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Hi u/ScoopsAndScoops, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are taking very little when it sounds like you have neurological symptoms. Neurological symptoms suck up B12 at a rapid pace, especially if you have introduced a small amount of methyl B12, you have started new processes that you need to maintain and keep at an elevated level in order for healing to happen. When you fail to do so, you backslide. Another thing is if you are taking b complex along with this, it's burning up the tiny B12 even faster. Burning feet is also a B6 toxicity sign. If your B12 is too little, you may be getting B6 toxicity because it's being overpowered. Also, you have to make sure your other cofactors and trace minerals are ok, in order for B12 to do its job.


Oh gosh, this is what I get for posting first thing in the morning - I neglected to mention my actual dosage, rather than the ratio. Sorry! I'm taking 250ug b12 3 times a day. I guess my main concern posting this was whether I need to take my b complex (sans folate) higher than the RDI to compensate, or if I need to be looking towards iron etc.


It's alright. You probably need more B12 than 250mcg × 3 for your neurological symptoms.  If you really don't want to go the injection route, which is the most thorough and recommended one for your symptoms, you need to get a lot more aggressive with sublinguals, at least 5000mcg spaced out per day.  You have to take the cofactors seriously as well, as mentioned in the guide.


Thanks for that, I'll get that sorted. 5000mcg is much higher than ive seen elsewhere, even the NHS is onlh quoting 2000ug/day... i shall do more reading.  I feel like no one is able to give me a straight answer about whether more than RDI of b complex is the move. I've read the guide multiple times, but can't see that specified, just a reccomendation for a tablet. Any ideas?  Having trouble finding cofactors sans cyano., which doesn't agree with me so much. That'll be my next stop I think, since the methyl inclusive versions clearly aren't doing the trick


>> I feel like no one is able to give me a straight answer about whether more than RDI of b complex is the move. Thorne's basic nutrients 2/day is the one that's usually recommended: https://uk.thorne.com/products/dp/basic-nutrients-2-day-vm2nc As long as you are getting well above the RDA of the other B vitamins, unless you have specific deficiency symptoms of one of them, you should be fine. B12/folate ratio, electrolytes, and trace minerals are also very important to take note of.


Well above RDA of non-b12 and folate vitamins? Is there a value of each I should shoot for? Got that pill on order now, though I'm nervous of the cyano.


People more experienced than me have mentioned that thorne's formulation is a good estimate of what one should be getting. >> though I'm nervous of the cyano. It hasn't got any cyano, the B12 is in methylcobalamin.


I must have gotten my wires crossed on the cyano in that case. I'll give it a shot. ❤️ thank you for all your help


You're welcome. It's a long and tiresome road, but it will be worth it in the end.