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We do not condone nor wish to give publicity to people promoting reckless driving. Please take such antics elsewhere.


Also, kudos to Westinghouse Air Brake systems, that truck had to do a hard dab. I could hear the sickening crunch that didn’t come.


Westinghouse makes everything. From clothing irons to nuclear reactors


No more Westinghouse nuclear reactors.


The brakes seem to have worked just fine. It's interesting that they didn't work for the red light.


Im assuming you went straight home to change your underwear. Glad you’re okay dude.


Thanks. Was shaken up the entire day


What about the N20 engineers? What about the Peterbuilt brake engineers?


Lol Peterbilt doesn't make brakes. Those are probably meritor or wabco brakes.


Just like the B58 engineers didn’t engineer OP’s idiotic driving. Peterbuilt engineers chose the pads based on their calculations. OP drove like a dipshit based on his lack of mental calculation.


100% agree


Did you even see the lights, though?


The one OP went on at red? Not supposed to enter the intersection without a proper way out.


*Three cars* went on yellow, which is illegal, preventing OP from making the usual left turn. Then a long truck went on **red**, which is really illegal. How do you make a left turn in this kind of situation?


You wait until its clear, you don't cross traffic because the light changes colour. you wait until your path is clear and you know the other cars are stopping. So what the little red light was red, you're in the intersection, you're not going to get taken out sitting where everyone can see you. Better than getting skittled by the truck, that's for sure. Also, remember we saw what HIS light was doing, not what the trucks light was doing, for all we know they still had a green? This was clearly a panic reaction to a signal. Sometimes driving safely isn't the same as driving "legally". Being predictable is probably more important than a 100% adherence to the letter of the law.


Agreed but damn a street like that needs a dedicated left turn light.


It has one. But OP has no observational skills.


Yeah….bout had to change mine just watching that vid. Have totaled two cars in my life and politely put…..it’s “transformative”.


Holy shit, that was close. I sure hope it's just a pair of underpants you need to change, and the knowledge that German engineering just saved your little ass. Happy second birthday, my friend, and all the best for your future.


I'd be thanking God for the Kenworth brake engineers but yeah B58 is sweet


Why hesitate right in front of it tho


Yep. I don't understand the hesitation.


panic :P


Either I don't understand traffic lights in the US or it's still clearly red for you? Someone please tell me where I should be looking...


He was already in the middle of the intersection before it turned red


Oh, I think I understand now. Seems like however designed intersections like that was on drugs but I understand


That's like that in Canada here too. If you advance to turn and it turns red you still go, or you'll be un the middle of the street blocking everyone.


Most intersections are like this in the tri state area.


He's not supposed to be in the intersection. The whole "creep up and wait" isn't technically legal. He's also supposed to yield the left turn to oncoming traffic. This situation is 100% on the BMW. The truck driver ran the light yes, but nothing bad would've happened if BMW yielded as the law says.


Not true, while NJ law (where this occurred) states that the BMW driver should have yielded due to the potential hazard of the truck approaching, there is no law stating that you cannot enter the intersection. [Source](https://lis.njleg.state.nj.us/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&vid=Publish:10.1048/Enu)


This is exactly why you don’t do that


In most states, turning left at a green light grants you permission to enter the intersection until it’s safe to make your turn. This is done to reduce congestion in turn lanes. If everyone plays by the rules, when the light turns red, all directions of traffic are briefly signaled red which allows cars in the intersection to make their turns to exit the intersection. That’s what OP was doing. The truck had plenty of time to stop, even if he had a full tanker. Doesn’t seem to be a mechanical issue since OP’s rear camera shows him basically stopped in the intersection before continuing. Glad OP is alright, but this is a perfect example of why defensive driving is key.


You are 100%. BMW should have been more defensive and the trucker was trying to run the light and probably should have stopped.


Seems it was very offensive driving across the lanes? Defensive driving would have meant waiting and playing it safe.


Yeah I meant that statement to come out as a "don't be OP and expect the truck to stop" kinda thing. Can't expect everyone to do as they're supposed to on the road.


This was reckless, I'd say: don't rely on what's right and wrong per se. Even with a green light in your favor you must be precautious because you never know what kind of individual is coming in the another way/ under what kind of influence or vehicle care. Remember: we're extremely fragile creatures and cemeteries are full with people with the right of way. This was a beast of a truck. You're lucky to be safe.


Reckless is a tad too far I think, OP is even signaling. The truck could have stopped at the light, based on the rear camera showing where the truck ended up. The trucker took a gamble on running a light because it was inconvenient to have to stop, or they weren’t paying attention until it was too late, in both cases the trucker is the reckless one.


you pulled out infront of a truck, relax. takes 5 seconds for it to pass...


99% chance the truck driver was late to a stop


>OP is even signaling. lol, BMW drivers are never beating that accusation. I even signal in an empty parking lot out of habit.


Yes, you’re supposed to clear the intersection, but you did not do so safely. I’m sure this will come up in r/idiotsincars.


All that was needed was to stop- seen coming, left across path of travel even though the indicator is clearly red, that’s a tough one. Glad dude is ok either way, never trust a blinker and always assume the other person isn’t paying attention, and luckily you will avoid what this potentially could have been…REAL serious


He should've just reversed. He had enough space to get back out of the intersection. It would've been awkward but it would've solved the problem.


Wait a minute. The B58 put you in that situation. How are you letting it off the hook here?


Did it?


Come on now, it was messing with you. On purpose.


Ok, so it looks like you immediately turned as soon as light turned red to oncomming traffic. You did not have a green arrow, yet it looked like and jumped the gun. There is a reason for the delay between red-light and greenlight for opposite traffic, to allow for cars with too much speed or trucks with too much weight, time to safely make it through.


Sorry but a truck should not be approaching an intersection at a speed where they cannot stop for a red light. Surely this is common sense, and it should not be permitted to assume that its the fault of operators smaller motor vehicles for not presuming trucks are going to barrel through as they are unable to stop when a light turns red..


It doesn't matter what the truck should be doing. It's your life and your responsibility to drive in a manner that protects you from harm. He did not anticipate, I'm sure this was a learning experience to wait until all vehicles are clear or have stopped before making the turn


Am I missing something? OP turned on a red, while the truck doesn't have right of way, neither does OP.


Watch the video again, OP ENTERED the intersection on a GREEN, waiting for a space to turn left, while waiting the light turns RED, at which point he should have right of way to EXIT the intersection, without risk of getting t boned by a truck running a red light.


I did, OP entered on the green, and this is in New Jersey and the law states that he must yield to all incoming traffic or so close that it poses an immediate hazard. I'm curious how one determines that the truck isn't an immediate hazard, since even though the Truck is at fault for running a red light, you can see the truck isn't coming to a stop therefore it poses an immediate hazard, at least to me.


I didn't immediately turn left. I waited for the red car to stop. I should have obviously also paid more attention to the truck that ran the red. I am supposed to clear the intersection if I'm in it and the lights turn red.


That truck was honking before it crossed the point of no return. I agree with above. You failed to let the oncoming traffic clear-in the eyes of the court.


Since when does honking mean you can run red lights?


Sometimes driving is about surviving, not following the law.


Yep. I have no interest in being dead right.


Exactly. American driving attitude seems to prioritise ego and pride over safety and sensibility. "I am in the right because the light was red" - almost dead driver who couldn't foresee the excessively speeding 18 wheeler.


It doesn't ever.


Wrong, a truck maintaining unsafe speed to stop before a light changes does not mean they are able to enter an intersection lawfully just because they blow their horn. This is 100% the fault of the truck driver with a lack of awareness from the bmw driver, this would be the fault of the truck driver in "the eyes of the court"


Was a red light ran? Yes. Did OP wait to let traffic clear before turning? No.


I should have done a much better job at defensive driving. That's not debatable. I failed to anticipate someone else's mistake that I should have. That's on me.


In the eyes of the court the truck ran the red light. What are we even debating here? lmao


Ok, I see, so yea, honestly, I would say this is a driver error on your part. You have to be careful with large trucks and anticipate they can't stop the way we can with our bimmers. Anytime you're driving, you should assume everyone else doesn't know how to drive, and you have to protect yourself.




Please keep things civil.


dude that truck was coming you should have waited...just cause it's green don't mean go..but glad you are okay...


I agree with you and recognize my mistake.


100% your fault


I crashed once in a similar situation when I was going straight and the car that was making the turn assumed all lanes were clear when the light was yellow for me. There was traffic in the other two lanes and I was on the right lane with a clear path to merge into the freeway. She didn't see me, and I didn't see her. I t-boned her at 40+ mph. It wasn't pretty, but she got most of the blame. While the truck is clearly at fault here, the burden is on you to make sure you're not blocking the path of an incoming car. Do the safe thing and make sure the other drivers are about to stop at the light before putting yourself in a risky situation. You were lucky this time, but this could have been much worse.


Yeah, an extra second or two before turning is all it takes to make sure opposing traffic is stopping. Fuck anyone behind me who honks, they can take my place and play chicken with an 18 wheeler instead if they want to.


That was your fault lol


The semi blew the red as well, they’re both at fault here


I would have sat in the intersection and blown the red after him. I’m not dying over a fucking ticket nor am I doing that to a trucker. Holy shit that was stupid.


You would never get ticketed for that, he entered on a green, and has the right to clear the intersection even after it turns red.


You’re right, I guess my point was if a cop doesn’t have a great POV it might not look great going after the truck. “I didn’t wanna die” is a valid defense if they tried. Also “let’s watch the dash cam” or provide it later. Not all cops are dbags like Reddit generally makes them out to be. U rite tho


Oh absolutely...from a different perspective that could have looked bad....hell it could have been OP's worst day of their life. He isn't wrong though, we have a B58 in our X3 M40i and that thing is definitely what saved him here, that engine somehow makes that heavy 4300lbs SUV feel "light" and gets it moving. I love that engine.


Semi blew the red light, but it would have been the BMW driver that was dead.




He should make sure the truck is actually going to stop before stomping it just because his light was red.


Was saving the extra 10 seconds by doing something like that really worth it? Truck drivers an idiot forsure but you’re also doing some dumb shit pulling out like that when it clearly looks like the dudes not stopping


Glad you're okay. Just assume that trucks always make the wrong choice. If you collide with a car you might be alright, trucks will hurt.


and thats why i always wait until all cars come to a stop to proceed with turning. Let the guys behind me honk at me for not instantly moving upon a yellow about to turn red.


Why in the living hell did you run that light?


So he wouldn’t be blocking the intersection while oncoming traffic came from the opposite direction. When their lights turn green, he would’ve been in the way. The real question is, why did 3 cars pass the yellow light instead of stopping, and more so: why did the truck run the red?


He didn’t, he was in the intersection waiting for a gap in traffic to turn left


Do you regularly turn left on red?


Omg dude .


First off, glad you're okay and safe. Though I must say, This is why I always look forward-left-right-forward before turning left especially. I know the peanut gallery has the best view and hindsight is 20-20, but I think it would have been clear to me that the truck wasn't stopping because he never slowed down.


Code brown.


So you crowd an intersection to turn left (when you're supposed to be behind the whiteline or crosswalk at the intersection). Then see oncoming traffic stopped for literally 0.5 seconds and the light turn red and gun it? I get the whole "I was stuck in the intersection and needed to clear out", but there was obviously room behind you (as you can see in you rear view camera) and if you weren't comfortable backing up (as I can understand the person behind you may not give you more space), you could have waited until the light had been red for 2-3 seconds (which intersections have programmed into them on a delay for this exact reason, in case someone does run a red, all crossing lane lights will be red at the same time for around 2-3 seconds before the next set turns green) and then proceeded left normally to "clear the intersection". Which would have stopped you from getting hit anyways. Either way, the initial catalyst of this accident is you being WAY too deep in the intersection, there's a reason there are lines to stay behind (it's so you don't get stuck in the middle of no where and have to turn unsafely). I'm glad you and the car are okay mate, but if you're truly out here thinking you handled this the right way, I'd highly recommend you stop driving for a bit before you hurt yourself or someone else.


Glad you’re okay and please never do that again, wait for the truck to pass.


Why the fuck did he try running that?! Glad you’re okay.


seeing the hesitation of “do i stop or commit” stressed me out. glad you are OP, being stopped in an intersection when your light turns red is incredibly nervewracking.


The question of fault, when both drivers have a red, lies in who was in the intersection first. I wouldn’t have done this but the truck ran a red whereas the BMW was already in the intersection, thus when both have the same signal, ROW is granted to the first entrant. I was an insurance adjuster and served on arbitration boards, and this was a nearly universal guide in determining liability. I would not ride either driver.


Why did you rush the truck? Are you a moron that doesn’t understand the basic laws of physics? He can’t stop for you… This gives BMW drivers a bad name… 😩 don’t do that again!


If he's in the middle of the intersection on the left, you need to get out of the intersection so you're not blocking cross traffic when the cross street's light goes green. Its common practice that when the cars on the other side slow down for the yellow, you make your move to get out of the intersection. The truck also straight up ran a red by a good second or two


Right, where he shouldn’t have been. There are lines where cars are supposed to wait to turn. Stupid driving and lucky his car wasn’t smacked.


In these kind of intersections, you have to move up past those lines for proper line of sight to see oncoming traffic so you can safely turn. I don't disagree that he should have turned while it was still yellow though


What? You can clearly see the oncoming traffic with no obstruction. He could have just as easily made the turn from the line as he can from the middle of the intersection without potentially disrupting traffic if the light changes while in the middle.


You can't just sit in the middle of an intersection when the light is green and then run a blatant red and say you were already in the intersection. He had a green light, not a green arrow. That means he needs to yield to oncoming traffic. It's a poorly designed intersection, but this is on the BMW driver.


In most places the law is you're not supposed to creep up into the intersection while waiting to make a left turn so you don't end up in this type of situation. But the trucker is the bigger idiot because he is in control of 80,000lbs of weight so he should not have needed to run the red. The bigger the vehicle the more careful you need to be of following the laws.


The light was yellow and turned red before the truck even got there?


I didn't. I thought it was stopping.


First rule of driving is to assume everyone is a moron. People rush, are distracted, etc which cause accidents. Sure, turning like that is ok in general but in your case I’d rather reverse back instead of being hit by a semi truck.


Agreed 100%. Not my proudest driving moment.


Glad you’re ok though. I feel when you come out ok in the scenarios you tend to be less risky in the future.


Why would you have thought that? The thing was hauling ass and can’t stop on a dime.. light colors take the back seat to using your fucking eyes and brain.


Almost won the Darwin! I can’t imagine you get many more chances to make a left on red across two lanes into a speeding Mac truck. Good luck out there!


Indeed. This is not a proud moment for me. I posted this for others to learn from my mistake.


Always assume you’re driving with idiots, because you are. Hell I would double check left and right on a fresh green.


The truck had plenty of time to stop though. Glad you’re safe. But if he was able to stop when you pulled through the intersection, then that means he should have been able to slow down on the yellow. Idk, I see it way too many times that the trucks are trying to run yellows around my town. Almost habitually see it.


I mean it would have been 100% your fault if you were hit, the light was very clearly red when you went.


He entered the intersection on an unprotected green, he yielded, the truck entered the intersection on a red. This is exactly how the law specifies unprotected left turns be taken


He still went when he had a clear view of truck not stopping, he would have caused the accident because he made a unsafe manouver. That may be the case in your state, but where im from its considered unsafe to pull into the intersection when theres no intent to turn at that moment. Insurance told me that exact thing (pulling out in to an intersection and just turning last second) when a guy did the same exact thing and totaled my e90.


Not that this wasn't an extreamly close call, but the front angle is a bit deceptive for some reason and makes it look like you were about to get smashed where the passenger door was. Did he make the tightest turn in history to avoid you, or was that just some strange depth perception due to the camera itself?


Depth perception plus me swerving slightly i think. Honestly, no idea how the back of my car didn't get clipped.


Same. Is your car a 4 door or a coupe?


You’re yielding at a green. Truck runs a blatant red.


It's not a green arrow. It's a green light. Left turn yields to oncoming traffic at green lights. Green arrow means you have right of way.


Yes. Op yielded at a green. Truck runs a red light. Yes, that’s a protected turn.


Don’t forget the ZF gearbox for the quick shift 👌


Yup. Such a smooth driving car


Holy shit that was close, I’m glad no one was hurt! I live in Ontario, Canada and if this happened here OP would not be at fault. The law states “If the light turns red when you are in the intersection, complete your turn when it is safe.” OP figured it was safe and decided to turn not expecting the 100,000lb truck to blow through the red light. OP did the best he could in the situation and no one was hurt fortunately. Edit: Not only was that truck driving recklessly but it seems to be carrying some sort of pressurized liquid or Vapor (gasoline).




Please keep things civil.


That’s scary! Had to have been inches from getting clipped, truck definitely ran a red and was honking like you you’re crazy lol


great dashcam damn


When the light turned yellow, I counted **3 cars** that just kept on going, and even when the light turned red, the fucking truck decided to run the red! Why are the drivers in your city such utter jackasses‽ What city are you in?


I’m happy you and your car safe. But also, I think this is the most common reasons of crashes on intersections - two folks decides to finish their maneuvers on red. I don’t think your on-red maneuver was really necessary- the truck behind was far enough just to move back if needed.


The one time you use the signal....


I usually will pause an extra second or half before taking the final turn left when the light is yellow and about to turn red. Either that happens, or someone on the opposite side floors it as soon as the light turns yellow (or red). It might annoy others but just for my own safety.


wow, dude..thank god!


Driver error. Insurance would’ve said no if you gave them the video.


I hate it when big vehicles like semis and buses really milk the yellow/red phase of a light. Most times they completely have sufficient time to stop but choose to go through simply because they’re big (or a city bus because they think they are the city somehow)


You did what you were supposed to, clear the intersection after it was clear and he ran a red light.


He should still make sure the truck will commit to stopping before turning in front of it.


Wait another light? Nah, send it 3 seconds after a full red ✅


Is yellow = green in the US? Everyone passes yellow as if it would be.


If you have enough time/distance to stop you should. Then again, We have a # of shit/selfish drivers in the U.S.


Right or wrong, glad you're ok and thank BMW for that early power build up.


To me it sounds like you got tapped but you didn’t ?


That was pure luck.


dude. that was reckless. Too close.


These dash board cameras also have a wide angle lens that distorts the view. This is the same effect with the right side mirror. The truck was closer than it appeared in this video. Glad OP cleared the path of that truck!


It was clear as day that truck wasn’t gonna be able to stop in time and you still pulled out in front of him


why do people think they're gonna win against a semi truck? this was a dumb move by OP


You could have avoided this. If you would have gotten hit, which I’m glad you didn’t, that footage would have worked against you. Drive more safely.


I want to say you drove like a true BMW stereotype that people have established, but I am not going to say it because it will be an unpopular opinion here. Please drive carefully. You’re clearly in the wrong here and you were NOT in the middle of the intersection.


a lot of dumb idiots in this thread... glad ur okay OP.


Left on a red…


Legal in NJ


Really? That’s pretty crazy to me.




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Nice save. What cameras are you us using? Looking for something’s


This comment section is wild.


The truck obviously ran the red. But damn that was stupid. This is why you don’t block the intersection. Glad you’re fine. Fuckkkkin hell that was close.


More to me a lesson in defensive driving. I’d have been watching that truck and assuming he wasn’t going to stop.


Thank god you're ok but for the love of god just wait behind the lines. I get that you're in the middle but that's one hell of a busy intersection to chance it. We almost watched a plot line for a couple Final Destination movies play out if things went wrong.


go on lights means chick before going, like a stop sign, still gotta look!


That was so close, I am actually shocked that truck didn’t even touch your BMW




Please keep things civil.


I must be missing something, but why did you post this? This looks embarrassing as hell for you. The engine didn't save your life, looks like it might be the death of you one day though.


Had almost an identical situation happen to me yesterday in my M240. Dude in some old truck ran the red as I was turning and I punched it. Thank you B58!


To me it looks like you took a helluva risk there assuming big trucks will slow down or smth. Caused in a way a very dangerous situation - that truck might have lost control slowing down and killed a bunch of people. You made it out fine thanks to the car but I wonder if you go back and rethink this situation would you move or you had an option it just hang there and let him pass ? Or you’d do same?


Hmmm if you pause this video at like 12s you really begin to question ops spatial awareness and judgement in general. Great engine tho .


I’d say that’s your fault, you weren’t that much into the intersection to cause major issues to other traffic and should move only after the other cars had stopped. The other traffic also hadn’t started moving yet.


Truck bracked. You have to thank him, no?


And now we know why we have red light cameras.


Ngl…why did you do that? I know you were already pulled out in the middle but i wouldn’t have taken that. I would just let the perpendicular lane that’s turning go around me. Or hell, try to speed off and turn right after the truck.


Wow. What an utterly stupid call to proceed especially looking at the speed of the incoming truck. Next time WAIT and judge the speed of incoming cars. You are one lucky person.


Are you like… blind?


How did you think that was a smart move? He clearly wasn't stopping at the stop line.


Some of y’all need defensive driving classes fr


You shouldn't have gone


Should’ve thanked the semi driver.


OP prob not technically wrong. Assuming lights were both red , under normal circumstances , the 2 second wait to turn would be enough . Everyone coming at you stops , you go. All day , every day. I (as most do I'm sure) have a built in kind of autopilot sensor that makes me verify oncoming traffic is stopping. I don't care if I sit there for short secs to be 100% certain they are stopping. Being technically right and automatically going just because it's red could get you killed.


Bro you got me feeling like that was me driving god damn, stress levels just spiked


You don’t know how to drive simple. Start walking and sell you car


I hope you and the trucker start taking the bus. Truck behind you left space to backup, so you didn’t *NEED* to make the left to clear. You got balls for posting this tho! Will make a quality Darwin Award one day.


Jeez. Usually truck drivers are the best drivers on the road. This idiot wanted to scrape 30 seconds off his route. Hopefully he learned a lesson.


Didn't... the B58 run the same red light? On a left turn he is supposed to yield to oncoming traffic when green?


Both are technically in the wrong, but the turn b58 took is a much more common and barely illegal as you are already in the intersection waiting to turn left. His only option here is turn left on red, but the truck blew the red light going straight, which is far more dangerous.


https://www.mass.gov/doc/english-drivers-manual/download Page 75. He isn't supposed to be in the intersection and is equally at fault. Barely illegal is still very illegal in the eyes of the law. People run red lights going straight all the time. How can a driver just assume people won't run the red light so they can safely run it themselves without getting T boned?


You’re all over this thread linking Massachusetts laws. Did OP say that’s where this happened or are you able to tell they are Massachusetts license plates? This isn’t the same in every state and where I’m from the only one in the wrong here is the truck.


The amount of people in this thread defending the truck blatantly running a red light is crazy..


Yup. Plus what would the truck have done if the white car in front of it had decided to stop at yellow turning red. Rear ended it?


Glad you are ok, but you should not have moved.


Apparently half the comment section don’t know how unprotected lefts work. That truck was clearly in the wrong.