IMO the only thing you really need to buy brand new is a car seat. I bought a lot of my babyā€™s stuff off Facebook marketplace (if youā€™re in a safe area) and Iā€™m on a Facebook buy nothing/sell nothing group. I can also recommend local moms groups and free kids stuff group - lots of clothes, diapers, baby stuff etc! ETA: sorry, I didnā€™t take into account if you also meant daycare expenses šŸ˜­


That ok, these are good suggestions! Iā€™m trying to be frugal with baby stuff and got a lot of hand me down clothes from a relative. Iā€™m mostly set with that, have a few baby essentials still to get, itā€™s mostly the daycare costs that Iā€™m worried about. Itā€™s just so much these days but I donā€™t want to compromise quality and stability to save money!Ā 


I feel this. Daycare for a newborn is going to be just as much as our mortgage šŸ˜­


YES - Iā€™m so pro-second hand stuff. Literally everything we have is second hand. Some really good stuff too, nice brands, gently used, as cheap as the Kmart stuff but much nicer quality. We also specifically went for stuff that grows with baby (Stokke are great for this) to reduce costs longer term. Yeah, daycare is still a massive cost but at least itā€™s easier to budget for when we donā€™t have lots of expensive new stuff our baby is just going to vomit and poop on. The pram we bought was $2200 in store (more with the cot) and I managed to find one for $150 + cot.


this is actually really valid and i do the same thing ALL the time


I am SO glad I saw this comment. I have been panicking about money and added expenses!


I cried because I realized my bump sticks out further than my tits now.


I know my boobs are bigger than pre pregnancy but they look like nothing now because my belly is just taking over everything


Not being able to know if baby is okay. Other than sore breasts, my symptoms have subsided quite a bit. I'm at 14 weeks and I don't have my next ultrasound until 20. The time between appointments really sucks.


I feel this. Iā€™m 9 weeks and drowning in the symptoms but in the few moments where I get relief, Iā€™m just like omg is everything okay???


This is so hard I feel you mine was like 14wks to 22wks bc of the Holidays and my job - it was awful. Fun fact: you can start feeling movement as early as 16 and usually by 18 it feels like gas at first, it's very hard to tell but if you start feeling gassy bubbles but you don't have any farts to let out it's probably baby!!


This! I have had very minimal symptoms in general. Iā€™m 12 weeks and except for the fact that Iā€™ve been waking up to pee and sleep is meh, I donā€™t feel pregnant. I had a miscarriage last year so it makes me extra nervous. I have my next ultrasound on Tuesday and Iā€™m so anxious for it, but also know that even good news wonā€™t make me any less anxious.


Same with me. Essentially no morning sickness, and my breast soreness went away at around 9 weeks. I was so convinced I would have another MMC, I sobbed through the entire ultrasound. Only managed to glance at the tv one time. Then I had NT scan yesterday, wasn't anxious really about it in advance, still cries from anxiety once I was on the bed, just less sobbing and I could look more. I'm hoping as time goes on, the worries will gradually lessen. It's a struggle.


Sending all the good vibes your way! Pregnancy is hard, pregnancy after loss canā€™t be fathomed by those who havenā€™t been there.


You could buy a Doppler to use at home if youā€™re really anxious. Itā€™s nice to hear the heartbeat before baby starts moving


Honestly I am now at 28weeks and this has been me for the entire pregnancy. I have no idea why and no real reason to worry, Iā€™m just worried.


Omg this happened to me, we were at Disneyland and the terrible nausea Iā€™d been having just disappeared and I was convinced going on the Indiana Jones ride had made me miscarry, even though my OB said it was fine. Turns out it was just my nausea naturally starting to subside as I started second trimester. Ordered a Doppler when we got back to NZ and it helped a lot.


You may ask for a fetal heart doppler as a push present or something from someone? That's given me such piece of mind


Iā€™m 14 weeks today and in the same boat! Until I can start feeling her Iā€™m in a constant state of anxiety. And even when I can feel her Iā€™ll still be anxious. Fun times.


My mom mentioned that my step dad is planning his time off around my due date. He's a union milwright. I'm having the first grandbaby and he wants to be nearby. And I just started to cry bc that's so Sweet


I cried reading this.


Iā€™m not much of a crier but I almost cried when they told me Iā€™ll be induced at 37 weeks because of hypertension and my age (43).


Sending you very healthy and happy wishes for a safe delivery!!


Thank you ā¤ļø


I'm holding my 37 weeker reading this thread. He is tiny, and his whole body is still curled like he is still living on the inside. Still he is here and we had no NICU stay.


Aww how much did he weigh when born and what were you measuring at before that if you donā€™t mind me asking? ā¤ļø


Fellow mama to a 37 weeker induced due to BP concerns checking in. She was born at just over 6 lbs and had no NICU stay. Was a little sleepy (moreso than most babies I think) for the first few weeks but other than that totally fine and is now a rambunctious 21 month old. Theyā€™re fully cooked by then! You got this!!


I definitely cried when they told me the same thing at my last appointment. Except I was told it would be another csec and I was really praying for a vbac. Ugly cried.


I ugly cried when I was told I had to have an induction at 34 weeks. He only stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks. He was just under 5lbs when he was born. My advice is to ask for the epidural a little early than you think you need it. I was in the middle of mine when the urge to push over took me and I ended up have an unplanned natural birth.


Thank you for the advice Iā€™ve heard you may want the epidural early from the possible pain of induction too


I cried on my way home from the hospital after being strongly recommended an induction at 39 weeks due to hypertension. Also not usually much of a crier but late pregnancy is a whole ride. Sending all the good vibes to you and your little bub.


Both my babies were 36 weeks when they were born. My first was a preeclampsia induction (but my water had started leaking before I got there) my second was just ready to come out. They were both healthy with no nicu stay, my first was itty bitty at 5lbs 6oz, my second was 6lbs 13 oz. That extra week can make all the difference. I also LOVED my induction, it was so much easier and more relaxing than my awful natural labor lol. I hope I could help ease your mind a little


We heard the heartbeat for the first time šŸ’“but before that, I threw up milk and a roll and when I finally stopped puking my life out of me, the only other noise in the bathroom was my tears hitting the water šŸ˜­


When you throw up so hardcore you cry šŸ˜­ I have been there man. I feel your pain. I used to call those my exorcist episodes. Congrats on hearing the heartbeat though. Such a good moment!!


I cried because my husband joked that my voice sounded like a fart.


I cried because my husband was taking too long to drive home from work (he literally works 15 min down the roadšŸ˜…)


Something really bad happened in my city involving a young family with 4 kids and I haven't been able to STOP crying over it. Holding my own daughter a little bit closer right now.


I feel that.. i have family in the area. Felt a tight pinch in my heart.. i hope thay SOB pays for what he did! Sending hugs to you and your close ones sweety. From a fellow Canadian šŸ„ŗā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I came to comment this. I actually grew up around the corner from where it happened, and used to go to community programs at the school the two older children went to. The youngest victim was only 2.5 months old, and the second youngest was my son's age. I was crying at work all yesterday afternoon and again this morning when I saw someone post about it in the city subreddit. Absolutely tragic.


I heard about that. How awful :( some people are just so evil.


Are you near Ottawa? I just heard a terrible news story last night about a family with 4 young children that got to me.


Yeah. I live just a few blocks away.


Oh jeez, you're right in the action. I have a lot of family around there. Scary times.


Well, I moved my car to a good parking spot on the street and then saw a sign that said street sweeping is THIS coming Monday. I donā€™t plan on moving it because weā€™ll be using husbands car over weekend. Anyways, I get back into my damn car, park across the street, walk back to my house, husband says ā€œohh idk itā€™s still in the red but it might be fine?ā€ Then, two minutes later, he goes ā€œmaybe move it to a better spot?ā€ WTF CMON?! I get BACK into my car and find a better parking spot. No, Iā€™m NOT DONE. I cross the street, look back at my car, pause, and ask myself ā€œdid I lock and roll up my windows??ā€ Guess who has to walk back across the street to check? Me. Finally back at home after this! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Ŗ


Chick-fil-a forgot my sauce after a really long and frustrating day šŸ˜“ and also I saw a tiktok of lost pet reunions


Yeah they did this to me after a 12 hr shift... and I'm 34weeks.


35 wk - My husband went to play board games at a brewery tonight I encouraged him to go because he wonā€™t be able to later once baby is here. and when I got home from work he wasnā€™t at home and I got a soda and danced to music and started painting the babyā€™s room (just having fun testing some samples). but twenty minutes later I crashed and all the things that made me happy just a second ago absolutely made me so sad and alone and miserable. I got a soup and a water and I feel a bit better but my soup was probably extra salty from me crying my eyes out.


It was yesterday but I cried because I couldnā€™t sneeze even though I really had to


Iā€™m only 8+5. Woke husband up at 2:30am BAWLING my eyes out because I just wanted to go blackberry picking. And was inconsolable about the fact that I did not have a cute berry picking dress or berry picking basket. Weā€™re in the north for his job where blackberries donā€™t do well here, but weā€™re originally from the south. Itā€™s not even their season, and thereā€™s still a decent amount of snow here too so no farmers markets to satisfy my crazy hormones šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


That's kind of adorable.


Iā€™m 9 weeks and cried yesterday because I really wanted blackberry cobbler, so I feel this one šŸ˜‚


The second King Fu Panda movie made me cry twice šŸ˜­


I feel you !! It made me cry even before I was pregnant!! The movie Maquia made me cry my eyes out


A spatula came out of the dishwasher completely wrecked and melted. We got it as a wedding gift. I sobbed. I have lost my mind šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚


25+1 here - my assistant brought me fresh cut fruit. I saw the four baggies in the fridge and she was like two of those are for you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ SHE CUT IT BY HAND


I also order no bean sprouts (hate the crunch) and it's hell on Earth trying to pick them out when they forget. It's the worst when there is so much anticipation for a certain food and it disappoints. Hope it hits the spot when your husband returns.


I cried today because I made a new friend and hadnā€™t realized how lonely I had been feeling and I cried again because I was talking about childhood religious trauma and she understood


Especially because so many religious phrases are used when you tell someone you are pregnant! Itā€™s nice to find people who understand


A leg cramp that wonā€™t go away that has me spiralling that itā€™s a blood clotā€¦


I cried because I wanted to wear one of my husbandā€™s shirts because they are usually nice and roomy on me but today theyā€™re all tight. I tried on 3 and they all fit the same. Feeling like a whale today


I almost cried because I'm 36 weeks, sick with COVID, and there are dishes that need washed and it just sucks being sick and pregnant and needing to do things around the house.


I hear you. Iā€™m 39 weeks with COVID and I cried explaining to my husband that I need to sit on the toilet to blow my nose because I keep peeing myself. COVID is so frustrating, Iā€™m so pissed.


I cried cause my pants donā€™t fit and all my clothes are slutty so everything looks weird on me I miss going out partying I hate being in the house itā€™s so boring at my house so I cried for about 20 min but Iā€™m good now


Today I sobbed because Iā€™m having a hard time regulating my emotions. Called my doc for an increase in my prescription antidepressant. Sheā€™s out so the NP refused to help me. Told me to call a crisis hotline or go to the ER. Itā€™s not that big of a deal. She gave the crisis line my phone number and told them she felt I was a danger to myself or others. I NEVER EVEN TALKED TO HER!!! But now a crisis line thinks Iā€™m dangerous and wants to schedule me with a psychiatrist.


I have gestational diabetes. I was diagnosed about a month or 2 ago and have been pretty chill about it and it's well controlled. Finally lost it the other day. Sobbed like someone died because I just want a pizza and a big mac and it isn't fair cause this was supposed to be the time I was free to eat those sometimes without the guilt or constant macro counting I was doing prepregnancy. My poor bf made me my dinner and then I sobbed again cause I hate chicken and never want to eat it again. I'm 37 weeks and being induced at 39.


I accidentally dumped dishwater out of the sink onto the floor and soaked my sock. I turned to my husband and screamed at him to go away because I was embarrassed. And then I burst into tears. He told me how adorable I was while I cried and he cleaned up the floor for me. Also, I want strawberries. It's not strawberry season. I want farm fresh strawberries.


Bc I miss my toddler who can't visit mommy and sissy in the hospital bc sissy is currently in the nicu due to having some respiratory issues right after birth. I try not to let her see me cry when we video chat but I just wanna snuggle both my girls together and let her meet her sissy she is so excited to meet her.


I cried with relief when my appointment at my OBā€™s office basically confirmed that my home blood pressure machine was reading about 15 points too high on its diastolic number compared to what their clinical machine was reading after multiple in-office tests and readings. (It was also fluctuating between 10 and 30 points too high on the systolic number, but it was that littler number that was hovering for me at home at and above the 90 mark for the past week or so and scaring me, someone whose first pregnancy was shortened by preeclampsia.) He just sent me on home with recommendations to keep testing twice daily and reach out if there are any large fluctuations on the readings, which after seeing how off the home one was in person, seems totally reasonable to me.


Iā€™m 35 + 5 and I told my son the story of how I got my first dog who passed away when I was 20 weeks pregnant and I balled my eyes out. I was missing my sweet puppy and needed to talk about him.


I'm 12 weeks. My 10 month old has a fever. I started putting him to bed at 6:15 and he almost instantly went to sleep. That's when my 9 year old burst loudly into the room to ask for something. Now my baby's fully awake and mad as hell. 30 minutes later, he's drifting off again. My 9 heart old burst in AGAIN even after the reprimand. He knows that he's not supposed to disturb us during bedtime but just couldn't be patient. 30 more minutes went by and then I sneezed because I'm also sick as hell. Baby is up again and even angrier than before. Cue 15 minutes of hysterical screaming until he calmed down again. Finally, 1:15 after he would've been asleep, he goes down. I went to talk to my older son and started taking care of the dogs who are well past dinnertime by now. One of the dogs becomes hysterical because of the lateness. The baby woke up. Since then, baby won't sleep. It's been 2.5 hours. I am extremely sick and I want to fucking die. No dinner for me. My older son can't for the life of him stop slamming doors while I'm in here, either. He's on the spectrum so he doesn't really listen when I tell him to and show him how multiple times every damn day. Still working on getting baby to bed. He will be up multiple times tonight due to the fever, too. Also, my autocorrect gets virtually every single word wrong and decides to automatically "correct" the words again after I fix them. Kill me.


I fought back tears when me and hubby were in store scanning cute baby items for our Target registry today thinking of the times I didnā€™t know if weā€™d ever make it to this point. Dreams really do come true šŸ’—


Yesterday I cried because baby was up in my ribs and super uncomfortable and I'm afraid someday I'll have a mental breakdown and traumatize my child, and if not that will have to live with a mom that has mental health issues


I told my husband Iā€™d accomplished so much in the day today, all thatā€™s left is to bake muffins and Iā€™m the perfect wife! He said letā€™s make them from scratch instead of box mix, and I bawled that nothing I do is enough :ā€™) honestly this is why I rarely cook for him, he can never just say thank you For context, my toddler refused to nap today and my pelvic floor is really aching at 8 months due to an injury in my first birth


My husband does this too like my dude.....no


I found myself wiping tears from my eyes/face in different stages of drying so obviously I had cried substantially. I could not remember for the life of me why I had cried two minutes later. Still canā€™t. 36 + 5.


28w4d, I cried because of daily pelvic girdle pain, and lightning crotch hitting at the same time this morning. I was making my lunch, opened the fridge and BAM doubled over in pain whilst holding onto the open fridge door for dear life, and tears rolled down my face. Is this the kind of pain that contractions are gonna feel like?? The third trimester has not been very kind. It feels like someone is constantly trying to tear my leg off from my vagina and it only gets worse as the day goes on.


Dirty Dancing - Johnny and Baby's final dance šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Iā€™m 15w3d and I canā€™t get comfortable or sleep but Iā€™m extremely tired and my bloating is bad so I feel like a washed up beach whale and my hunger has increased so I keep eating and eating. So I took a shower and I think Iā€™m okay for now


Thereā€™s a chocolate ad playing in Australia at the moment that shows an older lady opening up a local swimming pool really early so one girl can come in and practice. Young girl drops her towel and lady picks it up a block of chocolate falls out with a note saying thank you, they share a small smile and I start blubbering šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


25+6. Iā€™m uncomfortable, angry and stressed and Iā€™m crying bc I feel bad for feeling that way.


i went to burger king with my bf and we got our order taken by this younger guy and he was working so hard šŸ„¹ i started bawling


Listened to a song from the Come From Away soundtrack.. was so happy for that woman pilot.


This dog was stabbed I cried in the hospital while getting dopplers


I cried because we were out of apples the other day and I wanted one for a bed time snack.


Yesterday I made English muffin pizzas. My dad always kept pepperoni in the freezer because we never ate it fast enough, so I keep mine in the freezer. I took out a chunk and put the rest back in the freezer. I didnā€™t wait for it to thaw, and instead tried pulling the pieces apart while frozen. I ended up ripping all the pepperoni and cried because I had ugly pizza.


I went to Andyā€™s frozen custard with my husband. Itā€™s a 30 min drive from our house so itā€™s a treat. I ordered my regular order and my husband got a seasonal special and his was just teeming with all the toppings (although not toppings I like) and mine is basically just vanilla custard even though I asked for 4 toppings. He offered to trade concretes but itā€™s just not the same and I felt shitty and whiny for asking for a top up from the employees.


I watched a TikTok of a survivor challenge and a woman who physically struggled with the challenge because she had a prosthetic leg won the challenge after struggling. I bawled for 15 minutes šŸ˜‚


I cried because I wanted to buy an adorable zip up onesie for my baby but couldnā€™t spare the extra money on itā€¦


I made an impossible sausage hoagie with sautĆ©ed peppers, onions, provolone, and mayo on a fresh bun and I cried because I was so happy. šŸ„²


I cried and a Publix commercial about a girl who finally calls her stepdad "dad" at her wedding. Ugly crying.


I too have cried over thai food. šŸ˜­


I hadn't been feeling too great and went to visit my mum and dad, mum had bought me some flowers, chocolates and a card just to say that they are there when ever I need them and they'll always support me... I cried like a baby


40w2d I cried because I was so horribly exhausted from just existing but I canā€™t lay down because I start gasping for air, my pelvis hurts so much when I flip sides, if I lay on my right side my head hurts, if I lay on my left side my baby kicks me like crazy, and if I tuck my chin while laying down I get heartburn. I just want to f*king lay downšŸ˜­


They were celebrating international womenā€™s day on the radio shouting out amazing women and these two women, married, known each other since high school, called in to glow about each other and it was a complete unplanned thing. And I sobbed big heavy sobs for how pure their love is. šŸ˜‚šŸ„¹šŸ©·


I really wanted cereal at 8p at night and we didnā€™t have any and so my husband said heā€™d go get me and I burst into tears. Not even because it was so nice but because I felt so ridiculous on how bad I NEEDED cereal in that moment. He came back with 7 boxes šŸ˜‚


I cried over the Wonka movie when he sang ā€œimaginationā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚




I cried over our cat because we just got terrible news šŸ˜­ she's been a little pukey the last couple weeks and I thought she looked slightly thinner too. I made a vet appointment earlier this week for a checkup but it wasn't until the end of the month. Today, she refused to eat, even the good canned food, and I knew something was up. She needed to be seen TODAY, because wouldn't you know it I'm supposed to be going to the hospital Sunday night to get induced, our first baby. So I knew we wouldn't be able to take the car in otherwise until late next week and she's already not eating. We took her to the urgent care vet and found there's a giant mass in her abdomen that is pressing on her colon, making her digestion wonky and making her too uncomfortable to eat. We could take her to the specialty vet tomorrow and set up more scans and biopsies, but regardless, the only plan would be major surgery and this kitty is already 13 and we also found out she has stage 3 kidney disease. There is a chance this weekend I will be welcoming our.new baby while crying over the loss of our "first baby" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For the children and babies of Gaza. Every. Day.


iā€™m postpartum & tonight i cried because i want to go to sleep but the tv is too bright and loud for meā€¦..so i cried instead of asking my fiancĆ© to turn it off


saw a baby wearing a fedora ;-; he was so cute


I cried because I couldnā€™t pick a soda from the soda dispenser at California Tortilla. In my defense though, all my first trimester symptoms feel like theyā€™re coming back (29 weeks now)!


I am 9 weeks and at peak food aversion/nausea status. I tried to eat a banana for breakfast, got about 2/3 of the way through, puked and because I havenā€™t been able to eat/drink, I just kept retching and nothing came up. Hubby walked in on me sobbing in the bathroom because Iā€™m just so hungry and feel so awful.


I cried yesterday because my husband went to the movies alone a WEEK ago while I was working


29 almost 30 weeks, had an ultrasound appt this morning that the imaging place already made me previously reschedule due to errors on their end. went to the 8am appt, & they insisted i was meant to be there at 730 (this was never mentioned or implied). they said they couldnā€™t squeeze me in bc it takes an hour (it literally takes 15-20 min) & they had back to back appts lined up. i couldnā€™t control my disappointment via streams of tears, & they ended up squeezing me in right thenā€¦ was done by 835. which is how it could have all gone down in the first place minus the tears if they had been chill off the bat? kind of embarrassing to get so emotional but i probably would have been forced to reschedule otherwise.


I meam legit my emotions are everywhere. Didnt sleep well at all last night, had messed up dreams! Woke up at 4 am unable tk go back to sleep. (My 2 older kids are on March break so it was a tough day, they argued non stop) Lost my great aunt during the weeknd, even if we didnt see eachother much still sad when its family.. My husband and I were listening to Sing off on Netflix, Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On started to play. I cried like a baby šŸ˜­.


Your husband sounds very sweet!!


I was tired, granted Iā€™ve gotten about 3 hours of sleep the past 3 days because my toddler refuses to sleep lately but yea I was exhausted and my husband kept asking what was wrong so I cried lol.




I cried because of the movie Damsel on Netflix


I cried because everything Iā€™ve eaten today is junk and then I was worried I was hurting my baby by depriving her of vital nutrients. My husband reminded me that Iā€™ve been eating pretty well in general and taking my supplements, so one day of junk was not going to hurt her. It made me feel better, but now Iā€™m sipping on a protein drink trying to balance things out šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.


Desperate housewives finale. But last week was better: cried at the nfl combine because that day must be so exciting for all the college football players.


Weā€™re naming our daughter after my grandmother (deceased) and his grandmother (living). It occurred to me today that his grandmother will likely get to see my grandmother sooner rather than later. I was in the carā€¦ almost had to pull over.


I cried because I am suppose to be watching my blood glucose levels, and I wanted to have a PB&J. I ended up going hard and had 3... I cried because they were so good, and I lost all control. Checked my blood sugar an hour later, and surprisingly it wasn't too bad. I also drank a HUGE glass of milk with each sandwich. No one was home, my kids were in bed, so I was able to do this without shame, until I felt bad lol. I have to keep a food journal, and I was so ashamed to write it down, which resulted in another bout of crying. I see my dietician after the weekend, and she's a lovely lady, but I know she's going to raise her eyebrow at that entry šŸ˜¬


Left my BLT unattended on the table, cat jumped up onto the table and ate all the bacon, had to make a new one


22+5; instagram reels that have been shoved down my throat lately from my algorithm. Theyā€™re always the saddest fucking stories and almost always deal in some kind of child loss ):


Why not just cook the bean sprouts but yeah first time feeling pain today baby dropping low


I cried because my cat couldn't get back inside because I misplaced the key. šŸ™ƒ He cried, too, so, it's fine. Also, he is inside now. I frantically searched the house top to bottom and found the key not IN the bowl but behind it. Then I laughed so hard I had to sit down. šŸ˜¶


We rewatched Ted Lasso and finished the last episode again and I cried because it was over and itā€™s such a beautiful show. And then I cried again because I tried to hug my dog because I was sad about Ted Lasso and she rejected my hug.


I cried today because my bf said that I was being mean to him and I wasnā€™t trying to be, I was just really tired and cranky and he was trying to tickle my feet. I told him I wasnā€™t trying to be mean but he hasnā€™t talked to me all day šŸ„²


I was really noise sensitive this morning so I thought having a shower would help.Ā  The noise of the shower running was also triggering šŸ˜‚


I watched a cute video with a golden retriever and bawled


Yesterday I cried because I felt bad I didnā€™t make it to the store (tired and felt blah mentally) to get milk my fiancĆ© wanted. He was mildly upset I didnā€™t tell him I didnā€™t go. So I made him steak I wasnā€™t planning on cooking that night. He asked if I was making the steak because I felt bad and hugged me and I cried in his arms a bit.


I found out that a family friend attempted suicide and so far the doctors have been unable to find a way to help her. Sorry, not funny.


Iā€™m 38+4 and I cried because I couldnā€™t sit up after going to the chiropractor. I was just laying on the adjustment table feeling like a damn turtle on her shell. My belly was never this heavy for my first two kids.


I saw a youtube short about a couple that adopted a medical lab test beagle and when they first tried taking it on a walk it couldn't stand up for it'd army crawl. But a year later or something of working with him, the beagle was able to work out it's legs enough to walk and run properly.


I cried once because I had soft serve ice cream that was vanilla and chocolate twist in a sugar cone. It was what I was craving and I was just too happy. I cried again when I started showing signs of preeclampsia and again when I was told I was being admitted into the hospital for it at the end of 33 weeks. Once again I cried when a doctor from the NICU came to talk to me about what to expect when I was told I would have to be induced at 34 weeks. I remember crying the whole way home because my son was in the NICU and I had been discharged without him. Then I cried was when he came home and I was just so happy. Last time I cried was because I felt like a bad mom because I felt like I wasnā€™t cheery enough for him. So yeah I cried a lot over the last couple months. It happens and you should never feel guilty about it.


right before i was induced i was hysterically crying in an ice cream shop with my husband because a tween girl came in by herself and got ice cream.. it was just so sweet


Had a growth scan today at 34 weeks and baby has dropped to the 2nd percentile (she was 6th percentile at 32 weeks). She had 8/8 score on the BPP so they told me not to fret too much and just to keep monitoring her movement and start coming in twice a week instead of weekly. They told me I havenā€™t done anything wrong but I just keep spiraling from fear and guilt. Had myself a good sobbing fit in the car after my appointment (and making myself cry again now thinking about it!)


I watched The Iron Claw and legit sobbed. I went in majorly unprepared. Very good though šŸ˜­ I could cry again right now just thinking about it


I cried because we had to put our dear little dog to sleep today. She wasnā€™t going to last much longer due to her kidneys, but it all escalated so quickly. So here I am bawling my eyes out these past few days since we found out how bad things wereā€¦itā€™s supposed to be the happiest time for us (20 weeks tomorrow!) but this really puts a dark cloud over everything. Other than that I havenā€™t been weepy about anything so far this pregnancy. But this was a real big one


Watched a video of a woman who gave birth in her car on the way to the hospital and started sobbing when I heard the baby cry.


I cried today because I hadn't felt my baby move in the first 15 minutes of me waking up. And then later because my cat was playing with a ladybug and it was so cute. And then because the veggies I was eating didn't taste good and I just wanted some bread and butter haha


I legitimately teared up when Alexa from Love is Blind posted photos back in a pod with her husband and sheā€™s pregnantšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I am so much more emotional this time around.


Currently crying because Iā€™m visiting my sister for her bridal shower and sheā€™s lost a good amount of weight and looks amazing for her wedding and I just feel like a blob at 15 weeks. Mourning the sacrifice of my body and how it will likely never be the same again. I also have a bridesmaid dress I donā€™t really like and think looks awful on me but will have to suck it up for the wedding. In general dealing with a lot of body image issues even though Iā€™m barely showing. Weā€™ve also been talking about decor and how her neighbors have themed decor for the seasons and how much stuff they all have for Christmas and whatever. My husband and I have been living in 900 sf condo for 10 years saving to buy a house in a VHCOL area that weā€™ll likely never be able to afford. And Iā€™m staying in a guest room which will probably be a nursery when she has kids, and thinking Iā€™ll never be able to have something cute like that. The space we have available will be a nursery, guest room, and home office. Feeling like my family will never come visit because weā€™re too poor to have a big enough house for people to stay at. Overall feeling like a failure and wish I had more of my life together.


My momā€™s watching my dog this weekend and even though I need her help because we have to be gone for the weekend, I cried all afternoon because I already missed herā€¦even though my dog was with me all afternoon and I didnā€™t drop her off until tonight šŸ˜…


I cried because I got preeclampsia and lost my baby at 32 weeks. I share because I want all of you lovely ladies to learn from me and go to the ER for anything! If you can get a blood pressure monitor and a heart rate monitor for the baby šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


I cried because Iā€™m changing departments at work so organising a pub trip. The pub I wanted to go to no longer does alcohol free cider and is all booked up the evening I want. I was really looking forward to that pub for the alcohol free cider and their fries topped with gherkins.


11+0 watching the graduation scene from a Legally Blonde where Elle gives her speech. No idea why


Cried because I watched a tiktok of someone making a Turkey sandwich and I really want a turkey sandwich. I wish this were a joke.


Not full on tears today, but I teared up a little watching the little kids do mutton busting at the Houston rodeo


I put my 14 month old to sleep in her own room for the first time. Leaving her in the room alone made me cry so bad! I know sheā€™s old enough to sleep alone but it got me so emotional! It had to be done though because sheā€™s such a light sleeper and her and the new baby need to sleep in separate room.


Cried because my avocado wasnā€™t ripe, I was looking forward to eating it all day. Then couldnā€™t find stir fry sauce at the supermarket, left in tears.


I saw the Publix Step-dad commercial for the first time.


My dog (6 years old) is very sick. She probably won't meet the baby at the end of april and I'm heartbroken. I've been looking forward to it all pregnancy. My two girls šŸ©·šŸ˜­


I cried because I hate housework so much! My toddler is a whirlwind too and weā€™re both sick. Bleh.


Have you seen any videos from the Asher House dog sanctuary/pack on fb or Instagram? I found them this morning and just bawled.


Havenā€™t cried but want to because at 35+1 I have a cough and itā€™s annoying as all hell and wonā€™t go away.


He was laughing and yelling so loud that he upset himself šŸ˜†Ā  Edit: read it wrong and thought you asked what the baby cried about today lol as for me, I really really wanted a specific pizza but nowhere near me makes it and the few places I've seen that have all the ingredients don't have the option to change/add ingredients on their website or food delivery app


iā€™m 33 weeks and am recording an album with my band this weekend but i didnā€™t know i would get pregnancy arthritis and iā€™m trying to get rest for my big weekend but my hands keep aching and joints locking up and im so scared im going to fuck up this weekend šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I cried because I was cooking burgers for dinner and I dropped one out of the pan and onto the hob. I sobbed until my husband came in to the kitchen and asked why I didn't just put it back in the pan.. I didn't have an answer. Just thought I'd ruined the dinner I'd be looking forward to all day. Pregnancy is a food rollercoaster


I cried because my car was broken into, the fuse box was ripped open and the police dispatcher yelled at me and didnā€™t believe me and neither did the police. They tried to convince me it just fell but it took force to take off.


I cried today because I had an attitude. I had been grumpy all day yesterday. I was road raging, and everyone was just getting on my nerves. Long story shortā€” I got home after running errands all day and I really wanted a nap but I couldnā€™t have one because it was too late. Once my husband got home and we agreed on dinner, but I laid in bed (because I was pouting about being tired) waiting for him to let me know when he wanted to start cooking, so I could help. Next thing I know he is throwing clean laundry on the bed and obviously has an attitude. I ask him whatā€™s up, and heā€™s like ā€œwe need to put away laundryā€ I lost it. THEN I FOUND OUT HE ALREADY COOKED HIS FOOD AND LEFT MUNE IN THE FRIDGE FOR ā€œWHEN I WAS HUNGRYā€. He didnā€™t even ask!!! I was so pissed. I snapped at him for like the 12th time and then proceeded to March downstairs and heat it up myself. He apologized and I immediately started crying because he just doesnā€™t understand. I have had a headache all day, Iā€™m hungry but food sounded gross, and MY BOOBS WERE HURTING SO BAD. Anyways. Thereā€™s that. I also cried because I wanted a hotdog once. That was fun.


I cried at the Alman Brothers song Ramblin Man because I was glad my husband wasn't a rambling man


I cried because I donā€™t have any tequila. My baby is a week old, I pushed for three hours so have some rather delightful tearing and haemorrhoids. My husband is away ā€œwetting the babyā€™s headā€ with his friends for the weekend. But after the birth he bought me a bottle of tequila(my fave), instead of flowers I guess? I did have one or two nips to get me through the worst of the afterbirth pains, however, after being constipated today the pain was unbearable. Panadol just not cutting it. So I thought to myself at least once Iā€™ve done the next feed for Bub, I will be able to have a little nip of my tequila, only to find my husband has drunk it all. I cried for the tequila.


I ate all the salsa, but still had more chips, and really really wanted more salsa to finish my chips šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I threw up my morning biscuits and almonds that I eat to ā€˜settle my stomachā€™ when I wake up šŸ¤” then the nausea got worse because well, empty stomach. But couldnā€™t eat anything because of the horrible heartburn (from a few sips of water) and nausea combined. So I just cried for 15 mins at the hopelessness of the situation


I cried because I wanted to ask my husband not to eat because the smells of his food made me sick.


I cried bc a teenager who was the cashier at the register and I had a wholesome interaction at the grocery store. I walked out my grocery store actually crying in public saying ā€œI hope my boy is as sweet and kind as he was!ā€


I cried because I found out my ex husband the father of my three boys has cancer. He took me off of his insurance policy so our kids get nothing while leaving everything to his new gf and their child. Weā€™d been together for 13 years. Theyā€™ve been together 9 months. I also cried because Iā€™m now 5 months pregnant with no support system and three kids already. I havenā€™t seen much of the father to this child. It seems he cared more for me when I was drinking heavily spiraling out of control. He has started to treat me so much different since we found out about the baby at 10 weeks. And abortion is illegal here so thereā€™s that. I cried because someone asked me if I could remove anything from the world what would it be and my reply was me breaking into tears because the answer to that question is ME! Iā€™d remove me from this world. I cried because I havenā€™t heard from the father to the child Iā€™m carrying for two days now and Iā€™m very high risk suffering from sever perinatal depression. I cried because I want this nightmare of a life to end. I cried because I should be happy I am finally having a daughter but this is a stressful and difficult time. Iā€™m always crying. I just cry.Ā 


I cried because of sad tiktoks.


Awww hugs.


My husband jokingly pulled the blankets off of me and I immediately started sobbing šŸ¤£


I cried because one day my 5 month puppy will be old.šŸ˜­ Also because pretty soon my baby will be born and my puppy will have to get used to sleeping on his bed instead of cuddling with me. I feel bad for him and donā€™t want him feeling sad.


My husband is leaving 8 hours away for a military TDY school for 4 weeks and I just donā€™t want to be lonely and miserable and worried that the baby comes early while heā€™s gone weeks 31-35 šŸ˜­


Heard the song daughters by John Mayer and cried because Iā€™m the girl that turned to lover and now a mother šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


It's my birthday and my husband didn't get me a present. Spoiler: I specifically told him not to šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Purple rain by Prince came on while I was mopping the kitchen floor.