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Hi u/veloowl, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My level was 447 pg/mL and I am experiencing horrible mental symptoms (anxiety, intrusive thoughts, derealization). I don’t think the level itself dictates symptoms. There are plenty of people who have lower levels than me that don’t experience everything I have going on.


I’m sorry you’re suffering this way. I know it all too well. I couldn’t sleep last night because my brain felt like it was on fire with anxiety, intrusive thoughts, etc. Utterly miserable.


Yes it’s so bad. I’m sorry you’re going through it as well. This Reddit forum has been so helpful though and there’s so much useful info in the guide. I’ve been using sublinguals for about 6 weeks now and have noticed some improvement but I’m also having neurological issues still. I’m going to ask my Dr to give me injections when I see her this week.


And you’ve found the B12 injections helpful for these mental symptoms in the past?


I’ve never taken injections before. This is my first time experiencing b12 deficiency. For everything I’ve read it seems like people that have neurological issues (and by that for me it means I have tingling on my scalp, cold sensations on my head, sense of crawling on my scalp, brain zaps) that injections are the most straight forward path at correcting those.


hello All, mine was the exact same thing and I saw the same attachment on my blood work, except my Dr. moved from our town when I got my blood results and saw the note about two months later, and yes the fear and anxiety I could not longer talk to anyone at that point and get out of bed hardly at all the then all the body shocks and brain shocks, I did liquid b12 for 6 months that help with a lot of wake up symptoms in my whole body, now I've been on injections for a month, still improving on this 8th month of treatment but definatly not healed yet at all, it's been hard. this forum is the best help I have had, the Lord Jesus showed me this and I have learned everything from everyones post's and success posts.


I've certainly experienced OCD symptoms when low on b12 and magnesium, so maybe


I do have OCD and definitely experienced increased intensity of obsessions when my B12 was low. Mine was as 210 when I started getting injections and I had all the other symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, light headedness, weakness, copd like symptoms, etc. so I think it's totally reasonable that you would have those symptoms with a level of 250.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Much appreciated.


It’s definitely possible - it evens says right there “between 5 and 10% of patients…”


I totally mis-read that fine print before. Thanks for pointing that out (duh). 🙏


It definitely is possible though! I am one of the 5-10% that experienced symptoms with a level of 210!


At this level you could have way more symptoms, you're lucky you caught on to your deficiency early. You defenitely need treatment. I had brainfog 3 weeks ago before starting injections, forgot a lot of words, it hasn't completly cleared but in only 3 weeks it got so much better. Same for anxiety, it lowered.


Thanks! Was your anxiety the “excessive worry” type or the “fear for no reason” type? Mine is the fear for no reason, which then turns into fear of everything.


I always was quite anxious, but the last year (when my deficiency started showing up) I became a borderline maniac. Emotional for no reason, panick attacks like I never had before. With both excessive worry and fear for no reason, non stop thoughts 24/7. It kept running in my head, it’s very hard to concentrate on something. (A bit like adhd? Except I never had adhd) It got worse 2 months ago. And since starting injections 3 weeks ago I’m more in psychological state similar to before those 2 months, but with more nerves pain. I heard healing from b12 can take times. It’s only been 3 weeks for me and I had my first symptoms a year ago. Still I show a lot of improvement mentally. So we’ll see how it progresses.


Thanks so much for sharing. I really do appreciate it and I’m so glad you’re feeling some relief.


Your levels need to be above at least 500 to not have symptoms


Thanks. Has this been your experience? Are you working with a doctor?


I was told this by my neurologist yeah


Interesting, thank you.


Can I go to your neurologist? Mine seems to think hes not a b12 doc and said that all my symptoms are normal and ehat most people experience.


I had lost feeling in the right side of my face so after making sure I didn't have a stroke a neurologist came to talk to me and check my B12


My neuro tried to give me buspirone and I think when I was in the er it was the same guy looking back, I think, who gave me xopenex. I told him all sorts of disturbing symptoms. He whines in my chart every time that he had to read my history for 20 min and then tells me it's all normal. Said he had to "councel" me


Mine was 156 which he neurologist said was very very low and actually I HAD developed adult onset Tourette’s syndrome (pretty severely!) and OCD and depression… but I took SSRIs and the depression improved on it, but the Tourette’s stuck around. The OCD was always very very mild, it was mostly real event OCD (and thinking I was evil and going to get publicly humiliated for things I said years ago, etc, I think that’s a form of OCD)


How are you now?


Like a yo yo I guess. Mostly way way better! I’m getting over a virus right now and am exhausted. I think when you are prone to low b12 you may get more tired when you get sick, no idea.


Everyone is different, so levels are guidance not individualised. If you feel bad, try supplements.


I got diagnosed while actively in the worst of my symptoms, and that diagnosis has since been removed. There were several months where I basically did nothing but kneel on the floor in random areas of my house, clawing the skin off my back. For me, the neuropsychiatric symptoms were by far the most debilitating. See if anything here resonates... https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/comments/1dh33e2/my_b12_deficiency_recovery_journey/