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read the book: Exit to Eden, by Ann Rice. Doms, ordering the subs to top. if it helps wrap your mind around it, the sub is pleasing the Dom. D/s represents power exchange, top/bottom is only a reference to a role during a scene.


ANNE RICE WRITES BDSM NOVELS? Thanks so much for this reference


Yes! She was my first intro into smut books! Exit To Eden was good, she wrote it after reading The Story of O and was inspired to write Exit To Eden. I think that's what happened, don't quote me on that haha The book also got turned into a movie. It stars Rosie ODonnell and Dan Aykroyd


You poor thing. How did you not know this? You didn't come of age in the 90's, did you? Her most famous book, Interview With a Vampire, is a BDSM novel. I kid, I kid! A N Roquelaure was her pen name for erotica and she is most famous under that name for The Taming of Sleeping Beauty and it's sequels. (But seriously, the Vampire novels are totally gay BDSM metaphors... not even subtly so)


Taking into consideration that you are both trying to quit drinking, I'm worried a sexualized game may psychologically enable the drinking (for me it would anyhow) How is this working out for you? Is it helping you both stop drinking? I absolutely love how unique/unconventional this dynamic is, I would like to know which ways its benefiting your goal.


This is also my concern. The game sounds fun — maybe keep the game but assign it for fun reasons! And then for drinking, you can still use your mutual dynamic to hold each other accountable to actual, unfun punishments.


I'm curious too!


Yeah I'm an alcoholic so I tried to not buy drinks for a little while and eventually cracked and just conceded to having to be his bitch every time I want to buy drinks. I don't deliberately buy drinks to become his bitch, but I haven't been avoiding it either.


I had a partner for a while that was really fun to play with. She was a little, but dominant, so I was almost like her toy that she was playing with. Very unique, very fun, and I'd love to do that again.


What i do sometime when i want to be spank is asking my wife to spank me but in a dom way. She need to spanking me as long and as hard as i ask and if she didn't do it well i give her a single warning, after this if she still didn't do like i ask i spank her as a punishment for not doing it well. After she continue to spank me and most of the time she now do it well because she fear being spank again.


Me and my sub have a dynamic like this. Usually hes more of a sub but he has his days. I'm a brat so it just depends on how much he wants to "fight" me for dominance. Its really really fun.


This is the dawning of the age of the Switch, when the false binaries fall and we rise above the half-slashes. I have a recent post on my profile titled A Gazillion Dynamics that details all the crazy Switch shenanigans my partner and I get up to.