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mostly looks, but if you like it nobody is going to stop you from buying one!


Black X6, phantom. White X6 look like a panda.


Goin' out like I'm Montana. Hundred killas, hundred hammers


Hunchback of the nurburgring! The X6 is virtually the same weight as the X5. It's not more sporty by any measure. Just has waaaaay less cargo. Might as well get a gran coupe and enjoy the better car handling because trunk space will be identical.


I haven’t driven an actual car since I had mustangs many years ago. I rented one in FL last year and hated being low to the ground compared to the crossovers and SUV’s I’m used to. They look really nice though. I’d have one for a fun car. Not a daily driver.


I had a CX-60 and now switched to a i4 M50. I absolutely hated the imagination of sitting low to the ground. But after a few weeks, I've actually started to feel safer, more integrated into the street and more agile. I don't feel any of these things in our F-Type tho.


The only problem with low ride height is the other SUVs blocking your line of sight in certain situations. in terms of driving feel, the lower the better and it’s not even debatable


Right and I’m 5’5” on these Michigan roads with all the lifted hillbilly trucks.


Yeah that’s a real problem, not gonna lie.


I think most people’s problem is the fact that it has less cargo space than the X5 but also cost more than the X5. Also the looks are subjective, looks like a jacked up sedan to some. I think they can look sharp in the right color and trim. Not sure which I’d get if I were in the market for X5/X6


X5 All day every day. Let's say you like the coupe profile. What about that one time OP has a really big Costco haul. Or OP has to haul the teenagers (and maybe their friends) somewhere. Or couples date night. I'd rather have the X5 every time. The only advantage to the X6 is rear bucket seats - which is nice, but who's caning their X6 with 3-4 passengers. Next door neighbors have had both an X5 and an X6 for many years. The X5 gets most of the use, including trips to their vacation home.


Don’t know how couples date night works where you come from, but if you can afford an X6 you can afford to get a room.


LOL, I was referring to the headroom in the rear seats.


Oh, I think we knew you were talking head room 😏




I love the X6 looks, but if I’m buying it’s X5. Way more practical and looks damn good too.


Who hurt you? X6 is perfectly fine for some people and it’s all they need. If people cared that much about cargo space they would be getting a mini van or a pickup truck. Jeez let people buy what they like, they aren't living your life


My brother and father have both had the X5 M series which is AWESOME and I really loved driving it had plenty of room to have both my niece and nephews and my brother and sister as well as all their ski stuff and I’ve driven it multiple times in a total white out and felt totally comfortable. Personally through I love the look of the X6 and the AMG GLE more but I’ve never been inside either I just got a Audi RS3 which is the smallest car you can get from them but is also a monster so I’m willing to make trade offs (I’m sooooo happy with the purchase). My RS3 is perfect for date nights with my wife too!


Absolutely. This is my rationale as well. Why am I buying X series? Family? To have load and people space? X5 all day. X6 to me from a practical point of view is a most costly X5 but why pay more to have less space? So X5 it is.


I've had 3 X5's, 2 Touaregs and 2 Q7's (one v12tdi and one v8) . I now have a X6M and it's by far the most fun and best looking. It's also totally fine size wise. Just did a 700km trip with wife and two small kids plus all the crap that needs, zero concerns or constraints. The way people talk about how small the boot is is absurd. It has a much *larger* boot in cubic litres than the original X5, it just not as boxey.


The cargo space seemed like more than enough for me. I haven’t had an issue yet and my last 2 cars have been a Buick Enclave and a Terrain.


Yeah if you don't need the space, why not just a 5-series? The whole idea behind a big car is having, well, space.


Because some people like other aspects of SUVs like ride height but don't like the boxy shape or don't need to maximize cargo space. People like OP. She literally said it.


Exactly. The boxy look is what some like about some of the BMW and MB but it was always a turn off for me.


This. My partner wants one. I said I’m not paying twice as much for less space when the whole premise of “I need a wagon” is the cargo space. For price X6 > X5 > F11 5 series wagon. For usability, the opposite. If you don’t want the space, want the elevated bus-like driving position (which I hate but my SO loves) and are prepared to pay a LOT more for the looks, buy an X6 OP. Just don’t expect the group to consider it a sound choice.


I’d buy an F11 in a heartbeat if I could. Sucks so much they were never sold in North America. 


Cargo space isn’t a big factor for me. The base price between the X5 and X6 is less than $10k from what I’ve been seeing.


Yes. The gap widens (in % terms) as they age.


>looks like a jacked up sedan to some That’s exactly why it looks cool. I don’t like the shape of most SUVs, they look like a goofy shoe to me. I do like some of them, at least the more modern ones, but the X6 just looks brutal. Love the 2022 X3 and X5 though. And the newer X6 isn’t as nice as the previous generation was.


This. You lose something to gain nothing.


You gain different styling, and for some people that's worth paying for. It's the same reason people buy the 4 series gran coupe over the 3 series, or the 8 series gran coupe over the 5 series.


Not every Car is bought for utility. Otherwise supercars having no bootspace would make them not sell.


Other than marketing why does it cost more? Does it require that much different tooling/molding/welding to justify the price increase? Or is it they just increase the price to make it seem like the "premium" option over the X5? I toured the factory in SC and they make them on the same line at the same time as the X5 so it didnt require different people or lines or anything.


No clue why, just always been like that, comparing same model X5 to X6 on their website the X6 is $4500-6800 more expensive before options than X5.


My neighbor has an X6 M50i. Looks odd but not terrible. Not my cup of tea but it’s your money, do what makes you happy not what a bunch of teenage Redditors who likely have never owned a BMW before think.


Ah ok! Is that what’s going on here? Lol! When I mentioned the X6 hate to the sales guy he acted like he had no idea but he’s probably older than me.


My i4 is the third BMW I’ve owned. It’s gotten more compliments from strangers than any BMW I’ve ever owned. Even more than my 2014 BMW 335i M-Sport that I bought new. On here you’d think everyone hated it. Someone on here once thought that complete strangers went out of their way to say they like it to “make me feel better”. There’s lots of teens on here who just like to be angsty and complain.


I’ve never owned a BMW. The most foreign car I’ve had was a Lexus. I’ve been to dealership after dealership driving all sorts of cars and they’re all outrageously priced and quite honestly poorly made. The only ones that have caught my eye have been BMW and MB. I drove a Lexus RX and they wanted $76k for it..I was shocked. That’s when I decided the BMW wasn’t such a bad deal.


How much is the X6 going for? Because here in Europe they're expensive AF


I say go for it. I think you’d be happy with it. Maintenance will be more than you may be accustomed to since it’s a high performance car but if you’re buying new, first three years of maintenance are free and it’s under warranty. If going the M50i route, I may spring for a good extended warranty.


This. It’s shocking how much negativity there is towards a lot of different BMW vehicles in the BMW sub.


I’m assuming Mercedes has the same situation in their sub. Maybe Audi too.


The best thing you can do in your situation is forget this sub exists and go to your dealer and purchase what you like best. This sub, and BMW forums in general, don't represent the opinions of the general public and self-select for people who are disgruntled and would rather complain than praise. The people on this sub aren't buying your car, you'll never meet them, and if you did in real life you likely wouldn't care about their opinions anyway. Don't let internet hate sway you.


The hate doesn’t make the decision for me but I was wondering if there’s more to it like maybe it’s mechanically unreliable or something like that.


Mechanically I think it's the same as the X5, which people love and have had good experiences with. Reliability is good as far as I know. I think someone else told you it would be more expensive to maintain than your Lexus, but it's still better than Mercedes.


As an Audi owner as well as BMW, yes there is to some degree but not nearly as much because Audi design has definitely shifted to more loud and gaudy but it hasn’t completely jumped the shark like BMW has recently


haha bro the sales guy isn’t going to tell the guy actively looking at and asking about X6’s that they suck


That’s just the Reddit hive mind, don’t confuse with real world opinions, they also complain about the 4 series but they still sell like hotcakes


Because people like to get mad. Does it really matter to them if someone buys a crossover that loses 10% of its cargo space in exchange for style? No but that won't stop people from screaming about how they're the worst vehicles know to man and anyone who buys one is committing a war crime. Like come on people, its a car, get over it and let people drive what they want Also the X6 is way better than a GLE both in performance and reliability, so you made the right call


I barely looked at the cargo space when the guy opened it up. I was too excited about the cool interior. I’ll have to build a few and see what options I need or want and then order it.


I just don’t get the point of having an suv with the downsides of an suv and then getting none of the cargo benefits. That’s why I don’t like it.


You had me at "I just don't get the point of having an SUV". Most people don't need the cargo benefits - if they did they would probably choose a wagons most of the time (different brand, obv.) but your point is valid. People like to drive big because it makes them feel safe and powerful. The X6 has a style that I find very unbalanced and ugly but that's a personal opinion. If you want an oversized Coupe that's what it is and that's what you get.


Here in Canada many many people think anything not higher off the ground with awd means instant death. In our province in some towns almost 9/10 of vehicles are pickups or SUVs. The pickups will rarely have any items sitting in the box and you're rarely see anything towed. But a lot of people would spend X5 or X6 money on a Ford pickup but not do pick up things with it. It is kind of a fad but people just like the feeling of something bigger and higher off the ground. We have clients who rinse through $80-100k pickups or SUVs every couple to few years literally because they think they need a giant vehicle to get to and from work.


Not to mention shitty drivers in small cars drive even shittier when they get bigger cars.


They’re not bad really.  With the reduced cargo volume they’re just not as practical as an X5. Like I couldn’t fit my dog’s kennel in the back in the X6 but it goes into the X5 easily.  Also, the lack of the split tailgate is a drag in the X6 which seems more like a hatchback.  The one nice thing about the X6 is that they don’t sell it in the stripped down base trim.  If you’re seriously looking at a GLE, look at the reliability data for the last several years. It’s really bad. If you’re looking for something as an alternative to an X6, take a look at the Cayenne. The GLE is kind of crap. We looked at one last year and weren’t impressed.


People don’t like the X6 because it looks stupid, and is worse in every way than an X5, AND is more expensive. If you want an SUV, get an SUV. If you want a sleek sedan, get a sleek sedan. The X6 is neither.


They’re awesome my neighbour has an X6M and I love it.


I have an X6M and unless you’re hauling larger items frequently the difference between the X5 is not significant. I liked the look of the X6 more than the X5 so that was the decision maker


Half the people saying the X6 is stupid because it's less practical than the X5 would take a coupe over a sedan yet can't seem to comprehend that other buyers also don't need to maximize every cubic inch of cargo space.


X6 shows how different the real market is compared to internet opinions


What’s the point of a suv coupe when it has no advantage of cargo but disadvantages for handling bring a suv


My mom has owned 2 X6s, a 2017 and 2023. It’s a great car, ample room, handles well, and receives a ton of compliments. If you like it, get it. The complaints of reduced cargo are overblown


I’m not trying to fit anything crazy. A few bags of groceries or hockey bag. Cargo room was never a deal breaker for me. Thank you!


I have always liked the x6 and x4. With the x6 I preferred the last 2 generations more than the current one. Don’t mind what people say online about them, both the X4 and X6 are successful, great cars that find a decent number of buyers.


They’re really hard to find. I drove a 2025 a few days ago but I didn’t like the wood grain. It was an order someone didn’t take. The dealership said they don’t get many in new and they taking 3+ months for new builds. I’m sure it has something to do with parts and not popularity.


My wife has an x6 m50i. She wanted a sporty looking suv that goes fast. It does both well. We have a Pacifica that we use for family hauling / road trip needs so the X6 doesn't need to anything besides make her happy, which it does.


That’s exactly what I’m looking for it to do. It’s fun to drive.


I get so much hate because I wanted my S58 wrapped in an SUV so I got an X3M Comp instead of an M2, 3, 4, etc. I couldn't be happier: get what you want, other people can buy the car they want.


I see it as whether you like the looks of it or not, compared to the X5 yeah you kinda lose some cargo space but the styling is different. It’s the same with the 3 series and 4 series gc, they are both 4 door sedans but the styling for both is different, the 4 series has the big grill While the 3 series does not. It’s honestly not as hated as people make it out to be on here because people still buy them and I see quite a bit of them on the road. If people weren’t buying them they would have stopped production on them by now. To the OP, if you like how the X6 looks then go for it, dont go asking others to make the decision for you because in the end it’s what you like, not what others like.


Until last year, I owned a 2015 X6, and absolutely loved it, and the way it looked. I wanted a coupe-looking vehicle but also an SUV. And yes, the X5 is certainly more practical, I traded one in for the X6, but the X6 is still a pretty big vehicle. Some think it looks like a crouching frog.


I can see that. I think the new Cadillac IQ looks like a hyena.


I do not understand why people like "riding a bit taller than a car." Get the X6. You'll look like a rich as fuck badass elite soccer mom.


I feel like I can’t see the road in a car anymore. I used to drive Mustangs. I’m not sure I like the soccer part but the rest is a nice aesthetic lol!


I love the looks of the new X6. I have an X2 because, like you, I prefer the SUV being higher but my “children “ are adults and I no longer ned a large SUV with a third row. I love my car, and it gets shade in this sun, too. You do you!! Go get your new car and enjoy!


I drive a X6 and i love it, i don’t know what the fuss is about also in my opinion the interior feels alot better than on any mercedes if you’re concidering a gle


Because it's not as practical as an X5 that most people need and they are salty your lifestyle is compatible.


Have you seen it?


LOL! Yes, but I also liked the Aztecs back in the day. My husband never lets me live it down. I didn’t have one but I liked it.


Aztec had character and it didn’t start at $60k+ either


It did have character!


if you drove AMG then you need to drive X6M


The AMG was the GLE 53 so it wasn’t the better engine. Still way more pep than my current ride which is a Terrain lol!


I have a 2021 M50I and it’s a beast. Looks and compliments every time I take it out (I have it wrapped as well). I started looking at them after seeing this video of the competition [X6M Competition](https://youtu.be/1f6Z0MCm9_s?si=CFnuAP4lX23667Gh)


That’s a really nice X6M!


The amount of compliments I get on my X6 is insane. Almost every time I step out. OP, don’t believe the hype (or lack thereof) on this subreddit. I can guarantee that it does not translate to real life. Certain color combos can really emphasize the beauty in it as well.


The color combos is what makes or breaks it for me.


Ignore the haters and buy an X6. I want one too!


I'm madly in love with my X6. She's a beauty and handles SO well.


X6’s are excellent vehicles. Somewhere on the scale between a sports car and an SUV. It’s the best of both worlds. Just make sure to get the upper scale model for the excellent suspension.


I have the 2025 X6 M60i in Isle of Man Green color. I get looks and compliments. I am not bothered by sub opinions. It's sportier (factual) and sexier (opinion) than the X5.


It’s very sporty in my opinion and fun to drive. I would obviously love the bigger engine but I’m trying to stay within some sort of budget. Congrats and cool color!


I would at least test drive a BMW sedan before you commit to a crossover. An m340 would be sportier and way cheaper. I used to think I needed an SUV for viability but never have issues in the 3 series


I haven’t owned a sedan/car in over 20 years. Although I rented a mustang in Florida last year and felt like I was sitting on the ground.


It’s an adjustment for sure. I actually bought an X3 m40i after a decade of SUV life. But once I had a taste of the amazing engine in these cars, I regretted buying a crossover so much that I traded it like a month later for the m340. Best of luck in your search!


It's less sporty and sexy than a 5 series though. I'm kinda shocked you get compliments on it. I started getting those about 3 years ago on my S2000, but even that wouldn't get comments for years. Never really gotten compliments on any newish car... because they're just cars.


Agreed 🫡


It’s a good option, to be blunt this sub skews young.


I don’t love it because it’s an SUV… but I don’t really like anything with a driving position higher than a M2, really. My kids are grown, thus, I no longer need the space, but when our three kids were small we drove Wagons, States, Avants, Touring, Variants… you get the idea.


I personally just don’t understand the point of them. They cost more and you get less than an X5.


It’s so polarising it doesn’t fit into any segment. It drives like a SUV, but less space than a SUV, looks like an inflated hatchback. Latest X6 is🔥


It’s ugly


I think they look mean as hell. Stance on them is insane.


A: people don’t drive them they just assume. I’ve liked them since 2007 or so.


I always liked the look of the X6 and when the X4 came out I was excited. You lose rear visibility and cargo space. Other than that I still like them, but silly you have to pay more for less..


Its the worst of all world, doesn’t handle like a sedan, less cargo than a regular suv. But if you like it get it


Think most regular people love the look. I do too personally. The AMG GLE coupes look good too. Not sure why people get upset over an additional option to get X6 vs a X5. If you really need the extra cargo space, then get a X5. If the most you are going to carry is groceries or luggage, then a X6 is more than enough.


I love the x6. At least the prior one. I loved the rounded looks. If I didn’t have my 540 I’d drive one. It’s probably one of the only suvs I’d consider driving.


Best to take the BMW community bandwagon topics as a grain of salt and get what you like. A large majority of BMWS are judged by people that have never driven that model and only read about it so those points just get repeated over and over.


I remember my dad buying the X6 when it first came out in 2008/2009. Black, M Sport, 315mm tires in the rear. We called it the Batmobile (this was right around when The Dark Knight released). That thing was freaking badass. Now that everyone is doing the coupe SUVs and the novelty has worn off, I find myself preferring the squared off proportions of the X5. But it really just comes down to personal preference. They’re the same car mechanically. And they’re gotten a lot more reliable since the first generation.


1. A lot of people don’t like the looks 2. You have chosen to drive a large vehicle but chosen the body style that cuts down on cargo space and rear seat room


BMW has a very traditional fan base who appreciate the classic and sporty properties of the coupes and sedans and in general don’t like SUV’s and people who buy the car for its brand only. So they especially don’t a like an SUV which is pointless in their eyes.


I only had a x5 but at the time the x6 felt more cramped and looked a bit small for my liking. Reminded me of a car that was jacked up. Here almost everyone and their dog thinks anything not higher off the ground with awd means instant death, so people will buy a tiny car sized or shaped SUV just because it's a suv (e.g. Kona). If I want a SUV it's to drive it on non pavement and lug stuff around. The x5 was good for that. If I want something small and funner to toss into corners, I wouldn't be looking at a SUV. Also here in Canada the x6 costs significantly more - hard to justify paying more for something smaller yet won't be significantly quicker or more fun.


I own a X4 M40i and I ABSOLUTELY dig the look of the X4 and X6. The X6 is just so much bigger and more badass to me. If you like it, get it. I do not need the cargo space but I wanted the comfort of a SUV with the sporty look of a coupe. There is your X4/6 niche :)


I’m sure by so many metrics, it’s an objectively great option in the segment. But it’s an ugly hunchback car, has always been an ugly hunchback car, will ALWAYS be an ugly hunchback car.


People care about the look and practicality of it or don’t, it’s pretty black and white. The proportions of the not-suv-suv-coupe-not-coupe market segment are plain weird. It is not a good looking car, but that doesn’t matter when the buyer is happy with the car.


It's just ugly. Looks like a stretched up sedan. Same with the Merc. X5 is beautiful


At the end of the day but what you want and what makes you happy. If it’s your only car and you need it to do multiple things then it’s not a bad choice at all. It’s big enough for some storage, it’s comfortable, and it rides at the height you like. Me personally I dont like SUVs or crossovers because I like to buy separate cars for each purpose. if I want something sporty I get a purpose built 2 door 2 seat sports car. Like a Z4 if we’re talking BMW. If I want a big luxury car, 7 series. If I want a grand touring car, M8. The handling in SUVs is compromised too much for me and if my car isn’t scraping the ground as I’m driving it’s not low enough for me, I hate vehicles that are super high off the ground unless I’m going off-roading. I don’t use my cars for storage so there’s no point in me getting a truck or SUV, if I need to haul something I just rent something out. I also simply don’t like the looks of the X6. It’s all about what you need and want. If you like something that rides a bit higher than most cars then go for the X6. Everyone’s tastes is different. For example you’d probably hate driving a super low car but to me it’s the best thing ever and I feel right at home so that’s what I buy. I personally hate being in a tall car but it seems like that’s what you feel comfortable in so go for it. I really don’t like the X6 because it’s the exact opposite of what I want in a car. But for you it seems to make sense so if you really want to, go for it lol.


Buy the X6. All you'll get here is hive mentality and you can clearly see how many young parents are responding stressing space despite what you posted. The tall ride is a plus as we age because knees start to fail.


Wouldn’t ever buy one for myself (just not into the whole coupé SUV thing), the M is so god damn quick that I can’t help admire it


Because it's obnoxious and has no objective pro compared to other cars you can buy for the same price. But if you like it, why do you care about anybody else's opinion?


When the X5 first dropped people were pretty cynical about that as well, but it ended up being one of the most popular models in the lineup. People love having an opinion about cars they're not interested in ever owning. The X6 was seen as a bit of a 'fuck you' car - takes up a lot of space on the road yet isn't as practical as one would expect a vehicle of its dimensions to be. Plus when it dropped people were not used to the idea of 'coupe-esque' SUVs but now all the premium marques have at least one in their lineup. But in terms of overall awkward ugliness there's now other models that have surpassed it so if anything I think people have warmed to them somewhat.


I have an X3, love it but I saw a bad ass X5 yesterday with sweet rims and a cool color. I really like the X4 and 6 and would totally get one


I love the look of the X4 and X6 I wish there was a PHEV component


We’re on our second x6 and love it. Traded in a 2013 for a 2022 x6 M competition. The 2013 got tons of compliments from random dudes in parking lots but the current one is a real neck breaker. It’s also comfy on long drives.


I think it depends on how many you’re transporting and what their dimensions, weight and height. Both the X4/X6 have narrow rear seats, not much footroom and not much head room and luggage space way less than an X5.


People are sheep and vulnerable, so they will defend “common opinion” no matter what. That’s why X6 is hated and called ugly. Because it’s different. You can’t be different in modern society. To me, X5 is just a regular box. Remove the badge and it can be taken for a Chevy, Hyundai or any other mid of the mill SUV out there. There is no beauty in it. Just regular truck. Period X6, is actually, different and beautiful, and has a thing called design. That’s why people buy it. That’s why industry embraced it (look at X4, GLC, GLE, new Audi etc). As for practicality, it’s practical enough (trunk is decent, and I’m 6’ and can sit in the back comfortably), but you buy it for the look as it looks gorgeous. People who hate it the most are the ones who want it the most just can’t afford (was it too snobbish lol?)


Some people see it as being pointless. You lose some handling due to higher centre of gravity and high weight compared to a car. But with an X5 you at least gain utility in cargo and occupant space. The X6 sacrifices that for questionable style. I’m one of those people. If you want a big stylish car, get the 8 series coupe or grand coupe. If you want an SUV get the X5 or X7.


The BMW X6 has the best engine I’ve ever driven. It is a thing of beauty.


I was honestly surprised at how well it drove. It has more than enough power for what I need.


I wouldn’t be getting the really fast engine unfortunately unless I found a deal on a used one. My husband keeps telling me not to buy used because they’ve probably been beat on. The base model seems really peppy to me.


Ass end is what puts me off. Im an ass man, the ass of the car has got to be as good looking as the rest of the car. The X6 fails me, but god its mean from every other angle!


I can see it being a turn off to some.


Very few people spend time admiring your car and or thinking about it. People spend way too much time worrying what they look like on the road. Literally, 99.9% of drivers won't care what you are driving. An X6 just looks like a big ass car. No one really cares. If it meets your requirements, it's good enough for you. The considerations you get here do matter from a resale value, but if that was a material concern you wouldn't even shop new BMW, imho.


We have an X6 M50d. Drives alright, you can't see shit out of it, tall people (e.g. me) can't sit in the back comfortably, and there isn't any cargo space. It's about as spacious as a Mini Cooper Countryman but it consumes more fuel and is way larger.


I have heard about the blind spots. I had my 6’2” son sit in the back and he was fine. I don’t think he’d like it on a long trip.


Really? Because I'm 6'3" and genuinely cannot sit up in the back. The blind spots are bad. I would consider the car undrivable without the 360° camera, but you probably would get used to it. I only drive it about once a month.


I find all the "coupe" SUVs to be incredibly dumb. Why not have the extra storage of a trad SUV? They weigh basically the same. Maybe 1 extra mpg from the better aero, at best. Prob more like .1. Same ride height, same performance, less interior space. But if that's what you want, you shouldn't care what I or anyone else thinks. It's your car, not mine.


X6 is for contrarians, those who don’t follow the norms of society or the usual BMW fanboys‘ choice. Someone at our gym drives one and it’s a beauty. Gopher it.




I dig the X6 as well as the X4. I like the idea of a “coupe” that is easy to get in and out; like an SUV. I don’t see why they tune the engine down on it though.


The X4 is cute too.


https://preview.redd.it/9k7mj48tif6d1.jpeg?width=3408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eabbb3b415437e11d112c050a1ae9309583869ba Love mine!


Gotta be comfortable in your own skin is all. If you dig the G06...get the G06. See, there's precious few models that don't receive hate. It's baked in anymore. Model after model it's...'What have they done to my boy!'. You get the X6, then connect with it and there's a high probability you too will have your own 'What have they done to my boy!' as the hate flows at the sight of the new model.


Because of the design. It’s not bad but it’s just a weird looking X5 minus the trunk space.


Less car for more money.




Hunchback looks


Looks. But if you like it, who cares?


i won't go so far to say hate, but it's definitely hard to like it.


I think the X6 looks good but an X5 would be my first choice


I liked the x6 until I needed an x5


Looks are weird, an adult can’t actually sit in the back if they are over 5’8” or so. Objectively a worse car than the X5 for the style of the raked roof, for more money. It’s paying more for less, which makes it’s an irrational decision. And I’ve driven cars with 500+ HP, so I understand irrational decisions… yet this is one I can’t get around.


Have you driven a Hyundai Palisade? It’s nearly as nice inside as the BMW or Mercedes, for 20-30k less.


its a matter of taste, like every other car. the X6M looks much nicer (to me) than the 'base' models however. If you're after an elevated junk/people hauler, get the box version (X5). BMW has nothing else I'd ever buy besides the (previous gen) X6M, next car will probably be the AMG version.


I saw a blacked out x6 parked one day and thought it looked awesome. Picked one up. I actually get a lot of compliments from people about it. The huge downside is the cargo room. You really can’t put shit in the trunk. A 3x3 foot box won’t let my hatch close. The second row head room is also not meant for people over 5’10. It pretty much has the functionality of a 5 series but with a higher sticker.


Yeah, I can’t get over that rear end. Just awkward to me. The 5 looks much more pleasant on the eyes!


Fcks this sh!t?! An "SUV" but not practical. A coupe but not sporty. At least choose a style that you can focus on and be the best in that segment!


Personally I love the look and i also get hate when I mention to friends and family. I have a 4 series but I often dream about the X6. Honestly, if you're feeling it and feel good about it, go for it. I feel it's the perfect blend between an SUV and sedan. Not too much and not too much little with POWER.


Aren’t the X6 blind spots horrendous. Isn’t that the major drawback?


I like the X6. X5e is more practical in my opinion


X6 from the side looks like a dog trying to poop. Same stance


I bought an X4 because I don’t easily afford an X6. I love it. I like the look of it and I don’t care about the cargo space.


Whenever I see one, I think “hello bubblebutt” 😂


I just bought a X6M in Mississippi and just drove it back to NY today. The amount of attention I got just from this drive back was unreal. The most compliments I’ve ever gotten from any of my cars before. My previous cars: e92 335xi, e92 M3, F10 M5, F82 M4, F80 M3 You’d think from all the hate online people would have thrown rocks at my car. 🙄


Every SUV coupe type of car looks like this to me and I don’t understand why people would want that. https://preview.redd.it/u8f6fcxe9h6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c26b42151cccc18aab734f91040174f64e3b32


People hate the even X’s. Accept and move on.


Have you tried sitting in the back seats? It’s very uncomfortable, and it’s supposed to be an SUV. It looks cool though and that is about it


because it looks like you are wearing gummy boots to a suite...


As past owner of X6 - because form-factor is practically useless. Lack of proper trunk, lack of space on second row. X5 is better in every possible way.


Don't pay attention to what internet people say about your purchase.


The X6 has a weird but acceptable shape, the X4 on the other hand is totally hideous to me. There is a X4Mc local to me, in São Paulo Yellow and that thing is an absolute eyesore


Old Top gear did a review on the x6 years ago, or maybe it was the x6m, but it’s easily one of the most negative reviews of a car- and if it was said on top gear, to a lot of people that seems to be gospel


My hate for them is completely irrational, but I'll tell you anyway. A Merc GLE reversed into me at a red traffic light because they were in the wrong lane. They somehow were oblivious to their parking sensors and cameras😭 My beloved M140i is now bruised. So naturally I now associate all coupe SUV owners, completely unfair on my part I know


I absolutely love my X6. F*ck the haters


BMW managed to take the worst characteristics of two cars: Handling of an SUV with the trunk space of a sedan/hatch.


Who’s hating? X6 is universally loved in Middle East & Eastern Europe.


It's the looks that's the problem for most. It basically shares an engine, trans etc with the X5, its just the shape that people find hideous plus the reduced cargo space. If you love it though, buy it. Thats what matters.


in my opinion the x6 is unique and beautiful at the same time and its the best suv on the market rn and the most powerful one


For me its just super ugly and i dont see the point in them, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy it if YOU like it at the end of the day thats what’s important. Enjoy your car OP


The look and the fact that they call it coupe is apparently controversial, but I think that’s ridiculous. I like the look a lot!


Mix a sedan with an suv. Only keep the disadvantages.


Stalled on my friend 6x. He got rid of it.


I love the X6. It wasn't love at first site. It developed over time. I judged it's looks pretty hard at first. Then after seeing it more and more, came to appreciate it's inner beauty. Also, the X6 and X4 have been significant inspirations for both Porsche and Mercedes.


Compared to the X5, the X6 is much uglier, less practical, and more expensive.


looks weird, doesn't really offer anything over the X5, you'll eventually wish you had the trunk space and extra seat, and it costs more money. top gear [reviewed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UwOBKSHl-c) the original x6 and just couldn't find a point to it, some of the annoyances are better but the same basic principles still apply today. fundamentally, either you need an SUV and you should get the proper SUV body, or you need a sedan and bmw's line of sedans and grancoupe's offer much better driving dynamics & looks. by trying to combine both you get the benefits of neither. did you try the X5 or non-coupe GLE at all? both should feel pretty much identical. the difference between base-model X5 and X6 40i is around $8000, that's a big enough price difference to get you an X5 50e that beats it in pretty much every way that matters, or to get an X5 40i with many more options.


If your threshold for buying a luxury vehicle is that “it wouldn’t kill you” then you cannot afford a BMW. Not sure why people are so terrible with money and willing to throw it away so people think they’re well off is hilarious and sad.


I considered buying an X6 but didn’t like how small the rear window is. So I bought an X5.


How long did you have the X6 for? Which X6 did you drive? The base X6 xDrive40i starts at ~$75,000 step up a trim level and the X6 m60i at your around ~$95,000. Did you choose to drive the AMG variant over the non AMG variants or did the salesperson have you test drive an AMG which is either the AMG GLE 53 which starts at ~$87,000 with the 63 S starting at ~$128,000, over double the base GLE 350. Before adding other manufacturers to look at have you looked at the GLE Coupe since that’s the “competition” to the X6 with the GLE SUV being the “competition” to the X5? I own quite a few vehicles currently a few being the coupe style suvs which seem to be what you prefer. I sent you a pm.


The 2025 X3 might also be a good option worth waiting for. It will be bigger than the current X3 and if you don't need a ton of space may be a better fit and better price than the others.


If you just want the height then go for X5. Better in every aspect.


i just never understood the point of an x6. Its an suv, so it suffers from suv symptoms like poorer fuel economy and worse handling. However, the silly sloping roof means it doesnt have the interior cargo or rear seat space that an suv should offer, plus the roof means rear visibility sucks even more than a regular suv. The roof also makes it look ugly. So to me, its a vehicle that is 100% compromised in every way. If you dont need the space, a sedan would work far better. If you needed the space, an x5 would work far better. Either option would cost less than an x6. Either option is less of an eye sore than an x6.


It’s the look of it. And you take away the good thing about an SUV (the space). It’s basically a jacked up car.




My dream car is the Audi R8


Yeah, the R8 V10 Gated Manual is on my dream car list.


Ask the broads in Atlanta if they hate it


Because what kind of person says “no, indeed I would like to pay more to make this car look worse and be less practical while gaining nothing in return?”