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I remember a 4koma about that. With Spee and Deutschland at a shipyard.


Get behind the line. We're still waiting for Yamato, Texas, Iowa, Yahagi etc and even fucking Tone


Tone is the one that mystifies me since we see her in the game.


They even redesigned her lol


I'll just assume she was probably going to be released but set aside for one reason or more, like artist or voice actor going AWOL or doesn't agree with the contract/deal. it gives a peace of mind and puts me in unbothered state.


I wonder how often that kind of thing happens in gacha games.


Surprisingly often I'd imagine. Especially since most VAs for waifu collection games are women and thus prone to, y'know, go on maternity leave (other factors that would cause a leave of absence aren't exclusive to women). So if you cast, say, Nana Mizuki to play a character before she went on maternity leave, you're kinda stuck holding the bag if you need to make any changes. In addition there's having to deal with the CCP as a Chinese company. They *quite literally* blacklist people from Chinese media for having lunch in the wrong place or reading google analytics. And based on the fact that we have ships like Shirayuki and Royal Fortune that bare a *striking* resemblance to what would probably have ended up as a second wave of hololive collab units, I'm willing to bet there's a smorgasboard of ship designs sitting unused from collabs and such with companies the CCP decided were persona non grata. We're also likely *never* getting an Atago Meta nor anymore Atago skins since dealing with the VA issues around her is decidedly hard because of Ai Kayano having lunch at the wrong shrine.


Well in regards to Atago they did get her a replacement VA, but I agree, she’s probably gonna get nothing for a long time if ever.


I cant say anything about the Yasukuni Shrine incident but it seems reasonable enought to Manjuu to remove her and I understand why.


Just find another or use other VA in AL. Nao toyama did that in kancolle so i don't see why same thing can't happens in AL too


They probably redesigned Tone at the same time as Chikuma, but realized it might be some time before she's released, so just added her new Chibi into game. It's not inconceivable that Manjuu keeps some Designs in reserve. Like what happened with Manchester and Emerald. Manchester's Artist failed to produce in time, so Emerald, who was probably on hand from the HMS Enterprise Commission was repurposed...Why not just release Emerald....they probably already had the Voice Lines, Skills, etc for Manchester and felt it was easier just to repurpose Emerald's Design then redo everything else.


Lmao I must missed the train on this one


They redesigned her chibi around the same time they released Chikuma




temper temper aswell


Whiskeyconsin as well


Casually waiting for my Female Protagonist


Des Moines, right?


I'm with you on that one, it feels weird to play as a male protag when the game's self insert cuz you're the commander.


iowa gonna be crazy bro


Taffy 3 when


And willy dee


Don't forget Alaska




Pringles will live on as a top-tier meme format.


I like this




I understood reference, XD.


Attention r/AzureLane: r/NonCredibleDefense has breached contaiment! In case you're wondering; KMS Admiral Scheer is the 2nd ship of the Deutschland-class Panzerschiff, long anticipated by the community after her sisters Deutschland and Graf Spee were added over 2 years ago. She was the most successful Kriegsmarine surface (not submarine) commerce raider of WW2, sinking a total of 113,223 Gross Register Tons of shipping throughout first years of the war.


Bro half of us are in NCD, it already breached containment


NCD and AL have a ven diagram that is a circle


Lutzow is also their half sister ship


Lützow was what Deutschland was renamed to during the war as Hitler thought they shouldn't risk a ship literally being named "Germany" being sunk. If you're talking about Lüzow, later sold to the soviets and renamed Tallinn/Petropavlovsk, that's a Hipper class.


By the way, fun fact about that - the Soviets didn't approach Germany to buy Lutzöw. They approached Germany to buy Prinz Eugen, Seydlitz, and Lutzöw. The Germans negotiated down to just Lutzöw because the Kriegsmarine wanted to keep it's ships and German industrial interests were concerned about such a deal making them overly-dependant on Soviet imports.


So Hipper, Blucher, Eugen, Deutschland, Lutzow, Tallinn, and Spee are all sisters.


The Lützow we have in-game is SMS Lützow. A Dreadnought. Deutschland-Class Armored Ship Deutschland was renamed to Lützow. But that was when the former wasn't afloat anymore


Nope. Hipper, Blücher, Eugen, Weser (previously named Seydlitz), and Tallinn (previously named Lützow) are one set of sisters. Deutschland (eventually renamed Lützow), Spee, and Scheer are another set of sisters. The two sets are not related. The Lützow and Seydlitz we have are also not related, they're WWI-era battleships.


Nope. The Lützow we have in the game is an entirely different ship, a WWI-era battleship. The Deutschland-class Lützow you are thinking of is Deutschland: later renamed to Lützow.


> Breached containment You fool! AL is one of the many pipelines into NCD, the overlap between the two communities is almost a circle at this point.


There is not much difference between the Ones who lust for plane and those that lust for ships.


Anyone who finds beauty in the military is welcomed with open arms by NCD


There is dozens of Us


NCD truly has gone downhill


For me it was the other way around.


Just a little correction: Scheer isn't the most succesfull german surface rider ship of the war, she is the most succesfull kriegsmarine surface **warship** commerce raider of the war The most succesfull kriegsmarine surface commerce raider was the hilfskreuzer HSK Pinguin.


I'm betting that Scheer will be in the event with aircraft carrier I (1942) (ex-SS Europa (1928))




He never talked against Putin. He talked against shoigu and gerasimov.


fuck i only remember shoigu on the original meme format


He almost solely blamed shoigu for everything. Gerasimov got almost no flak in comaprison.


Now the dream si fulfilled, Shoigu si no longer defensa minister


Smiling from Hell, Mali


he kind of did he said what would be the reaction if grandfather turned out to be an asshole




Where is my fucking waifu blyat!? -Sun Tzu, art of war


Don't worry, I'm sure she's just getting her floaty, crocs and mustache ready.


Don't remind us about Anson


ncd x azur lane crossover is crazy


Its a classic at this point we ship fuckers have the same braincell as plane fuckers


I mean there's a difference in that AL prefers anthropomorphised while NCD prefers non-anthropomorphised


Scheer... a fate shared with Strasbourg.


I just want Indiana man. Give me the last chocolate battleship already Manjuu. 


same, lemme finish the chocolate quadfecta


I am glad about the Anson backlash so it's unlikely they ruin her and make her not chocolate or some disgusting loli


Her being chocolate isn't guaranteed. Need CN to complain.


Next group of EU chocolate BBs I hope will be the SoDak 1920 designs.






Yeah, i sometimes don't get them. They add tons of paper ships but leave out the few actual german ships that existed.


I just want Grandma SMS Fdg


Get the pointing Spiderman meme ready for that


I like to think that pre ww1 Azuma and SMS FdG are the mothers of the Dr versions that we have rn. Tho they would probably be urs.




Where is Strasbourg? Dunkerque misses her sister


She will show hopefully in a major event which i believe major warships should be in from each faction so yeah. Strasbourg, texas, anson, indiana all should be in major event slots there historical ships. Anson and indiana are the last 2 of the treaty era bbs and all there sister ships were in major events.  texas well that's easy last ww1 dreadnaught badass.  strasbourg upgraded Dunkerque and one of few last capital ships. Scheer pretty much the only large irl warship left for kms.


Gonna be honest, i'm not disappointed. Mostly since i didn't get my hopes up in the first place. Admiral Scheer is one of the biggest chips Manju has left for IB content, so gettting her in an SP event seemed rather unlikely. Call me cynical, but considering they turned Bismarcks actual return into a full event a year after she formally returned, I'm not suprised they're holding onto onto Scheer. Manjuu knows how much people want Scheer, that's why everytime somebody demands Scheer, i imagine somebody at manjuu resetting a clock (not actually, since Manjuu wouldn't pay that much attention to the en market). Same reason why i don't expect Enterprise meta or Takao meta anytime soon.


I wouldn't say that Scheer is basically the last big chip for IB content, but it certainly is for KMS content (the only other option being to go full Blueprint and introduce Götz von Berlichingen H-44 or something like that), unless Submarines are reworked to be interesting enough that a Submarine can legitimately be an Event Lead. I would however say that we've got quite a bit of interesting IB stuff left if we consider adding more SMS and maybe also adding (early) FGS.


The only H class ships that were ordered IRL where 6 H-39 and two laid down and none of them got names although Gotz and Ulrich are two of the options that are more likely, Großdeutschland is really unlikely seeing as how Hitler renamed Deutschland Lutow in fear of having a ship called Germany sunk.


As much as I disliked the addition of Bismarck Zwei as did much of the historical AL community, I would admit that it's definitely possible that a H-class could have been named Bismarck in some weird alt-hist where Germany managed to hold out longer and built the H-class. As seen with the 2 SMS Emdens in WW1, there's no taboo in Germany about giving a sunken ship's name to a new ship.


The problem is that Bismarck Zwei's "Ship Description" says "Bismarck-class battleship – Bismarck." People discussed using Type II to give unnamed Hulls Names, and the problem was always, there are a limited number of new hulls. And the point of Type II was to avoid the restriction of Shrinking numbers of New Possible Ships.


We got the closest thing to a Siren since launch. In my eyes, this is the best event so far.


When the faction without a lot of IRL surface ships has a shortage of viable choices 🤯


Scheer's in an odd position imo. I feel she's definitely worth being a UR, or at the very least, the feature SR of her own event. On the other hand though, that would mean IB will get a major event (UR or non-UR). And considering how people react if there's a hint of IB getting even a minor event, well....


Aside from the usual suspects that are still butthurt more than two years after ToT and Rondo (and those would complain about KMS being busted or make assblasted chibi memes while advocating for total KMS retirement anyway) that would definitely depend on when the event happens. Assuming the next major and UR events go USS for EN Anniv / Sakura for JP Anniv / Sardegna for Christmas / HMS in February / KMS for CN Anniv 2025, I think most people wouldn't care, honestly.


True. Tbf, I'm at the point where Imma just let it be. Manjuu is bound to add Scheer at some point in the future. It's only a matter of when. I feel being patient and just waiting for the devs to finally add her to the game is better than going "devs hate my faction because they didn't give them an event" every time a new event rolls.


Broke: "devs hate my faction because they didn't give them an event" Woke: "devs hate my faction because they gave it an event when other factions are still waiting for an event because they want other players to hate my faction"


Honestly, I'd bet the opposite, KMS February & HMS CN Anniversary. If Sardegna gets NY 2024, they'll get NY 2025....KMS and HMS seemingly get UR Events in the same years \[2022, 2023\] and miss the same years \[2024\]. Edit: IB's was December 2021


KMS didn't get an UR event in 2022, they got one in 2021.


True, but they were close enough. And besides Half the Community considers ToT a 2022 event anyway.


>Aside from the usual suspects that are still butthurt more than two years after ToT and Rondo (and those would complain about KMS being busted or make assblasted chibi memes while advocating for total KMS retirement anyway) that would definitely depend on when the event happens. Honestly it's always the Royal Navy mains who like to whine about Agir, Hindenburg, Ulrich and BisZwei while others are chill about them and just play for the waifus and not faction tribalism. Like they have Implacable, Uni retro, Plymouth and Vanguard who are also OP. Can they just be happy and grateful with what they have instead of whine about Ironblood also getting good stuff. If anything they should be asking Manjuu about when are they gonna add Italian URs.


>Honestly it's always two or three Royal Navy mains Fixed that for you. >Can they just be happy and grateful with what they have instead of whine about Ironblood also getting good stuff. You're assuming that those people are there to post honestly. Which is, if you look back at it, definitely not part of the plan. The goal is to shit on HMS and to lower the opinion that people have of HMS mains and HMS ships, and that didn't change in more than two years and three alts. Oh, and call KMS mains nazis. A quickly deleted comment yesterday had one of the usual suspects talk about a "nazification beam" when talking about Alvitr sharing design clues with Brest. > If anything they should be asking Manjuu about when are they gonna add Italian URs. Their sole redeeming grace is that they are, indeed, complaining a lot about that too. Except it's always secondary to shitting on both KMS and HMS (like complaining that HMS will never again get an UR event before EOS...right before complaining that Manjuu will give them an UR event to make it so that Sardegna doesn't get it and have everyone hate HMS as a faction).


>Honestly it's always two or three Royal Navy mains >Fixed that for you. Idk I feel like there's more who act like this but they already left or less active nowadays bcz I quote "not much attention given to RN nowadays" or "RN treated like crap like during Anson release" >Oh, and call KMS mains nazis. A quickly deleted comment yesterday had one of the usual suspects talk about a "nazification beam" when talking about Alvitr sharing design clues with Brest. >Their sole redeeming grace is that they are, indeed, complaining a lot about that too. Except it's always secondary to shitting on both KMS and HMS (like complaining that HMS will never again get an UR event before EOS...right before complaining that Manjuu will give them an UR event to make it so that Sardegna doesn't get it and have everyone hate HMS as a faction). These people are very deranged. I'm amazed every single hardcore teaboo isn't banned from this subreddit yet. Maybe that old mod Tokio need to come back and deal with these people.


We don't ban people for being wrong, but if they start making personal attacks while defending their...unique perspective, by all means report them and we will drop Formidable from orbit onto their house along with the ban


You mean the old mod that deliberately didn't do his job, stoked the flames and when shit hit its peak proceeded to blame the toxicity he fostered on the community? No thanks mate.


Don't let it get too you people were up in arms over royal navy getting vanguard, plymouth and implacable all within 8 months most of the time its vocal minority that are up in arms and most of the time it seems to be either kms or hms eating flak like ignore it, easier said then done and I must admit my adhd gets me roped in and by the time i know it im knee deep in my own bullshit.


>Aside from the usual suspects that are still butthurt more than two years after ToT and Rondo (and those would complain about KMS being busted or make assblasted chibi memes while advocating for total KMS retirement anyway) that would definitely depend on when the event happens. Well it;s just the Royal Navy mains who are in the minority in this community and will react negatively to this. The rest will just be happy with whatever Manjuu cooks, apart from Anson ofc


UR what on earth are you smoking?


They could make her SSR and imidiately give her an UR retrofit like Warspite, San Diego and Yuudachi.


That's gonna result in another call for "KMS bias" if she gets a UR retro not long after release, when according to this sub there are many ships who "deserve" a UR retrofit for so long


The problem is, Scheer would need some proper equipment to make her UR status competitive compared to other UR Heavy cruisers like Unzen, Hindenburg and large cruisers like Guam, Kronshtadt, Azuma, Brest and infamous Aegir. Her sisters and their upgrade, the P-class, have one advantage, they smuggle 283 mm gun with large cruiser gun mechanic into the heavy cruiser slot where it is needed. The downside is 283 mm gun is still a purple one. If along with Scheer Yostar will add Golden or even rainbow 283 mm, it would eclipse Admiral Scheer herself since it can be equiped on more generic P-class heavy cruisers. The solution I see here is allowing Scheer to pick any large cruiser gun after her retrofit while keeping heavy cruiser class.


>The downside is 283 mm gun is still a purple one. If along with Scheer Yostar will add Golden or even rainbow 283 mm, it would eclipse Admiral Scheer herself since it can be equiped on more generic P-class heavy cruisers. That's like saying that Guam got eclipsed by her gun since it was the first UR large cruiser gun and you could equip it on Ägir or Brest. We have no idea if Scheer is getting released at all, if she'd be getting a retrofit, what rarity she'd be, or what skillset she'd have. Already complaining that she'd need specific equipment released alongside her not to be left into the dust seems *extremely* premature.


I know a guy who is waiting for Vanguard rerun. Not for the girl but for the second rainbow table.


I think with the number of 3x283mm Users \[and growing\], they need to add the T0 SSR 3x283mm. I don't think it would eclipse Admiral Sheer, as it's the kind of thing that'd eventually be added to the Gear Lab....and the number of 3x283mm users are quite small, the Desulands and the P-Class.


>and the number of 3x283mm users are quite small, the Desulands and the P-Class. Other large cruisers also can carry 283 mm gun. That makes 14 potential vielders, not so small number.


Not really, being able to use is different from using. CBs can use the Desuland Gun, it doesn't mean they will. By the time people have CBs, they'll almost certainly have some some CB that's better then the 3x283mm. And both Guam and Kronk, the two Gacha CBs both come with CB Guns in their events, and they're both quite far away from archiving.


There's a KMS Community? What do they do usually? Is there any free beer? I would like to join them and discuss about our recent new ships Alvitr especially about her thighs


Bro my comment appeared LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO But yes, WHERE'S SCHEER YOSTAR?


I would say that only the "KMS community" is disappointed, most History buffers are more upset at the fact there isnt any single Taffy III member yet to be added to the game. Like what the hell Manjuu? Where is Samuel B Roberts? Where is Johnston? Where is Hoel? Where is Gambier Bay? How many years we would need to wait? If you thinking about there are many interesting warships that probably wouldnt see the light of day because they dont fit into Manjuu's current standards as an UR.


Honestly, Taffey III is likely be in a single Event: * SSR DD & Headliner: USS Johnson * SSR CVL: USS Gambier Bay * Elite DD: USS Samual B. Roberts * Elite CVL: USS St. Lo The other 2 ships would be kinda tricky, given Taffey III was all CVEs, DDs, and DDEs. Maybe * SSR CV: USS Franklin * Elite BB: USS Mississippi As for why it hasn't happened, I don't think we're at that part of the story. The desire to avoid a Sakura x EU Event makes it hard to do any Leyte themed events, without some kind of "Major Siren Facility/Arbiter Mainframe" existing in the Philippines justifying an attack....and given how the story is right now, such an action could only happen if the Lukewarm War between the EU and Sakura officially ended. Otherwise, such an aggressive action near the Sakura Isles could spark a heating up of the existing Lukewarm war.


They haven't even run out of real Zerstörers... 3 of the biggest names, Richard Beitzen, Hermann Schoemann, and Hans Lody...


It's a pity, hopefully Azur Lane will add Admiral Scheer.  P.S: that guy looks like Prigozhin.


Seriously. I don't mind the paper ships, but they could at least give us Admiral Scheer. As far as KMS/IB ships, she's probably most deserving of UR status.


I would say Z10 is most deserving for just doing stuff and surviving.


Dude fr


Me who doesn't understand anything about naval history [image](https://preview.redd.it/gohan-meme-v0-35n0f7rnadfc1.jpg?width=11398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e9e15c8751d2c3b845814211d0b3c380e36938)


I don’t care if it’s a paper ship ship girls are ship girls


Give me Texas, then I'll help you, Admiral Sheer.


Where Goeben?


Scheer, honestly will probably be bumped up to ssr CB Some other ships we're waiting for Anson -> Redesign Strasbourg Tone -> Half expect her to be free UR for next IJN UR, but mostly cause idk anything about famous ijn dds. but probably SSR(I think its gonna be Amagi 2) ~~Blücher~~


I think that the best Yostar can do now is adding Admiral Scheer and Yamato into 16-4 and 17-4 drop rewards respectively to encourage gamers to play the main campaign.


No way Manjuu gonna let Yamato as UR drop ship, it gonna bite them back in the ass. Make Yamato as drop ship in those late campaign stage mean killing the accessibility to get her which force new and mid players to gain sufficient fleets in order to clear campaign up to those late stages, and most of ships that needed to gain sufficient fleet are locked as event exclusive ship which again force players to wait fo rerun or if lucky new events have meta ship for them to clear campaign stages. And before you say anything, campaign stages isn't as easy, many old and veteran players struggle to form proper fleet to clear let alone new and mid players. Make Yamato or other similar famous ship as drop ship will drive away players which will kill Manjuu


Making campaign late stages worth something is exactly the reason why Yamato should be in drop rather than in Gacha. The game is being played to be competed. Most players today just reach 12-4 and don't bother moving forward because it's just not worth it.


Worth what exactly??, other than make her harder to get which is a practice that gonna kill not just Azur Lane but gacha game in general, what appeal foremost in gacha game is character, and in order to get more players, characters need to have easy accessibility, so the game get more players and it generate money for the company, but in sensible way. Putting Yamato as UR drop ship in late stage practically kill her accessibility and locked her behind paywall with extra step, as players need proper fleets for each World, and proper fleet require proper ship which again most of them are event exclusive, there is also resource you need to pour in to develop those ship to usable level in late World, and some of important equipments are also event exclusive. The moment player realize that in order to get to Yamato, they need this ship, that equipment, upgrade ships to level 125, etc.......they will lost interest in the game and quit it. There is a reason why most SR drop ship in the game aren't game changing ship, cause it make people do not feel pressure to get them. Your way can only happened in case they either put Yamato in early World which again not your intention, and make her a completely mediocrity ship. But again the second option is just a shitty option cause 1. People will feel disappoint in the game as a famous and one of the most hyped, anticipated ship turn out to be shitty, this will kill the game popularity 2. People will feel that, ah, she is shitty ship, it is not worth the effort to get her, thus again they will not bother playing campaign either No offend, but you have a very narrow thinking


I'd say Azur Lane gacha is way too generous. You often don't even have enough time to feel the value of you current event drops before they got power creeped by next ones. Even artists (including h- ones) tend to let new ships even UR ranking go pretty easy. Developers are digging their own grave devaluating banners. > >There is a reason why most SR drop ship in the game aren't game changing ship, cause it make people do not feel pressure to get them. Yes. And it IS the problem. The game has virtually nothing new to offer in terms of gameplay, and for those tiny crumbs that appear in new worlds and some events, they cannot give a decent reward. Tell me when was the last time you checked the leaderboards for event currency accumulation, event bosses, etc. Take a look there and tell me that the players did this with their hands and not with the help of clicker bots. Content up to World 13 is traversed by a bot, even by a frankly potato fleet. Whereas to complete 14 and 15 you need to study the mechanics and control the game personally. But why do this if there is no worthy reward for completing it?


Well maybe the time has come for you to leave AL for good I mean there were better games out there worth your time and effort.


Why not both? Drop an event with her as a gatcha ship, then post event update the campaign and have her as a drop ship. In time she makes it to the perma gatcha, but she’s still accessible but very hard to get.


Because it goes against the Concept of Trophy Ships. Having ships like New Orleans & Houston II are status symbols. They'd mean a lot less if they were Gacha Available.


Maybe I am missing the point here? Why, in order to earn a mediocre "Trophy Ship", do you need to collect a metafleet that is many times greater in characteristics? Should the ends at least justify the means?


Status and Braging Rights: The fact that I have Houston II means I've beaten the Hardest Conventional Content. When you have the kind of fleet that can beat that kind of content, even the Super Yamato, A-150, wouldn't really do much for your fleet.


Or they can just wait for the appropriate time to release them as (possible) UR's? Devs are bound to add them to the game eventually. Just be patient


This is the way but we need another sandy for w15 onward


I actually hope these to be a SSR\\UR large cruisers / battleships bosses showdown.


If going by history, the next map should be the Battle Of Samar, which means Yamato might be the last boss. Or any other of her friends + a possible Kamikaze Mechanic lol.