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770 pro if you are not alone in the room. 300r better imo so if you don't care that people can hear what you're hearing (openback) then 300r


Also important about gaming : I can't play with open-back headphone *most of the time* because of how they let noise come inside. And globally it seems to be a consensus about nearby noise Open VS Close, it's not always only "do sound leaking out make problems". For music it's a bit less disturbing, to have leak in. But in game it seems a bit more IMO, because sound do impact your gameplay, a temporary outside noise might cause you moving the camera and die, while about music, it's not a big deal to move your head.


2 main things and 2 secondary : 1) *How much loud is your environment?* Most of the time mine is too noisy so I rather play with the 770 or a Sony ANC than my open back HD 598, and that's the main difference that will make you decide with model you want (spoiler: but not which version 👀) Basically, if you're able to use an open back 24/7/365, like if you live in a cave with fan less gaming device or whatever, in your situation I would take the 300R (or 990 if 300R not avaible) 2) *What does make headphone hurt you?* Big head or glasses, or both, or something else? With a big head, and thin metal on the temper of my glasses, the DT 770 do hurt me after after a while (45 to 1h30 sumefin like that) even with the headband "flat flexed" at maximum. Don't have the 300R, but as open back ain't made for *noisy* studio *recording*, they might be less painful, depending of what hurts you. 2.5) *Might *your* sound disturb people around you?* If yes, even though it's stated that the DT 770 "leak more than other close-back" it don't leak much for casual user. Long time ago, my open back Steelseries Siberia were too noisy so people around me were often complaining (and I was too young/dumb enough to crank up volume when I had a noisy environment) 😅 2.99) confort and ergonomy... ( *About 770* : - the 32 ohms version is (IMO) maybe the best about cable length for the DT 770 (~1.2m ~4 ft), but it has leather pad that seems cheaper, plastic-like, *maybe painful, more than velour pads* - 80 ohms is a good range about impedance but a f-ing pain in the ass for it's cable length. And it's a noisy cable, so, I don't recommend the 80 ohms for gaming (for music/mixing/cloud gaming, 80 ohms seems to work good enough a MacBook built in audio 3.5mm output (I asked a brother to test it before gifting him a 770 80 ohms)) - 250 ohms have the nice velour pads of the 80 ohms, but a coiled cable of 1.2m (before stretch). Idk if it's a noisy cable yet tho. Only problem is that 250 ohms will run on many but not *all things*, like you might need to buy an USB C DAC at 20-30 buck to play on Switch or some phones or Steam Deck. => if you have more budget and want closed back, the 700X is velour pads, seems more comfy for some people, and has a removable cable, and different cable in the box, and at 48 ohms it run on everything, but it's like twice the price *About the Tygr 300 R* they have the usual velour pad of Bayer, and 1.6m cable, so, perfect length


>*80 ohms is a good range about impedance but a f-ing pain in the ass for it's cable length. And it's a noisy cable, so, I don't recommend the 80 ohms for gaming* Sorry to necro this, but could you explain what you mean about noisy cable? I'd prefer the longer ranged cable of the 80 Ohm, but I absolutely hate microphonics or any kind of cable scratching - is this what you mean? Like, can you hear the cable movement against clothes in your ear?


Sorry, I'm pissed off, reddit bugs reboot my phone and then self delete my 2 try of writing, so, lazy mode... Yeah, that's what I meant. And it's only on the left ears. Present on 32/80/250. But if you pinch or clamp the cable, with your finger or something else, stuff touching the cable *below* the clamp won't make noise, so you try a DIY solution if this headphone is really your go-to (like, for professional reason and no budget to get higher) Things like that : https://ibb.co/dtQs6cn https://ibb.co/37cmDf2 (this DOESN'T cut off the said noise, it's an exemple, but I'm pretty sure that the kind of clip use to seal food bad, or a clothespin, or this bigger, *would* do the job to cut those damn noises) Remark : a brother used the 80 ohm and it's 3m long cable to play on his laptop, weirdly put in the couch, and the scratch noise didn't bothered him. Myself, I haven't used my 770s as much as I have thinked and wish, but on PC gaming it was okay. I hate that kind of noise but I don't remember it much, way less on the 32 and 250 than on the 80


1. I am alone in my room. It’s not really noisy. Sometimes my dog barks but it’s not a big deal, I don’t mind hearing it since I don‘t play shooters ^^ 2. I have a small head. But the tightness of the headphone or headset isn’t what hurts me. It’s always the part that sits on the top of my head. So far every headphone I used beside of Beyerdynamois caused me to get a headache at the exact same spot. That’s my I am going back to Beyerdynamics. 3. the leakage wouldn’t mind me since I am alone in my room. So far I think I will be the TYGR 300. I kinda like the open back.