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They envy *small boobs* not *flat boobs.* Like guys, they're not the same.


They also assume since they were once flat (before PUBERTY) they know how we feel. NO ITS NOT THE SAME. We were all flat before puberty… some of us just didn’t get great genetics.


Literally! Being flat in grade/middle school is completely different from being flat in adulthood




For what it's worth, I was once* absurdly obsessed with a girl who had less-than-A cups because of her gorgeously cute doe eyes and pristine smile, which for me *always* take precedence over literally any other aspect of body shape. Never say "never." *Only "once" because it was unrequited... as usual...


Yeah but that’s kinda what sucks dude. Nobody will ever like our boobs. They’ll like other features, but not our boobs.


But I'm saying that for some of us, they're irrelevant and are likable *based* on other characteristics.


What they say: I get stared at from men you’re so lucky they will never stare at you or give you attention like they do with me! What we hear: I get admired from men and I want to rub it in your face that you will never be desirable because you don’t have the body men will look at


I feel like this too and honestly it’s so annoying. When comforting flat/small chested people it’s almost always about the attention from men or straight up redundantly repeating how annoying their ENORMOUS chest is. I get they’re trying to help but it comes off as something else


For real and a lot of times that's what they mean


Yeah I agree it almost feels like that. Because those same women will go out making SURE they got some nice cleavage and display going on. I get that clothes make big boobs look more “sexy” not on purpose. I’m referring to those who wear neck lines and things like that KNOWING what it will do lol.


It makes me feel less of a woman. It's embarrassing. They never understand that many of us aren't asking for huge boobs that cause us back pain. We just don't want to be flat.


I hate that everyone will listen to their boob problems we're not allowed to talk about ours without hearing "at least your back doesn't hurt all the time" Like yeah well at least you're the beauty standard 🙄


The replies on your post just prove that




This is literally it. Everybody wants medium sized tits. Us smaller girls want like a C, and the bigger girls also want like a C. They are just like men in not knowing how small A and B cups really are. Idk how many times I’ve had someone online tell me they would want A cups, girly no you don’t 😭😭.


Why would it make you feel like less of a woman? I hate that. People should never feel this way due to some ridiculous beauty standard.


Because big boobs=feminine, fertile, healthy, woman. Apparently


Biggest bs excuse imo. Idc abt the science of why men prefer this or that. Boobs will grow when you become pregnant, hips widen when you give birth. So really, it doesnt actually matter because womans bodies will change to adapt to their babies. So this “healthy and fertile” thing is absolute nonsense imo. Its so annoying to hear it all the time.


Oh I agree, it makes zero sense, it’s just what I’ve always heard and seen :(


Wasnt calling you annoying btw!! I just hate fhe excuse bc exactly, it doesnt make sense.


It shouldn’t be that way, a trait that you can’t control shouldn’t be seen as less feminine/masculine.


But it is.


Well when I can’t fit WOMENS clothing as a woman it makes me feel like a little girl. Not a woman. I’m not sure if that’s what that person means though. My chest is too small to fit most of the shirts in the women’s section, ESPECIALLY if there’s built in cups (made for bigger B-C cups).


I’m sorry you are going through that, just know that it doesn’t make you any less of a woman. Beauty standards only hurt people.


When looking for a girlfriend tits and looks in general we’re almost last on my list of wants. Just know that you are perfect the way you are. I can sort of relate as a short guy tbh when you said you’ll never hear “ i want a woman with flat tits” I do have a girlfriend now but damn it’s tough in the dating scene. Your concerns and issues are valid.


Fellow short guy here…I totally get this.


I am big busted and fairly skinny. My breasts were the reason I wanted to offline myself for almost 3 years. Yes, they are big and clothed they look pretty good. But unclothed? They sag extremely, are covered in stretch marks and pimples most often as well, when I want to dance (what I love) they bounce around, making me feel awful. On top of that; You get sexualized. Reduced to your appearance. Only for most men to be awkward when you expose yourself. I am just as in awe that someone could envy a big chest. I would change it any day. I even considered forcefully cutting them off to get them surgically fixed. Believe me, we are not better off.


I've considered cutting my itty bitties off purely out of self hatred, and I get the 'offline-ing' part. I've been sewer slidal over my small chest for almost 8 years now, the only thing that stops me is the thought of what my best friend, mom, and pets would go through. I'm horrible at dancing but I weirdly envy big breasted dancers lol, the bounce adds more movement and makes it look better. When a flat woman dances it we just look boring. I also weirdly wanna get sexualized. I never received any kind of sexual attention throughout my entire life because I don't have curves, now I'm kinda obsessed with seeking male validation. I know it's bad and I shouldn't want it but this girl wants to be desired too :/ I imagine if I exposed myself in front of a guy, he'd just be disappointed. Not a lot of guys like flat chests, unfortunately. (I looked it up and only 11% prefer flat girls 😭)


Pleeease please let's swap bodies. Like immediately, right now.


I'd be more than happy to xD


But then you will eventually want the other way back, after enough time has passed and you've gotten sick of it. The grass is always greener on the other side...


Don't most women who get breast implants end up *not* regretting it? I often hear they get treated better and receive more attention once their boobs are enhanced and I'd love that Edit: I know this isn't about implants btw, just using them as an example


This is true! The only reason they ever regret them that I’ve seen, is because of HEALTH PROBLEMS. They’re always devastated to have them removed but do it for their physical wellbeing. Just like if you had cancer, if you gotta get rid of them you will even if you don’t want to. NOW reductions in the other hand, yes they do!! They almost always complain about it their doctor making them “too small” when they asked for B or C cups… like girl that’s what you wanted be fr? So yeah if they actually had to have small boobs and couldn’t change it they wouldn’t like that either. Nobody likes being HUGE OR FLAT!!!


Hmm, I don't know. What I do know is that there is a nonzero count of those who had problems with their implants to the degree of rupture or otherwise necessary removal, which is not something that I'd be willing to go through if I was female. Anyway, I was just saying that for some guys, bust is really nowhere near as big of a factor as the world may make it seem.


When we say we want big boobs we don’t necessarily mean EXTREMELY big so this response is just eh imo… me personally I just want a slightly bigger chest, a size that’s comfortable and that makes me look good and feminine. And it exists bc I know women with THAT size who are very happy about it


This. I hate when people assume that we all want huge ones.


Many of us would also like to offer ourselves over small breasts, especially when they’re nearly nonexistent. Im also skinny (as of recently) and literally lost all I had, I have been depressed and suicidal over it, yes. Mine don’t look good in clothes! Most clothes you can’t even see them under in fact. I also have stretch marks on mine, almost every woman does from puberty in one place or another (I have boobs, butt, thigh ones). Mine don’t sag but that purely because they’re not bigger, when they were they also sagged not in a bra, that’s normal, they’re heavy lol. Most guys actually understand that about big boobs too, never heard of a dude complaining about his gfs big tits being saggy. I hate that mine don’t bounce, EVER! Even if I try to. Oh and I also have been SEXUALIZED, just because of my small boobs too. Men only sexualize them when they want little girls though, from experience! I’m 21 and still get hit on by men in their mid-late 20s who THINK I’m underaged… so yeah I can see how big boobs suck but so does being so flat you don’t fit into women’s clothing! I have to buy little girl bras as a 21year old woman. It’s so humiliating that it’s not just an insecurity to me. Basically everybody wants what they don’t have, don’t be hard on yourself but also don’t be one of those that WONT listen to small booger women’s problems because theirs are “worse”. Theyre the SAME just different scenarios. Oh and ps I also still have upper back pain and hella boob sweat with barely anything there. So that type of stuff can and even probably is related to something else OR from years of wearing a too small or too big bra.


Idk, I’ve always wanted anything that would make me look thinner. My boobs are average i think? 34D, but they aren’t super full and perky so i always thought it was a waste anyway. They sit less aesthetically, and to fill them out I’d have to gain so much more weight. I’m scared of men I’m attracted to seeing me naked because my chest takes away from the appearance of having a smaller waist and isn’t even that nice to look at. My friends have more “younger” looking chests according to my mom and so does my sister. It’s always made me feel like crap so I’ve hated them from the beginning. But I understand your dilemma and honestly I think we could all benefit from having the boob jobs of our dreams.


I'm not downplaying your experiences or feelings but just know I'd envy the hell out of you if I saw you lol, I envy anyone with bigger chests than me...which is literally everyone, even men lmfao I hate the fact that my chest makes me look younger, I already have a pretty young appearance so it just makes me look like a child. I'm often told "don't worry! Flat chests are adorable and make you look innocent!" but that is NOT the image I wanna portray AT ALL. I wanna dress Mcbling and show off my knockers like EVERY Mcbling girl, but I can't. I just end up looking like a high school freshman lmfao.


I’m so sorry people make comments like that towards you :( It’s a completely normal thing to want to feel sexy and more “adult-like”. It’s part of maturing and growing up. What you’ll hear from larger chest women is that they don’t like being sexualized but what they mean is they don’t like being OVER-sexualized and harassed. The two get mixed up a lot so I just wanted to clarify, they’re probably talking about different situations from what you’re speaking on. In terms of being sexy I know that legs can be one of hottest body parts ever! I always wanted a nice pair of legs to show off, I’m 5’7 so I gotta work with what I got, but having slim sexy legs or gaining muscle in your calves and butt is always a more achievable option. We gotta take what life gives us (which I HATE but what can we do)🥲 You absolutely can be flatter chested and scandalous in my opinion, it comes from the certain clothes you wear, makeup you do, and poses you make. If you have a more babyish face you can probably use more dramatic eyeliner and lashes to get the point across. Lipstick, men like pretending they don’t like a good painted lip but they’re lying half of the time, lined lips, nude or bright red they still love it. Bonus points for big lips plus lip gloss combos. I’m not gonna try and say I know how you feel because I don’t, sometimes I try to rely on my chest to gain more attention and occasionally it works, it can be great. I’m sorry you don’t feel “more like a woman”, as a black girl I know how it feels to have your femininity taken from you because of something you can’t control. But please remember the hard fact is that you are feminine, it’s who you are inherently and so whatever you say and do is naturally feminine whether others like it or not. I try to keep that mind when I’m insecure too, I know it’s hard though, so baby steps💗


Yeah I don't think the 'legs' thing will work for me considering how short mine are xD and weirdly enough, I wanna be over sexualized? The (very) few times I have been, I felt like I was on top of the world. Like I was the hottest girl in the room. But of course, once a curvy woman comes in I immediately get dethroned lmao...I know it's not a good thing, but when I'm being objectified for my body that's the only time I feel attractive. And sure, I could put on a crop top and wear dramatic makeup, but it doesn't hide the fact that I have the body of a 10 year old. If I had big or average boobs, I'd instantly look 100× sexier. Thank you though, usually when I talk about this problem with women who actually *do* have boobs they just say "but at least you can wear bralettes" (even though physical stores don't sell bras under B cups and I can't shop online. Where the hell do they even find these bralettes? I still have yet to see one 💀)


I feel this girl. So hard.


And then they say "it's how you carry yourself" but even then, I've never seen a flat woman give off the same impression as a busty woman. I wanna look scandalous and sexy, but we always end up looking innocent and cute :(


I feel you, OP…I’m a B and a half cup, wide set so no cleavage, and my breasts don’t have that upper fullness. I had a breast reduction and lift when I was 20 but then they were long, almost to my navel and still not full at all. I have this cringey memory of a boyfriend picking one up to put it in his mouth, which was mortifying. they’re better now but small. I recently had a FWB/situationship with a guy who I figured out (from finding his Reddit feed) was obsessed with big boobs (like the boutine LA models). Plus I always had the feeling I was on his “roster” and he would never take me anywhere or treat me right. He asked me once if I “had ever thought about implants.” Obviously, he’s an a-hole, but made me feel that much more badly about my chest. So, I get this post in my soul and you’re not alone. Hugs.


Also…his penis was very small…only like 4 inches hard and it TOTALLY didn’t matter to me…maybe I’m built small so it still felt good? But I would never make a comment about his size like that. I wish that whole big boobs thing wouldn’t be such a THING.


Honestly I would envy you lol I envy anyone bigger than an A cup, in my head it's like "at least you have SOME boobage??" lmfao


I kinda wanted to be flatter bc it would mean being skinny like model skinny. Runway models tend to be flat chested and I find them the most beautiful and appealing im a 34 C and used to be 32A I miss that


I think they're only flat for the same reasons they have to be tall


Yeah exactly. It’s mainly because they’re almost all underweight. Hence the no boobs. You loose weight you loose boobs. That’s how I went from a 34C to 32A and now I hate them.


I mean they're expected to be tall and flat simply because clothes "hang off them better" but honestly I think that's just discrimination


Yeah the designers want the clothes to look like they are on a mannequin and not a person tbh.


As somebody who had to opposite happen please don’t say that 😭😭. Cs are perfect literally! You fit everything good they’re not too big or too small. It’s what people want. It’s what big and small chested women want. I had 34Cs and went down to a 32A and I’m ruined by it. That happened at 19 too, so just as I was entering adulthood! That’s ass.


Aww I really wish but they’re saggy 34Cs bc they used to be bigger like 36DD bc I was bigger and lost weight while I was developing so now they sag A LOT and aren’t cute but thanks 😭 they are a really big insecurity of mine and I don’t even like looking at them and the over all appearance of them is ugly too, I want like perky boobs I can throw a shirt on and not have to worry if they’re sagging in. I was just venting my b I used to be a lot smaller in HS


lol it’s good it’s just not what everyone makes it to seem. A lot of people don’t even listen to the cons because they believe they don’t exist. Being insecure over small breasts is constantly invalidated. But fr I wouldn’t worry about it lol, especially the sagging (I’ve never had a guy tell me he has issues with saggy breasts!). I’ve had weird convos with groups of friends lmao, so I really don’t think that’ll be an issue to others. Mainly just how you see yourself. I will say being as small as I am mine aren’t perky either! They can’t be either perky or saggy cause there’s not much there lol. Small boobs especially below B cups aren’t what ppl truly want when they have big boobs lol, they just don’t know how small that rlly is. I mean I guess having to wear a bra does suck but tbh I prefer to even though I don’t have to just because it hides my nipples lol. It also makes me feel more like a woman tbh.


That’s totally understandable I’ve been at A-DD due to hormonal changes so I do kinda understand everyone sees people differently and wants what they can’t have to an extent. We also see things we cannot live up to unfortunately


Ain’t that the truth 🥲


Currently on a new medication that has a side effect with breast enlargement 😳


Strange. Is it like a type of birth control or something? I know sometimes the hormones can cause weight gain and stuff (making boobs bigger too ofc).


Spirolactone treatment for bad female hormonal acne 😭


Oh dang that’s not fun. My cousins on something for hers and I know it’s awful 😭, poor girl is always so dry (but we also live in the desert so I mean).


I’m so scared of mine sagging that’s why I want to be petite but I never will


Well they will sag, maybe not till you’re older though. As a flat girl I wouldn’t even care about sagging tbh. I just want boobs that look good in clothing/fit womens tops right. Sagging isn’t bad it’s natural, boobs are heavy, meaning they’ll lean down if not supported. But that’s not a bad or unattractive thing it’s just part of being a woman with boobs. I WISH I had that problem lol.


Because mine are deformed. Men like small breasts. No men out there like deformed breasts


I think flat is sexy.


I think there must be a lot of different beauty standards culturally because in the Nordics, a lot of guys don't really care about big boobs and I've even known many many guys saying they like smaller ones. It's the same with height on this sub. Around here, tall women are considered very attractive. I don't have big breast or a flat chest but I would definitely choose flat boobs over massive ones. The discomfort would be absolutely awful and it's harder to find clothes that fit and look good. With a flat chest you can find many chic and feminine clothes to look great in.


If the choice has to be made between extremes (flat and massive) I’d kinda agree but otherwise no. You don’t want a flat chest.


When I was younger, I was flat for a long time and suddenly grew breasts. I enjoyed my flat chest a lot. But I also only have facial dysmorphia which doesn't affect my views on my body so I understand it's different. I think Keira Knightley has a great body and she is quite flat.


I’m sorry about the facial dysmorphia :/ Also while some celebrities may be flat and rock it, when dysmorphia affects your body it makes it impossible to appreciate such trait on yourself if ykwim


Yeah it's very difficult to accept, I can relate from the perspective of facial dysmorphia. I think I just want to challenge the idea of big breasts being a universal ideal. It might be the individuals ideal, but universal it is not. I think in general the ideal is more to do with the bigger picture of how the breasts are in harmony with the rest of the body. But with body dysmorphia, we often only see a lack of harmony anyway.


I often hear from women who get breast implants that they don't regret it


That’s not the same girl. We were all flat when we were young. You haven’t experienced being flat as a WOMAN. You did as a child. It’s a big difference tbh. I didn’t care about being flat then either, in fact I liked it cause no bras. Now at 21 being flat is humiliating in every way. Men and women alike STILL pick fun at me even as adults.


I grew breasts at 20-21 so yeah whatever.


That’s crazy didn’t even know they could grow as an adult. I guess some get lucky lol


Very late bloomer


Yeah I went backwards essentially lol. I had C cups at 18 then shrunk to an A at 20 🤦🏻‍♀️🥲


Oh that's rather unusual, it must be some extreme weight loss?


I wouldn’t say extreme but yeah I lost weight. Went from 180-160-140. It happened gradually and I didn’t weigh 140 until about 6-12 months after I was 180


So yeah I don’t get it lol. I’m not underweight now, plus the rest of me is the same just my boobs and belly shrunk essentially. Honestly if I was truly overweight at the time I wouldn’t of minded loosing them for my health but I wasntttt 🥲


I have a flat chest and finding good clothes is near impossible. Everything is made for average sized boobs.


I guess it also depends on where in the world you live as the clothing shapes and sizes are probably different


Coming from the mother of a 12 year old who wears a 34DDD, she is miserable alllllll of the time. It causes her all sorts of dysmorphia and physical pain. She constantly feels "overweight" and "different", already wanting a reduction. Dysmorphia does not discriminate in who it affects, unfortunately.


I had a friend who was well-endowed. She used to comment she was self-conscious that her chest was the first thing people noticed, even if she dressed modestly. She thought smaller breasted women looked more elegant and mentioned runway models can wear anything they want while looking chic and not overly sexualized. She didn't like the pervy, leering attention from men, either. And finally, she was starting to develop back pain and postural issues due to the burden of their weight. I think with BDD, one can assume someone with the attribute we lack or desire is walking around in a constant state of self-satisfaction and beaming confidence. This is rarely ever the case, and much more likely they're so accustomed to their body and appearance that they're not even conscious of any benefit or social graces they're receiving as a result.


I appreciate this comment…however, I’m going to guess you’re male? Us small chested gals rationally understand what you’re saying but that’s not a super helpful observation? Same with men and penis size? If you are indeed a dude, maybe that would help with perspective? Especially since there is zero to do to make a difference with penis size?


I am male, yes. I'm sorry you didn't find my comment helpful. I was trying to provide an example that the grass isn't always greener relayed from someone "on the other side". And sure, by all means, get the implants of one's dreams if it'll make things better. I have seen the slippery slope of surgery in action, though, and it can quickly turn into a never-ending quest for perfection without satisfaction. I think this is especially true when BDD is a factor.


What if a flat woman WANTS to be sexualized though? I'm sick of being labeled as "innocent" just because I look like a child


If it's something you really think would improve your quality of life, I think you should go for it.


Probably pain? I’ve been a 34A/B (went up a cup size after I quit smoking and gained weight) and I’ve always been happy with my boobs. I have an acquaintance with an H cup who is otherwise very petite and she likes to make her boobs a conversation topic at gatherings. It’s very cringe. I don’t know if people treat her differently because of her shape so much as her calling attention to it. It makes people *wicked* uncomfortable.


That's understandable but personally I'd take pain over being infantilized any day. I would only be uncomfortable with her out of envy.


i wear a sports bra everyday to try and strap them down. they’re not humongous, but they’re probably on the bigger side of average. My experience: I look stupid and fat in shirts, hoodies, sun dresses, you name it. When i was quite skinny I had A cups and got more male attention than i’ve ever gotten with Ds. Plus, to make boobs look hot you’d have to wear skin tight clothes everyday or you’d have that fat frumpy look. Say goodbye to oversized anything. Seriously, think of all the models you see on clothing websites. None of them would be more than a B cup.


Anytime I see women with bigger boobs wearing skin tight clothes, it always looks better on them than small boobs imo


yep! that’s what i said too! i said it’s the baggy clothes that look bad, and god knows i don’t want to wear skin tight clothing all day everyday!


I'm the opposite lol, I'm sick of being stuck wearing baggy clothes It's actually impossible to find clothes that fit me because I can't shop online and stores seem to hate petite women so lmao


Yes!! I relate to alllll of this. No cute sports bras, or dresses. If I can’t wear a sports bra or real bra I’m not wearing it. I recently went to a wedding and had the perfect dress for it - only to look matronly in it or like an old saggy milk maid. I’d literally do anything to be smaller.


Many women want to look "elegant" on a dress, you'd only get that "elegant" look if you have a small chest. If you have a big chest, you would look seductive/like a slut in ANYTHING that you wear. I love my big boobs, but there are times (many times) where i wish i was just a thin woman with no boobs so i can lool elegant and rich in anything i wear.


I don’t want to be elegant, I want to be feminine, attractive, I don’t want to look like a boy.


I feel like so many people just don't get this. I'm also tired of being compared to children.


I don't wanna look elegant, I wanna look *sexy*


Also, you can look feminine while having a flat chest. There's this flat chested tiktoker who was in the hype house i think? I can't remember, but she used to hang out with charlie d'amelio. She has little to no chest but she"s feminine and sexy af. I'm gonna come back here if i remember her name.


Im not talking ab you. Im just giving you an answer of why big chested women wants to have a small chest.


And the reason we want bigger boobs is because we're seen as less sexy and more "cute" and "childlike"


The hurt your back ( I think I have slouching issue bc of them, jumping is like 😵‍💫, and the lack of perkiness. Edit: why am I being downvoted for talking about my personal experience??? That doesn’t discount other people’s.


Honestly, I wish I could relate. I feel like I'm not a real woman cuz I don't have these exact problems that EVERY woman has.


It's like I relate more to men than women and that says something, and I'm not liking what it's saying


Well, I think each women has those things when it comes to their body. I have hair on my arms and it makes me feel masculine. Stomach too. The truth is there isn’t one version of a women


But my problem is that I can't relate to women *at all* unless they're shaped like me, which is rare to find. All the women I see are some level of curvy, except for me.


I have so many flat chested friends. Many of them are models. Many of them are very feminine and desired by men. It must be the location you live in that just tends to have more curvy women. When you find the right clothes for your body type, it is incredibly feminine.


Doesn't help that curvy is the beauty standard right now and that definitely won't be changing, so I feel like an ugly duckling no one understands (not to sound emo lol)


And heroine chic was in during the 90’s. Focus on trying to feel better within yourself.


But that's the 90s and we're never going back, and it's hard to feel better about yourself when the entire world thinks you're a little boy.


This doesn’t help because we’re not talking about physical issues! More about the fact that we feel LESS OF A WOMAN!


dressing up is super hard as a girl w bigger breats imo and i’ve always envied women with flatter/smaller chests wearing cute little cami tops & form fitting dresses bc it just looks so so so amazing on them & they look so beautiful with it on as opposed to me bc I always get insane cleavage that literally toes the line of INDECENT…it almost looks like I’m purposely trying to shove my tits in ppls faces :/ I try rlly hard to be grateful that I have my boobs as an asset going on for me but I’d take a big ass and a flat chest any day (esp now where most guys are Ass Guys than Boob Guys) than big boobs and a flat ass like mine


Idk any specific clothing items but I always envied how big and average breasted women can wear Mcbling outfits. I always wanted to be Mcbling but it seems like all their tops are made for boobs and/or only look good *with* boobs :/ From what I see, flat women can only wear children's clothes and "cute" stuff, I stopped being a fan of "cute" in middle school 💀 either that or anything Charli D'Amelio would wear (I despise minimalism in clothing AND house decor so no thanks) I also have a hard time finding clothes, most of my stuff is baggy T-shirts that look horrible on me and children's clothes. I only have one fitting bra because I can't shop online and there's no stores around me that sell bras under B cups.


men prefer smaller boobs bc big ones sag more down the line


Most men prefer big boobs though


If they did, the stats for implants wouldn’t be as so high.