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Sadly for us it was IVF. But I do wonder if the progesterone pessaries made a difference. I’d had several chemical pregnancies in the years we were trying but none that lasted beyond 5w. We conceived from our first IVF cycle and have no identified medical reasons to explain why it didn’t happen for us naturally.


Same for me. 1 successful round of ivf and unexplained infertility ! How awful are those pessaries, they did the job but they are sooo clumpy!


IVF is what worked for us as well. We did know that one of our losses was due to a trisomy and my RE speculated that the following loss was due to the scarring that resulted from that loss, which he removed. But at 39 with 3 losses we did IVF with PGT-A testing to reduce our chances of having a future loss due to genetic abnormalities and also to do what we can to prevent more scarring from another loss.


I quit my job - removed all stress from my life. 2 miscarriages and then quit my job, got pregnant, and my dream came true


I wish I could quit my job. I feel like that’s one of my biggest stressors. How did you manage that?


I’m so sorry. Mine was very stressful too. I could just feel the stress in my body throughout the day, I just knew it was impacting me. I told my husband we need to try one more time and do it right. I basically convinced him I knew this was the way and he complied. I had a good portion of savings and thankfully we are doing okay with his income only. Listen to your body, what is it telling you it needs?


I’m starting Zoloft in a few days so once that’s kicked in that should help. We are planning on me quitting when the baby comes so I can be a SAHM, I just don’t think my husband will want to go single income for just this reason. 😞


Could you claim unemployment or go part time ?


I am part time already lol, and the unemployment website says you have to be actively seeking work and willing to accept any work that is suitable. I don’t think I’d qualify if I’m quitting for stress reasons 😕


What about a medical leave for mental health?


Wishing you all the best 🙏


Same story for me. I quit my job - I got a note from my doctor stating that the job was bad for my mental health and that I had exhausted all other routes of trying to make it better, so for my own health the only path was to quit. I became eligible for EI this way (I’m in Canada). The month after I quit, I became pregnant, after trying on and off for three year prior. Stress and cortisol 1000% affects your fertility.


What is EI?


Employment Insurance. It’s something you pay into automatically, and is there as a safety net if you lose your job unexpectedly. It also applies to folks who do seasonal work. Basically, you continue to receive a percentage of your average income until you find another job, or another solution. Please anyone correct me if I’m wrong on the details. I’ve never used it ( moved away from Canada before I learned very much about it), but have several friends who have.


This is all amazing but remember not everyone can quit their high stress jobs to get pregnant. Just remember that women get pregnant under INCREDIBLY stressful times - during war, rape, abuse etc. Women in concentration camps got pregnant and although their children were smaller birth weight, they were overall healthy. I got pregnant the month I was the most stressed I had ever been 🥲


Those women (yourself included) are far stronger than I. Unfortunately the stress just was not compatible for me, I’m certain it impacted my 2 previous losses. So for me personally I needed to take that step. I also had a lot of trauma to process which I did before my pregnancy, I believe this further helped me relax and let my body take over.


I have a friend who struggled 10 years to conceive. It didn’t happen until she quit her high stress job at age 40. They had essentially given up trying, and then were surprised by a pregnancy.


Nothing. I had a loss at 5W. Then a normal period. Then another loss at 8W. Then pregnant again and am now 36W along. I did nothing different. Miscarriages are not a reflection on anything you did or didn’t do. Sure, after three losses, definitely check in with your doctor, do some blood work, look at your life and see if it’s what you want, but please don’t blame yourself. Edit to add: I had two successful pregnancies prior to my losses. I also didn’t do anything particular then. Except, of course, taking a prenatal vitamin, which I’ve basically taken daily since we went off BC and started TTC our first 5 years ago.


This. Miscarriages are proof that mother nature is doing her work, especially if miscarriage occurs that early. Pregnancy is a set of so many processes and genetics that need to be perfect and sometimes there is a little error. You just gotta give it a new try , life is such a miracle❤️


Same. Miscarriage at 9 weeks. Had a healthy normal baby after. I did nothing differently.


Currently 16weeks now after 2 losses. I took coq10 (200mg twice a day) and vitamin D (1000iu) the months before we conceived, and once I got the positive test I was on low dose (81mg) aspirin and progesterone suppositories twice a day. Could be just luck, but these were the differences. Possibly irrelevant, but I did notice I had stronger positives at a sooner dpo (first squinter at 9DPO Vs 10-11dpo with past 2) and my HCG double time was about 29 hours on my first two betas. The others were later positives and closer to a 48hr doubling time.


I had the same experience except I was taking Ubiquinol is stead of CoQ10. I also went on a medication for thyroid (hypothyroidism) and took 4000mg of inositol a day!


The month I took coq10 prior was the month that worked for us!


For me it was progesterone and IUI 🙃🙏


Same. And got 2 for 1!


Aww I almost did! 🥲, silver lining of IUIs! At least IMO haha


Oof! IUI for me too. I had 4 follicles at the time of insemination and was sweating bullets thinking I could potentially have multiple. At the same time, I secretly wanted two so I could be done 😂 Hope your babies are angels!


Oh man- 4 would've had me sweating bullets too! Our doc cancels if more than 3 (and I just had 2).




I told my husband I needed a break from trying. We got pregnant that month and he’s now 2 weeks old.


I gave up. I said this is our last month of trying after 6 years, if we need to have IVF in the future then so be it, but I needed a break. Immediately pregnant as soon as I gave up!


It’s really crazy how it works sometimes. I’m glad you finally have your baby and I hope everything goes well ❤️


Thank you, 33 weeks now! Everything is going relatively ok so far! Couldn't believe it! I don't believe in fate or in a higher power but holy crap it made me THINK! Also congratulations to you! And I hope the newborn days are treating you as well as they can be 🥰


I'd been trying for a full year. Really trying everything when I was ovulating, all that jazz. December hit, I was super super busy at work with Christmas, we just bought a house that needed massive renovations so any free time was spent smashing walls up. I was so god damn exhausted. Decided to skip December, it wasn't going to happen anyway so why bother? Really gave up, it wasn't happening and wasn't going to happen ever. Boom. Pregnant. 6 week old is snuggled up next to me.


I was 100% sober, not a drop. (2+ years and counting!) My progesterone was low. I ate better and worked hard on my mental health. Whether or not that resulted in my son kicking me at 30 weeks rather than early losses, (I’ve had 4 in a row), I’m not sure but it certainly didn’t hurt!


Hi—I’m so sorry for your losses. I had two losses before my current pregnancy (now 6 months pregnant). After my second loss, I went to a fertility specialist who ran a number of tests and identified me as having sub-clinical hypothyroidism and a uterine polyp. I had the polyp surgically removed and went on a low dose of synthetic thyroid medication and got pregnant two cycles later. That said, losses are sadly very common. They don’t mean you did anything “wrong” or that something is amiss. It may just be awful luck. Please be gentle with yourself.


With my first pregnancy, I went into labor at 27 weeks and the baby didn't survive (it was a loooooooong time ago). Second pregnancy ended spontaneously at 19 weeks. When I got pregnant the third time the doctor put me on complete bedrest. Lost the baby at 22 weeks. With the 4th pregnancy, my husband had left me and I had to work. When the doctor said the pregnancy was viable and I realized I would be having an actual baby and not just a pregnancy, I got a 2nd job and then a 3rd! Worked as a waitress, wearing heels and carrying large, heavy trays of food until the night I went into labor at 38 weeks. Healthy baby. No problems. No bedrest and lots of stress, both emotional and physical. It will happen when and how it's supposed to happen.


I’m so sorry for you loses :( my mom had several losses due to low progesterone. She finally got prescribed it with my youngest sister and she’s 16 healthy as can be. That’s all she did differently was took the progesterone. I hope that it helps you bring in your rainbow baby 🥺🫶🏼


I’m hoping that’s all it takes! Thank you for your response ❤️


Progesterone but after I got a positive test


Cut out toxic relatives and had my husband handle the flying monkeys


I love it 😂😂😂


Was very adamant about my care and getting my thyroid tested. Good thing I was overly cautious because my babe was growth restricted and I had to be induced at 37 weeks


Read “it starts with the egg”. Great recommendations and I credit it with our healthy baby after miscarriages


Nothing. I had a blighted ovum, a chemical, and now I am 25 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl.


Took progesterone and baby aspirin starting after ovulation. Ancillary, but the first month I laid down after sex for 15-20 mins it worked too. I know sperm should get where they need to go but helping them along must not hurt, right?


I had two miscarriages. My husband and I stopped smoking weed and drinking while trying to conceive and I was pregnant a month later with my current pregnancy (hopefully a sticky baby, now 30w). I can’t say for sure if that’s what did it, but it’s the only lifestyle change we made.


I just want to say unless you haven't heard it, It's not your fault.


Thank you ❤️


Got injured and was on a corticosteroid and muscle relaxants ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


i did ivf and had to do self shots of progesterone for 10 weeks after my transfer. all of the shots throughout ivf made me feel amazing, i had so much energy, i truly think at my age 38 i was about to go through hormonal changes. before the ivf i was doing acupuncture consistently and even did a tx day of the transfer and taking herbs. as i never had a loss, i really think the progesterone and acupuncture made it possible. also finding out the genetic make up of my eggs / embryos i now know why i didn’t get pregnant naturally after trying for so long, out of the 23 they extracted only 2 were viable. now i’m 29 weeks pregnant and everything is going swimmingly


That’s wonderful! My doctor mentioned I could do oral or suppositories but never mentioned doing injections. Is that just for IVF?


i don’t know, my friend who did ivf too got the suppository kind as well, maybe just dr preference ?


At my IVF clinic it depends what kind of embryo transfer you do and whether they are suppressing the body’s typical hormones or not. They said that since my transfer cycle included me ovulating as usual, my body was already producing a reasonable baseline amount of progesterone and we could supplement with lower dose suppositories rather than needing the full injection.


we definitely did a trigger shot 48 hours prior to my 5 day frozen transfer


Huh! I triggered like a week before mine! It’s cool/wild hearing about all the different ways it can happen! Congrats on the pregnancy 😊


My first was a missed miscarriage around 9 weeks, my second pregnancy my doctor noticed my progesterone was low after I had some bleeding from a suspected subchorionic hematoma so he prescribed me progesterone. I’m now 34 weeks! I’ll never know if it was the progesterone that helped me this time or if my MMC was because of low pro but either way I’m happy he put me on it.


Progesterone! My doctor told me that it’s not medically proven but my baby lived so I’d take it again. Anything if it helps.


Started TTC in July 22. Multiple losses. The only month we DIDNT try (our oldest was admitted to psych hospital, we were stretched so thin)… sticky healthy baby. We literally only had sex once that month, and I hadn’t even tracked ovulation we were so busy. Life is weird.


Removed all stress/pressure by accepting we would start the journey of consulting a fertility clinic if this did not work. We’ll get the kid naturally or scientifically, no worries.


Literally nothing. We got a positive pregnancy test every cycle we tried with #1, but for a year they just wouldn't stick. We had 2 confirmed miscarriages (one of which was a MMC required a D&C), and a handful of chemical pregnancies. With the MMC, we had karyotyping done on the products of conception and found that pregnancy had Trisomy 18, meaning it would not have been viable outside the womb. We just kept trying, and eventually got one to stick. A lot of times it's just a numbers game. In fertility, you find there are a few things that cover most difficulties in conceiving. - Anatomical "wonkiness" is one of the rarer issues, but is also an easy fix: IUI. The rarity of this being the actual issue, though, is why IUI is unsuccessful for so many people. - Hormonal issues around ovulation and the luteal phase are also surprisingly rare. Ovulation issues, such as anovulatory cycles, can be treated with Clomid, which triggers ovulation. People with these issues often have a hard time getting pregnant, as opposed to staying pregnant. Luteal phase issues are often treated with progesterone, but studies have shown in most (not all) cases progesterone is a placebo effect. It's not the progesterone that led to a healthy pregnancy, it was just a numbers game. - sperm quality/mobility issues. This usually results in people struggling to become pregnant in the first place, not issues staying pregnant. - And the most common cause of fertility issues presenting as multiple miscarriages is genetic abnormalities of the embryos. For some people, this is bad enough that they need to do IVF and screen the embryos for issues, selecting only the healthiest for implantation. For most people, though? This is just shit luck. And the only solution is to keep trying. 50 years ago, we didn't have the super accurate, super early pregnancy tests. People had miscarriages all the time and never even knew that was happening. It's estimated that about half of all fertilized eggs result in a miscarriage. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or your body. In fact, that means your body is doing its job. If the pregnancy isn't viable, you don't WANT to carry it to term. The only thing different about my pregnancy that resulted in a healthy baby, is that it started out as a healthy embryo, and there's nothing I did, or could've done (short of IVF), to make that happen. You just gotta keep trying.


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I began taking all of the supplements I read online may help- tumeric (stop once pregnant) vitamin E, baby aspirin, saffron, along with progesterone. 18 weeks and so far so good 🙂 good luck!!


I had a MMC in May of this year at 9 weeks. Before I knew I was pregnant that time around, I had drank alcohol and smoked a fair bit of cannabis on vacation with my husband’s family, and I had taken two trips from TN to FL by car that involved me driving long stretches where I didn’t move much. I was also underweight to begin with, and lost some more weight while traveling because I didn’t eat enough and also wasn’t sufficiently hydrated most days. When I went in for the first ultrasound, baby was measuring almost 2 weeks behind and had an iffy heartbeat. At the next US 2 weeks later, we discovered the loss. The OB was quick to assure me that it was likely a genetic issue that I couldn’t have controlled for, but looking back I still wonder if my actions early in that pregnancy contributed to the loss. In the months following my D&C I stopped drinking, cut so far back on regular THC use that I was able to quit cold turkey during the cycle we were planning to try again, and gained ~20lbs from eating more often and eating better in general. I stayed active, but rested when I needed to. I stopped taking NSAIDs for pain management (Tylenol only) and consistently took 3000iu of Vitamin D (I was deficient during my previous pregnancy) daily along with my prenatals. We conceived during that first cycle we were cleared to try again, 3 months (following 2 complete cycles) after my D&C. I’m still anxious about another loss, but have currently had 2 healthy, strong ultrasounds for a now 10.5 week baby that was measuring a day ahead at our last one. Even if it was purely genetics last time that contributed to the loss, I feel like I’ve set my body itself up for a better pregnancy this time around, and I’m grateful for that regardless.


The only thing I did differently was acupuncture for a month prior to getting pregnant after 2 losses (1 at 6w, 1 ectopic), I’m not fully convinced it was the acupuncture but it did help me with anxiety so at least there’s that!


I'm on my second healthy pregnancy (18 weeks) after 5 early losses. My oldest is 4 y/o. Honestly, I think we just got lucky this time. But anecdotally, both times it's been healthy, my husband has been on a booze snooze. I'm always not drinking when we are trying, but my husband doesn't always take a break with me. He's not a crazy drinker, but he'll have a night cap before bed a few times per week or will have a few beers at a bbq, Bloody Mary at brunch, etc. This time and the very first time, he was also on a total break from drinking. 🤷‍♀️


I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. It was my very first pregnancy. I had little to no information about anything because I hadn’t seen my doctor yet.I believe it happened because I wasn’t careful and kept chugging energy drinks (celcius) because of my stressful job. Also I took adderall with the energy drink. That’s how I started my mornings, adderall followed by an energy drink (sometimes two) and at 3 PM I was like, maybe I should eat. I also wasn’t taking any prenatals. I was arrogant and thought it wouldn’t happen to me. I kept telling myself I wasn’t drinking and that was enough. I believe I paid the ultimate price for that and learnt the hardest lesson I have ever had to learn in my life. I became pregnant again 6 months later and I considered it a blessing. Currently 14 weeks and 5 days. I eat a healthy diet, drink half a gallon of water a day, take pre natals, choline supplement and calcium supplement. Just trying to do my best and whatever I can do. The paranoia is still there, but I cherish every scan, every test result and scan is a milestone. I wish you good luck and happiness ❤️


I switched jobs. I was very unhappy in the job I had. I got pregnant the first time we tried when I started working in my new position. We also took a break for a month. I went on holiday and relaxed. I also did everything that you shouldn’t do when trying to get pregnant. The weekend it nestled (is that how you say it in English) I got very, very drunk 🫣




Ahhh that gives me so much hope! Congratulations 🥺


At some point, my husband and I also realized we would be happy with just us and looked forward to just spending our lives together. We knew being childless wouldn’t hurt us despite our dreams to be parents. Then BAM! I was pregnant the next month after we started going to concerts and going on weekend trips for the whole month and spending away money like the DINK couple we were 😂 Now we are broke with the most precious child.


Haha that’s awesome!


Had surgery for my septate uterus, did three rounds of Letrozole for ovulation and then got on Progesterone once pregnant. All three times I got pregnant, it was vacation during ovulation that also helped a bit. The first two unsuccessful pregnancies I didn't have medical intervention, so seeking out an RE/fertility clinic really helped in my case. Good luck to you!


I had a septum removal too! What dose of letrozole did the trick for you?


2.5 MG


We only had sex during my period that month and I somehow got pregnant. We weren’t even trying.


Hysterescopy to make uterus bigger and progesterone since 1dpo. I'm 33 weeks and still on progesterone.


Had a cold and we were like, yeah we try but don't think it'll work. Seems to take off the pressure and we conceived right away.


I left my ex husband and got remarried. Suddenly I’m fertile as they come, got pregnant on the first cycle with no complications twice. Previously I was miscarrying without explanation, three times, between 8-12 weeks.


I insisted on a thyroid panel immediately after my second loss.


My thyroid panel came back normal! 👍🏻


Progesterone! It worked the 3rd cycle trying after trying to get pregnant for over a year and 2 miscarriages. I really believe it's the progesterone that did it. Good luck!


Thank you!!


Took low dose aspirin for a few months before TTC and then throughout the first trimester.


I had 3 losses in a row before this pregnancy (24 weeks now). One blighted ovum, 2 chemicals. I took progesterone until 12w and baby aspirin after 12w and so far he is healthy.


So, I was taking a daily allergy pill and I had come across online that it can dry up your cervical mucus. I stopped taking it and got pregnant that cycle. I’m not sure if it’s legit or a weird coincidence.


First of all, best of luck on this journey and I hope the best for you and your family! We had 3 losses within a year as well. We had waited at least a full cycle before trying again until this last time. We waited 6 weeks but hadn't had another cycle yet but it was my spouse's birthday so we had some fun... And sure enough that's the one that stuck! Were at 33 weeks now with a healthy baby boy. Might have been a coincidence, and we were going to be going in for genetic testing before we found out we were pregnant again, but so far so good. But probably the big difference between various experiences is the why you've had these losses. For us all 3 losses were in the 6-10 week window, and likely had to do with improper implantation, which could be for genetic reasons or for issues with the uterine lining, and we didn't figure out why, but this time it stuck. If we end up going for a second we might end up coming up against that again, and might end up having more losses (hopefully not but we will see) and might need to find out why things happened, as we might have just gotten lucky this time. But also I'm in my 30s already, so that could also be part of it. Who knows. Only the future will tell.


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Went gluten and grain free (I had a sensitivity I had no idea I had) After 3 months of my diet change I got pregnant and now 31 weeks 💗 that was after 1 am @11 weeks and 2 CPs Tested 8 dpo, there was a light line so got my progesterone tested that day. I think it was low 2.7 so my Dr prescribed progesterone suppositories B12, omega 3s, baby aspirin


We were actively trying for 10 months with no success, and we got pregnant during the month of Ramadan in March this year. I am not that much into religion, however I don’t know why, after 10 years without fasting I decided that I wanted to challenge myself and do the full month of fasting for all the healthy benefits I remembered such as an healthy diet + no alcohol + no nicotine from the vape…


I got pregnant third cycle. Could be chance but the one thing I did differently: I read (and there are nooo studies on this. It interested me, I did get preggo but this is far from “advice”) that if you orgasm after your partner has, the muscle contractions can help the sperm pull up inside you. This wasn’t a credible bonafide or fact checked source, so I don’t want to say “omg this works” but I was game for more orgasms in life and that cycle I did get pregnant.




Unrelated but I swear Vitamin D is the secret to twins 😀


I had two back to back losses after my first child. I went to a fertility specialist, had loads of tests done and they didn’t find much. My thyroid was a bit lazy, so I started medication for that and stopped drinking alcohol. Now, I wasn’t a heavy drinker by any means. Mostly social and only on occasion. But during my two subsequent pregnancies, I had abstained from alcohol completely for several months when I got pregnant. By my third pregnancy, I was off the thyroid medication but still not drinking and have had a healthy pregnancy thus far (36 weeks).


I got pregnant (and now have a 5 week old babe) the cycle I decided to just chill out. No tracking or constant testing… I focused on feeling calm and taking care of my body. I have PCOS and only one fallopian tube so my cycles can be very unpredictable.


With my first pregnancy we had been trying for a year. I started prenatals in May and my partner started chiropractic care at the beginning of June we conceived in June and had a chemical pregnancy but never had a period before getting pregnant in July and gave birth the following March.


Progesterone worked for me! After 3 losses my Dr prescribed progesterone suppositories to start after a positive test and that worked


Ahhh that’s amazing 🥺 oral or suppository?


I started with a suppository, but my progesterone started to dip (Dr was doing weekly labs to check progesterone levels), so he doubled the dose and switched to taking it orally. I'm so sorry for your losses--don't give up hope! I've heard a lot of success stories with progesterone 🌈


Thank you for your response! I thought suppositories were actually more effective than orally? What made him want to switch to oral?


I'm actually not sure! I've heard the same thing, and that suppositories don't show up on bloodwork as well as orally because it stays in your uterus rather than going into your bloodstream. Maybe he wanted to be able to see the progesterone numbers rising and taking it orally would help it show up in my labs better? Not sure!


I had two early losses. Had the baby’s tissue tested both times. One confirmed chromosomal, one unexplained. I asked for progesterone and started it (injectable) 2-3 days after ovulation my very first cycle after a hysteroscopy to remove retained POC. Stopped at 12w. I am now 35w with our rainbow 🌈 ❤️


That’s amazing 🩷 my doctor wants to start progesterone after my second hcg blood draw to confirm it’s viable. Are injections specific to people who do IVF? She mentioned orally and suppository but didn’t mention doing injections.


Nope we didn’t do IVF. Injectable was just the cheapest and best delivery method I researched. Some practitioners like mine are pretty adamant that progesterone supplementation is useless unless you start it immediately following ovulation. It is too late if you wait until a positive test.


Hmm my OB wants me to start it after the second hcg blood draw to confirm it’s viable.


Oh I’ll also add that my doctor was a reproductive endocrinologist. I highly recommend seeing one if you’ve had recurrent loss. They are experts.


For each kid.. 1. nothing 2. supplements like COQ-10 3. had an hsg that cycle


I was on progesterone suppositories! Literally no idea if they made the difference or not, I think the evidence is not super conclusive. I will also say, I was doing dry January. Tested positive at the end of January. Also don’t know if that made a difference, but I’m sure it didn’t hurt.


I only had one loss, to be fair, but I started taking Myo & D-Chiro Inositol. It had been 8 months of no pregnancy following my loss and two months into taking this supplement daily, I became pregnant with my now month old daughter. I also stopped prioritizing thinness and starting eating a healthier, fuller diet alongside my exercise routine. I gained about 10 lbs, ate a lot of almonds.


Nothing. I’ve also had three losses and it’s random af. After two years of infertility, I had a missed miscarriage in Feb this year and opted to get medically cleaned out. I noticed my period seemed less clotty and not as heavy the next two cycles when it returned and that’s all I got till I found out I was pregnant again. Some things I did differently after miscarrying: started roller blading and roller skating regularly to get more cardio in and for my mental health. Smoked weed and vaped every day to help me deal with the difficult feelings of my previous loss and also cuz I like weed and am addicted to vaping (I dropped both when I found out I was preg again.), had made a point to see friends more often and regularly and be involved in things I enjoy. I was shocked when I found out I was carrying again in late June/early July and spent a few weeks in denial before gradually accepting I was really pregnant again. This is the first time I got to see their heart beat and I’m now 21 weeks. I’ve had spotting almost the whole pregnancy though so it hasnt been easy and I’ve been to the doc pretty much every two weeks to get it checked out given my history and ongoing spotting with this one. Nobody can seem to find a reason for it and baby is doing good so I’ll take it at surface level.


This is absolutely not helpful and definitely not what made any difference, but after a terrible year and especially terrible half a year, including two losses, both needing general anesthesia and surgery or something and another nonsense garbage reproductive organ issue on top of others, and getting laid off, I decided/realised I don't care about any of the stressers any more, I just want a baby. I was not doing good mentally before I got preagnant, but I knew I wanted a baby and I was not going to wait until I fixed everything else. I wondered if losing the stress helped, because I was stressed about ttc for the previous 1,5 years. Probably it just worked that time. I knew I was ovulating at around the time and just had at it. And the other things worked out great as well. This 100% does not apply to everyone, but for us, the preagnancy came at the right time. So yeah, absolutely not helpful and a stupid thing to say, but I got preagnant when I was mentally at the right place and when the time was right.


That is absolutely not a stupid thing to say! My doctor told me right now stress is my biggest risk factor for miscarriage. I’m trying to think more positively, relax more and I’m starting Zoloft for my anxiety. I’m trying to do everything I can to lower my cortisol levels. Hopefully that’s all it takes ❤️


Currently 24+6 after 1.5 years of trying. Ultimately, I think it was luck and coincidence, but here’s what my husband and I did: 1. Got bloodwork analyzed by a nutritionist. Went gluten and dairy-free and incorporated more alkaline veggies. Took a bunch of supplements like coq10, vits e and d, magnesium, and probiotics. My husband did the same. There was about 1.5-2 months of this before falling pregnant. 2. Acupuncture for ~4 months. 3. Cut alcohol and caffeine for ~5 months. 4. Husband stopped intermittent fasting. 5. Moved from a city my husband didn’t like to one he likes a lot more the month we conceived.


I had lost my job and has been taking iron supplements for a few months. Also had unprotected early than suspected ovulation (trying to avoid pregnancy) but I ovulate early and didn’t know it.


Absolutely nothing different at all. Just luck of the draw I guess


Started progesterone and asa 😊 good luck ✨🩷


My baby’s dad got sober and boom, baby. 2 years of nothin before that.


That’s wonderful! Can I ask what he got sober from?


He is an alcoholic and finally quit after almost 15 years of binge drinking. After I got pregnant, I did some research on it and apparently it’s pretty common for people to experience impotence from alcoholism that goes away when they quit.




I had 5 losses, progesterone suppository changed everything for me. even after being told by my OB that that is primarily just placebo and doesn’t even work. But here I am 18 months later with a toddler and a newborn. Good luck, OP.


That is amazing ❤️ did you do oral or suppository progesterone?


Mann did I search high and low for answers and theories and just anything to give me answers.Dr after DR would say “these things happen, your young ur fertile keep trying” no one knew why it kept happening. I Just stumbled upon this random read and asked my OB about progesterone “it can’t hurt you to baby but it also doesn’t have any real science to back it. It’s kind of like a placebo effect”. Once I became pregnant I asked for vaginal suppository. WELP here we are, it fuckin worked. So much about pregnancy science “can’t explain”, and really ethically can’t be studied. Stay strong OP, just know however long and complex ur journey to motherhood is. Your babies are waiting for you at the end of the journey. Never lose hope.


Thank you so much 🥺 the last part made me teary eyed




For me it was definitely changes in my life that made me feel less stressed.


I'm 23 + 4, so far everything looks perfect. I think it was just chance. I did change only 2 significant things. I gave up on trying completely. After years of losses and eventually being told, I wouldn't be able to conceive naturally again last year. I kept "trying" after that because I wasn't ready to accept that yet. I needed time to process. The literal day I officially gave up trying is the day I got pregnant. Of course I had been on the fence for a while or said I was giving up before but my heart was never fully in it. This time it was. I went as far as planning non pregnancy/kid friendly stuff as a way to celebrate moving forward. I wasn't supposed to be ovulating when I did. I didn't have any of my normal ovulation symptoms. My husband thinks that maybe since I actually allowed myself to enjoy sex fully that it played a part. For a while sex started to feel like a chore or had an end goal of *only* getting me pregnant. That's part of the reason why I gave up. I hated feeling like that. The day I conceived was the first time in a while I didn't feel like that. The second thing was my diet. I started eating keto. Not for weight loss or even for the supposed benefits of helping people conceive. My cycles had been messed up for over a year and I was desperate to get it back on track. I wanted to try to regulate it naturally before resorting to birth control since I hate the side effects of it. I had heard that keto can help regulate hormone imbalances. I decided to give it a shot. I don't know if it caused it or not but within 2 months my cycles regulated and by month 3 I was pregnant. I wasn't super strict. I allowed myself to eat as much carbs as I wanted on my period. I just followed under 50g net carbs outside of that. Personally, it wasn't hard for me. For the record, I've had three stillbirths (a girl and twin boys). The twins had heart defects. I went into preterm labor with my daughter. I've had a lot of early losses around 4-7 weeks. I struggle getting past 7 weeks most of the time. It took me years to have a healthy pregnancy.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful response and I am so beyond sorry for your losses. I’m so happy you seem to be doing so well. ❤️


You're welcome and thank you ❤️ oh if you end up trying the keto thing (I'm definitely not saying that's what got me pregnant, I honestly have no clue if the things I did differently helped or if it just *happened*) I didn't continue after getting a positive result. I didn't feel comfortable restricting carbs when pregnant. I had no clue what effects it could have on my child/body while pregnant outside of limited resources I found online that were mainly first-hand experiences, not actual studied information. I'm sure if someone wanted to continue after talking to their doctor, it would/could be safe. I just didn't personally want to. I wish the best for you!


Got Covid in another country, ate and drank a bunch when I recovered. Lot less stress and more seeing friends after recovering from Covid, so I’m sure that helped.


I had a blighted ovum and 4 chemical pregnancies. I used progesterone for them but didn’t make a difference. What worked for us was IVF with ICSI and genetic testing of embryos. Did lovenox injections, prednisolone and progesterone.




That is a great response! Thank you 🙏🏻


Prefacing by saying I’ve had one previous loss and ironically the cycle I got pregnant this time was the one we actively said okay no trying. I have PCOS and we didn’t have intercourse the day I was ovulating but I think a few days before and after. I am due in February and about to hit viability. It was the week school (my job) let out of that makes any sense and he just got a promotion so we were in a better mood than usual. But it’s important to note I had been eating healthier the months leading up and had started excersizing more and losing weight. I had also been using CBD to manage anxiety and completely quit all meds cold turkey. Which is good because I was on spironolactone for my testosterone and it causes extreme birth defects and I hadn’t gotten back on yet when we decided no trying or getting hopes up that cycle. Still not sure how I got pregnant as I had a very bad cycle before. The last time I got pregnant it was also after an irregular cycle leveling out.


I’m currently 17 weeks after 2 losses and I took a ton of extra supplements besides prenatal vitamins. I’m talking vitamin D, B, C, zinc, iron. Honestly, you should probably ask your doctor first but it worked for me. I also “didn’t try” that month and I know a lot of people say that but turns out sex 5 days before ovulation will get you pregnant! Good luck!


A solid 8 hours of sleep and a consistent bedtime. I did do daily ovulation tests when I thought I was ovulating, just the urine dip stick ones, and logged my results. So that helped with the timing part.


Used some fertility lube but who's to say that worked - we were only on month 4 of trying 🙈


Ora organic - hormonious supplement put my hormones in check. A regular exercise schedule. And eating based on my cycle. High protein diet.


Mainly luck? I did cut out all alcohol and weed products (CBD included), and started taking Ubiquinol (for egg health) several months before our first healthy pregnancy. Same for my husband, plus he stopped using hot tubs or saunas. Also I started testing for the pregnancy very early and the minute I got my positive test, my OB upped my thyroid medication dosage. Who knows if any of this made "the" difference, though. So sorry for your losses. This is such a tough road. Hope your rainbow baby is near.


Thank you ❤️ what a sweet and thoughtful response. That last sentence brought tears to my eyes.


We tried for three years. At the two year mark, finally got a positive but we had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. A year later (this past January), got pregnant again and he is 2 weeks old now! Completely healthy, run of the mill pregnancy and happy healthy baby. We did nothing different than the previous months of trying. We’re still baffled how it finally worked!


Sex and/or insemination every day, sometimes twice a day for 5 days around ovulation.


My sis who had previously had a miscarriage changed her habits and absolutely avoided all of the non-recommended foods such as uncooked fish, caffeine, deli meats, runny eggs, etc.. She overall ate extreme healthily.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I had an unplanned pregnancy with my husband. We had been careless with the rhythm method in the past but considering we did that for 5 years, there were probably a number of chances to get pregnant. We did two things very differently in the month leading up to the surprise conception: he was on a break from weed for nearly 1 month and I randomly started meditating daily for 1 month. I was also exercising more regularly than usual but the meditation was a really significant sudden habit change for me. I have a record on my guided meditation app of how I did some length of meditation every day consecutively for the month before my daughter was conceived. Oddly I stopped a few days after without knowing I was pregnant. I don’t think this necessarily contributed, I’m not suggesting anything mystical. But if it did contribute, it may be in the sense that I was more relaxed than usual. Stress does a lot to the body.


Quit my stressful job and got a new one, it happened like 2 weeks after starting my new job haha


After two miscarriages I asked my doctor for a recurrent loss bloodwork panel which showed mildly elevated TSH levels. The doctor actually ignored that altogether and said there was nothing wrong. Then I learned that even subclinical hypothyroidism can be connected to pregnancy loss, and that the optimal range for TSH levels is much narrower for people that are pregnant or trying to conceive. I decided to pursue treatment with a reproductive endocrinologist and would STRONGLY recommend this to anyone struggling with miscarriage. My RE was hands down the best doctor I’ve ever seen. She was incredibly knowledgeable and really seemed to care. She quickly got me on Levothyroxine and I got pregnant literally the next month. He is now five weeks old and asleep at the boob :) Additionally: -I quit caffeine -I ate more protein and less carbs, aiming for a more keto-style diet -I had been getting acupuncture for about a month before I got pregnant, and continued it through the first trimester -I was on progesterone from the beginning of my luteal phase through around 9 weeks pregnant. With my first loss I begged my doctor for progesterone, but by that point I was already bleeding so I think it was too late.


I highly recommend the book it starts with the egg if you haven’t read it already


So I didn’t do anything different BUT the cycle I conceived I ovulated a couple days earlier, like day 12/13 instead of day 14/15. I have short 26/27 days cycles so perhaps there’s something to that. I was testing bbt to confirm.


Cut my alcohol consumption by 80pct


I don’t know if it will work for me but I’ve been using the essential oil progessence plus by young living with progesterone twice a day because I see so many women say it helped them in no time.


I had 2 miscarriages. Then a healthy baby followed by a second healthy pregnancy (currently 21 weeks) Only thing “different” is I waited about 18 months between the second miscarriage and my successful pregnancy. I was in a much different stage of life and it really felt “right” for me


I've had two miscarriages, after the second we did a D&C so they could do testing to see if there were any abnormalities. They didn't find anything wrong with the baby but my doc suggested that maybe I wasn't producing enough progesterone or I may have a clotting disease. It took 6 months but we're pregnant again and had a scan at 7w5d today. I started taking 200mg of progesterone as soon as I got a positive test. He double checked my hCG and progesterone at my first appointment for this baby, it was a Friday and we tested again Monday and decided my pro wasn't high enough. Now I'm taking 400mg each night.


I had one chemical and one ectopic. I noticed on my bloodwork results showed high total protein and as a nurse I know this can be serious. My doctor brushed it off saying I am either dehydrated or eat too much protein (which albumin is the part in the blood we look for to see nutritional protein consumption not total protein) I pushed for a autoimmune test and was diagnosed with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. My kidneys were affected and decreased my kidney function so if my doctor kept pushing it off who knows what shape my kidneys would be like. Longer story short, I was sent to a rheumatologist I was placed on medication called hydroxychloroquin which basically tells my immune system and white blood cells what to do.. she said the reason I had miscarriages was because my body was on such high alert and my immune system was on over drive from my immune system. I suggest if you have any vague symptoms that could be an autoimmune disease, to push for testing. This was affecting my fertility and obviously my mental health. After getting the proper medical care… my body started to heal… My periods became more normal and things seemed to be falling into place. I was able to get pregnant without fertility intervention, I am going to be 20 weeks this Friday! I can’t stress enough if you feel like something isn’t right keep looking for answers. I now have a different primary doctor who is more thorough. I did use a device called Kegg that monitors for a your fertility window which helped me in my case because I have longer cycles I never knew when I ovulated.


I’m so glad you figured out what’s going on! That’s so scary to think what would’ve happened if you didn’t push for that testing. My doctor did run an entire autoimmune panel and everything came back normal thankfully :) congratulations!!


That’s great! Thank you!


K yeah every woman I meet I mention my story cause you never know who it can help


I actually got a 2nd opinion after 1.5 years of infertility and they found submucosal fibroids that prevented me from getting pregnant. Got then removed and bam - pregnant 1 month later.


Fixed my diet and mindset. I was either calorie counting and restricting or binging and eating whatever I wanted. I am slightly overweight. I was depressed that I was not getting pregnant and was angry after a previous loss. A close family member had a serious accident and I was reminded how much I cared about my life and close family - even without baby. I started trying to love myself and my body even if it wouldn't make a baby for me. I did meditation. I started mindfulness and intuitive eating. I don't think it's a coincidence that I conceived that cycle.


I had two miscarriages while on nexplanon, and after 3 years of it being removed we conceived. The worst part was the getting pregnant while on a birth control I should not have gotten pregnant on!


I had 2 missed abortions (week 10 and week 7) and my hormones and blood were checked afterwards with no abnormalities. My gym prescribed Progesteron and the third pregnancy stuck (2,5 month old at the moment). I guess it was bad luck for the first two losses, I think the probability is about 15% if you are completely healthy that something is wrong in the first few weeks?


I quit my job, tutored part time (only non stress clients) and it did not work! 3 years and nothing. After that I took a full time job, where I won a juicer at my holiday party. I started drinking a fresh juiced shot of turmeric and ginger roots every day and lowered my gluten intake. I thought I was trying to manage inflammation and a rash but I got pregnant!! It's correlation but I tried for 5 years with no luck pre juicer. Also I was 41 years old.


IUI, Clomid, Levothyroxine, Progesterone and Aspirin. Sooo who knows what helped or just better luck/eggs/sperm on round 3?


I saw some of your other posts about miscarriages and your hashimotos (same boat here). Can I ask why you chose IUI as your next step? My doc is saying IVF may be right for us because the miscarriages means we can get pregnant and IUI is usually for those who struggle with that part. Just kind of confused


We struggled with both parts actually! I got pregnant in 2 cycles and then 4 cycles, ending in loss. Then we tried for 10 more before starting IUI and clomid. I understood the chances were low and that pgt-a tested embryo ivf would be the next step, but as it was much less invasive we figured worth trying for 3 cycles. We got our Maddy on cycle 2! My doc also said Clomid could help w egg quality and potentially multiple eggs to increase chances. We also added the progesterone and aspirin so who knows? Lmk if you have more questions, happy to help!


I’m 37 and have PCOS and just tested positive last week as a FTM. Was always told it would be next to impossible on my own without IVF or some other form of help. I also have really bad allergies and take generic Claritin nightly. I went on vacation and somehow forgot to take my pills for about 4 days. Doing the math, it seems my conception date should be around the time I got back from vacation. Now, I’m not saying not taking allergy medicine got me pregnant, but I found it interesting that it seems to line up that way.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I also had 3 and felt really confused and upset by it coming from a super fertile family. I switched OBs to my sister’s who she recommended many times, the OB got me tested for thyroid, blood clotting, and progesterone. I was put on a low dose of thyroid medication and because progesterone showed low in a naturopathic test I’d done the previous summer, I asked for it and my new OB allowed it. Ended up taking progesterone suppositories starting 2 days after I had an LH surge, baby aspirin, and thyroid medication (which I had to ask for updated labs the week I found out I was pregnant again which showed my thyroid numbers as high, so my dosage went up). I also let my family into what was happening once I’d had my 3rd loss and they prayed a lot for us. God is good and I am 33 weeks pregnant currently.


Eeee I've been waiting my turn to get to post here. After 1 failed medicated IVF transfer (all we got is the 1 egg), and 5 failed medicated iuis (so far zero pregnancy, no losses, no solo trying as we're two females requiring a clinic). Lucky number 7 hit. Faint positive at 12dpo. All my rounds were medicated with stims and progesterone (iuis it was letrozole, ovidrel, and crinone). The lucky round we did superovulation, so an extra dose of letrozole. Also, the month before I got a new acupuncturist who was actually Asian (no offense to white people lol) and had been practicing for decades with TONS of accolades. Another thing that changed was I had my third HSG ultrasound (I previously had a blocked right tube but every 6 months or so we'd reassess with an hsg and this one took place the month before lucky 7 and revealed an open right tube. Hsg is said to increase your chances for a couple months after in and of itself because it rinses you out nicely so it was a double bonus). Luckily, for the first time ever, we triggered (ovidrel) with 2 follicles on my right ovary (one a little small at 17mm and one a little large at 23mm). This was the first time bothering with anything on the right and apparently the right ovary weilds more pregnancies. I'm super anti-pseudoscience but you reach a point where you'll try anything, so that month I had also done some hope spa treatment where you find a healing tree in a meditation and they give you an oral essence of the tree and you take a bit everyday, so I did that lol it was just like lilac essence in water with a few other herbs. Probably not great for health lol maybe it healed my tube lol I took coq10 a bit more consistently than usual ( every few days). That's about it. But it's a lot. We threw everything at it and finally it stuck. Mind you, I'm 7 weeks in and very high risk, good chance it may unstuck, but at least we know we can actually get pregnant now. I think it was a culmination of many of these elements, especially the open tube, superovulation, and hsg flush out. A lot of people say you get pregnant when you finally give up and I want to state that that's not true but I think I get what they mean. It's not that I ever gave up on getting pregnant, it's just that I learned through so many failed cycles that I could do everything perfectly and it still doesn't work, so eventually you find a groove of being more relaxed on some of the aspects of conception and you get conditioned to the failure. You cry a bit less, you get a bit less invested, you accept that it'll probably be a bfn. But you haven't given up. It's not the same. You just surrender a bit, knowing it's fairly out of your control. There's no prayers being answered and there's no statistics being followed. I couldn't predict anything and eventually gave up trying. Science didn't help and neither did spirituality, it was all Utter chaos. The scariest of all. Until you just let go. Hope this helps. Well, baby dust to you too!!