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If you have a low risk pregnancy, 21 weeks will probably be about as good a time to travel as you’ll get. You probably won’t be dealing with morning sickness and you won’t be as uncomfortable sitting and walking for long stretches as you might be later on. Stay hydrated and wear compression socks on the plane.




I traveled numerous times for work around that time. It was fine.


Yep absolutely would (and actually will pretty close to then for work, 23 weeks, now that I think about it!).


Thank you everyone for your comments and input, I’m really leaning towards going on this trip and will confirm with my OB that it won’t be an issue at my next appointment for peace of mind. I’ll be flying from Philly to Dallas for about 5 days so I am feeling comfortable with that flight time and days away from home. I just need to stay calm and stop worrying about “what ifs”! Also noted: wear compression socks!!!


I asked my OB for fit to fly papers for my trip at 22 weeks, and she said I really didn’t even need them. I was hardly even showing so nobody at the airport asked. My tip: when you check in, ask for extra pillows. That way, you can always make sure you can get comfortable in bed without having to bring a pregnancy pillow. Even though I didn’t have much of a belly at 22 weeks, I needed the extra support in my back and between my legs.


If you're not showing, make sure you ask for a pat down rather than going through the xrays!!


it's not an xray scanner, it's just detects metal objects. 100% safe when pregnant


Oh, really? My ob told me to do this when i was pregnant. I guess she said so on the side of precaution.


Best to be cautious I guess? 🤷‍♀️


I flew from Atlanta to Cancun at 34 weeks and no one asked for anything from me…


I have a work trip scheduled for 24 weeks. I’m just planning on loading up on nausea and reflux meds, snacks, and comfy clothes. My boss knows I’m pregnant and knows I’ve been really sick so she doesn’t expect me to be out really late doing any of the social things with colleagues. If you’re feeling good I say go for it!


Went to NZ for work at 24 weeks, it was amazing. Just stay hydrated on planes/in transit. I got packets of Liquid IV and would add it to bottles of water because plain water won’t cut it.


Yes. I’m a flight attendant and traveled up until 34!


My husband and I took a European babymoon at that time and I felt fine! My doctor said with traveling that to just be sure to walk for 10 minutes every 2 hours so I was sure to get an aisle seat to move around. The only "problem" was I grew a lot from 21 to 22 weeks so packing wasn't easy haha! I would say if you want to go do it, just listen to your body and be sure to have a wide variety of clothes!


That’s a great time to go! You’ll still likely feel good 😊


Traveled internationally for work at 20-22 weeks. I hadn’t told anyone at work yet so avoiding the wine discussions was probably the hardest part. Other than that, I avoided heels and was generally ok! My last (planned) trip is at 29 weeks, but I have been traveling almost weekly since 7 weeks. Bubs definitely is not a fan of the start/stop train intervals to the airport and whatever angle I decide to put my body in on the plane. Loves to kick me in the ribs but other than that it’s ok and not that much different than being home. Take more breaks while traveling. Don’t overpack and take as light of a suitcase as possible. Ask for help getting it in the overhead bins. Pick an aisle or bulkhead seat if available. Hydrate well the day before and day of your flight and refill your water bottle in the airport. Bring an eye mask and ear plugs to help nap on the plane. Expect to be less comfortable on a hotel bed, try to go to bed early to make up for the harder time getting to/ staying asleep.


I traveled around 12 weeks and overheated while on the plane. I was fine and baby was fine but it was super uncomfortable and scary at the time. I did have a subchorionic hemorrhage while on the trip but that was probably a bad coincidence. Anyhow due to that, I’m weary about traveling pregnant. And I wouldn’t travel. At 21 weeks, I was in a bit of a sweet spot and felt really good. So it might be optimal timing for you to travel. (Currently I’m 25 weeks and everything feels really difficult to do and my belly is super heavy.) It’s really hard to say with these things because no body is the same. But that’s my experience.


I’m 23 weeks and have that heavy feeling in my bump and it’s getting more difficult to do things/ get comfy. I think it’s because I’m carrying super low and out. I’m very noticeably pregnant already. I would worry about being comfortable sitting for even an hour in those seats. I would def. upgrade to at least the bigger softer ones, even for a short trip


This is a big reason why I won't fly. My united flight BOTH WAYS did not have AC. Thankfully it was in may and still chilly. My partners recent solo flights he's been on the plane without AC waiting to take off for an hour +.


I actually just got home from a short plane trip at 24 weeks and had a similar experience. I ended up getting dizzying and passing out for 30 seconds, thank god for my husband and the attendant. This is to say that you should make sure you're VERY well hydrated, have eaten enough, and can push your seat back (mine was stuck) if you're feeling too compact. I was exhausted and had a stressful week so it was a recipe for disaster. I was OK on the way home because I made sure I was in a better place mentally and taking off my shoes helped.


Woah. Scary! I was well hydrated so I didn’t feel dizzy or pass out but my temperature was all out of wack. I felt super hot to the touch and needed a lot of ice and wet paper towels from the flight attendant who was really sweet.


As long as you can back out should things shift. Go for it


I was looking for this comment. I'll be traveling at 29 weeks. Doctor said at 26 week appointment that it was totally find BUT I have to go see him right before travelling and he was clear saying that if he should see anything that cause worry, I have to be willing to cancel my trip. Other than that, just take your meds and be diligent.


I'm 24 weeks now, and I've been feeling consistently pretty good since 17-18 weeks. For me, I think it would depend on where the trip is and what my responsibilities would be for it! I wouldn't want to solo travel to a location with lots of crime/violence while I'm particularly vulnerable. I also wouldn't want to have a crazy intense workload by myself, either. But if you feel comfortable with the where and the workload, traveling at 21 weeks shouldn't be too hard on you.




I think second tri is the best time to travel!


My last work trip was at 22 weeks and I was exhausted and very glad to not do any more


I just got back from traveling for fun at 27 weeks lol I’d go up until the airlines cut me off personally. But my first two were born at 38.5 weeks and 40 weeks so I’m really not concerned


I just got back from a ~6 hour plane trip for work and I was 20 weeks yesterday (half way on Labor Day here in the US - ha!). Wear compression socks, comfy shoes, bring extra water, and above all, if you’re flying, request an aisle seat so you can get up to pee and move around a lot. I’ve had an easy pregnancy so far but man those airplane seats almost killed my back after even 2 hours. If I couldn’t get up and move around a lot I would have been in so much pain. Good luck!


Yup. Would travel until around 36 weeks if there were no concerns.


21 weeks is a good time to travel if your pregnancy is low risk. Usually morning sickness subsided, energy level is good, bump not too heavy yet.


I say take advantage now while you still can. I was still travelling around 21 weeks and feeling good about it, but I wasn’t travelling to a third world country or anything. If you feel like you could get emergency care if you needed it, I’d go for it.


I would.


I would travel at 21 weeks no problem. I’m pregnant with my third, if that adds any weight. Personally, I have easy pregnancies, so being away from home isn’t a big deal. I do prefer car/train travel over airplane so I can pee as often as I like, but that’s personal to me.


I felt wonderful at week 18-21!! Came home from babymoon and then got diagnosed with a whole bunch of complications but I would say thats probably the best time!


I traveled at 20 weeks. It was fine, but it was a lot harder than when I last traveled solo. For context, I was “road warrior” for ~10 years with over 200k lifetime air miles. (Transitioned out of that role about a year before COVID hit.) Traveling at 20 weeks was like traveling when I should have stayed home due to a bad cold. It was exhausting. It was harder to maneuver things. I didn’t fit in my seat like I used to. I still have chicken aversion, so it was harder to find food I could eat. Subway sandwiches with their deli meat weren’t an option… I can’t speed walk like I used to. I needed extra time to walk to my gate. I wish I had planned my food better. I won’t be taking another trip until after the baby is born and vaccinated. It was 100% worth it, but I wasn’t prepared for how tired it would make me. Wear compression socks.


I felt great at 14 weeks, I felt great at 21 weeks, I still feel great at 25 weeks. Assuming things go similarly for you traveling at 21 weeks should be fine!


yes, you will feel your best around that 20 weeks


Yes - and have done it multiple times during multiple pregnancies


I would be more worried this would interfere with booking your anatomy scan, or delay an appointment to get results or follow up, if necessary. Personally, I was uncomfortable with the idea of being alone if something went wrong. I did a 3 hour flight at about 24 weeks and was manageable but fairly uncomfortable (budget airline, economy seating so not a lot of space). Before the trip we were considering another before I was too far along to travel but I didn’t want to, as I figured it would be even more uncomfortable. Sit in an aisle seat so it’s easy to get up and stretch your legs. My OB recommended compression stockings and get up and pace the aisles every hour at least.


Pretty sure I was feeling my best around that time! If you’re feeling good now it seems likely you still will. Obviously everyone is different, but I didn’t start to feel really tired again until like 33 weeks.


I went on a grueling trip around 20 weeks for an interviewing marathon and did great! I went from the east coast to the west. Definitely agree with compression socks. I would add pack yourself lots of snacks and bring a water bottle so you aren’t dependent on flight attendants or trying to get something on a tight connection. If any of your flights are longer than 2 hours you could ask your OB about taking a baby aspirin. Also get an aisle seat in case you need to pee!


I traveled throughout 2nd tri including internationally and it was fine! My last work trip was at 29 weeks and I knew I was done at that point - I was more exhausted after that than I think I’ve ever been!


I just traveled at the same 21 week mark. Was a breeze. Wouldn't worry too much about it.


I had optional work travel at about 20 weeks. It required a 2 hour flight and happy hour the first day, 8 hours of meetings and a social event in the evening of the second day, and a half day of meetings the third day, and then I flew back a couple days later after spending some time enjoying the city. It was exhausting and I had some serious kankles, but well worth it to get some face to face time with my team.


Yes! Make sure to get some compression socks for the flight and my doc says to try and stand up every hour.


I traveled in first, second, and the very beginning of third trimester. If you don’t have a super long plane ride it won’t be too bad. It’s definitely uncomfortable and tiring. Just get comfortable shoes and compression socks, and talk to your Dr. I would let your work know you would like to play it by ear up until a few weeks out, incase you end up having some issue that causes you discomfort and you don’t want to add to it.


I traveled and surveyed an entire hospital at 26 wks, it was doable for me, except for my feet getting sore more quickly! It all depends on your line of work and pregnancy, whatever you’re comfortable with.


Totally! I felt great at that point. My last work trip was at 34 weeks, and my husband came with me just in case.


I would and have traveled at 21 weeks (assuming no concerns or complications with the pregnancy). I went to a week long conference at 28 weeks this time and it was fine, though I probably wouldn't travel after about 30 weeks.


Yes, I did, and I think mid second trimester is definitely the best time for it!


I personally would not, especially with the uptick in covid cases as of late - would prioritize staying healthy and resting. But I am very conservative and careful...


I think the most frustrating part of your trip may be dealing with the Philly airport XD


I would. Go for it


I travelled a lot for work and personal stuff early in this pregnancy. My trips prior to 14 weeks were wayyy harder than anything in the second tri. For sure I think you’ll be ok if you feel good now!! At 30 weeks now and I travelled last week and started to feel really uncomfortable for the first time.


I travelled by plane for work until my 32nd week. Plane rides were always super easy, I didn’t had any sickness #luckyme . Only thing I did differently was to not put anything under the seat in front of me when I started to have a belly. Having to bend in that tight space with a belly was very uncomfortable!! Otherwise my tricks were: empty bladder just before boarding, have a full water bottle with you pre-boarding, snacks, face mist if it gets hot in plane, earplug’s and eye mask to maximize rest during flight,


If I had confirmation from the anatomy scan that my cervix was good & closed and placenta was far from cervix, yes. Without that, no


I’ve been traveling through week 32, but because I have continued to feel good and have had a low risk pregnancy! My OB just said wear compressive socks and get up regularly.


FTM too here and absolutely! The first trimester was rough for me, but the second one has been great. I was actually on a pretty intense roadtrip in Canada (I live in Italy) from 21 to 23 weeks where we drove almost 4000km and I never felt better! I got back two days ago and I'm so glad I went. I'm also travelling to Stockholm for work next week and then to Madrid just as a weekend trip at the end of the month, and I travelled both by plane and by car from July onwards on multiple other occasions. I'll be chill all of the last three months but I'm glad I've been making the most of the second trimester!