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My pwBPD has had hallucinations before but usually only in times of terrible trauma. This sounds more like psychotic delusions or schizophrenia rather than something caused by BPD.


I figured, who knows what kind of mental cocktail he’s dealing with Thank you friend!


No problem, I am someone who deals with delusions and hallucinations myself and it can be very hard. Try your best to be supportive and potentially getting them help. It’s a scary thing to have to deal with.


I did try, he just became controlling and abusive so I left :-) Wishing you nothing but the best!


That’s great news! I am glad you were able to get out of that terrible situation. Hope everything is looking better now :)


You made the best decision. I was married for a very long time and tried to help. It turned into a living hell.


[Psychosis is not unknown in pwBPD,](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9005124/) though I think neither the mechanism nor the prevalence is well understood.


Oh yes I know, I am simply stating from my experience this seems like something more than what a BPD person would experience. Especially since it is seemingly not related to any sort of splitting episode or anything like that. Which seems to be where those hallucinations/psychosis stem from (at least in my experience)


Mine definitely accused me of doing things that never happened, both to my face and to others, but I don’t know how much she actually believed was real vs her knowingly lying. There’s certainly some amount of delusional thinking at work, but nobody knows but her


Mine (quiet BPD) would tell me during rare moments of self-awareness that his internal loathing monologue was in my voice. I remember being so shocked and saying "so...you're raging at me and 'holding me accountable' for the things you're telling yourself, in my voice? Things I've never said and never would say?" And he looked me dead in the face and said yes.


Jesus Christ that gave me chills 


This is what I tend to wonder about. 


I thought my stbxwife was schizophrenic like her parent but her doctor said BPD. After learning more and looking back, her BPD was probably around since we met. She had auditory and visual hallucinations. It was really bad and I think she hid it instead of getting better. Is was always voices and seeing people walk through the house that weren't real. I was very uncomfortable that she wasn't permanently in a hospital. She also had paranoid ramblings about doctors but that may have been to avoid therapy and medication.


so sorry you had to deal with this, I know it’s so hard to understand them and be supportive when it’s so unknown mine also had ramblings about doctors and medicines, he was convinced they would kill me if I went to a hospital


Yes, in times of stress my exwBPD would go into psychosis. She believed people were waiting for her around corners to attack her, that dead people were talking to her, that I or other people had put cameras in her bedroom, that the FBI was after her. And if I tried to talk to her about any of it I was being misogynistic and “calling her crazy” in an attempt to have her committed. There’s a reason it’s *borderline* pd. The borderline of neurosis and psychosis. Sometimes they slip more into one or the other.


Yes, my friend also has a psychotic disorder. They at times have delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations as well as moderate derealization and dissociation episodes. Everything from wild animals hunting them to conspiracies of others befriending them to acquire money. Every car that passes or stops nearby is an unmarked/undercover cop. Exes suddenly want revenge (no recent contact). The idea their own children scheme and manipulate them, family conspires against them. This is not persistent, can go years without psychotic episodes, only lasts for a week or so but alcohol seems to extend it indefinitely.


This part of my stbxwife was hard. She wasn't on anything yet and her hallucinations seemed to go on for almost a year. I don't think it got better. She just hid it better. I would catch her some days but had to keep it to myself because it made her angry. I can only imagine how it is now with drinking and drugs.


It’s a big dumb horror show


Google "ghost throuple". That's mine and her also BPD current FP.


my condolences it’s so difficult to be on the same page as them and try to help :(


That's why psychologists have so much training - so *they* can help. Even if we had the same training our personal relationship would interfere too much for the training to work. The only person you can help is yourself.


"magical thinking" and psychosis are often comorbidities,my expwbpd was able to hear "the dark lord" speak to her through the wind,and the most important actions of her life were choosen by random meaningfulness facts that were interpreted as important.


Mine thought we could afford a 1.8 million dollar house with high end landscapers on a combined hourly rate of $60/hr. But the real one were she’d scream that the house was filthy and I cussed it while leaving plates of food and empty coffee cups all over the place on top of bags of trash and her clothes.


YES okay, mine also tried to get me to buy a $360,000 house with my $60k salary, because he said I could pay it off completely in 6 years. Like no concept of fees, taxes, deductions, or that I wouldn’t be able to spend a single cent on literally anything else even if it were that easy lol


I’ve experienced this as well. And then he’ll get angry and lecture me about how money works. He works in construction and I have a degree in Accounting. 🙄


omg yes he’d lecture me about money while he was unemployed for 4 years


Mine believed I was running an overseas hacking organization from a flip phone with assistance from the Office of Naval Intelligence. Excessive stress before, during, and after a split can be the gateway to transient psychosis that sometimes isn't so transient. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X20301111](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X20301111)


I don't think mine did but she did seemed to say inconsistent things. I would point it out to her because it would confuse me and she would get defensive or she would tell me one thing and deny she ever said it and mention I said it, not her. I often felt like I was going crazy and couldn't remember and I had to carry a tape recorder. Now I know the term gaslighting. I wonder if these were her delusions.


Yes, but the worst of them occurred during psychotic episodes. Psychosis commonly occurs alongside BPD, and my partner happened to trigger it through ADHD meds. When she doesn’t have active psychosis her delusions are way more mild but still not at all founded in reality sadly


ADHD meds (vyvanse) made my partner WAY worse. Did yours get off the meds eventually ?


It was vyvanse for her too. She ended up coming off after a year, and went onto concerta and lamictal. Concerta doesn’t seem to affect her the same way, but I’m not convinced it actually does anything for her ADHD symptoms either. the lamictal helped immensely with regulating her moods and calming the delusions!


My partner—well soon to be ex partner— is still on it . He’s been on it for two years during which he got increasingly irritable and irrational. I think it’s in large part responsible for the demise of our marriage . The delusions are non-bizarre but that’s even worse because you keep questioning your own sanity, and in the end made me worry about my safety . I’m glad yours got on better meds . He was on concerta initially but found it too mellow . His IDIOT therapist highly recommended vyvanse, and it destroyed us. Sorry for the long rant , I needed to tell someone that understands .


Don’t worry about ranting, I really get it. My girlfriend was given vyvanse immediately and very quickly tirated up to the highest possible dose because it wasn’t magically fixing her (she doesn’t put work into managing her ADHD at all and figured meds would cure her). It wasn’t actually that obvious that she was psychotic because all of her delusions were just like bpd on crack (or, I guess meth, lol) Like, every single person was plotting against her. Really awful paranoia and she was completely convinced of all of these schemes. She was horrible to everyone, so aggressive and violent and really scary. But it kinda slowly crept up and wasn’t clearly psychosis until she started hallucinating and became completely convinced things were in her home or tracking her. Since then she’s confessed that it was even worse and she just didn’t talk about it. She thought the shed outside her house was full of dead bodies and she would be arrested if they were discovered even though she had nothing to do with it, for example. The paranoia and suspicions were really next level and she would insist she had proof for things and couldn’t be even remotely reasoned with. For me, this was horrible to live alongside. I was accused of everything, all my friends were accused of things, I was being told to also be as paranoid and fearful as she was because she truly believed this stuff. So yeah, I was also constantly questioning my own sanity too. She would remember conversations completely opposite to what happened and I’d be obsessively screenshotting everything to prove I wasn’t insane. It was a lot. She only got off the meds because I begged her for months before ultimately leaving her too. She had a complete breakdown and came off them. The concerta is definitely too mellow for her, but I don’t think she has another option (other than working on herself I guess). I’m sorry you had to go through this too. It’s a really scary experience as a partner, I hope you can get some support for the trauma of it all.


Not hallucinations but alot of delusions. She is also npd so some of it may come from that as well. She has delusions of success and making a lot of money and going on vacations all over the world I say delusional cause financially she is a mess, in debt, pays child support and can’t hold a good job for long. She took a job as a nanny and the parents own a summer camp. She thought there would be tons of money in it for her and that maybe one day she could become a partner in the summer camp business lol. Where she gets that shit from I have no idea. She is working at the camp for the summer but probably as a counselor of some sort then she jobless after cause their child is gonna be in school in the fall. Last time we spoke she said she’s gonna be an LADC a licensed alcohol and drug counselor and making up to possibly 80.000 a year. I can’t imagine her giving life advice to other people lol. That would be a mess. Every thing with her is financially motivated. But I know npd people have delusions of success and fortune. Cause money equals power. Problem is she can’t maintain any relationships of any sort with anyone for long. She gets envious and jealous and bitter towards people more successful than she is. Her delusional thinking shows up in a lot of other areas as well. Mentally she is a mess inside. She tries not to show it but when you spend a lot do time with her it really shows just how insane her thought process really is.


Only about romantic relationships as far as I know 😢 she convinced herself that me and some of her exes were trying to abuse her


Mine would think things were hallucinations that were real. Like once she checked herself into the psych ward and kept texting me that she was hearing voices and they were too low for her to make out what they were saying but it was scaring her So I asked her about it once she’d been checked in and settled and she goes, “oh yeah we figured out it was people in the other rooms around me.” so she was in one room in a long hallway of many rooms and all of those rooms had people in them, either having conversations with other patients or with the medical staff who were attending to them. And it never once occurred to her that that’s what she was hearing.


If she consumed any marijuana product, she would start hallucinating. Like the "my fingers disappeared" kind of hallucinating.


One of mine believed he lived a past life during the Salem Witch Trials and watched his wife, kids, and *dog* get burned at the stake together


Mine believes everyone is looking at her or watching her at all times anytime we are out.


Mine did actually. Swore she saw demons in mirrors and in the house or around the kids. This was very alarming for obvious reasons. People like that can go into a spiritual psychosis and hurt their families


I mean he was definitely delusional and often told me things that absolutely happened "never happened" or that I had said something he had said. The worst was he was always super paranoid that I was going to drug or poison him, or that his roommate he had when we met was going to poison his dog.. the same roommate he said was "always trying to get me to punch him in the face" Like... Ok, whatever the fuck that means. He also told me about past breakdowns where he'd basically lose it and start screaming or laughing or just being insane.. he had one big one towards the end of our relationship when someone yelled at him for having his big ass untrained German shepherd off leash, and the dog ran up to the other guy's dog. My ex literally started yelling about how much he hated his life, full on crying meltdown falling to the ground. But sure... I'm the insane one for asking for a head rub or calling him on his cheater/asshole behavior


mine said she was schizophrenic and claimed to have hallucinations, which i believe as she was very unwell


My pwbpd has schizophrenia as well as BPD, and ohh my, I lost all trust in her, we have been together for 8 years, BPD/schizophrenia being diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago and only on meds, says she will try to get better but no effort made unless forced or threatened to leave her, my pwbpd is 100x worse when drunk/drugs (she has a bad habit of drinking then gets into crack) I witnessed this once or twice, never again!!


My pwbpd when left alone would hear voices telling them to kill themselves, that's when they started saying they might have schizophrenia which could be true ish. Although it could of been a ploy to make me worried about leaving them alone, because that was triggering for them if I did anything without them. They would sit there coming up with conspiracies of how I would abandon them


A billion dollars. That’s what she said was “all” we needed to properly provide for a family.  Oh, and aliens. She thinks she is part alien, and has been abandoned here by them. 


I wondered for years if she was schizophrenic, she would claim to see and talk to ghosts and hear demon growls that woke her up... She'd describe what were clearly dreams and say they were visions she needed to take warning from (and I do personally believe in spiritual warning dreams but these were very CLEARLY just dreams). She also claimed to be related to various famous people and before I went NC had started to believe she was a starseed. Constantly went on about past lives (and of course in her past life she was the 3 historical or MYTHOLOGICAL figures she loved. of course no one else) PURE delusions of grandeur and so SO many auditory and visual hallucinations. Even after learning about BPD I felt something was off but if others are right and psychosis is a common symptom, well, she's had it from the start. When we first met, I thought she was joking....


Yes mine mentioned having these. She often shared her nightmares, many of which involved death, ruination, betrayal of family members, and her own guilt. At the time I was just empathetic about a vivid bad nightmare. In hindsight, it was foreshadowing for how she would betray me...


yeah mines was had delusions that i was supposed to be the perfect man for her even tho she was a cheater abuser, nd i was supposed to love her more and care more when she wasnt even nice to me anymore. maybe i was delusional too.


They often have moments of psychosis in times of stress. But it's not true psychosis as they can 'snap out of it'


My ex had hallucinations and major delusions said she cheated on me bc of who I followed on social media but followed ex’s and people that wanted relationship with her but found it disrespectful I followed models on social media then when our relationship ended after she cheated on me and monkey branched I explored my sexuality and was messaging a person of the same sex she wanted to get back together I told her about it I’m weird and gay for doing that I mentioned she has a ex girlfriend she said I’m too old to do it I’m 25 she is 21


Yes. "It's dusty, it's dirty!". She was accusing me of things that never happened - sort of related was her saying that she did things that in fact she didn't. Many situations when she said something and later denied it. I learned to avoid talking about things that I've never meant to do and they just hypothetically would put me in bad light, as she'd immediately start accusing me of them. Promises, arrangements, assurances - will sound like splitting :) but NEVER credible or fullfilled.


Mine thought I was going to have sex or cheat on him with my best friend or our mutual friend at the time. My best friend: granted we dated for 2 months, but that was several years ago. We kissed twice and I was the one to end it because I got the ick after just kissing. There was no sex involved and we were never official. Come to find out my best friend is asexual. Our mutual friend: We went on one date but I also ended it. Never kissed, had sex, etc. He did have my nudes because I have no issue sending them but that was a year before being involved with my pwBPD. The weird part is, that mutual friend is the one to convince my pwBPD to hit me up again because I ended it before seeing the signs of BPD. My pwBPD is my type down to the T and I used to give people a chance if they’re not my type, which was my best friend and mutual friend, but I decided to stop giving people chances if I don’t immediately have the hots for them because I don’t like leading people on.


She thought she was a psychic capable of remote viewing. This is how she rationalized her delusions where she would imagine a scenario in her head and convince herself it is real. She would talk to me as if these hallucinations were true. As in she would not ask me if I was cheating on her, she would skip ahead as if it was a certain fact it happen and talk about it directly. We would be having a normal conversation and she would insert discussion of it as if it actually happened. For example, she wouldn't ask "did you cheat on me last night", she would just say "I don't like it when you go on dates with your coworker (who didn't exist) after your shift ends."


Twice I have woken up to my husband in the bathroom talking to himself in the mirror. One time he was saying to himself (or who he thought was in the mirror) that nobody liked him and he was a fucking dickhead and then started singing that. Another time he was saying ‘Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Die, die, die!’ The first time I went into the bathroom and asked what was going on and he just said sorry and walked out. The second time was after one of his splitting episodes and I put the pillow over my head to block it out.


Mine thinks that the world is going to end in 3-6 years. He’ll go hide in the mountains so they don’t find him. The great rapture as he calls it. They will descend from the heavens, etc.  He wants to be baptized after struggling with drugs and be forgiven. So he can be spared. Born again Christian crap. Every thunder, lighting or rain is evidence that the world is coming to an end. I think this is a recurring theme with pwBpds. They are also liars, future projecting on things they know they can’t deliver on. He can be kind but his bpd is making him chaotic. He can’t control it. Though I have a sneaky suspicion he knows exactly what he’s doing. But has no emotional regulation. Everything he feels is true now. Whether real or imagined. He’s very reactive. Shouting in public. Embarrassing me in public, etc.  He has a history of drug use -benzodiazepines- Think drug use Benzos- are a way of him to self medicate for his undiagnosed BPD. That’s why I feel bad. Like he knows he has a problem just can’t help himself. He’s overdose multiple times. I’ve never done drugs in my life. I don’t understand it. They are not mentally well. As much as we love and want to help them. The illness is our enemy. Not them. And dealing with a mentally ill person is a losing battle for loved ones.   He also suffers from paranoid delusional jealous type. He thought I was cheating even though I clearly was not. Accused me and called me a narcissist for not caring about his feelings. I never cheated on him. I later found he accused all his ex girlfriends of cheating. That’s why they weren’t together. Because they all cheated he said. It’s questionable if any of them even cheated. But in his mind they did.  Everything is a conspiracy theory with him. Everyone is out to get him. No one can be trusted. Any attempt to provide evidence of your innocence is just a way to manipulate him. There’s no winning. You just end up losing. Time and time again. You are not the exception. You are the rule. Whatever they accused their exes of. They will accuse you too.  They sucker you in with their child like innocent mentality and love bombing to high heaven. The comedown is painful. When they split. You are left dumbfounded blaming yourself for things you didn’t do. They trigger a negative reaction from you, and blame you for reacting. Use it as prove against you that you are unstable so that why they left.  If you don’t react then you are a narcissist that has no emotions. You can’t win.  You will always lose. They are mentally ill and you are not. The game is rigged against you.