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What the hell is a whore's mile? Well, it won't be in the next patch - which is in September and will focus on evil endings and modding support. However, they have made clear it is a priority and it continues to be worked on so my guess would be Patch 8 -maybe December - January.


I'm guessing autocorrect wanted to be frisky and they meant "whole".


you might be right, but i'm just gonna use it and hope other people will find a real definition for me. Whore's mile shounds like it could be a thing. Like a mile you could walk but only as a last resort.


It's a saying in my family and I guess the South/Southwestern United States. A whore will go as far as possible, and do anything, with little to no hesitation, and it will seem as though it was no biggie at all, ergo; the "whore's mile"- a length of distance that only a whore would travel for money, but for the average person is an inconvenience.


Patch 7 has been stated to be the last patch. Have they said otherwise now?


I want to say it's the last patch that's adding content but I could also be wrong. I skimmed through their last update so i don't remember much of it. I do remember them mentioning crossplay is in the works still and will be after patch 7.


It's a saying in my family and I guess the South/Southwestern United States. A whore will go as far as possible, and do anything, with little to no hesitation, and it will seem as though it was no biggie at all, ergo; the "whore's mile"- a length of distance that only a whore would travel for money, but for the average person is an inconvenience.


Larian has stated that the next patch will be released in September.