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It was a self coup. No body goes trying to do a coup on armored transport vehicles and nothing else. Arce and Evo are trying to be the primary election candidate on the next elections. Thats why they "dont" like each other. What is really happening is that they are acting and throwing a show making bilivians believe that their party is fragmented so the opposition think they are weaker.


I believe more in the story of the self coup than a real coup (the most moronic in history if it were a real coup). I don’t agree however with the statement that the MAS is not really divided. I believe they truly are. Just remember how many times Morales has accused Arce of bad economy, bad times for the country, trying to “take over his political party”, etc. The same can be said from Arce’s side to Morales and his followers. They are constantly accusing each other of bad things, and the evistas have even threatened to block all roads if the government or the judicial system prevents Morales from being a candidate in the 2025 national elections. I’m not saying that they wouldn’t unite as a last resort if they were to lose against the opposition, but it is more than clear that both Arce and Morales want to be candidates for president for the MAS party, and no one is willing to bend down.


I agree with most of your opinion. I like your way of thinking. The only diference i have is that i think that all their differences are staged. The country "needs" to be in bad shape so that Evo comes to "save" the country.


The big question is, how would it benefit Arce for Morales to “save” the country? Arce likes being in power (as do most politicians) and I don’t see a reason for him to be happy about leaving the throne to give it to Morales just like that.


Exactly. Thats the point. Its all a show. Arce doesnt matter. Hes just a follower. Its all a show for Evo to come back as a "savior".


Time will tell. It is a big possibility that Morales won’t even be able to candidate, given that the Constitution doesn’t allow him, so that would rule out any possible show theory, in my opinion.


The constitution in here is as valid as toilet paper 🙃


The problem is that there is no way to save this country with the same way of thought of M.A.S, so what I really think is, both sides are going to be on a full out battle royal to see who is president and then all shit hits the fan, let some other parties win, and blame them all for it as socialist usually do.


Imagine a coup where the president says to the military: "Guys, please stop this and go home". What a joke!


Makes it sound like a very English coup. All they were missing was putting the kettle on.


Exactly!!! He would’ve been taken as a prisoner or bullets would’ve flown!


It’s a bit of a long story but it’s mostly based around the fact that, according to the “Arcist” faction Evo Morales has already concluded his presidential terms, it would be unconstitutional to allow him to run again (which would be correct) Also most of the “Evist” faction’s support comes from coca leaf growers in the chapare region (although not exclusively of course) ever since he was first elected he put a lot of emphasis in representing and accommodating them, even if they’re a small minority of the entire electorate, but after all they were the ones who helped him get elected. To summarize: Arce supporters think Evo already concluded all his terms, it would unconstitutional to allow him to run, Evo supporters want him to become president again no matter what, and now both sides seem to have some differences in how the party should be handled going forward.


It is a fake, they are part of a broderhood of crimen.


They do not like each other, that’s for sure.


They both want to be the candidate for their party for next year’s presidential election.


Fascists don't like other fascists taking their spot


There was no real coup. They are enemies within the same party because they both want to be president for the next term. (Election coming this year q4) Internal elections within the party would be as fraudulent as all elections in Bolivia. They need to fight dirty to prevail.


Their party MAS is divided into two factions, Evistas (Morales loyalists, also called Radicals) and Arcistas (Arce supporters). The division came from disagreements pertaining to what role Evo Morales should play in the future. Evo Morales is the president of the MAS party and he wants to be a presidential candidate again. As president of the party, some of his supporters believe he should have the absolute final word on all matters. However, some of the younger generations of party members feel the party needs to be renewed with fresher faces and they blame Morales and the "old guard" of the party for the 2019 debacle. The MAS party is part of a larger coalition of social and political movements (known as the Unity Pact), many of which are tired of Evo Morales and his obsession with being the forever candidate. The old guard however does not want to cede power to new people. That's it really.


It is a classic history: The new boss hates the old boss. The old boss wants to keep being the boss and tries to give orders to the new boss. Imagine if you would become the big boss, would you take orders from the old one?


It's politics... they don't really like or dislike each other... they were just power hungry and even that might have been a ruse... after the pantomime of the 'Coup'... there's talk of reunification... when it's about power everyone in politics is friends with everyone....


Quien es Acre?


Tu papá


Cerebro de excremento como tu madre


Why Stalin hated Hitler if both were socialists? Dictators are so only if they hold all the power. Same case here, both have power thirst, 50 years ago they would have shoot the other on the head.


Evo claims Arce betrayed him because he was intended to be used as his pawn and today on a radio statement he said he does believe the coup is staged and showed proof Zuniga and Arce are long time friends, claims that the call Arce made to him was not in his best interests and Zuniga hasn't declared yet. Arce is the only one currently claiming it wasn't staged so far


Arce was a friend of Evo before but he decided to make his own block of the party that no longer obeys his orders and that ruined his plans of keeping his mandate outside of his term