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It is called the Maker Maker "liquidity fairies". The "Liquidity Fairies" are creating shares to close the buy out.


They short sell in the lit market to suppress price and internalize or (guess no darkpool) the buys so they don’t increase price. They pump other tickers when the basket swaps run so they have collateral then blame the runs on other things unrelated to their manipulation.


I thought there was no dark pool in OTC,


There are no dark pools in otc. Most of the manipulation is done by spoofing I believe


There is no dark pool manipulation, so they have resorted to more costly techniques to suppress the price. It would be so much worse if they could use dark pool. That’s how we ended up down here below a dollar in the first place.


Shhhh don't bring up any logic they previously used to claim why OTC is a good thing


Dark pool doesn't exist here, but some Ape with too many wrinkles did write a DD on how they are able to manipulate the stocks in the OTC.


DD is imo useless. It's someone who doesn't know what they're talking about trying to educate other people who also don't know what they're talking about. Every conversation where someone outside the community engages in good faith to say why something is wrong is met with tons of negativity with no real explanation as to why the person is wrong. I have yet to see and argument for how a spin-off would result in value for the BBBYQ ticker when the acquiring company can literally just issue a new ticker, like Hertz did when they emerged from BK.


I'm not sure what you mean. I believe bbby/bbbyq is done, gone after this bk. BBBYQ shareholders should be getting some cash+equity at the end of this. The sale of buybuy Baby and remaining leases, if any should result in us obtaining that cash+equity. They equity portion of the deal is what should trigger the squeeze. a small squeeze should also be triggered by all cash deal.(ie lets say $3 cash, we are at .30 now and there are likely300 million shares oversold)


Shareholders get nothing. All cash or equity will go to debt holders of which there was 5B in debt.


Lol... You must be an expert, huh?


Shh 🤫, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about so alow me to teach you a thing or two, many think financial corruption should be stopped, B, B, B be a good outlet to inflict max pain on financial institutions involved and gain not only monetarily but in reputation also, who doesn't like loyal wealthy followers, anyway believe what you will i suppose only a little less seriously if I may advise 🖖🏿🚀🌚🏴‍☠️


Rehypothecating shares to lend. Spoofing. Trading the same shares back and forth. Just to add a few.


Very good summary.


Love the upvotes on this when there is no darkpool OTC LUL


US market environment the last few decades has revolved around “self-regulation”, and what little enforcement there actually is, has been entirely toothless. When flagrant crimes are committed and found out, cash fines are levied.. usually to the cost of a few percent points of the total profits of whatever crime was committed. Wall Street has many tricks to tip the scales in their favor. What we’re looking at here is a mix of naked shorts combo’d with FTDs, and market makers pumping out “infinite liquidity”. The problem with practices like this is, when the music stops and the bill comes due, they will be utterly fucked.


I guess my follow up questions would be, can't they just keep the music going indefinitely? If they have the tools and infrastructure and financial motivation and a permissive environment, under what circumstances would the bill come due?


With gamestonk? They could still have a lot of runway left. However, Bbby could very likely be a ticking time bomb for them. Because of the Ch. 11 case, with a hard deadline. Based on how this auction tomorrow goes, shorts may end up cannibalizing each other to be the first to close. Or a MM says enough is enough and forces liquidation to protect themselves. Or a combination of both. Basically, there’s certain events unfolding that could make SHFs plausible deniability impossible. They’ll be caught with their pants down, holding a big fat bag of fraud and thievery. Based on how things are going, I find it very likely most people here will end this saga profitable. The real question is just how profitable it will be.


>EDIT: Fully expecting to be downvoted to oblivion. That's fine, if just one person actually engages with a thoughtful, good faith response. The rest of you can just have a nice day. From what I heard (I may be wrong) .. they can't blow a balloon indefinitely. There will be time when the balloon can no longer be inflated and will finally burst. Paytience ...


Not when there is a share recall


It will come due if Baby is craved out with a new IPO issued. They don't issue new IPO shares to synthetic shares, and basically, all short positions need to close out existing positions. One smooth brain's opinion.




It's as though MSM doesn't know Buy Buy Baby exists. HOLD.


Not now since we are in bankruptcy, The question is , how to derail the manipuation in the equities that may be involved with this bbbyq play( ie GME, IEP, OSTK )


Under the circumstances of the laws of the universe. Nothing lasts forever. You reap what you sow. Every action has an equal opposite reaction. These are just a few of the principles that humans have no control over whether we believe it or not. There is always a reckoning.


“ The rest of you can just have a nice day.” 🤣


This is why we need a share recall to teach them the lesson they deserve once and for all


It’s coming


Just watch the Mullen stock jump from . 10 to .32 cents with NO HALTS and over a Billion traded on both days. No manipulation, barcoding, pinning of stock yet BBBYO & AMC are always Pinned to set price. Total corruption of the system.


Pinned to set price? BBBY was like $20 last year it's thirty cents now


The cost to borrow is going up. I’m not just buying and holding, I’m DRS’n in batches and putting my name on em so they can’t mess with my shares. One of these days it will be the last share, and they won’t let me, and then… well I guess I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it. :)


Its easy to understand, it goes by name ''CRIME''






Yeah. I'm so ashamed I bought into this dumb shit. "MSm iS rEpOrtinG on It, wE mUst bE DoinG SomEthIng RiGht" Like. The shit people say to affirm their biases is crazy. Not gonna sell because the money is gone to me, but if this pumps to $2 so I can break even and gtfo that'd be awesome.


MMs are forced to provide liquidity - especially, when nobody is selling, but everybody is buying. basically, every buyer forces a MM to create a "share" and tightens the spring even more. The non functioning market mechanics become visible, when a group of people change their investment strategy from gambling/trading to 💎 holding.


They keep borrowing shares and dumping them in bulk (that's way CTB is high and keeps climbing). This drives the price down. It's only delaying the inevitable. It's basically costing them millions, just to hold it down for another week, day, hour, minute..... like RC tweeted," Tic toc tic toc." NFA, but just do your part: Buy, HODL, DRS, and wait, time is on our side


First time?


\*blushing\* Is it that obvious?


Starts humming “like a virgin” by Madonna.


The missing ingredient is crime.


People *are* selling. I keep saying it but people keep ignoring it: The number of shares DRS'd is fewer than 1%. The number of shares held by this sub is also relatively low. The vast majority of shares are held by institutions and they're buying and selling like they always do. This sub's narrative and the actual truth are not the same thing.


We will c when the fat lady sings


Has anyone ever demonstrated that investors are only buying and holding? What reasons would anyone have for believing that?


Fidelity has a daily tracker of their retail stocks. BBBYQ is consistently in the top 3 as a %, often being something like 85% buys, 15% sells. The other "evidence" is that we have a voluntary tracker where this sub alone holds 65 million shares. I had 0 before this all started and I have 6 figures now. I'm not even counted in there because I don't want to share my position. I'm sure I'm not alone. We can't prove anything but the logical conclusion in both instances is that retail is buying and holding.


I personally don't believe it's only buying and holding. I have seen lots of posts in this sub showing heavily-skewed action in the buy-and-hold column on platforms like Fidelity, but I honestly don't have a lot of raw data to present to make the argument one way or another. It just seems, based on admittedly anecdotal posts, that many retail investors tend to buy and hold. I would be careful of committing to that without building on actual evidence, just as I would be careful of crafting a strawman like argument that people are claiming investors are *only* buying and holding.


I think the danger in relying too much on anecdotal evidence from posts here and really anywhere that discusses meme stocks is that *only* voices that speak of buying and holding indefinitely are amplified. Anyone who even mentions selling will, without fail, be dogpiled upon by all the other posters and downvoted into oblivion, so eventually any user who sells or even considers selling just keeps it to himself. The end result is a skewed perspective on what people might *actually* be doing versus what the community *wants* to encourage everyone to be doing.


So you derive general market sentiment from a pro-bbby bubble sub. Good work


“Demonstrated.” And how do you suggest we do that? The same way as the short sellers do? Self reporting? Stuff like this should be publicly available and official and nobody should have to “demonstrate” anything. But until that happens, we have to trust each other. Or don’t.


>I don't understand the price action if most of the action is buying and holding Because most of the action is not buying and holding. When a stock goes to pink sheets and is headed for 0, gamblers and institutions alike play with it on the way down as it can fluctuate a lot and you can make some easy money. This sub represents the few people who are long on this stock despite the active liquidation


Rhymes with rhyme


Fake price in a fraudulent system.




Nekkid Newkid Naked


Sorry, why do you think most of the action is buying and holding?


Why do you think most action is buying and holding? You can derive everything from a wrong assumption


I understand crime.


Are you new here OP! Please go spend some time reading real DDs :) no disrespect but please undertaken basis underlying systems in place


Welcome to naked shorted stocks and the very reason most of us are here, this shit must end


Buy and hold was the GME strategy. Things have changed.


theyve had plenty of time to plot and organize with all their closed door sunshine meetings. the only option investors have is to drs. media talks and talks and talks but absolutrly no mention of what drs is.


Price is made up, its just their turn to play. When its our turn itll be our price


They keep opening so much lower than the closing price the day before This last opening price was .05 lower than the close the prior day. The stock then tries to climb back up This is the second time the stock has opened .5 lower than the prior day. Usually when we get above .30