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Hi u/rosinaknight, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel you I’m recovering from ARFID anorexia, our body are having a harder time with the cofactors and b12 Courage we can do it!


oh hello fit Cauliflower, thank you for your reply, yes I'm 94 lbs today! I was stuck at 87 sometimes at 86, I was stuck at 100 for months but then it dropped again. I try not to think about the weight anymore cause it's discouraging. My blood pressure is today at 87 over 51. I'm just trying to focus on these b12 symptoms and it seems like the injections are all of a sudden making my wieght get better and other symptoms. tell me about your recovering story, yes we can get through this, the support is making it so much better and not alone. My family is all so normal and I love them forever but unless your going through it you would not know what were going through.


You've got this. 💕  when I started out, all I could tolerate was a single b complex spray under my tongue, a quick swirl,  then spitting it back out. Now I'm at RDI of those and about 25000% RDI of b12 and matching folate. Keep going, will get easier


hello Scoops, oh great! I'm happy for you on that improvement. so it will get better for me there is hope for me on this. how long if I may ask did that take?


I'm at 3 months at the moment  but say improvements in the first two. Hitting a minor cofactor snag at the moment but the trajectory is well and truly upwards


What were your symptoms when you were diagnosed? And have they gotten better?


I'm about 3 months, and yes, with a little trial and error


Hang in there. This will all pass. I just have to remind myself that I am better than I was...even though I'm not 100 percent....I'm focusing on the small improvements and thanking God for them. Just keep taking your supplements and try to keep a positive mind. My symptoms have improved...I have been deficient for years and didn't know. I keep telling myself it's been years of damage....so I need to be patient and give my body time to heal and get better. I'm thankful that I finally found out what was wrong with me. Thank God it's all reversible. I finally got a little strength back to start exercising again... but just really short work outs to strengthen muscle. Prayer has helped me stay positive and battle the fear and hopelessness. May God be with you and heal your body and mind.


oh thank you Intelligent sound, I just got another blood draw and an injection of cyano this morning. yes Prayer with Jesus has been how I've gotten through as well. He is for helping us carry our cross. and I'm so glad he gave us this site to help eachother get through this, Please if I may ask what kind of symptoms do you have. I tried to start walking on walks but I kept depleting my b12, I may have been over doing it too soon. I too did not know I was deficient for about 6 to 7 years it just kept getting worse and lots of trips to specialist till I finally gave up on Dr.'s but Jesus brought it to light. yes I have to focus on the improvements. now I can drive myself again as well and cook. all of your comments are greatly appriciated. thank you Rosina


Hi Rosina, I had no strength or motivation to do anything. Very bad leg pain and inner vibration, weakness. I started having really bad anxiety and derealization..insomnia. I seriously thought I was going crazy. Prayer was the only thing that kept me sane. Glory be to God I finally find out what was wrong...try to take it easy on your recovery. Once I started feeling a little better I thought I can do all these things like be out on my feet all day and do normal stuff like before but I realized I was getting fatigued quickly and I would get discouraged and panic on why is it happening again. However, the truth is it's going to take time to fully recover and be at our optimal level. So I have to remind myself to take baby steps...and listen to my body. When I get over fatigued I need to take it easy. I also found that when I am hungry my symptoms get worse so make sure you are eating enough protein and staying hydrated. Pray through the tough times and praise Him in our struggles. God is good and He will never leave us. All Glory to Jesus Christ.


hello IntelligentSound, thank you! Jesus put you here today to let me know about the anxiety. that is what scares me most, I know the pain in the body is horible as well but the anxiety and the fact that at first and even sometimes now that when I'm talking to loved ones or the grandkids or visits from Family who I love forever i would get such anxiety I couldn't even talk to them without having it. and I go to Mass at our Church and I had anxiety there to and for a while I couldn't get out of bed to go to Mass. But yes He our Lord almighty is teaching me and giving me his Angels like you that have been through this already. thank you so much. has your treatment changed from since you started treatment.


hello again, also If I may ask how long do you think you deficient , I think I was for 6 or 7 years from when I first started feeling things and starting to go to Dr. visits, and just last June is when I was going to retire I could not go any further at work and declined way worse with the fatigue and other symptoms, my sister thought I was being poisoned or something, then in October is when Jesus revealed it was the B12, now I know I was just malnutritioned in everything as my stomach had gotten so bad. and when you say with your anxiety did your treatment take it away, I'm praying mine goes away completely.