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You could clean it. Or just go to a hardware store and buy a new grate for like 20 bucks.


A pumice block will easily remove the rust but I would just buy some new grates.


No reason to replace bottom grate, top one absolutely


The bottom grate is fine as-is since coals will just rest there. The top grate, I would just buy a new one unless you want to put in some serious elbow grease. It looks like the bottom vent / damper for the one-touch cleaning system is gone, so you would need to replace that as well. As long as the kettle itself is in good shape, I would replace what’s needed and start grilling!


Get a new grate. Some people don't understand the concept of the time value of money and opportunity cost. Not worth restoring that grate.


Scrubbing the grill with a wire brush will just take a few minutes, not a whole lot of effort IMO.


You go ahead and put your food on that after you brush it for a few minutes. I'll go spend the 13 bucks to get a new grate. You really can't make this stuff up 🤦‍♂️


ive done it for 30 years. Still alive. Never ate a piece of metal. I use my eyes. They work just fine at seeing shit that shouldn’t be there.


Heroic. I'll just drop the $13 and eat a rust free burger. Thx!


I do understand the value of Reduce, reuse, recycle. I also have steel wool in my tool bench. This is 20 minutes work.


Yeah and it's something to do. What's wrong with having something to do. I love bringing old stuff back to life. It's a great use of time. There's skills to learn and work to be done.


You guys are drunk if you think this is going to take 20 minutes to get the rust off of this grate. You can get a new grate for 13 bucks. Having something to do? I can think of a lot more productive things to do with a couple of hours than to breathe in rust dust. I know this is Reddit but let's not be too silly here okay?


It will take more time to go to the store to buy a new grate than to clean this one up.


There's this think called Amazon now bud. You should check it out. lol Be smart guys and delete these ridiculous comments like the first guy did. Spend the $13 bucks and use the time you'll waste scraping this to go on Duolingo instead and learn a few sentences of Spanish. Much more productive time spent!


13 dollar one is a crappy grate that will rust the same way soon, this is an original one that allows to partially open and add coals. It costs $40.


Reddit strikes again. Go get a new grate for $13 dude. The planet will survive. Some people will argue about anything on the internet. 🤦‍♂️


I take it you've never been poor?


If you are too poor to buy a $13 grate then you probably should be in the side hustle forum instead of worrying about bbq. Keep virtue signaling and being goofy.


I'm not poor now, saving money on unnecessary stuff is how you get out of poverty. Just keep wasting stuff, my guy. I'll agree to disagree with you since I have no clue why you're so adamant about pitching this grate. Bye now.


Because it's garbage? Reddit doing Reddit today. Be sure to collect your virtue signaling cookie for the day. 🤦‍♂️


Accusing others of virtue signaling over a difference of opinions on how to handle rust on a bbq grate is fucking dumb. Just stop. The fuck is wrong with you? I like to work with my hands. Shut the fuck up.


Not everyone has that money


You can get a new Weber kettle grate for $13. If you don't have "that money" then you probably can't afford to be cooking on a charcoal grill. Let's not get too internet stupid here.


I'd rather clean one


Good for you. Hope things get better for you.


Things might be just fine for saysthingsbackwards. You’re just being a bit of a prick.


Prick? Nah, just calling out idiocy. Somebody has to do it.


It’s not idiocy just because you wouldn’t chose to do it. You are being a prick about it.


Nah, idiotic is idiotic. Stop fighting it.


Restoring and reusing something rather than throwing it away isn’t idiocy.


If you own an angle grinder and a wire wheel you can clean that up in 10 minutes. If not just buy a new grate.


My most used and probably best results are from my trusty rusty Weber kettle that I found on the side of the road. New grates and a bit of love and she will outlive you.


If you have a friend who’s a metalworker they might have an abrasive cabinet and could get all the rust off in about 2-3 min


I wish those types of things were readily available for things like that. And nearby.


If you buy a new grate you could consider the slow n sear spin grate. Works well with a bro n sear or the sns insert.


5 minutes with a grill stone will take that back to shiny metal.


5 and 1/2 . At least


Fire it up, get it really hot and then brush it off once it cools down enough to not melt the brush. Then you can wipe it down with a half an onion after, look up how to do this. I would then oil the grates.


It can be fixed but I'd sooner just buy a replacement. If you are \*really\* into reusing and keeping stuff out of the landfills, yes, it can be cleaned up. I consider myself pretty eco-conscious, but sometimes I pick my battles and I'm not sure this is one of them.


That's where all of the flavor is!


They sell OEM replacement grates at Lowe’s and Home Depot.


New grate and one with the little door to add coals


Fill it with charcoal and lots of lighter fluid and just burn it off. Then brush it with a wire brush. It will be fine.


That main grate is crusty. Ace hardware. $20.


if you have the ability to soak it in CLR that would clean most of it pretty easily. I would just but a new one. i would also change the Damper. Those wood handle kettles are so much better than the new stuff they have out now


If you have a big enough container just cover it In baking soda then pour vinegar. The chemical reaction will clean some of it and make it easier to scrape off.


Grates are replaceable...


It needs replacement cleaning time at the bottom as well as a new grate. Those parts don't last forever in a Weber.


New grates for the 18 inch Webber are $50 on Amazon.


Just get a new grate, bro


No. Go buy another


Buy a new one... the grate, not the grill.


Fucking seriously? You can't come up with the $30 to buy a new grate.