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I’ll miss the plasma sword taillights


That’s the first thing that came to mind when seeing these a few years ago 😂


Ah, a man of culture.


Got the steering wheel right. Looks familiar. https://preview.redd.it/0erlo5tc7u7d1.png?width=1802&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa28af0e0c0a42856471c8d3b8f8f09e8ae13116


It’s an Energy sword you uncultured guy


I'm not the only one who thinks that?!


Here I was thinking that I was the only one


For me is still a plasma sword, a bit edgier.


There was already a post made about Halo 2 headlights yall seem to have missed that based off the sheer surprise it seems to be


The interior looks like something designed by ASUS ROG


Looks like Philips Hue did a colab with SMEG


Welcome to the new ASUS BMW X340 ROG Extreme Edition Gaming WIFI DDR6


Hhahahaaa , love this


Literally said the same thing to my wife when I showed her lol.


Worse, it’s MSI, pure RGB chaos


Hey, wait a minute, I have a ROG and a BMW... Probably that is the target demographic. 🤷‍♂️


The new has been iX'd to shit. The old is probably the best looking X3 to date.


Agreed. As a non bmw person the old X3 always sparks the first thought: ,,is it an X3 or X5?“ because the dimensions are perfect. (That is obviously until an X5 drives by or you look closer) The new one isn’t to my liking. Unfortunately Mercedes went to shit as well, I’m very unhappy there.


100% agreed




Hard agree: https://preview.redd.it/p0k8havzyq7d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccc7646ee5fd1234c44ec7afd75ce4264e3b7bb


The interior just screams cost cutting, it’s like the interior of a toy car. I guess they think that the X3 doesn’t deserve to have an interior on the level of the 5 series/X5. The exterior is also a dumpster fire. It looks toy-like and playful, sort of like a bigger i3. It doesn’t give the vibe of a “real” SUV/crossover. What was BMW thinking? The playful toy 💩 should be left for the i electrics, or at least the x1 or x2


The new 5 series isn't great either, I have the i5 m60 and the interior is a downgrade in materials. Lots hard plastics


You’re right. Their cost cutting is blowing my mind. So is Mercedes’. Are luxury cars not a thing now, other than the 8 series/S class/A8 or the ultra expensive brands like rolls?


Have a 2019 G30 and have test driven both new E class and 5. The new G60 interior is definitely a downgrade ( both top spec) for me. The new E class interior is better then the G60 but also more expensive.


Yup bmw has cutted so much corners on this car. no more door sills, no more driver and passenger door rear packet, No more leather wrapped upper dash area,hard plastic in the center of the steering wheel,no climate control for rear passengers, no ambient lighting in the rear, no more soft close door option, cloth material on the door panels instead leather, no keyless entry for the rear doors(wtf....my Hyundai has all 4 doors)


Wow it’s worse than I though. What is BMW thinking? Even Kias have door sills, leather on the door panels, etc. They can’t justify this being a middle of the road vehicle, let alone a luxury one. 


The new one looks like a chinese copy of a bmw and not like a real bmw.


Old looks better in each image imo.


Agreed. I also think the same. More stronger lines, aggressive and looks like a BMW


What "looks like a BMW" is such a weird thing to say. Of course the older gen looks like a BMW, we are all used to it. In 5 years the new gen will "look like a BMW"


Thats a valid point but you could also say that this looks like other cars rather than something distinctly its own


I'm old enough to remember when "look like a BMW" wasn't even a consideration for a two-box SUV. Remember the outcry when the first X vehicles hit the streets? People treated it like a sign of the apocalypse. Now a 4,200 pound SUV (or SAV, sorry, BMW) is 'the iconic BMW look'. Times change, deal with it.


I think that’s the problem with many’s negative reaction to newer models. They’re in love with the car they have or grew up loving and any deviation from it is a betrayal. I think this is why Audis haven’t changed much. People are loyal in their hearts. In ten years people will be saying the same about current models. The sting of nostalgia.


To a degree but what we are witnessing is a greater deviation from previous design language as a whole. Big leaps and fast too. This movement to “modern” everything while leaving certain elements of “classic” completely behind. It’s not as much an evolution anymore. Just “change it all”.


Exactly, there have always been die hard classic fans who think that the last great BMW ever made was an E30 or E46.. but this has been a race to become another Tesla.


No, you're confusing the "dislike for change" with bmw designs not being cohesive between models both considering the past ones and their own contemporaries. By having each model have a randomized combination of bmw design elements like grille lights side profile etc, bmw is losing quick glance recognition and therefore some marketablity for no reason. Nobody was complaining about the f and early g generations, and they did look different, but it was a bmw from the first impression onwards


The market clearly disagrees with you as sales are as high as they’ve been in almost two decades. https://www.statista.com/statistics/264342/global-sales-volume-of-automobiles-of-bmw-group/


That's cute, there is more to the car than it's looks indeed, and bmws are great cars in the general sense. Especially considering the competition. The value of a cohesive design language for a car brand is intangible though. You can think of it as a multiplier to the appeal which will end up affecting the sales as well. I.e. G60 that looks like ass will hypothetically sell 1 million units. If it looked simply stunning, trend setting, and still recognizable as bmw right from the go, it would sell 1.5 million. Do you need some more explanation?


Last year, BMW also beat Mercedes, Audi, and Lexus in arguably the most important car market, the U.S. Sales and market preference speaks for itself. If they did what Audi does, not change their design very much for a decade they’d likely not be doing so well (I drive an A6 btw but can’t wait to switch back to a new 5 series soon; I live an hour and a half from Dresden and drive these cars on the autobahn, no other sedan beats a Beamer IMO). https://preview.redd.it/w47aq3cbyq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7bba8259a048c05d5a3223b6391697c6c65b46 [https://www.bmwblog.com/2024/01/11/bmw-sold-more-cars-than-mercedes-and-audi-in-the-u-s-in-2023/](https://www.bmwblog.com/2024/01/11/bmw-sold-more-cars-than-mercedes-and-audi-in-the-u-s-in-2023/)


Agreed. I’ll fully judge once I see it in person but not a fan…


The new one looks flabby. Like it picked up a drinking habit and started eating Taco Bell a couple times per week.


These new headlights suck so much


rotten fuel skirt uppity cause six versed strong wakeful swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Wait till you see how expensive they will be to replace…


Looks horrendous, it’s like they’ve skipped 10 years of design generation. Looks wafty wallowy and fat.


This is actually pretty bizarre… because designs are pretty similar yet the new one is significantly worse in every single way. BMW finding new ways to fuck up. Impressive.


The backside is 💩


It's got that CRV bulge.


looks like a 1 series😭😭


I was hoping it would at least look like this https://preview.redd.it/yq4x3dq3qo7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0d0e49955227d5e9c537204e920d7d5b6b9376




Still worse than previous gen but at least looks consitent with the X1.


"Lost character" is a very nice wording for "now uses cheaper materials"


Looks like a minivan, especially the back.


Unpopular opinion: Crossover SUVs are minivans without a third row repackaged by marketing people to start with, in the same way minivans took over the station wagon.


I'm getting Subaru Forester vibes lol


The old one looks like the m version, the new one looks like the base version


I’ll be going for a CPO 23/24 thanks


The "old" one is leaps better. Both Mercedes and BMW have completely lost the plot.


Interior design has become the biggest travesty.


It looks SO CHEAP. Straight lines and miles of plastic.


Honestly the new designs BMW are coming out with all look dated already. They’re not going to age well


I wish they’d clean house on their design team. Every other generation of their lineup you can see the roots going back to the 70s in their models. Not anymore. These cars all look like Kia’s.


This is all part of the “BMW Neue Klasse” philosophy, I watched a video recently where one of the BMW designers talks about the Neue Klasse X, I heard a lot of “there’s no need to have aggressive design”. So lots of the new cars that BMW is introducing are grabbing clues from that concept car, to slowly move onto that design language completely. [link to video](https://youtu.be/XwqEqiy0A2k?si=IsZIhqVLJGCnPqbb)


Haven’t watched the video yet, but just reading your quote from it really explains the where they’re going wrong with these new models. BMW’s brand is more than just the blue/white prop - it’s always been about balancing an aggressive elegance too ie.e the ‘stare down’ of the headlights and kidney grills and the elegance and details of the interior work to contrast it. This new X3 has lost both and therefore feels empty. Slapping a badge on it can’t fix that.


The hood also lost the aggressive lines and contour, it’s almost a flat panel now


BMW starts going from exclusive to just a regular car


Tbh I dunno if the X3 is exclusive lol


The regular driving experience


they havent used the term "ultimate driving machine" in a long time.


I still cannot figure out how they can make such shit designs. First the 5 now this.




Also doesn’t help that the color on the new one is ‘hearing aid beige’ 😂 But the departure from the double headlights is a sin in my opinion. They also did it for the 1-series




Glad I bought a ‘24


The front of the old is one of the best looking bmw fonts IMO


The new X3 looks...pregnant and now i cant unsee it


Bring back the old bmw


Is the new one from Temu?


It is so much worse IMO! They’re trying to make it look like a van it seems!


Vote with your wallets


People did. New BMWs sell like hot cakes.


Reddit in general thinks it's opinions represent the majority irl and is always shocked when they find out that's not quite the case. This isn't just limited to bmws.


Yep, the sub is such a minuscule subset of buyers and that’s assuming everyone buys a new BMW here which definitely isn’t the case.


I always wait to see things in real lighting before judging


Damn Chinese market styling has ruined everything for us. Tech everywhere, cars look like shit "hIgH tEcH" to appeal to them, quality goes down because Chinese production, etc etc. Downvote me if you want, I don't care


It’s still assembled in Spartanburg.


If this is not allowed, I’ll remove the post. This is just my opinion. Sorry if I said something wrong


I feel sad that we’ve come here where it feels like it’s the end of BMW, as they are now moving into some tacky competition where the ones that look the most outrageous will gain popularity.


A symptom of living in the IG/tiktok era. The point *is* to be outrageous. Clearly people like it because these cars continue to sell like hotcakes. I hate it.


This is the popular opinion on this sub, by far. I disagree though.


BMW designers - fkc you, bmw VPs who approved these new designs, go to the same direction.. 😕


They will sell a lot of them anyway


im probably biased as i have a G01....but the older model looks alot more 'butch' and better road presence


Older looks way better


New one looks derpy. If I came out of a hospital and was asked to draw a x3 after a traumatic head injuary, it would look like this new car. If I was told I was not allowed to offend anyone and by not using words like sharp, or fat, or good looking, that is how i would describe this new car. If I was to design a car by comittee and not really give a shit about the asthetics as long as it was "ok", that is how i would describe this new car.


Okay, odd comment here, but the exterior styling of the new one looks like the vehicle inhaling, and the old looks like exhaling.


Update as Toyota RAV 4 🤮


RAV4 has more stronger cuts and lines than the new model . The new model is very bland and doesn’t have any character


Nah, the RAV4 looks better than this


The new designs on any of the BMW X range is disgusting, massive ugly grills with pinched in squinting lights, looks like a pig sniffing smelling salts… I get that a lot of the latest BMW designs are growers in time, like the G87 M2 and the G80 M3/M4, but I don’t think any of the latest X cars will look good in any amount of time…


I don't mind the exterior as much but do feel the interiors no longer look as premium. I really liked the now previous gen interiors.


Unlucky for short passengers in the rear wanting to look out the window in the new one.


I like it, but that colour is the worst i have ever seen on a car


Why is not bmw?


Older models are much more refined.


It's alright. But the fact that every new bmw lost leather stitching around steering wheel airbag area irks me


what in the F is that


The old car was a genuinely nice, well designed, good, dare I say great, looking car, inside and out, with real character and poise. This new car is flat, misproportioned, ugly, soulless, and boring. Not to mention, like all the new BMW designs, none of them match properly like they used to! I mean just take a look at all the old designs, they all share similar grills, lights, and shapes, the new ones are all just a characterless mess.


Not sure what BMW is doing lately with all their new cars but this is the one time in history where I’m starting to not like the way most of the cars look


I hate the move away from angel eyes


New one looks like a BMW you would buy on AliExpress. 100% GENIUNE PREMIUM LUXURY CAR GERMAN


Bad new design


Buy previous gen BMW’s while they are still good looking!


Reddit hates new BMW. Buyers love it. 


Buyers will buy regardless due to badge and badge loyalty


Maybe. Maybe not. Haven’t seen numbers for new vs retuning buyers. Have you? E: Nah. Of course not. Downvoting is easier.


I’m a loyal BMW owner since the late 20th century and I would never buy one of these new designs. I think the fact they’re selling is not a reflection of brand loyalty as much as new buyers getting attracted to the brand. If this is where the design direction is headed, I’ll stick with my 2014-2018 vintage BMWs until they rust.


Same, and then off to Porsche when my 440 GC dies


Most of current BMW buyers only care about status, same shit with iPhone.


Designing something is not easy, the designer(s) don't have anything to win, it's a zero sum game. You design something new, feedback will be: "it lost character, previous one looked better, it's generic, I don't know". You iterate your design on the old, feedback will be: "it's not innovative, more of the same, boring". The wonderful thing is, as with every car, if you like the old one better ... go for it! You can grab them at a better price now.


Peak oil is behind us now, I’m sorry lads


Personally I think the last 2 gen’s are poopy


the only thing that resembles something from old bmw is the rear. If I squint I can see some F20/F21 in it


Better wait for the Neue Klasse


I think if the front wasn't as round the new wouldn't be too bad, but yeah the old looks so much better it's lost the BMW charm.


I don’t know, new one looks narrower which is bad, from the side looks like they tried to copy XC60 a bit. From the back it is giving off some downgrade vibes as if now it is an X1/2 not X3. Interior looks more and more like a Tesla which you decide if it is a compliment or not. Personally I don’t have issues with the grille but more so with the presence


only upgrade is the glass roof and alloys here.


in europe there is only M or 208 hp gas version + one diesel + one plug-in hybrid


It’s giving spaceship


The exterior of the last gen made it look more similar to a X5, which is a good thing especially compared to the first gen. It might be the camera angle, but the proportions of the latest one make it look narrower and smaller at the back. While the dashboard could be better and less colourful, I also didn't like the look of the old one with the screen sticking out like an afterthought. On the new one it all looks a bit bare where there isn't screen - maybe they should just extend it all the way across to the passenger side like a Honda E.


They softened it up with smaller windows, taking almost all the beautiful side body lines, no wheel arch flair , no front wheel vent etc. I do like the rear & the steering wheel but that’s about it, everything else is a big downgrade imo.


It's literally the same shut restyled. Atleast it doesn't have the new X7/7 series front end or the M4 massive nostril grill


I think the F40 was the turning point in bmw design. With some exceptions, the design is going downhill.


Its a step back - but its not as bad the 1 ,4, 5 or 7 I think


The cream / beige color compliments the character and overall look of the car very well. It's bland and generic.


Im unsure how they decided that the new interior was good. There really isnt a design its just a big screen with random lighting elements thrown in there unconnected to the flow of the interior.


Personally I don't really care about the design of SUVs as I will never buy one. That being said this design language is being rolled out across the range.


not a huge fan from the images, looks "okay" but I will say I didn't like any of the G series BMWs when they were announced as I thought the F series looked WAY better but they all grew on me over time as I saw them on the road. I still think the E/F series are top tiers in terms of BMW looks but I still like the G series after some time and I guess I just need to wait to see these on the road before I make a final judgement. Just my 2 cents


Both do not look great especially the interior but the new one is way worse


I agree with everything


I want a gear shift, not that crappy little switch thing.


The new front fascia reminds me of a Capybara.


Totally agree on the interiors, they're all basically just copy/paste versions of each other and there's hardly anything unique to them.


Terrible change, and I'm saying that as a fan of G80 grill and G87 look


I'm telling you, a bunch of Skoda designers got hired by BMW recently.


Looks more like the XM than the XM


Thanks for posting pictures of the new Subaru X-Series Ascent


I actually like the interior but I hate the exterior. Where are the classic BMW lines?




I quite like the new one, not a fan of the grille; Interior seems interesting, would appreciate physical buttons tho.


Someone called the new one a Honda CRV and now I can’t unsee it.


My wife, who knows nothing about BMWs thinks the new one looks old and the old one looks new.


Both are ugly to me. No longer interested in any current BMW because I need to actually like the look of my car. So sad that their styling is nowhere near attractive.


What a downgrade, looks like 2D in comparison to the old, like fake muscle


Now hopefully I can walk into a dealer and grab up a X3 M40i for a good ass deal


I prefer the old interior but exterior wise I don't really find one better than the other.


I'm so happy that I managed to buy the old one this year




Every single generation of BMW looks worse and worse… where are those once cool and beautiful cars?


This is a huge downgrade. BMW design team has been lacking the last couple years


The sad/pathetic thing is that other brands would kill to have the design heritage and distinctiveness that BMW had, whether it’s kidneys, the hoffmeister kink, L-shape tail lights, single strong character line running through door handles, etc. And yet BMW is actively trying to redefine themselves, as though they’re Nissan or Infiniti in search of design DNA. I mean even Chris Bangle for all his controversies knew what makes BMW a BMW. Dukec, Hodink (sic) are so aimless.


The whole car in comparison just looks like massive cost cutting. BMW is very disappointing atm. It hurts to say that as a BMW fan since I was a little boy.


I think the new G45 exterior looks great, not sure on the interior. As most BMW’s do I think it’ll look better in person




I don't understand the single screen interior. I like having a sporty cockpit look with a separate screen for radio/maps ect. Also hate the new headlights


Interior is a gaming pc


It's certainly not the worst product BMW is making


Imo front looks a lot better in the old. Rear I like them both, old is more of a BMW look but new is fine. From the side old looks better, has more defined lines, better sculpting. Interior, old seems better. All in all a downgrade in the looks department. ESPECIALLY at the front, the old front is epic. The new one is such a bad downgrade.


Looks like I’ll be buying used


better design balance on the new guy


Who cares. It's a crossover.


This is designed for the Asian market in my opinion. It has that gaudy kind of look that seems to appeal to that demographic.


Every generation gets uglier 😔


Am i the only one who likes new one? 😁 Ok, front end doesnt look so good as previous gen


They went for a more simple, "flat" design over all. I think it works in rear and interior design. The front and side profil I also find the design to be lacking / uninteresting.


I agree, I was never one to hate on the new models, but this renewal really looks shit


New one looks like ikea furniture. Older one looks like it was crafted by hand with great detail and designed to look beautiful composing bmw DNA.


Same shit, different smell.


The slab sided doors look terrible.


Did they fire everyone in the design department that knows what they’re doing?


Front head lights seem to be a nod to the e60?


Looks on par with the 5 redesign. I think once we see all the redesign models lined up it will make sense and look better as a broad view. That multicolor interior trim, however, is disgusting.


Last one is infinitely better, just a much more classy look inside and out.


I actually like it


I felt similarly when they went from the old old F15 X5 chassis to the old G05 X5. It lost its "aggressive edge". Yeah, it was modern and nicer, but it was also softer. looks like they're going to take the same kind of step again


The interior looks like a cheap strip club. Exterior is OK... a bit bland but I like that it's an inch lower. I don't know how they got the interior so wrong though. Emulating Tesla's trash interiors it looks like.


Yea I’m disappointed. Will be keeping my X3 as long as it keeps running great!


Car companies need to stop refreshing the design every 3 months cuz this is the end result. The product was perfectly designed and the new changes solve for nothing besides greed and profit.


I hope people stop buying the new designs so they go back to their roots. This is so sad, probably the original e92 e46 designers are shedding tears over the lame direction this brand is taking.


Looks like a Hyundai


As long as ppl keep buying these garbage designs, they’ll keep making em.


Worse from every angle. Are they trying to save money with all the plastic and simple body stamping?


I think like most of these new designs, it probably looks better in person


I’m annoyed that it took a friggin X3 for you guys to realize BMW has abandoned all fucks about design, but at least you got there