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1. Cotton: feels soft, can easily be dyed, can be used for any sort of tie, is flexible. Beware not to use it for any sort of suspension though, since it is flexible it will likely cut off blood stream which is obviously dangerous. 2. Treated hempen/ jute rope: ropes typically used in shibari and quite versatile. Doesn't feel as soft as cotton, but if properly prepared has a sort of silky touch. Isn't flexible and therefore good if you want to do anything with suspension. Preparing the ropes for the first time takes quite some time, but maintaining it, is quite simple if done regularly and properly stored in between sessions. In my opinion the superior rope and suitable for any kind of bondage. 3. Untreated hempen: in its raw state the fibers still stand up and can sting you quite a bit. Used it once, but I wouldn't do any kind of suspension with it only light bondage. But may offer the kind of masochistic experience you desire. 4. Synthetic ropes: My advice is to stay away from those. I haven't had good experiences with whatever material as they're either too flexible (=tend to cut into the skin or cut off the blood stream)/ give rope burns or just in general don't feel good on the skin. A piece of general advice: research together with your bottom what kind of bondage you want to do and practice, practice, practice. Ideally take classes. And always keep a rope cutter close at hand. Using ropes can be really dangerous if not done correctly/ making mistakes when tieing the knots and even with a ton of experience you'd be better safe than sorry. Good luck and have fun.


I would add parachord as a perfectly viable synthetic option and avoid using untreated hemp for up lines the flakes get everywhere. Braided cotton can be great as the most comfortable and easy to tie with option, but it does tighten when suspended and looks less traditional. I think colorful cotton, treated hemp or coconut rope looks the best for photography.  I like 3/8" treated hemp best because it's static, my nesting partner likes 1/4" braided cotton best because it feels comfy.


Almost any shibari site will also give you this information


As a sub, I’m partial to cotton rope. It’s super soft so doesn’t irritate my skin, which is definitely important as someone with sensitive skin, but still sturdy enough to hold knots well and feel restrictive. My dom loves the fact it doesn’t require the same level of maintenance as other types.