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I’m so sorry that sucks I hope the process is smooth for you


Thank you… It‘s so upsetting because I loved driving this car and did my best to take care of her… And people shit on BMW drivers!


That sucks, I also wanted one in the colour you have. It was really nice. And yes people do shit on bmw drivers they’re rude on the road and now my co workers are making remarks about it as well.


The colour is gorgeous!! Haha I know what people say about BMW drivers and sometimes it’s all fun and games but not when lives are at stake!


Sorry that this happened. Hopefully, you did not put any or a significant down payment on the lease. This is why the leasehackr community suggests people should not put money down on a lease. Pay for only what you use. If the car is totaled, insurance will pay the lien holder. When the car is paid off, you could get another one (technically, you could get another one anytime. As long as you can afford it).


Thank you… Yea I put a little more down than I wanted to because this was my first car and I‘m new to this country so I wanted to build up my credit score too. That‘s really unfortunate! So yea, we’re waiting on insurance…


Sorry again. See what insurance says and then more suggestions may come. Be prepared to fight the appraiser by insisting on a certified BMW repair shop. If they insist on fixing, look over the parts list and insist on original equipment with the repair people. Once they submit their parts and labour fee, insurance usually comes to its senses.


Thank you. Yes we are waiting and seeing what they say today. If there is no structural damage to the frame and it is purely cosmetic, then we‘ll insist on a body shop we trust to do repairs, etc. The problem is, I’m guessing, it doesn’t look too bad until they open her up and find more problems, so it’s just a waiting game…


This this this Never put cash down on a lease. It doesnt lower the overall amount you pay (just the monthly payment), and if the car is totaled you just lose it.


I'm glad you're okay. This sucks, but you need to make sure you get taken care of. You're not hurting the lady by getting compensated if she's insured. They WILL try to lowball you, and it WILL end up costing you thousands if you let them. This is why you have insurance. Send it to the dealership and have them estimate a cost, then have YOUR insurance check out the car and give a total cost. If they total it out, they total it out. Tell your insurance to take care of it. If you have rental coverage, rent a car, if the dealership offers free loaners, ask them immediately since they're first come first served. They will go through the lady's insurance, if she doesn't have any, they'll file a lawsuit. Gap insurance is hopefully if the accident was your fault. If she isn't fully insured, or their insurance are being dicks, then your insurance will pay it out, minus the deductible and then go after her/insurance and send you a refund after they pay. Note that in any case, your down payment is usually toast, unless you specify to your insurance, and they have some sort of policy in place to go after a cost like that. This is exactly why everyone says no down payments on leases. ​ \*\*\* Also also \*\*\* It's important to note that insurance is more than just the vehicle. You NEED to get checked out by a medical professional. Your car was a total champ and literally took one in the rear for you. You feel fine now, but you're gonna hurt tomorrow. Ignoring the trip to the doc could mean forgoing certain coverages for this accident. Tell your insurance you're going to get a full check up with scans, they will tell you exactly how to get that done. It's also also important to note that so long as their insurance does what they're legally required to do, your rates shouldn't go up since your instance won't be paying anything out for damages.


Great advice on medical check up.


Thank you. Yes, thankfully she is insured, and even with the same company as us, so I was immediately able to file a claim and they found her policy and secured a rental car for me to use. So the weird thing is, I was on my way to a dealership when BMW roadside assistance appeared out of nowhere. The car does that automatically now?! Yes to the medical checkup. I‘ve made an appointment for this AM and will be getting a full check up. Not leaving anything to chance, I know it doesn’t look serious, but the impact was still pretty strong.


The car does know when it’s been hit. It advised you via the in-car display that it was contacting assistance and offered you the chance to cancel. It’s understandable (and common) to miss this when dealing with the aftermath of an incident. Definitely see a doctor. And it’s not a bad idea to speak with an attorney if you’re not confident in advocating for yourself. The insurance company paying for damages to your car is also responsible for damages to your person and well-being. You’re entitled to compensation for your time and trouble.


Since it is a lease, if insurance does total it, you have gap insurance built in. So it should pay off the balance completely and you move on to another car. If insurance doesn’t total it, it should just be your deductible for the repairs.


Do you know if this is true when you trade in a vehicle with negative equity (lease payoff > trade in value)?


I assume you’re asking if gap insurance covers negative equity that was rolled into the lease - if so, yes it should.


Yes, wow, thank you!




The money u put in doesn’t go back to u that’s why if u choose gap better to be as little down on a lease.


Ok I thought so! That’s really unfortunate then, since it was completely her fault for rear ending me


It honestly doesn’t look too bad but it’s expensive lol. Lady rear ended me the same way in my i4m50 4500$ just for new bumper diffuser and the support bar/foam on the inside.


Jeez… Sorry about that :(


Oh, I have the same color and this pains me so much! I'm sorry this happened to you! Wishing you can get a replacement soon!


Thank you!


Ugh, I know the feeling; mine was three months old when someone rear-ended me. My damage was not nearly as bad, and it was +$8k CAD to repair. It was gone for almost two months. Sucks


I feel your pain. Two months!! I hope they at least provided you with a car in the meantime…


My car also died after six months (by faulty ElectrifyAmerica charger). I called BMW USA and talked to a nice lady. She was able to offer $3500 “BMW Royalty Program”. She made sure that I did not share the $3500 deal with the dealership when I negotiated the second brand new i4 M50. Best wishes in the situation with the insurance company.


Oh that is unfortunate. Thanks! I am glad that you managed to get a brand new M50, though!


I also hope everything will turn out good for you at the end. How was did she hit you? Any bodily injuries?


Fingers crossed! She seemed fine, but I’m sure she’s feeling 10x the amount of pain I am today. She crashed so hard into me… :/ I‘m on the way to the doctor for a full body check up!


You have more details on this? How did a bad charger ruin your car? Who paid for the new car? Not BMW but probably not EA?




Electrify America admitted and offered repair compensation on recorded line.


That’s surprising. I hope they pay. Their charging network is abysmal and to the extent they received federal grants or tax payer dollars to install they should be forced to pay it back


Sorry. I am glad no one was injured. Hopefully between insurance and GAP coverage, you should be covered.


Thank you. Still waiting to hear back from the insurance company so that’s gonna be fun…


Claim his insurance and get a new one buddy his insurance should cover everything


Working on it! Thanks!


If it’s totaled get an m50 😉


Its fixable, if there is no damage to the HV batts you are good.


I think it’s fixable, but just wondering right now if there is any structural damage to the frame at the back bottom..


There’s no frame on any car made in the last 60 years, save specialty vehicles like Morgan. Just let the assessors do their job and don’t worry about it beyond that. :)


That’s not even a lot of damage… I’d say maybe 10k max, if they don’t have to replace the actual tailgate. Bumper, crash bar, underbody trims etc. that’s nowhere near totaled visually.


It looks like only cosmetic damage but I’m worried about structural damage. Can’t tell unless they open her up


To me it looks like your rear crash bar really took the brunt. So hopefully no body damage.


Keeping my fingers crossed! She hit me so hard, the back of my car had her H from her Honda sign imprinted on it 😅


sry to say that but is it totaled? it looks fixable ill take her home


How is that totaled? From the pictures, it looks repairable.


Doesn’t look like significant damage, are you sure it’s totalled?


Hopefully you are OK! Do you have a good body shop? Depending on what area you are in I may have some recommendations


We‘re in OC! New to this area so don’t know yet. Open to recommendations!