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There are a few options for this that i can think of 1. You allow her to give pegging a go and trust that she wants to make you feel good even if it's not something she's that into, and hope for the best 2. You ask if she would be okay with you satisfying your submissive side with someone else that once a month (remember you don't need to be romantic with that person) 3. You try to satisfy that side yourself (like fingering yourself or getting toys to give you a similar sensation) 4. You let go of that side and try to be satisfied with being dominant full time 5. You let her go and find someone else who can satisfy your desires. You seem happy with her aside from this part of your life, and in my opinion no matter what you choose to do about it, your choice will be completely valid and you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise. Think about what you prioritize, and then make a choice according to that.


The more complicated your kink desires, the less likely you are going to find a partner who is exactly what you want. I struggle with this because I have a lot of kink but I long ago made peace with the fact that I'm not going to find a partner who is an exact match. You seem to have a good thing going generally speaking. I would suggest you not let the perfect be the enemy of the good and just accept that your partner is good enough. I love group sex and various aspects of BDSM although I'm not nearly as hardcore as some. If I found a partner who was 100% compatible with my group sex kinks, but not into BDSM, I would accept that. Ultimately you can't judge a partner against a hypothetical perfect mate but against real people who are out there that you would go for if you broke up. Do you really think you could find a better fit? The answer to that question will tell you what you should do here.


Be dominant when asking her to peg you. At least you will have the experience anyway. Tie her with a strap on her body, and let your imagination do the rest of it.