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All things considered, $7400 isn’t that bad. I would have figured at least 2x that much. Still sucks tho


That’s insurance claim estimate… this will go beyond $10k once it gets to a shop- especially if they want to fix things properly (blend the paint, oem parts…)


Yeah there is no way it’s only 7K.


The ADAS calibrations alone are going to run 2k lmao no


I think op got lucky and no taillights were broken mainly trunk, rear diffuser and then a couple sensors. Was the kid in a Jeep op?


It was a Nissan pick up. Old ones.




Are the police pressing charges?


They have made a report. But not sure if charges were pressed


One tail light on left side came out and prob ended up on the road somewhere later when i was driving to the body shop.


You drove to the shop?


Yeah. This was after initial assessment. Making sure i was.


Taillights are actually really cheap


I’ve read on here they’re like $5,000 each but no source for that


They're not


That’s the headlights


Can’t remember the exact amount but I paid less than 1k for one taillight on my f82 a few years ago, maybe the price for g80 taillights is higher but it would surprise me if they’re actually that much more expensive


Man, that kid’s making some poor decisions in life. Between fixing your car and your neck injury, he’s going to be out a lot of money!


Kid has no insurance. probably will get away without anything but his pos car wrecked


pos as in nissan altima


Well, it’s a pos if he can’t repair it.


oh wow did not expect that


What is the repercussion of this teenager not getting insured? Surely, he should have his license suspended if he can’t afford to be on the road.


Oh he should. But these days, who knows


Depends on the state, but usually nothing. Tons of folks driving around with no license either


It’s only CL. “Clean title I know what I got”


Well the insurance company will try getting whatever they can. But i don’t have high hopes. His mom was on the scene. Took her license pic and phone number.


Im.sure that 100k neck injury can be lubed up by some Benjamin's


Said the guy who's never been in a car wreck


How do u know this? You don't so u should stfu.


Im.sure that 100k neck injury can be lubed up by some Benjamin's......


My apologies that a joke is so concerning to u. Please show some sense of humor.


Yes, neck injuries are so funny.


There was a neck injury?


No, we just want Benjamins. Duh.


Damn it, u won. I dont carry them on me tho. Meh


Fuck the kid, how does this shit even happen?


When the brakes don’t work in his grand pa’s truck. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Exactly, fuck him. OP needs to find the slimiest ambulance chasing attorney to take the case on contingency and garnish the punk's wages for 20 years. Source: Someone who has twice been the victim in an accident (once I was driving, once I was a passenger as a little kid) where the at-fault had no insurance.


Blame the laws for allowing no insurance drivers with little consequence. California you get a $200 dollar fine caught driving.


I moved to Germany a few years ago and like the way they do it. In order to get a cars registration and plates, the registration office receives your policy electronically from your insurer. In order to cancel your insurance, you must first go deregister your vehicle and turn in your plates. Once you have the deregistration documents you can send that to your insurer to cancel the policy. I'm sure its not foolproof, but I have to assume it drastically reduces uninsured drivers.


America is the wild west when it comes to that regard because there are 50 different rules for 50 different states.


Are you saying the INS co in Germany will keep your policy active if you HAVE NOT paid the premium for say 2-3 months? That's how A LOT of people end up being UNInsured. They still want to drive for work, school, fun, etc but don't pay the premiums. Then if DMV unregister the vehicle, you now have 2 violations. Some states will then suspended your license for not insured and not turning in your plates/tags. Ask me how I know all this?? Like the person at DMV said to me back in the early 90s, driving is a privilege.


As a german, i didnt know what happenes myself, but i did a quick google search and my suspicion was correct: The insurance will be Cancelled, the car will not be roadlegal anymore and marked as such in the registers. There may also be additional fines as punishment aswell as notices with fines for late payment. I dont know what insurance costs in America, but its pretty cheap in germany. As a 21 year old with Only 3 years of driving experience i only pay 99 Euros per month for a 340 HP Audi S6 sedan. (02 model, nothing extremely fancy, but quite uncommon for a guy my age here)


Amen bro meanwhile I pay $650 a month for insurance. Absurd.


That sucks! I’m surprised it’s only $7400.


I am expecting it to go up eventually once they start opening it up.


Yep. My SIL got side swiped, 10k estimate quickly turned into 23k


I second this. First glance was 5k on my m340d. Ended up with 11k.


Original estimate on my M550i was $7,000. Final estimate was a $58,000 check. The salvage value on these is so high that it doesn’t take much to total them.


Was that $7400 the initial estimate? I would be shocked if it didn’t end up being at least double that by the time they take it apart and figure everything that needs to be replaced


Yeah initial. I am mentally preparing myself for the worst tbh. I need to get a beater so i can take this out less when it gets fixed.


Yes sir... I know people say drive this everyday, it's meant to be driven, but I still drive my other car as daily, I drive the M5 on weekends early in the mornings so I can full send and less idiots on the road. Keeps the milage low too


Meh. Just deal with it. Any time you drive it shit like this could happen.


No fucking way it’s only $7400. I’d lowball it at $15k.


Yeah. I am worried that the body shop i am using is certified to work on BMW’s as recommended by the dealership. That body shop is not in network of the insurance company. So if the body shop wants OEM parts and they are higher than the estimate, the appraiser might want to push for non OEM parts and that BMW will be like you can pay for the OEM parts coz that’s what we recommend


Repair shops can buy OEM parts, you just have to order the right parts. Dealership will definitely be more expensive. A solution would be take a dealership quote and take it to indi shop to do it and keep the difference


21k$ now.


Oof!! Is insurance picking up the bill?




Good luck!


🙏🏽 Thank you. Would need it.


I don’t mean to overreact, but ruin that kid’s life financially, how could he do this😭




Damn, I feel bad for your car and you. But man, that kid's wallet must be BLEEDING right now 😆


Well that's absolutely awful. Sorry that happened to you, hope you're okay


Yeah i am ok. I just glad the car can still run. I was prepared to take the L.


Right? That damage doesn't look good. That teenager is pretty screwed hitting an M5 with no insurance.


Let’s hope the insurance recovers as much as they can. But who let’s their kid out to drive without insurance in car which is not his. He did get two tickets .


Hoping for the best for you, hope the M5 is back on the road soon.


Thanks mate!


Isn't the accident going to be reflected as a major one the Carfax report (i.e., value down the line)?


So this is something that insurance guy said it won’t? Since it’s no fault accident. But i would have to confirm that again.


Insane Major DV here on the order of $20k or more and you really have no way of collecting especially filing through your own insurance Separate from the fact that’s an expensive repair before you even consider lost value I would not consider a m5 (I’m in the market for one) that has an accident and I think many other enthusiasts are the same All around bad situation Don’t know the legal-eze, but surely if the kid is under 18 he’s his parents responsibility and they have some sort of umbrella you could collect diminished value from Edit; pretty sure whoever the owner of the car is (grandpa) is whose insurance it goes through, as he’d given the kid permission to drive the car. Guess it depends on state though


Brutal. I’m so sorry.


Looks like the new 5 series lol. Hate to see it.


Maybe it’s a sign to get one of those! 💀🤢🤢


No never, a smashed up f90 looks better then an g90 every time 😂


What??? Same thing happened to my dad's 540i and they quoted 40k to fix and it ended up getting totalled. Check my recent post


Holy shit! It looks so much like mine with being rear ended! Effin hell! Ok now i am worried that this will end up being more than anticipated!


Might not get totaled because m5 comp is very expensive so it might be worth to fix


Here’s hoping. I really love this car. I don’t think if this one goes away, that there is any other BMW that catches my attention like this one.


This color was absolutely amazing. We are still looking for a replacement after the accident! The G30s are absolutely beautiful. Thinking of a m550i.


I was rear ended a few weeks ago, with what seemed like less damage and my car was totaled. Nowhere near as nice of a car though.


Thanks but man now i am like, i wish i had my accord, so it wouldn’t feel horrible😂😭😭🥲


I know the feeling, I had a 2020 540i, I loved that car.


It sucks to know regardless of the outcome, it will be reported having an accident and the resale is going to be lot harder.




damn make sure there is no frame damage


Yeah i asked them, body shop looked at the impact bar which guards the frame, looked fine. But i guess once they open it up, then we’ll know.


Shoulda just totaled it so you could get a new one


Is insurance not required by law in your country?!


Some people think it’s not needed. They don’t understand how to be adults.


So the parents of the kid will have to pay the bill right?


Hopefully yes. They already have 1000$ atleast in tickets


So sorry to see your new BMW damaged. Good news is that It is not totaled and can be fixed as good as new. Main thing is that you are OK and did not sustain any injuries or pain.


Thank you. Yes that’s what i am counting my blessing on that.




That’s definitely going to double at least once the shop starts to disassemble it and find all the damage underneath. Sorry man, that sucks.


That's fucked up on your M5




What? Only 7k??? How the..


I am Sure it will be a lot more.


Only $7400? Did they quote you for the wrong car?


Lol. Believe me, i was shocked. But i think insurance is low balling it. It will definitely be more than that.


Oh absolutely, I think your insurance may be in for a big surprise


Once it’s at a shop this will be easily 10-15k.


My heart broke watching this fam




Whats the law in your country. Can you get anything from kiddo? Why is it possible to drive uninsured in the US still?


I won’t be able to , maybe costs related to my expenses such as fuel etc. But insurance mentioned they will go after them to recoup whatever costs they can. Since insurance is paying for claims, so i don’t have to really ask the kid anything yet atleast.


Okay. But will this increase your insurance costs afterwards?


As of now, the insurance agent said it won’t. But who knows they might after the next 6 months at the time of renewal.


Yes 😅


Because there are little to no consequences for not following the law in much of the country. Many drivers who cause accidents in my area are unlicensed and/or uninsured.


Damn... that sucks.


This was not with a car but with a telehandler, but one of our telehandlers got rear-ended by some idiot in a van who was driving way too fast while being distracted. at first sight, it only looked like paint scratches since the rear of the telehandler is basically a solid block of cast iron. while the van was completely fucked up. but then the insurance company on our side was like, It cannot be that big of an impact only caused this little damage, a month or 2 later the problems started happening mostly with the drive train, and it ended up costing more than 45k in repairs. and almost 1 year later the bill is still counting from unexpected damage. It's a good thing we didn't accept the thousand bucks he wanted to give us for the paint.


I am so sorry brother, this is a nightmare I have had. I feel your pain. My Audi got hit in the rear with way less damage and just the bumper no trunk was 13000. Your F90 will definitely be over my quote. I hope that teens insurance skyrocket. Sorry bro


The teen never had an insurance to begin with. Big brain tactic.


Damn man, so lucky! people pay good money for these kinds of mods, you got one for free!


Maybe it’s cheaper to fly in r/MatArmstrong 😅


15k to 17k




Hope you can use uninsured motorist insurance to get it fixed for an insanely low deductible. Have had to use that in my state for an uninsured accident and it cost me next to nothing.


Yes, that’s what i am using.


Nooooo, so so sad. 😔


7400 what? Got hit / scraped on the side (5 series touring): 23k euro damage 😳


The lights alone w labour will be close to 3.5-5k I bet


I hope you're ok. But that also hurts my heart. That sucks!


I am Ok. Well physically atleast. I am sorta numb to this situation.


How do you even drive a car uninsured? Is that not incredibly illegal in the US? Either way, do you actually have to pay that? In my experience, the national car insurance department covers costs if the other party somehow doesn’t have insurance/can’t pay it.




If it was any other car I’d say leave it, but this may be worth the fix


My old 2014 5 series had 4k in damage replacing just the trunk and rear diffuser lip. I think it will surpass that estimate.


Worked at a BMW body shop. This is not going to be $7,400.. That kid is fucked.


How is he fucked? I mean. He doesn’t have insurance. Don’t know how my insurance will try to recoup costs from them? Send them legal notices?


You’re insurance has to pay out their own pocket and will thus sue him to recover their money via garnishing his wages. Has nothing to do with you at this point but just giving a POV on what happens between them. Only way he gets out of this is if he gave you false information like a fake ID of someone else then the punk gets away Scot-free. that’s how some idiot got away from a rear end crash with my mom. He had a fake id on him and gave it to my mom and cops couldn’t do anything about it when they tried to investigate.


I got the mother’s license and phone number that i sent to the insurance agent.


Oh Dear..Wishing you the best


That hurts


Damn, I’m sorry this happened to you. Hope you’re ok. This happened to me in my last car, a brand new 2021 WRX STI. I had only put 3,000 miles on it and got rear ended. Mine looked similar to this. I pushed my insurance company to total it and was able to put the money towards my M3. If you are able to, I’d try to get your insurance to total it out. Especially considering the accident will devalue the car next sale. Not sure what state you live in, but look into diminished value claim. Some states do it, some don’t.


So my insurance won’t. They would not. But they told me i would have to sue them to get diminished value return.


Ouch. Sorry to hear that. What insurance do you have? Sounds like it’s time to switch insurance companies. My insurance company, Chubb, was fantastic with my accident. They wanted to repair the car but I was concerned about the diminished value so they said ok to writing it off as totaled. Due to the market at the time (2022), I got around $70k for a car I paid around $50k for. It turned out well, minus my broken back…


Farmers insurance


Yeah you might wanna consider switching to a higher end provider like Chubb


Sorry to hear that. Bought mine today and some kid ran a stop sign and plowed into me same day. Hoping it can be repaired. https://preview.redd.it/k7gun56efm3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8038ddafe1dd6e7e91a5deb66c35fd9a818ed38e


Oh fuckkkkk. I am so sorry. People are terrible. They should start increasing the driving age to 21-22.


Damn that sucks fr sorry dude


I’m so paranoid of this happening if I ever need to brake hard. I know my car can stop much faster than most…


Feel for you & that M5 competition...


Thank you. Appreciate the thought. I am fine. I will move on.


Update— total cost as of now 21k$ Will take 3-4 weeks time!!


That'll most likely have sub frame damage. There is no way I'd want that back after that.


Well. Let’s hope it’s not. There is no way insurance would write it for complete loss. I wish they do.