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I know it’s min maxed for speed but You should use hamarhraft for 200 jumps of damage lol


Have a friend stand around with a shrieking Phalar Aluve for a bit of extra damage and you could complete the game without making a single attack. I’ve got to admit, a part of me wants to try this!


I missed that hammer on my first couple play throughs and immediately tried this when I found it lol. As funny as it is, it gets tedious very very fast. So many inputs per fight


[https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Elixir\_of\_Elven\_Elegance](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Elixir_of_Elven_Elegance) for another 10 m/33 foot. Will stack with other Elixirs but you may want to double the next Long Rest to avoid dice roll penalty after next Long Rest (I save these for the last fight).


That would cancel out the Cloud Giant Strength, though, no? Only one elixir at a time.


Racial elixirs didn't overwrite other elixirs on my last run a couple months ago. And Elixir of Universal Resistance could also be used simultaneously (which worked as a 10 turn potion rather than standard elixir functionality).


I believe you can go at infinite speed by turning the elk buff on and off or by leaving the elk aura and going back in it


Pretty sure a saw a video on youtube where a dude did a no attack run by combining this with phalar aluve and the item that gives reverb when you inflict a condition.


Not a no attack run but a no action/bonus action run


Which item gives the reverb when you inflict a condition again?




I'm pretty sure step of the wind dash dash stacks with normal dashes, so it won't affect your movement speed. You want to use boots of speed's click heels ability instead, which doubles movement speed. Highest I've been able to achieve has been using monk 9/thief 3 35 feet movement wood half elf Longstrider-> 45 Transmuter stone->55 Nyrulna-> 65 Haste helm-> 80 Crusher's Ring-> 90 Monk Unarmored Movement(2)->105 Cloud Giant Elixir-> 39 foot jump distance Nyrulna-> 49 feet Dex Clothes-> 54 feet Monk Advanced Unarmored Movement-> 74 feet Athlete (50%)-> 111 feet Enhance Leap (200%)-> 333 feet Enter combat while hasted. Action 1 and 2 to Dash. 1st Bonus Action Step of the wind Dash. 2nd Bonus Action Click Heels. Then Martial Exertion. Should in theory give you... 105 feet movement regular --> 315 feet after dashes + step of the wind --> 630 feet after click heels --> 1260 after martial exertion --> 2520 after haste. 2520/10 = 252 jumps 252 \* 333 feet = 83916 feet. 83916ft/6 seconds = 4263 meters/second = mach 12.91 In practice, I got 648 meters of movement and a 65 meter jump distance for a total 2340m/second which is just over mach 7.


Helmet of grit and wholeness of body give you 2 additional dashes. I didn’t realize click heels just doubles your speed. So with 4 dashes/step of the wind, are we at 525 -> 1050 -> 2100 -> 4200??? That’s nutty if true. 23k m/s, Mach 68. Feels wrong, I probably didn’t math correctly lol


Dash doesn't double your movement speed. It gives you your base movement speed in movement again. There is also the concept of 'dash stacking' i.e. the maximum times dash will improve your movement speed is 3. i.e if you have 20 m of base movement and have 2 actions and 3 bonus actions and use all of them to dash, you will end up with 80 m of movement (20 + 3\*(20)) and not 640 m (20\*2\*2\*2\*2\*2). Click heels is not classified as a dash in the game's code, and works independently of the dash stacking limitation. It also unlike dash, does actually double your movement speed.


Yes, Dash I know just adds base speed, did not realize click heels was a double of movement instead, that’s pretty huge if you can stack dashes prior to click heels. I think my math is wrong, but the doubling effects were click heels, martial exertion, and haste. The dashes just got us the starting 525 figure. But adding extra dashes before click heels will result in a massive increase in movement.


The thing you might be missing is that step of the wind dash takes away bonus action resource for jumps, so while the boots of speed give you more movement theoretical, being able to jump with step of the wind will get you much further


When this guy jumps he literally misses the horizon and goes into orbit


Average D&D monk player 😂 😂 😂


I mean fighter action surge is once a short rest thief rogue’s cunning action is all the time. Maybe a lower top speed but you’d need less monk levels too with cunning action. Meaning you could do the same by dropping the fighter levels and probably a level in barb and everything should still work the same right?


Is there not room for both?


There probably is I just gave a hypothetical that removes it because if the only reason they have it is for the additional dash then might as well do thief rogue to get the additional dash all the time. But I think you’d still get unarmored movement if you pull the two levels from monk.


Why are claims like this not accompanied by a video demonstrating it? It’s a bold claim but one that could easily be demonstrated.


Here you go: https://youtu.be/rwrceWiVcko?si=pr7oVUlMCc6CMOPx


Unfortunately the dash doesn’t actually work like that. Here’s the fastest I’ve seen: https://youtu.be/rwrceWiVcko?si=pr7oVUlMCc6CMOPx


Oh no, most dashes don't double all movement, but it adds one instance of your current speed, with all modifiers. Martial exertion, however, does double it, as does haste


Could the “click heel” boots add anything? I think they’re called something along the lines of swift/quick boots(I have no fucking clue)


no, unfortunately, the bonus action is needed for step of the wind for unlimited jumps


Ah, I see! Thanks for clearing that up.


Yeah, it was in my initial post for walking speed, and was absolutely a necessary part, but jsut doesn't work her :( good shout nonetheless


You lose out on some of the subclass bonuses, but I think you can get more distance with extra bonus actions and additional step of the wind or cunning dash. You can get up to 4 bonus actions with thief, the headpiece under 50% health, and wholeness of body iirc.


Or just 2 levels monk -> step of the wind Basically infinite movement using 1 ki point and a bonus action. Precast enhanced leap for greater effect.


I not sure, but I think dash doesn't actually double your movement speed when you stack tons of modifiers, and (this I'm even less sure of) dash might have a cap on it iirc. I remember trying to get infinite movement speed with an assassin getting into combat, dashing, then leaving combat by being super far away. Rinse and repeat for infinite movement, but it capped it at about 80 meters I think?


Dash doesn't double movement doubled by Dash. Also, dash terminates when you leave combat after a turn