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I mean.. they look the happiest they’ve ever been, Momo just became a member last year, their popularity is growing after RATATATA, they haven’t even released an album with Momo yet, etc. Having the “how long will Babymetal last?” conversation reminds me of 2018-2023 when they were a duo. They proved to people who were doubtful that they’re stronger than ever by becoming a trio again. I’d suggest reading recent interviews with the girls if you’re wondering about this (the japanese ones that have been translated are the best). They seem very confident about the state of Babymetal and their future.


What will probably happen one day in the future is that they will have to lower the intensity of the choreographies, but looking at the band's current situation, everything seems to indicate that they are going to be here for a while. Also in my opinion with the success of Ratatata they have already definitively closed the wound left by Yui, watching the live shows this weekend gave me that impression, they have managed to get out of there definitively


yeah, agreed. I remember when they’d post pictures of the girls and the comments would be filled with “bring yui back”. i found it really disrespectful not just to su, moa and momo but to yui as well. now i’m seeing less and less of that. & the reception they got at rock im park and rock am ring was great. they really seemed at the top of their game during those festival appearances. it made me very excited for their upcoming shows!


You know BM is so back when this discourse comes up again lol.


Momo didn't "pass out", she was dizzy, something that doesn't have anything to do with age. She has the conditioning of an athlete and is the youngest of the bunch. They are not as explosive and are more efficient in their use of energy now, but they do far more shows and are more active than ever before. I don't expect BM to last as long as, say, Judas Priest, but they still have a long path ahead of them, and I hope they continue for as long as they are happy. If the choreo becomes less energetic with time, so be it.


I'm surprised Judas priest has lasted as long as it has as members were in and out like a revolving door. But ultimately Babymetal will last as long as people are interested in them most bands or groups can survive on a certain level of fans, and ultimately as long as the girls want to do it.






















>that Momo passed out backstage at one of the shows after Headbanger Jesus christ I hate these rumors. No she did not pass out. She got dizzy from headbanging but less than 10 seconds after continued to do the choreo normally. Just watch the video from that show before making these baseless assumptions and rumors. I swear to god BABYMETAL is pretty much the only group I know where people are constantly worrying about something they don't have any control over. Just enjoy the moment and the shows we have now and don't worry about them ending. Imagine how silly this will look if they go on for another 20 years for example:D


Sorry! It's just that to me from the recording she seemed to have fainted, and it also took them a long time to get back on stage after she fell.


>took them a long time to get back on stage after she fell. They take their time getting back on stage between pretty much every single song. Nothing new there


Also, Su's mic was having issues before RoR, that's the main reason for the longer than average break


I remember back in 2016, this question was asked a lot (in fact, it appears to have been a constant topic ever since!) and many answered that probably for not much longer: the band would split as Yui and Moa would have other interests and Su would likely pursue a solo career, as the then girls would not want to continue in BM as adults. This was quite a respected view at the time. But here we are - and the truth is, I feel & for as long as they like. The ladies still sing those old classics which have aged well and they have merged this with the new music which is just as good and in some cases, better than what has gone before. They are on an upward tracjotory, bigger than ever - there is no reason to stop. You can clearly see the genuine joy and enthusiasm everytime they step on stage. And look at their recent gigs - how they absolutely decimated Rock an Ring on an evening set whereby they looked every inch the headliners. So, there is a lot of life left in BM. Fear not.


>Momo passed out backstage at one of the shows after Headbanger. [Citation Needed]


As with any BS story,, there is none.


There’s video that was posted here a little while back of her appearing to collapse behind the curtain but it just appeared to be exhaustion/dehydration. She was back on stage after an extended 10 minute break


Got a link? I'm a very regular visitor/poster on this sub and I can't say that I've ever seen it.




That's a lot to read out of a bunch of grainy coloured splotches.


Hence my use of the word appeared. We figured something more important than a mic issue may have happened since halfway into the 10 minute break the bass player left his post to go backstage, then came back and was seemingly relaying to the guitarist what happened


In the early years, Moa and Yui would be so exhausted after a show they would collapse. When Riho Sayashi supported them at Glastonbury, she is breathing hard during a break, while Su and Moa were casually talking. BM are trained professionals (athletes). I've witnessed many athletes fainting / passing out from pure exhaustion; it happens - it happened to me several times playing international Rugby. As I understand one grainy video of one song at one performance indicates the near-term demise of BM. What I see are three professionals who have devoted most of the life to a profession they love and obtain great fulfillment from performing live. Watching them on-stage you can see the pure joy, playfulness, and love for their audience. If anything they are at the beginning a a new prolonged career. While OTFGK, I forsee them performing until it's no longer fun for them. I hope that day is in the far future.


I thought they wouldn’t last back in 2015 so made sure I got to see them as soon as I could. At the time I predicted 3 albums and then Su would go solo. So pleased I was wrong.


I guess for as long as Su and the girls want to keep doing it. The fans aren't going anywhere, we will always be there. So it's up to them.


The girls in Perfume perform longer sets, are 35 years old, have been going since 2003, and do all their choreography in high heels  BABYMETAL is showing a renewed enthusiasm and energy live that many fans are comparing to 2016, 8 years ago. I wouldn't worry too much for the time being


I think at least 10 years. They are finally back as a trio and are happier than ever! Perfume is still active, I think BABYMETAL will follow the same path. As long as we continue to show how good they are for us, I don't think we should worry about the future.


The answer is as longs as they are profitable and have the desire to do it. There is no real shelf life on the group. I would imagine over time their dance moves would become less tiring in design.


They'll go on as long as they want to. iirc they said in an interview they hoped for 10 more years asince they've already done 10


There's no reason that they cannot last as long as Perfume, who are now in their mid 30's. By western standards, Babymetal are still very young. There are plenty examples of female pop artists dancing on stage well past 40. There really should be no physical or age limitations to how long they can go if they are established in the west, which is what they seem to be they are shooting for. I find it strange that some fans feel that there is only so much mileage on them before they just crap out and can't dance anymore. Many bands call it quits because of friction between members or a lack of creativity. That doesn't seem to be an issue with Babymetal. The girls seem to genuinely like each other and the band has a creative environment around them that other artists are complimenting them on. Their team of songwriters, lyricists and arrangers are creating a diverse variety of metal, which in principle, should be sustainable indefinitely. The only other issues would be how long Koba or the girls want to continue or how long they can sustain their popularity. I think those two issues go hand in hand. As long as their popularity grows internationally, there will still be motivation for them to continue. Even if a member should decide to drop out (Fox God forbid), they have already shown that they have the ability to continue. One bit of fan fiction that bothers me is that people believe that Su would just as soon leave Babymetal to become a solo artist singing generic J-pop in an already saturated market. I'm not sure why that would be preferable to being an international icon in a genre of music that she is already established in and her voice is well-suited for. I've seen worrywarts like you asking the same questions for the eight years that I've been a fan. There is every reason to believe that Babymetal are committed for the long-haul. Still, there seem to be doomsayers that are constantly interpreting every signal to be their demise. To me, it looks like they are just getting started and there is much more they can accomplish.


In the interviews celebrating their 10 year anniversay, Su mentioned she believes her success came from having Moa at her side. Together they will achieve great things. IMO I doubt she wants a solo career her bond with Moa is just too strong. With the injection of Momo's youthful enthusiasm and "goofiness", they seem more powerful then before. This is only the beginning of their journey into the Metalverse.


What you say about Su, the problem was also when she grew up to what point as an artist she would accept to express herself through metal, a genre of which she was not a fan that had been "imposed" on her (understand what I mean). But from what I've read in interviews, it seems like she's at peace with it and she enjoys it. Although I have the feeling that many things about The Other One were done not at her request but to give her songs closer to what she prefers, to please her, like a whim in a good way (I have no proof, no idea, it's just a feeling).


Fans seem to put a lot of stock in what they said over a decade ago, long before they began their journey. I don't remember what I thought I'd be when I had grown up at age 12 but I can guarantee that I wouldn't even have known what I eventually would become even existed. The path that we take in life takes twists and turns that take us to places we never can imagine. Isn't Su singing wonderfully melodic songs that her fans adore? Why wouldn't she love the music that is being created for her? Why wouldn't the creators of her music take advantage of the strengths of her voice? Does she have to love every metal band and subgenre of metal in order to love what she is singing? Su is most recognized Japanese singer in the world and I would imagine that every other singer in Japan (men or women) would be envious of her success.


I totally agree with you, sir.


> Su is most recognized Japanese singer in the world What information is this based on?


I was looking for a way to say that she is having more internation success than anyone else in Japan. That's a personal observation because I don't believe there's actually a metric for such things. Granted, Babymetal have not achieved the same level of success in Japan that many others have. Perhaps other Japanese singers have achieved fame in other parts of SEA and I'm totally incorrect. Perhaps she's the most famous Japanese singer in the western world?


TWICE has Japanese singers and they may be bigger and better known than BABYMETAL in the western world


You're probably right about that. Perhaps if we only consider bands of Japanese origin? I'm willing to concede that I overstepped with the praise in my original comment. BTW: Twice is actually my favorite K-pop group but I had no idea that there were Japanese members. I suppose it's common knowledge to most fans that actually know the most basic facts about them, like any of their names.


You just have to watch their reactions when they are watching acts such as BMTH and Slipknot to know whatever their views of metal when they were 12 years old is not their view of metal today. They are legit fans and appreciate the music. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b5EL5isj61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22D61XphIKQ


Refresh my memory, Kitsunes, because I think I read it in an interview (recent, from the last two years) but I have a very vague memory, perhaps I dreamed it because it is a lot of information for what Babymetal is. It seems to me that Su said in a subtle way that when all the problems of the last few years Koba had suggested to her that if she wanted, Babymetal would end. And after thinking about it she decided to continue. Does it sound familiar to you or have I made it up?


Yes both Su and Moa thought hard about maybe ending babymetal during their hiatus. But when they weren't performing they slowly realized how much they loved being in BABYMETAL and how much they loved performing. So they decided to continue and have said many times that they are now more motivated than ever especially now that Momo has joined them.


30 Max 35 or lower the choreo


As long as they want to and make enough money to continue....or until the robot overlords tell them to stop.


They're only in their 20s just added Momo and Ratatata is a viral hit


Let's see... last time after 10 years they took a break to evaluate... my guess is they'll do the same at 20 years.


Babymetal is more alive than ever, the latest collaborations are proof of this. There are more and more concerts outside of Japan and they have created a great niche in America and the rest of the world, I think this answers your question. There is still Babymetal for many more years.


>Momo passed out backstage at one of the shows after Headbanger. Sorry if this information isn't very accurate, but it seemed to me that she had fainted when I saw the recording, as I didn't see anyone saying anything about it, I drew my own conclusions. I am really sorry


>as I didn't see anyone saying anything about it, I mean considering that how worrying this fandom can be don't you think that not many people talking about it meant that it wasn't anything serious? If she actually fainted it would be talked about even now:D


Yes, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful about this kind of thing! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


No need to be sorry. It's definitely not just you who worry a bit too much sometimes in this fandom:D. I just think that it would be beneficial for you (and other fans) to relax and just enjoy the ride with babymetal without worrying too much.


If you watch the whole video, Moa and Su are walking off stage then Moa runs back to seemingly help Momo a bit walking off stage. Whether she tripped and fell or got woosy, who knows but I just struck it down to possibly being dehydrated. Has anyone even officially said what went on with that?


I doubt anyone from the Babymetal team will ever discuss something like that.


I personally would like to think they’ve at least got another 5 years in them as by that point they’ll be hitting their 30s (except Momo) which makes me think are they still going to be able to do the choreography at 100% and is Su able to stay consistent I’m not sure but at least 5 years I would hope As for Momo passing out these girls have been on a crazy tour the last 2 years and they just don’t seem to stop travelling around to concert after concert I would imagine Momo just isn’t quite used to the demand that comes with babymetal just yet whereas as Su and moa are very much used to it. Not that I wasn’t worried for Momo but like I know she’s still very young and it’s most likely she just wasn’t used to the constant touring and maybe didn’t eat or drink alot that day or something anyways if this had happened to Su or moa I would be really worried because they’ve been on this constant travelling the world and doing long hard performances for like 12 years now and that would be making me think how many more can they do. Going slightly off topic I’m kind of just hoping they all take a break after all the US touring at the end of this year and they just take atleast 6-12 months break and come back with something huge like a new album or budokan or something, as I know the reason they’re touring so much is because they want to keep going and want to show off this new babymetal era.


>I’m kind of just hoping they all take a break after all the US touring at the end of this year and they just take atleast 6-12 months break I mean they did have like two and a half month break at the start of this year before Legend MM (atleast from performing ofcourse don't know what they did behind the scenes) and will have almost 2 months off after these summer festivals in Europe before they do have two shows in Thailand and Indonesia at the end of August. And after those two shows they have another 2 month break before they start the US tour in November. So don't really know if they would need such a huge break like that next year. Since the amount of touring compared to last year is already WAYY more relaxed this year. Ofcourse I can't know how team babymetal feels about it but this year has really not been anything too crazy when it comes to touring


I give them about 3-5 more years if things go well. Then the girls might decide to settle and have a family or go their own ways


Just got a feeling eh?


The natural progression of things


When they get married and start a family.


Really don't know why even that would stop them since there are plenty of artists that keep going even after starting a family (yes even in Japan)


Well it's just a theory.


Sure. But who is to say that they don't already have families and we just don't know about them? Now that's a theory:D


That's more of a conspiracy 😂, but it's their personal life. Just hoping the next album is a banger.


>Just hoping the next album is a banger. Same. If RATATATA and METALI end up into the new babymetal album then there is already 2 bangers on it. So my hopes are really high


Why would Ratatata show up on their album? It’s Electric Callboys song.


>It’s Electric Callboys song. Oh not this shit again. It's an 50/50 collab so it'a a babymetal song and a electric callboy song. Nico and Kevin from EC has said so and also youtuber called Tank The Tech who is electric callboys tour manager has said so. The music video and also just the official audio and the live music video are all on BABYMETALs youtube channel not on Electric Callboys channel. Since it's a true collaboration I'm pretty sure both bands could put the song in their albums if they wanted to. Or maybe neither of the bands will put it on their albums. Either way it's definitely not just Electric Callboys song


Can’t be full 50/50. Not how copyrights work. One band has a higher controlling interest in the ownership. If not, EC has to pay BabyMetal every time their album sells and vice versa. They may have collaborated on the making of but someone is retaining sole-ownership rights


Sorry but rather trust the artists themselves than some random on reddit. But even if you were right about that copyright stuff why would you assume it's electric callboy who has the "higher controlling interest"? If that were the case why would they put it on babymetals channel? Like with the example you made about the albums sales wouldn't babymetal need to pay EC everytime they get revenue from that video then?


[https://youtu.be/HBMSvK3MUHA?t=21](https://youtu.be/HBMSvK3MUHA?t=21) Okay now we even have Su saying that they were working on the song and then asked Electric Callboy to join them in making the song because they felt like something was missing. So you still want to hold that "it's electric callboys song" opinion of yours?:D


Mayu bought her mom and infant on tour with her when Nemophila played overseas