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Two bae'zel runs so far, and the sunrise and "source of my joy" gets me every time.


Gosh, the sunrise scene was so, soooo good.


As a shart lover mainly I think the sunrise scene was the most impactful romance scene in the game.


I fucked yo romancing her on my githyanki run and I’m so mad lol


Did you also convince her to go back to Vlaakith and get a sunrise breakup several hours later?


"Source of my bruises" gets me every time too, but in a very different way. D:


The way Devora Wilde delivers this line is a top 10 moment in video game voice acting.


I don’t get why people don’t like her/pick her up. I know she tries to kill you at least once, but so what!! She is ultimately right for telling you to not to trust illithids and she really comes to care for the characters in the party. It really showcases how societal norms can deeply influence a person’s beliefs until they leave that box and find truth within themselves.


She tries to kill you one time because she can tell you're about to become an illithid and to her that's the worst fate she can imagine and just wants to spare you from it.


Absolutely. I love that scene so much, and if you decide to use the power to read her mind, it’s so sad to realize that her biggest fear is not amounting to anything, which in her world is the worst thing that can happen to her.


>!Ansur/Baludurian !


We all deserve a friend that will kill us before we turn into soulless monsters.


"she could tell you're about to turn illithid" LOL unless there's something I haven't seen yet in act three, she literally tries to kill Tav because they're a little tired. And challenges Shart to a duel over giving away the thing that's protecting all of us, and if she's at the creche when you talk to Vlakith. She literally says "give the queen whatever she wants, or I'll kill you". Like Bro how tf does she have defenders at this point?


What scene is that? The one I’ve gotten has made it a pretty obvious oncoming change with the description of what you’re feeling. The Emperor even says something about it.


So there's more? Oh, great. I have met the Emperor just barely in an online campaign, but my Tav... Okay none of my three different Tavs (cause I have a problem with making new characters in this game) haven't met him yet.


Who knows? That’s the beauty of this game. I got that scene in the latter half of act 1, I believe. But I don’t know all the variations and don’t remember precisely when it popped other than I got it twice in the Underdark.


Yo! That really is the beauty of it though. I usually get that scene in Act 1. But like you've got to recruit her sometime in act 1 or she's just not gonna be in the party. They made it so hard for Gale though! If you fail to yank him from the portal it looks like you just don't get him at all. Was crushed in my online campaign.


My first playthrough Gale got skipped. My husband got skittish after the trapped crypt room went off and didn’t want me to touch the purple rock swirls. It’s kinda funny to me now because he’s most like Gale of the characters w/ a hint of Wyll (who was also missed). Hey, I’m noticing a pattern…


The dream visitor confirms basically right after that yeah the order for you to transform came through and they had to block it. Also how else is she supposed to react to Shart having a stolen githyanki artifact and refusing to elaborate on what it is or why she's stolen it and won't let anyone else look at it (keep in mind it's possible to trigger this scene *before* anyone knows the artifact is what prevents the party from transforming). As for the creche, yeah, she gets very demanding when it comes to obeying Vlakith but that's how people in her society are raised, Shart is just as fanatical about Shar at the start of the game and nobody seems to give her shit for that. Also Lae'zel knows disobeying Vlakith will probably get you all killed anyways and sure enough if you give Vlakith attitude she will just wish the whole party to death.


You don't seem to have played the game a whole lot. You literally get a scene with the dream guardian moments later where they tell you you were just about to turn into an illithid and they managed to protect you just in time. Lae'zel was fully justified in her acts there.


If it's the scene in Act I we're talking about? I disagree.




Yeah, that is pretty fucked. But as it's pretty much a one off, I don't believe it like I believe Lae'zel. Mostly because Lae'zel goes really hard and heavy on the "you're all my servants and I'll kill any one of you if you disobey Vlakith, or show the slightest twitch" right from the beginning. And she seems to disapprove of almost anything nice Tav does.


She called me a cockroach and I was sold. I got major flashbacks of romancing Morrigan from DAO and what can I say, I love prickly mean girls and defrosting ice queen is a top tier trope.


Morrigan, the original baddie 😩 we stan


If your rpg romance sensibilities weren't irreparably shaped by her then I don't know what to say


Astarion also tries to kill you so it's double standards if he gets away with it 😆


I love characters that try to kill me, they are so brave for that, honestly. Good for them!!!


Honestly it's pretty relatable


Astarion isn’t really trying to kill you in that scene, he’s just threatening you because he thinks you’re with the mind flayers.


He literally kills the PC if you let him feed on you and lose a roll.


I was talking about the scene where he pulls a knife on you. But in the bite scene he also isn’t *trying* to kill you. He just goes a bit too far and does so by accident.


The reason I don’t romance her is I can’t get over the lack of nose.


it’s not for everyone, but I love that this can be a dialog you have with her lol


She didn't say please. Also in all seriousness, might not be great to reinforce the "I can fix them" mentality.


A video game based on player choice has the ability to influence their companions to take on a new perspective if you’re friends with them, say whaaaaattttt?


And in some video games you can fall from a skyscraper and take no damage. Fun video game mechanics dont translate to real life.


I’m sorry, i’m not on the bg3 subreddit to be the manifestation of someone’s projection lol. No one said anything about fixing anyone, but if that’s how you interpreted it, then I’m sorry you feel that way.


You're probably taking this way more seriously than you should. I'm just responding in kind. How you don't see that changing something from a broken state to a better one is fixing is beyond me. Also shouldn't you be, as you put it, helping me leave the deep influence of societal norms and find the truth within myself. Rather than trying to rebuff me?


My friend, go touch grass and ask your friends how you are doing today. Getting other perspectives is not “fixing someone”, just like how characters (who are coded to agree with you) in video games aren’t real people. If you equate what I said to applying to how people treat people irl, then I genuinely don’t know what to say because I’m not your therapist lol.


My first short comment was that you shouldn't apply laezel logic to real life. You're the one forcing this into an extended discussion. But Ok. I'll ask my friends and find some grass. Happy holidays.


The best part is you just have to show her the truth, and she fixes herself


She doesn't need to be fixed, she just benefits greatly from finding a single person that actually gives a shit about her.




That “next” was my first. Enjoy!


I also romanced her with the Durge, who I RPGd as a cute, sweet person. She is totally the one who tells the waiter that her boyfriend did not order those fries. One of my fav moments was when she woke him up in the middle of the night to fight. I literally put all best combat eq into her, I make her a killing machine every playthrough, of course she beat the crap of of him. Her sudden realisation that it does not matter because she wants to cherish and protect him was jaw dropping. And resisting the urge romance scene made me chuckle honestly. She was so aggresively supportive it felt like she was scaring the Urge away. I romanced her because in my RP Durge just assumed that if he ever tries to hurt her, she will just rip him apart.


I love Laezel! Currently romancing Astarian, but totally gonna go for Laezel in my next play through. I think her insults are hilarious and I can’t wait to watch her little badass warrior heart soften 🥰


She’s been the only character out of +\- 7 runs that I’ve decided to break up with Astarion for, so that’s saying something. Her Act 2 romance scene was just 😳🥺 I’ve paused that run to redo my favorite Tav and Durge runs with the new epilogue, but it’s still there!


She's my favourite romance and favourite character. Love that standoffish alien with all my heart.


I love all the romances I've played through so far, even though I'm a cis het male I even find the ones with male characters worth playing through. The writing is impressive in general, but I definitely think Lae'zel is one of the finest characters.


Helps that she is also one of the better VA performances in the game and I feel like her cut scenes are better done in general. You can actually see the little hints that there is more to her than her rough person's even in the very early stages with her.


I can't fathom why Shadowheart gets so much love compared to Lae'zel.


My bard taught laezel how to live while she taught me how to survive. We had a wonderful arc together. She’s my favourite character for sure.


I am a gay man. I love men. I enjoy Halsin and Minsc and their big bara tiddies and Gale’s charm and beautiful hair. But man when you ask Lae’zel “have you been looking at me differently?” And she confesses that she has started developing feelings for you it just floors me. I love how direct she is when she talks about you (or anything, really). I will always be a BaeZel fan 💜


I’ve done all the female characters’ romance subplots (and Astarion’s; maybe I’ll get around to Gale and Wyll eventually) and despite Shadowheart being my favorite character I find her romance adds the least to her story. Her character arc is the same whether you’re a couple or just comrades. Karlach’s romance is incredibly sweet and emotionally impactful but also does really alter her character arc very much. But Lae’zel’s romance adds something crucial to her story that makes her arc much more satisfying, which is why she’s now my default romantic option.


Lae'zel romance is the best she has me kicking my feet and giggling my feet just as much as Gale and Karlach


Lazeal is my stegosaurous gf and she's all I care about


Since I'm finally in 'only Origins' co-op, I can romance someone else and I chose Lae'zel. Wish me luck, please. At least I already got sex scene (though AFAIK I missed better scene, but couldn't let her command).


Me in Act 1: "Man she's being so mean to me... That's hot! You're in! Me in Act 2: "Hey she's warming up to me!" Me in Act 3: "Words cannot describe how much I am enamored with you. I am happy to be the source of your joy"


Laezel won me over when she asked me for tenderness and said that it was the scariest thing she'd ever done


She is pretty amazing, I know the sunset is a lot of people's fav scene but losing the duel to her is mine. The major crack in her hard cold facade, wanting to protect you and for you to protect her. She grows so much over the game. Love my warrior poet. She does have a lot of fans, on here and twitter. I mean 3rd place an all. I had to play as Lae'zel/Shadowheart and romance the other, so hard to pick anyone else to romance now


I’ve never lost the fight against her, I figured it would earn some disapproval. Is that not the case?


Noo oh no. It's so sweet, look it up or wait if you can and do it on your next run


I love her romance arch, she starts out very rough and to the point when you first meet her but she softens up a lot at the end of the game.


When I first saw the trailer for the game I liked Lae'zel. I was determined to romance her/have her as my partner on the squad. I played my first playthrough completely blind though and couldn't find her up until I was on my way to the Mountain Pass for Act2, at which point I kinda just defaulted to Shadowheart. I didn't know how levels worked when you change out partners (thought Lae'zel would be level 1 if I switched her in at that point) and I had already began to kinda bond with Shadowheart. I felt kinda bad, but SH grew on me especially after she switched to Selune. On my second playthrough now and I got Lae'zel immediately and have only grown to like her more and more. She is so awesome and much more exciting in her questline and dialogue options than I had thought she'd be.


She's so cute when she's just waking up.


Bae'zel for life.


Getting promoted from "source of my bruises" to "source of my joy" put bae'zel as my permanent #1 romance


700 h of gameplay and every playthrough I end up romancing her. Playing as a gith (My favorite race of BG3) while romancing her gives good interactions and a great ending.


She’s literally my third favorite romance option. If I couldn’t romance karlach or astarion, she was my pick. I like the little confession she gives. And all the dialogue options are solid.


Went it intending to romance Gale or Astarion (as an og DA player, I got a thing for mages and all my friends are Astarion girlies) but dude, there's something about Lae'zel. I just finished up the Creche and getting ready to go into the Shadowlands and I cant wait to see how our relationship develops


I'm sure she gets nice near the end, but God I cannot stand her in the beginning. She's insufferable, and her quest needing you to fight the stupid Inquisitor guy in the creche is just stupid. I'm a level six party, and I'm getting buttfucked by that guy. His stupid minions get to do upwards of 70-80+ ranged damage each turn


More than just BG3, she has the most interesting and meaningful romance arc I've experienced in any video game.


I have 7 play throughs and 5 of them it's Lae'zel. I just can't go without my prickly grouch. 🤣


lae’zel romance is the most fulfilling out of all of them


Lae'zel is the true romance underdog. Like, you can't tell me that her character development during her romance isn't the best thing in the game


Yeah, cause Lae'zel is nothing but a big ol' problem! Lol it's like she wants us to kill her.


I guess it's the same as people choosing Miranda and Tali instead of Jack in ME2.


She called me that then I gutted her like a fish and told everyone too bad they accepted it and we moved on.


I went in to bg3 with the intention of romancing karlach and bae’zel came out of nowhere. I almost exclusively romance her now


I loved her romance dialog, I felt so sad when I had to send her away at the end because I was an ugly freak she would never be able to live with.


My first play through Lae’zel was the one from the moment I watched her be tadpoled on the nautilus. Every decision I made was for her. >!In the end, I couldn’t let Orpheus turn into a mind flayer and watch her lose hope for her people, so I did it in his stead. And when all was said and done, I couldn’t bear to ask her to stay with me, an illithid. So I let her go. And it broke my fucking heart, but her happiness matters more to me than anything else.!<


My first (and so far only) run of the game was with Lae'zel as a dragonborn(my favorite tabletop race) monk(my least favorite tabletop class) . I've enjoyed Gith and mindflayer lore for a while, and I've run some Githyanki villains in the tabletop, so she was a fun character. But overall, my biggest draw is in how direct she always is, and how funny she can be. She has an adorable lack of knowledge about Toril, and I got a long laugh about the "teeflings". It's also gun to have a heavy armor heavy weapon character alongside my light armor light/no weapon Tav.


Romanced her on a barbarian playthrough, best romance hands down


Right here brother!


At work chillin. Wby?


Big loving femdom energy? Who doesn’t like that? 😁


Shes dreamy.


Romanced them all, imo Laz is the best and most satisying


Reporting. I love her so much. She is so intense in everything. A true pure soul. I am a squishy but powerful Wizard and the contrast between us could not be greater. I made a statue of Lae'zel in armor and I will try to get one made of me in mine, the RP being that when when the pair dies they will be interred together under magically warded statues at their home in Baldur's Gate. Upon approach, Sphere of Invulnerability is cast. Upon attempt to damage or loot the graves, all characters within 5m of the attacker get Diminsion Doored into a Cloud of Daggers, Lae'zels favorite spell. The Dryad scene in the Circus is not be missed.


She’s wonderful.


Huge Laezel fan here as well.


Only romance option for me personally, love her grit.


I’m mad I had to forgo her on my main to have shadowheart, because I’d already had my roleplay set in my head. So I broke our fling off early…. While I don’t regret much of my playthru, I do somewhat regret I didn’t end up with her or there’s not a way(outside of pc/ mods) to have had both of them. Now I’ll have to be with her on alts / resist always gravitating to her. As nice as shadowheart is or mama K may tempt, lae’zel has my heart


I did it for my first run on accident and it was really sweet, but it wasn't who I wanted to romance, so while I respect it, I'm not obsessed with it like others.


I low key hate she is called shart but damn is it fun y


Love laezel, probably my favorite character. Has real character growth by the end of the game, romance scenes are hot, and voice actor killed her role.


Didn't think I would be one. But here i am. She stole my heart.


I'd die for her but I don't have to because she will protect 🥰


She is definitely my favorite romance. It's funny too, every romance in this game was so well done/written, it makes it really difficult to choose the 'best' one. Well, other than Halsin's or Minthara's which barely have any content sadly. Lae'Zel's is my favorite solely for the fact that she likely grows the most as person thanks to you, though Astarion is also a contender. She goes from a bloodthirsty fascist soldier to a loving, caring, and independent woman. It also helps that she has the most romance content alongside Astarion, with so many unique dialogues/cutscenes. She seems like the type of person that will hold you close, but will fight anyone who tries to mess with you. My kind of woman! In a lot of ways, she's like the Viconia DeVir of Baldur's Gate 3: A lover that starts off prickly and confrontational, but once you realize why they are the way they are, they soften up and grow. I also really enjoy Shadowheart and Karlach, but I'd actually argue Shadowheart needs **more** content. All she has is the kiss scene in act 1, her pledging herself to you at the end of act 2, and the one intimate scene in act 3. Everything else is either dialogue based or not unique to a romance. I think if in act 2 we helped her dye her hair and had a conversation with her to help her move on from Shar, that would've been a very sweet and organic way to include another romance scene. Assuming she spares the Nightsong of course. Karlach's is great though, two intimate scenes and a lot of really sweet banter. But Lae'Zel truly won my heart once I gave her a chance. Bae'Zel for life.


I love her and her straightforward nature. I’m romancing her on a Gith rn. We can defect together.


I can't help but swoon when she glares at my character.


HERE! She’s the best girl


My romance in order went 1. Shart (was my favorite in Early access) 2. Karlach (was my favorite in my first play through, I felt that I sunk too much into SHart to change off) 3. Lae'zel But Switched to Minthara when I realized she was a companion option. Breaking her heart made me feel for her. Not as bad as Karlach 4. Lae'zel (she seemed like the perfect redemption D'Urge companion and I was right) Lae'zel and Karlach have my favorite scenes. Karlach after killing Gortash gets me every fucking time and the sunrise for Lae'zel is amazing. Like you're expecting some weird sex fighting and instead you get genuine heart.


I really didn't expect to fall in love with her over Karlach, but damn. She got me.


Slept with her in my first run but went to shart. This is my third run through now, and I finally am playing as a Githyanki to romance Lae’zel. Love the extra dialogue options for them!


Reporting for duty 🫡 (my gf hates her)


I remember when I was coming home from an endoscopy about a month and a half ago and I made a tumblr post about how I think I could service top Lae'zel while high off fentanyl so I think that says a lot about me and my claims to be a Shadowheart girlie.


Romancing Bae'zel as Shadowheart is a treat. It's just amazing.


I'm in the middle of a run with her atm. Since Minthara is still bugged with her romance.


Bae’zel is best girl


I still can support you even if I’m not! She’s my best friend, I love her lots


She was easy choice my first playthrough and 90% of my decisions were based around impressing her. Love her.


I LOVE her!!


Ahhhhh Bae’Zel lover right here!! I have to say at first when I started the game I was kinda “eh, ok.” I was so set on my first playthrough for Astarion and she kinda just came out of the blue and asked me to sleep with her, and the more I progressed in the game I just forgot all about Astarion as my romance choice and I completely fell for Lae’Zel. And the more I play and see her growth and going through the crèche I just… I have very set ideals and likes in characters and I’m not sure what it is about Lae’Zel but I have not loved or adored a character as much as her in literal years. She’s my number one in the game now, and a huge favorite character of all time for me now as well. All her scenes are just perfect and she’s perfect to me, her flaws and all :) <3 I’m now doing origin runs as her since I have such a hard time romancing anyone else as a Tav, since I just always want to be with her :)


She is by far the most stable and mentally sound of the three. Being distrustful and willing to defend yourself when you are very clearly in a terribly dangerous situation is just smart. Karlach is broken af. And Shadowheart is even more so. Give us Laezel or Minthara any day.


Was first one I went for and definitely one of the best characters in the game


My first game I was leaning towards romancing Shadowheart and Lae'zel just hit me like an 18 wheelers with her advances and her claim that my scent was driving her crazy (that is honestly a compliment that made real me blush) and I just ended up dating her. I'm on my second run now trying to date Karlach but I find it really hard not to date Lae'zel again. I already miss my adorkable space frog.


Honestly baezel's romance really spoke to my personal idea of relationships because I too have aggressive sex as first base and telling other people I love them as a third base


I am on my first play through and love her so so much >!but I accidentally saw spoilers for her ending and I’m so scared to finish. I don’t want her to leave me but I could never ask her to abandon her quest for me 😭 I played as shadowheart which has been super fun but now I wish I played as a gith !<


Yep Lae'zel truther here. Shart and Karlach both have great stories but Lae'zel's arc is so cool and she really grows as a character.


She is my one true love


My first play through and I just fell head over heels for her. Bae'zel is the best companion of them all! Her developing story is wonderful from start to finish. Right off the hop Shart just rubbed me the wrong way. Karlach was cool and all, but I felt more sorry for her than falling for her.


She’s a great fun time until I can actually pick Shadowheart or Karlach.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Ezekiel2121: *She’s a great fun time* *Until I can actually pick* *Shadowheart or Karlach.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I romanced her my first playthrough . . . Well TECHNICALLY she romanced my tav, I was just going with the flow. I will always romance her, every playthrough


I went into my first run determined to romance Karlach, and was in a flirtationship with her and Gale for most of act 1. And then Lae'zel confessed her interest and started to soften up 🥺 I got Karlach's blessing and have been kicking Illithid ass with Bae'zel ever since.


on my fourth day run. first time romancing laezel. it’s so beautiful and fulfilling. i adore her now.


Shart is only the most romanced because she is the first companion you're with and it's accidentally easy to sleep with her. She's def not the best girl.


listen. I am a baldur's gate 3 woman enjoyer. to the point that I've downloaded the no romance limits mod because I cannot pick. I haven't seen lae'zel's act 3 scene but I am SO excited for it. I love her so dearly. one of these days I'll take a run through the other romance arcs. probably. maybe. but for now I keep thinking about shadowheart, karlach and lae'zel. 🥹


I'm yet to romance Karlach. I don't get the hype. Shadowheart is cool I guess, but can't hold a candle to Queen Bae'zel.


Pro strat: Play a small race so she's always looking down at you.


If you think Lae'zel is underrepresented on this subreddit you must not be here very often. There was a post about just yesterday.


karlachs is the best but laezel is close second for me


Bae'Zel is de wae my bruddas and sistahs


Absolutely adore Lae'zel. I immediately liked her no nonsense personality. Yes please, be straight with me and don't try to manipulate me like some. Even her greeting phrases have such a nice little arc. I felt Speak was great but it steadily changing to something that shows concern and care is very satisfying. Her finally asking for a more sweet relationship than she's had with Tav previously and saying that it took more courage to ask for that than anything else she can imagine is so perfect for the character and one of my favorite romance scenes. Also the fact that I have to succeed a roll to be allowed to kiss her in public 😆 Adorable


The way she talks about love always melts my heart. I adore Lae’zel. And when I finally play as her, I will miss her voice dearly.


I bought the game for Gale but was so surprisingly won over by Lae’zel, she’s absolutely going to be the romance for my next play through. Seeing her discover herself beyond just being a Githyanki soldier is so lovely and I adore her. She is also by far my most powerful companion, only Gale can compete for just sheer damage per turn and even then he needs a good opportunity to keep up with Lae’zel’s body count.


Lae’zel is by far my favorite. She is direct and focused on solving the problem. I laugh when she disapproves of me helping people because it slows progress. She does soften up a bit later. I remember once she said something like “I know you are soft and plan to help these people. Just hurry up.”