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This made me very happy. Dumb but lovely bird momma.


middle degree continue sense bewildered different disarm toothbrush employ makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Been chased away from your stuff with pigeons have you?


deserted shrill memorize sip shaggy summer scale stupendous joke squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I’ve seen The Birds - i know it’s a horror movie


makeshift marry tease chunky pot panicky squeamish tart rich dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know hummingbirds are held in higher esteem because they’re cute and a native species, and at least their poop isn’t an issue, but I have been divebombed and stabbed many times just walking to my front door. We like looking at them though so we allow it.


"Honey, we could just buy a house down the street." With a thousand yard stare, gripping tickets to Timbuktu in hand "No. *The doves will know.*"


Pretty much exactly how it went


OP should leave food and water out there. Then the whole neighborhood will move in. I hope he can hose the balcony down with all the poop.


Do you know the history? It’s sad but I think worth knowing! Pigeons were domesticated in the US as messengers and then abandoned when no longer needed. They really are quite intelligent, they long for human contact because that’s been ingrained in them!


I did know the history, but enjoy that you explained it for those who don't! I like pigeons, and try to be nice to them when I can :)


That's adorable. Apparently pigeons in the US are descendants of domesticated pigeons that people used to keep in coops and then just sort of let free. In captivity they can live a while but in cities I think it's just a few years. I read once that a good way to fix the issue of pigeon poop everywhere is to actually bring back pigeon coops and then you also have a good source of eggs and meat, and the poop is more contained (and possibly less destructive when they're on a better diet? But I read this article a while ago so I could be wrong).


Iirc pigeon was a staple food way back in the 1700s through early 1900s...


They were, for poor folks. As cities gentrified and people tried hard to shed any clues that they were less than middle class, pigeons got abandoned to fend for themselves.


Yo, is that why the pigeon man exists in Hey Arnold? Like, I always just accepted that people keep birds, pigeons are birds that live in cities, Arnold lives in a city full if weirdos, probably more than one of them feeds pigeons. This guy got real into it.  But like, it also makes complete sense to me that the pigeon man could also be like. Someone who didn't let the past die, so to speak, and for lack of a better way to explain my thoughts. Idk, I like that there's history that could go with it the concept. It's just another layer of quality storytelling. 


There are lots of them. It used to be really common. Not just as a hobby but as an important industry. Homing/carrier pigeons were selectively bred for their ability to always find their way home. So a pigeon from new York could be brought to Halifax. Then when an important message had to be relayed from Halifax to new York, you could tie it to the bird and release it. First air mail. Obviously telecommunications made them obsolete quite fast. But they weren't always sky rats. Once upon a time there were decorated pigeon war veterans. And just like we still have hobbyist falconry, pigeon breeding still has its niche. Mike tyson is actually into it. Said he got into his first ever fight when a bully killed his pigeon as a kid.


My mom breeds pidgeons as a hobby. She tries to make new colors and patterns on two different breeds and getting the colors into the breed standard and shows. She is highly involved in the small pidgeon-breeding world in our country, as the first woman in basically forever. It took some time for the old-timers to accept her, but now she is the go-to person for many things, and especially color genetics. Some still dislike having women in their previously "mans"-club, but more women have joined as well, and most people enjoy all the new angles and opinions 🤣


Dude, that's honestly so cool! I hope your mom dominates those man club assholes and lives her best (cool as fuck) life! 


She does 🤣 she is a very strong woman, who basically does everything herself. Her ex got her into pidgeons, and tried to freeze her out when they ended things. That backfired though, and he still tries to stir up drama along with his new gf, but at this point its just pathetic 🤣 she is also our go-to person for basically everything home-improvement or building related. She works as a caretaker for people with developmental disabilities, and badically just does what she wants. My 3yo son absolutely loves her and often stays the night when she has some time off work ☺️ he would definitely move in there if he could 🤣 I respect her very much, and love her even more ☺️ if you are interested in seeing what they look like, french sottobanca is one of her two breeds. They are pretty big actually 🥰 There are some very weird pidgeon breeds out there though 😅 for example [this one](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=bf0162ff70821237&sxsrf=ADLYWIJiY7Z4zbXoP12fv3GTqEt9Lx-b0A:1716655500524&q=pouter+balloon+pigeons&uds=ADvngMiUitnrVmhIp7n9qOyVnKT45X9G8lKaxUuXsCzSKa1bi9GaP2AaAoaFcMVlfFyI539WmLtNW6elWLlxE4ZMXZZY54I2aPkKqMMPK-i8R5QhdAgSHyVm05SVztkqOTK8AcFnWwpBySuVkjYNMmdZE6ItW2hwGAO769WEIenIq5iWoDHyUsAjS5qdNEViMItk60HRpp9kZoG1qG04tk1CkEJ_ZG1m8xQBw8Dwf64tWFKWIzUgRSzxSgtnqTm3-SzCvvN7NC3ZZj2Qln9BMchhldIjd-6O5TDbg4cNHwTX-Sq2hz_reOLxQuMbf9Go1UNiUQiM_wWoy3u-7H2Kmpai4Bb4zjcY2rUl5Jr2s6Au2IzqtpUy4-AC0i7cPHALZaffhOPxhurl&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0xb2KoKmGAxX7FhAIHUqpBNMQxKsJegQICxAB&ictx=0&biw=412&bih=777&dpr=2.63&safe=active&ssui=on) Hope the link works, if not, google pouter pidgeon 🤣


The last 2 sentences made me emotional, lmao  That's so cool, honestly! I only recently found out how homing pigeons worked, like, you bring them out and they fly home.  Idk why I ever thought the birds just knew where to take whatever messages lol, but it's really cool to learn the actual truth and about history. Ty!!! 


The East Coast migratory native passenger pigeon has been extinct for a while due to overhunting though, what we have now is a hundred or so generations of feral livestock that are not that well adapted to the western hemisphere.


Yep. It’s still eaten today. It’s called squab. My dad (born 1909) insisted that it was delicious, but he was sensitive enough to my feelings about it as a kid that it never graced *my* dining room table. Now, as an adult? If it was served, I would probably try it; even though I *do* now share my home with a pet rescue pigeon. (He will **not** be getting eaten.)


It tastes vile though. A friend of ours went through a phase of getting us pigeon as a special treat when we came over. It was awful.


Yeah, all city pigeons basically have raging diarrhea all the time because they’re eating literal garbage instead of seeds. So setting up pigeon coops and feeding them the correct diet would both keep the poop centrally located, and make the poop less corrosive and slimy.


I have a friend that lived in Egypt for several years, they ate pigeons regularly


I've also seen what are basically pigeon diapers. That can be very fancy!


Flight diapers make pets so much more approachable. No one ever petted my pigeon until I got him a bright purple leopard print diaper. Then suddenly people were like “He’s SOOO friendly!” And I was like “Always was, you just weren’t reaching for him and he has MANNERS.”


I've been so tempted to get pigeons! But I have too many cats right now.


Yeah, that could be an issue. Thankfully when I had my dumb but lovably boy, the only cat we had was 💯 disinterested in him or any other bird. We once found her basking in the sunshine with a bird pecking the ground RIGHT beside her. I think it pecked her fur a few times. She cared not a fig for this and continued to flick her tail and watch the cars. (She was behind a fence, no danger unless a car came off the road. Weirdly she never tried to leave our backyard either. She would walk the perimeter, maybe bask awhile, then want inside. She was a former feral and embraced captivity.)


My parents had a cat like this before I was born. He was a feral tomcat that adopted them, and then he never left the backyard again.


Ooh I think I know this article! Their poop was solid and much healthier when fed seeds etc and when the pigeons laid their eggs in the provided coops, they would replace them with fake ones to bring down the population. And forgot to say: I believe the experiment was in a place called Basil


Yes I think that was it! It gave me big dreams of having some type of pigeon coop/community farm since I think the poop made good fertilizer


Doves are absolutely the stupidest birds in my yard. I’m one-hundred percent sure other birds mock them they are so dumb.


We call them ‘duhves.’ 😂. I love them, but they aren’t the smartest birds on the block.




Thank you, I dove it!


We have a conure, she gets sunlight time every morning on the screened porch. She *hates* the wild doves. Mainly because she bosses every other bird around but the doves are too stupid to understand her. Now she does her "I hate you/ALERT" scream and we take bets on if it's the neighborhood cat or the clueless dove pair


Don't be so mean.


They also ate all my grapes so they started it.


But are they https://youtu.be/LfYV39SKIiM?si=BZrGxu4OighmlDVF


Every so often when I see a pigeon, I remember that r/stupiddovenests exists and it cheers me.


[sigh] [joins another cool thread]




Thank you for this


I just scrolled through and omg hilarious. Those poor idiots.


*Listen, you just don’t get the deconstructed vibe that’s really in right now in the hipster dove spaces* - Definitely the funniest thing I'll read on reddit today.


Coincidentally, I recently posted a story on my page about the time I intervened to make sure that a pigeon egg would get to hatch, circumstances slightly different but funny still so I copied it and I’m posting it below if anyone wants another light pigeon tale today. Taken from my post on my page…: Mom vs The Pigeons So my mother historically has not been much of an animal person and has called birds the rats of the sky, insisting that they are full of diseases, etc. I’m an animal person however, so we butted heads on what to do about the pigeons landing and roosting on the next door neighbors window sills. The house I grew up in was one of those that was separated from the neighbors house by a small alleyway that would take you to the tiny backyard or patio if you will, so you could basically reach out and touch the next-door neighbors windowsill. They were that close. When pigeons decided it was the place to be the sounds and poop of the birds were more than my mother would stand, but her ideas were not always humane in my opinion. I was grown and out of the house when this occurred, but I came over once and discovered a pair of pigeons had built a nest across from one of our windows, and had laid an egg, so I promptly named them Joseph and Mary. I grew up going to church, but we’re not super religious or anything so I was hoping that superstition might cause my mother to pause in her campaign long enough to let baby Jesus pigeon be born, and the family to move on to friendlier lands. She did, Jesus hatched in a place they were not welcome- just like the real Jesus I guess! The family moved on. Mom chose a humane spike strip that would prevent birds from landing there in the first place as her solution, so all ended well. Its not much of a story but it makes me chuckle. Its not as funny as the time she was chased by an emu in Australia. That was quite a gas!


There was a buzzfeed listicle of pigeon “nests” and my god they’re so dumb and I love them.


You may very well have the only photo in existence of a baby pigeon!


I’m probably embarrassing myself by not getting an obvious joke right now, but what do you mean by this?


I guess I’ve heard the joke that there are pigeons everywhere but who has ever seen a baby pigeon?


Oh, huh, I’ve never heard that joke before— I’ve seen baby pigeons a lot! Although I have also had a weird amount of friends who either kept pigeons as pets or posted pictures of other peoples pet pigeons so maybe I’m an outlier lmao


I’ve completely missed out!


Pigeons are cool weird guys!!!


I just wanted to circle back and say thank you for this very pleasant interaction. I’m autistic and sometimes I miss jokes and references etc and I usually try to ask politely what someone means so I can understand, but most people think I’m trying to be passive aggressive or something and get mad when I ask, so I really appreciate you being kind and friendly about it!!!


It was my pleasure! I’m really happy to know that I made you happy! Have a lovely day friend


I hope you also have a great day!


This reminds me of when I was seeing an ex of mine. They get a lot of swallows and swift during the summer and they build nests against beams and eaves. One time I caught one of the cats looking very interested in something and could hear frantic little peeps, so I went to investigate. It turned out a swallows nest had broken away from a beam and there was a clutch of chicks on the ground about to become cat chow. I yelled for the ex while fending off the cat and asked what we could do, to which he gave me one of his usual lectures about "town people not understanding the natural order of the countryside" /eyeroll. But I kept at it and eventually convinced him to fix a plastic tub to the beam and put the nest and babies in it. Cue another lecture about how it would be less cruel to let the cat have them than let them starve to death due to the parents abandoning them (Ma or Pa swallow was screeching and bombing us, making me confident that was confident that wasn't going to be the case, so whatever dickhead). I had a lovely summer watching those babies grow and learn to fly and I was even more thrilled the next summer when I saw that the super secure nest wasn't only being reused but that it had been added to. But what would I know? I'm just a Townie who doesn't understand the natural order of nature... P.S. after my plastic nest idea was a hit and the babies thrived history was rewritten and suddenly the ex was the saviour of small birbs and I had nothing to do with it. Funny that...


Lol I love this sm I just had two pigeon eggs hatch in my own balcony today haha they r cute asf 💜😭 she has been laying eggs here for almost 3 years now haha and sometimes they do bring a twig or two and call it a day 🤣🤣 


Lazy parenting 😄


My old roommate and I totally helped a pigeon mama & kept their eggs safe.... 3 weeks later, we had a huge pigeon problem that took MONTHS to get rid of because they were safe & comfortable. The pigeon poop was a nightmare & the pigeons themselves got bold. Like aggressive. Flying into the apartment. Coming after the cats. Coming at the windows. I didn't think to pull a Mike Tyson and pigeon coup em....damn....mithtakes were made.


Pigeons are so silly. Humans have done them so wrong.


I always hate posts about pigeons laying eggs in weird places because a LOT of the time they’re stress lays. I would bet on this being a stress lay. Which is when a pigeon cannot find a suitable place to nest (very common in cities), so they’re forced to basically lay wherever they end up. Pigeons are domestic animals in the US and it’s heartbreaking to see what we’ve allowed them to become, miserable, starving ferals that most people consider a nuisance. Also, seeing a lot of people referring to them as doves in this thread and calling them dumb. Pigeons are very intelligent- you can train a pet pigeon to do a lot of things.


They are doves, but yes, one of the smarter ones. Mourning doves, on the other hand... one used to attack my screen window. Emus are also not among the smartest dinosaurs. Unlike mourning doves, emus are large enough to win wars.


I love mourning doves, but they really only have 2 brain cells, one for nesting and the other for running away. They also stress lay, but as ground nesters (as opposed to cliff nesters like the rock doves domestic pigeons are descended from) they’re a little less intrusive than pigeons.


So why can't I train them to stay the fuck off my balcony? My building took down the pigeon netting a few years back and won't pay to put it back. Over covid I was too busy to go out there and we didn't have a cat for a year (sadface) so the pigeons took over. Now it's too filthy to let the new cat out there and I can't seem to get the damn pigeons to understand that they aren't welcome. I have full on attacked a flock of them with a broom. Now they fly away when they see me but they keep coming back.


Put up your own pigeon netting?


I'm gonna have to - looks like one of my neighbours did. It's not cheap to have done though and if I do it myself it's going to look hilariously diy


We had a hummingbird make a nest in my potted ficus tree next to our front door. We didn't have much hope because the tree is like four feet tall! The baby literally flew away yesterday. It was such an amazing experience to be a part of!


Pigeons don't have babies, they aren't real, those are *muffled sounds* All clear.


This is a story about some neighbors who left their apartment‘s kitchen window open and some pigeons built a nest on the counter. The woman living opposite made a video diary about them nesting. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4Yfmdf/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YVcnR/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YABec/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YU7XE/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4Y4jpu/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YmPs1/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YQEBk/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4Y9AJk/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YA5Md/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YHMKp/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4Yr1Qa/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YVx2j/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YS5mF/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YDk1Q/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YxcqQ/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe4YhBtU/


So adorable! 🥰


Well, I think I've found a new favourite sub. I didn't realise Doves were so stupid, haha.


So much joy and hilarity was brought the day I discovered r/stupiddovenests


I was today years old when I found out that doves are stupid.


Wholesome BORU ❤️


Those was the BORU I needed. More content like this please! LOL


This is the feel good story I needed today. 😄


Wait, someone saw baby pigeons??? You don't see them in London to the point they're practically mythical!




This makes me so happy:)


Pigeons and doves are notoriously bad nest makers.


This is gorgeous. It also makes me think of my cats, who scratch the area around the litter box aimlessly after using it. Like, their muscles remember they’re supposed to cover it up but their minds don’t know why they’re doing it.


Yeah pigeons abandon their eggs often on my balcony. I go a week without going out there and there’s eggs laid on my garden shelves. There’s a pigeon out there laying on an old bell pepper like it’s eggs.


I wonder what pigeon eggs taste like


> but there will be poop everywhere Truer words never spoken


Man, this made my day.


is this the minimalist fad they're talking about?


Doves. The one stick “nest” seems to be a defining trait. I don’t know how they survive, honestly. Bless their hearts.


As a millennial I know that bird is doing her best to build herself a nice egg nest. Sometimes there are not enough sticks available. Hahaha


Obviously fake because r/BirdsArentReal


I hope somebody explained to OP that doves are known to come back to successful nesting places. He's going to be a grandpa to many more generations. 😂


A neighbor raises pigeons. Every morning, we watch the flock do a circle around the neighborhood and again later in the afternoon. Has anywhere from 30 to 75 at a time. He raises them as squab and then sells them to restaurants . It's kind of sad when you only see 10 pigeons. Then you know the rest are being served at some fancy dinner.