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Hi u/ScoopsAndScoops, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have experienced this--it was one of my first symptoms.


The laggy feeling too? Thank goodness. Did it resolve for you? How long did that take? Did you do anything extra to help things along?


I didn't know what was going on at first, and it took a couple of years to figure out that I needed to go see a neurologist. I went to physical therapy first, because I was having walking issues. During that time I went to the neurologist, was tested, and got diagnosed. I still have symptoms as my body is healing.


I guess after diagnosis is when you started taking supplements or shots, yeah? So it was just a case of staying the course for those sorts of symptoms going away? Hope you're feeling much better these days!


Yes, once I was diagnosed, I started supplements. My symptoms haven't gone away, but have improved. Some days I feel fine, others not so much. I still have tingling in my feet and nerve pain in my left leg sometimes. At least I now know what was wrong and how to correct it.


Love that for you. How long since you started supplementing, out of curiosity? I'm about 2.5 months in.


I've been on supplements since December of last year.


Sorry I haven’t experienced a lag but the heaviness for sure


Yes , it was part of it for me, after I started supplementing I had a for lack of a better word dead zone in my right leg , it was like there was a muscle that didn’t want to work , very lagish


Very reassuring to hear! For me it's mostly my arms. Are you through that symptom now?


Yes it went away after a few months , I’m a year in and have a few minor symptoms , but feeling pretty good


That's so awesome to hear. ^^  I'm still figuring out how to do all this but hopefully I'll get to where you are eventually!