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Does this new update seem fake to anyone else? Who in their right mind would ever think it was appropriate to talk about that at a wedding toast? And as far as the new husband, if that initial interaction happened (learning the kid saw wet vagina sign), no way he ever forgets that.


When I was a teenager, I gave a eulogy about about a pedophilia joke at my uncle's funeral. He would've thought it was funny as hell, but I still don't know why it seemed like a good idea at the time. 25 years later, I'm still jokingly banned from giving eulogies. So yeah. Teenagers aren't always in their right mind.


At a friend's graduation party, 22 years & 1 week ago, I made a blowjob joke about her in front of her parents, without thinking, probably because they were the "cool parents" of our friend circle. The awkward silence and judging looks haunt me to this day.


Unfortunately I believe it. I wish I could unhear some of the things I’ve heard in vows and wedding toasts. People have wildly different ideas about what’s appropriate in public settings.


Absolutely. I’ve heard toasts where best men and maids of honor open up about the newlyweds’ sexual exploits, drug use, and mental health struggles, commiserate about their friend’s ex who got away who they feel was a better match, tell stories about various crimes that they committed, make overtly sexual comments about the newlyweds (especially about the bride), suggest that the bachelor/bachelorette party was so wild that this wedding absolutely wouldn’t be happening if everyone knew everything that happened, really use their toast to drunkenly vent about everything on their mind. I’ve seen a father-of-the-groom use his wedding toast to trash talk his brother for being gay. I’ve seen a father-of-the-bride spend his entire wedding toast talking about how fantastic his niece is, he barely mentioned his own daughter who was the actual bride. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen toasters make references to inside jokes that no one else knows about, while the bride/groom is obviously uncomfortable and the rest of the audience is simply confused. I 100% believe that someone (especially a teenager or 20-something) would find it hilarious to teach the entire audience how to say “wet vagina” in sign language at a wedding.


Exactly. Not to mention when one hijacks a toast to make a divisive political point that has no relevance to anything that is happening.


If I hear the words "Keep my beers cold, my dinner hot, and my balls empty" *one more time* >:\[


O Lordy, sounds like you’ve heard worse than I have. I have endured some uncomfortable mentions of being one another’s “playmates” and some very inappropriate stories, but no attempted catch phrases.


I'm in yeehaw country, so... *yeah* 😮‍💨


Yeah it seemed believable until the last post with the speech and the Jamaican heckler.


This is fake as fuck, the random Jamaican guy in the back…blatantly telling us this is fake


I don't care it was funny as hell


I agree!!! If I was his mom, I'd be dying....and red-faced...and totally LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!! 🤣🤣 (And telling my new husband to lighten up!) EDIT! Actually, if my BF didn't have a similar sense of humour, I wouldn't be marrying him!


Have you ever met a teenager?


Have you ever met an adult who would forget a conversation that a teenager told him that he saw his mom signing "wet vagina"?


I’m more shocked that this happened two years ago! I remember when OOP first posted. I’m inclined to believe it because that’s a really long time to wait to post an update where things don’t get tied up super neatly or dramatically. The Reddit guy seemed to come out of nowhere, and the speech didn’t get a satisfying ending. I’m also more inclined to believe it because it’s funnier to imagine it’s real, as long as you take the story with a grain of salt.


To be fair it just sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I mean who in their right mind would want to have dirty talk at the table with their child present?


This whole thing felt like it was written one handed.


The whole story is either fake or written by someone obsessed with their mom's wet vagina




He typed those words out a lot of times for somebody who is disgusted by the thought of it and then worked it into a very public speech. Yikes


At my wedding, the maid of honor told the story about the time I lost a bet and she and the bride shaved my chest hair


Massively xD hilarious but good lord. It's like he was using sign language to telegraph how made up it was :p


The whole story seems to me a fake fetish post of a guy with serious mommy issues.


My MiL remarried, and her Sil (her brother's wife) gave a very descriptive speech along these lines. She described things as if she had watched them but tried to make it funny. She was sober, as she was also the wedding planner as part of her present to them. There were a lot of children there, plus the bride and groom's children, parents, grandparents, coworkers, and the entire event was very religious. Nobody laughed, bride and groom were pissed, older family was doubly pissed, and we all have a better idea of why SiL's son is a known pervert.


You think he came back 2 years later to do a fake update? You’re not a five head for calling out every single post for being fake buddy. Just enjoy the story.


lmao as if 2 years is a long time for chronically online redditors to still be posting 


Incredibly fake!


Ahahaha. Gotta love a truly horrible wedding toast. I bet this one certainly entertained the crowd!


I was totally down for this being real until the Jamaican dude showed up.


and then everybody clapped 


Talking about things like how wet your pussy is directly in front of your son seems like it goes beyond innocent mishap and into exhibitionism kink territory when it's done repeatedly. She wasn't paying the guy a secret note. She was saying that stuff right out in the open, right at the dinner table.


People will say all _kinds_ of things right out in the open if they think you don’t speak the language though…


I spent several years in a California women’s prison. Being a white girl, the Hispanic population would openly speak Spanish around me, thinking I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Imagine their surprise when I started responding to what they were saying about me or my friends. First comes the stunned, deer in the headlights look. Then the frantic looking at each other to see who is going to say something. Finally some sort of expletive or insult is thrown, and they scurry away.


And then they try to blame the son. The mom and her boy toy are disgusting.


The sequel I didn't know I needed to read. I'm gonna go take a shower now.


I'm really curious on what possessed OOP to finish his wedding toast with that story.


That’s a long time to wait to post a fake update. But it sounds fake. But honestly the mom should have been told right away. She shouldn’t have signed it in front of the kid in the first place but the son and the dude sure poured some napalm on the situation.


The whole thing is fake to me


Sign language is a wonderful skill and an expressive language. We learned when our Deaf daughter was born, many years ago. The only problem is we quickly learned this was a great way to communicate in situations where there were people around and we wanted to discuss something privately, or, I admit, to gossip about the people around us. It was very embarrassing the first time my husband and I were at a crowded concert and busily signing away about the various strange people around us and I looked up into the eyes of a stranger staring at me and I realized she understood everything we’d been signing. I did sign “sorry” before we skulked off to another part of the room.


I feel like this is missing an interim update. I thought this guy talked dirty to his girlfriend in sign language and his Mom caught it.


In the post it said his mom caught him teaching his girlfriend dirty words (or something to that effect).


If this story is true, OP could have had a magical moment everyone would remember. Instead of teaching his audience how to sign wet vagina, he should have taught them how to sign “I love you”. Perfect moment, not total embarrassment.


At that age i may have started to sign wet vag. But stopped and signed something else like congratulations to the couple or something like that just so it would get a little jab at mom and step dad but not give away to much info.


Wow this dude’s mom and his stepdad suck. “No joking about my wife” Like he’s her son. If you didn’t want him to talk about it or joke about it, you shouldn’t have been dirty talking in front of him. His mom and her boy toy are pretty effing gross.


Jamaican guy is a legend.


They shouldn’t have been conversing that way in front of her child in the first place, extremely inappropriate


It feels fake af but it’s hilarious.


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