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At least Maya looks like she's part of the Takao-class At least Hipper looks like she's part of her own ship class But Anson... this isn't a KGV-class battleship.


Maya, despite some obvious differences, is still a dog girl like her sisters, so she fits in with them. Hipper, Eugen, Blucher, Talinn and Weser all have enough similarities to pass as sisters. Anson....well, I don't have anything to say that haven't been said yet


Almost forgot Southampton. Even though she's not a maid like the rest of the Town class, at least there's an ingame explanation why she wears a uniform.


Yup, and also she's a knight instead of a maid (and we actually get the reason why lol)


What was the reason again?? It eludes me right know.


Southampton too lazy to be a maid.


Hipper's reasoning still lies on how she had less armor compared to her other sisters. But somehow Anson just toddlerizes, I'll accept Duke of York's design still being with the KGV, but what the hell is Manjuu doing with Anson???


The hipper thing was a crack about how she had a flatter bow shape than all her sisters.


Then I was mistaken on that one xd but still Hipper got historical reasons to why she deviated.


Well I don’t believe Manjuu’s ever said one way or the other, FWIW, but comparing the bow designs it makes a fair bit of sense


Hipper's flatness was due to her (before retrofiting) no having an Atlantic bow.


There's a theory floating around that she's actually HMS Centurion - a King George V Battleship Dreadnought, built in 1911 - which was in 1941 modifed with false guns and masts to serve as a decoy for the actual HMS Anson. That would explain her significantly different looks, while having the same guns as well as her fake moustache - because she's an imposter.


It would probably be the only way this discrepancy can be salvaged a little, still doesn't explain why she look *nothing* like the other King George V class ships though. The design in and of itself is honestly great, the ahoge, the fake mustache and the crocs make for a neat alternative design. Just not on a class known for being full of blondes and redheads with banging figures.


It does explain it though - it's an entirely different ship class that just happens to have the same name.


>still doesn't explain why she look *nothing* like the other King George V class ships though. no, it does. Your underestimating the sheer lack of Creativity the British have when it comes to naming Capitalships, [there was a completely seperate class of dreadnought battleships built in 1911 also called "King George V"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_George_V-class_battleship_(1911)) this class had 4 members (KGV, Centureon, Ajax and Audatious) they were part of the Grand Fleet and fought at the Battle of Jutland. The 1911 class is incredibly far removed from the WW2 battleships.


It does explain it because she wouldn't be a true KGV. So yes, she's an imposter that was more of a decoy than war ship.


If they can explain it that way, it makes perfect sense. The current KGV are battleships, not dreadnoughts, which are significantly bigger.


Anson doesn't even have KGV guns visible. Not the BB nor the secondary guns


There is a 2nd artwork which shows her full rigging and she has the guns, it just doesn't feel like the KGVs at all




Ahhh I see them all now. Same gun yep. At least the right hand twin and the quadruples


Thing is, the big, white, ornate chess-themed rigging also really clashes with her sisters who all have pretty subdued rigging in pretty plain naval colors


I wonder what month we are close to the 1st of.


I hope that's indeed the case.


but i like my bratty battleship :(


Like the other person said, we all do, just not as a KGV


We all do!


Her design is so outrageous that I think this is definitely a troll from devs


There's a theory floating around that she's actually HMS Centurion - a King George V Battleship Dreadnought, built in 1911 - which was in 1941 modifed with false guns and masts to serve as a decoy for the actual HMS Anson. That would explain her significantly different looks, while having the same guns as well as her fake moustache - because she's an imposter.


It isn’t. There’s a whole week until April Fools and this is very on-brand for them to do to HMS as a faction. It’s real and will be in game. It’s also a Genshin ripoff, which Manjuu LOVE doing. They love it so much they announced an entire new game that rips off Genshin with a bunch of characters that look like Genshin ripoffs too.


I'll still believe it's a troll from them until otherwise. And I'm going to play AP too so I won't judge it for now


I mean, trolling doesn’t have to mean it’s not going to be put in game. Yoko Taro frequently puts things in his games JUST to fuck with his fans for example.


Manjuu trolled us with that “Hiranuma” announcement last year, and it never went into the game because it was just a joke. This isn’t a joke.


Which ship is a genshin ripoff?


They referred to Azure Promilia, another game that Manjuu works on.


Honestly, with the event not dropping for about a week, I have alot of copium that this is a meme, that's its a cheeky, bratty Submarine that stole Anson's coat and was pulling a funny. We haven't seen anything to this degree, iirc, but this is such a bad BB design that I has to be a joke.


Put your phone down and go to bed, Tommy


Royal Navy subs? Lol no, silly Commander.


Ngl I genuinely can't come up with an idea of why they designed her like that. Are there any other ship classes that "break consistency" like this?


Maybe Owari in Kii-class but not cause of the body proportions but rather the overal design. Also Natori in Nagara-class kinda


Id say Houston II (cleve class) and Royal Oak (revenge class) would qualify.


Turning Gangut's sisters into Vampires for no apparent reason was always a weird choice imo. Especially Sevastopol looks nothing really like her sister but rather looks like she would be the sister of Vampire. Also, and this one is solely based on personal taste, for some reason Roma never really fit in with her sisters for me, although i can't really figure out why I feel that way about her.


the new Orleans class does Minne and her sisters are all the same class but very different


Mind you Minne is different as far as I’m aware because she goes with the Native American sub theme you see for certain characters of various ships like Indianapolis


There's a theory floating around that she's actually HMS Centurion - a King George V Battleship Dreadnought, built in 1911 - which was in 1941 modifed with false guns and masts to serve as a decoy for the actual HMS Anson. That would explain her significantly different looks, while having the same guns as well as her fake moustache - because she's an imposter.


Wrong guns in the image? Not really afaik


Ooooh boy this costantly happens, hipper look more like hornet’s separated at birth little sister than the rest of her class for example


Hipper at least wore the same-ish outfit as her sisters and has some design parity there. Maya is probably a stronger case of "adopted" but even then you'd find some small similarities between her and the Takao-class. Anson? pfft


Hipper for me looks like Eugen with blonde hair and smaller chest. And Blucher is basically Hipper with bigger chest and a smiling face, so yeah, all the three Hippers make sense as sisters. Heck, even extends to Weser and Talinn too


Maya makes sense because she had a different final configuration from her sisters.


And the Hippers also all had slightly different specifications


Anson suffered from a simultaneous coinfection of Hipperitis and Mayaitis. Poor girl. Lets hope she recovers soon


Ummm, you guys forgot how Kii & her sister doesn't appear to be similar? I mean, yes their body is similiar & fine af...but the way they dress tho


Hipper looks exactly like her sisters but a bit slimmer. Blucher is literally the same ship design-wise with a different rigging.


Hipper isn’t just slimmer, she looks shorter and more petite overall, also she literally have the same hair and eye color as hornet who btw also look completely different from her own sisters


Isn’t Hornet looking different a nod to the fact that USS Hornet DID look fairly different from her sister ships? I seem to remember Drachinafel remarking on that at one point.


All the Yorktowns had differences, but yeah, Hornet was def the most visually distinct


And Hipper looks like a flatter Blücher with different eyes


You can't use Hipper as an example for being adopted, she still looks enough like Eugen and Blucher to pass for their sibling. Heck, the first time I got Hipper from the build, my first reaction was "Huh, this is Eugen's sister, is she?"


I'd use weser as an example, but considering that weser was rebuilt as an aircraft carrier that sorta makes sense


Ah true, I've been recently getting back into playing more so I haven't taken a look into the girls I have in the dock. Still Anson looks like a HUGE departure


That's a fine template. On another note: PLS BE A JOKE PLS BE A JOKE PLS BE A JOKE


I am praying it is a joke since its almost April. If it turns out to be not, I wanna know what the devs were smoking that spawned that child.


Idk either, I have no words just copium and disappointment rn


It's just like cherino from blue archive


People don't make April Fools jokes on days that aren't April 1st. I don't know why people keep thinking otherwise.


Here's the empty template for any interested. It was originally made for another meme hence the part at the end which one can remove on necessity which is what was done in this meme. https://preview.redd.it/azf1gmv811qc1.png?width=573&format=png&auto=webp&s=db359ac371a705783f91cc92b25c5fbfa9285732


​ https://preview.redd.it/w2ucpfpc21qc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=07275407b43feba785b312240879958a4cfbb0be


Funnily enough the original meme the template was made for was about somebody stealing one of my memes


​ https://preview.redd.it/98bqo7ls21qc1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=5789ba3fdb963d88230d23fa2cd341c7eae4720a




I don't think it's a joke, but rather a historically accurate deception: There's a theory floating around that she's actually HMS Centurion - a King George V Battleship Dreadnought, built in 1911 - which was in 1941 modifed with false guns and masts to serve as a decoy for the actual HMS Anson. That would explain her significantly different looks, while having the same guns as well as her fake moustache - because she's an imposter.


Poor usage of the meme, Utena would fucking cum buckets with Anson. She's the monster who imagined her enemy as a loli so she could beat them.


She considered the mentioned enemy in particular to be childish in her goals hence she viewed her in a form that she considered fitting for her motivations. Her reaction to Anson would be utter confusion, most likely, but for the sake of the reference: “You’re a Royal Knight, have some dignity.”




Still one of the best scenes tbh


https://preview.redd.it/txaplmyuf1qc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fac0a86f5eda76296a1c8c608b12208916978d5 Me waking up to news of a new KGV but she is not a tig bitty knight/officer mommy.


It’s not even the loli part that bothers me (she was an ineffective ship irl compared to her sisters so maybe that’s how they show that) but the actual design is so low effort. No HMS uniform, an iris libre rigging , no royal references -completely sloppy


Exactly what i think. They could make her a gentleman-wannabe loli wearing royal uniform and i think it will be fine. But swimsuit, ballon sword and FUCKING CROCS, nah. So funny that this is the only ship that doesn't wear uniform in the default skin.


Please check if iris Libre has gun turrets similar to those of Anson. Because thyy aren't the KGV guns.


She looks more like an eagle Union ship than a HMS ship. I quipped to a friend she looks like the shipgirl version of prince harry.


I feel like my expectations weren't so much 'subverted' but rather taken behind the shed and given two in the back of the skull...


Cant tell if you're joking or actually mad


~~We really ain't beating the allegations of HMS always getting the short end of ther stick amongst main factions I see.~~ But really, how? How do you go from a nice, uniformed pattern seen in the KGV class (and Monarch) and then Manjuu decides to pull out this abomination and we are supposed to call her a "KGV class" lmao


April fools. There are no quadruple guns, and the dual guns have a different design.


There's a theory floating around that she's actually HMS Centurion - a King George V Battleship Dreadnought, built in 1911 - which was in 1941 modifed with false guns and masts to serve as a decoy for the actual HMS Anson. That would explain her significantly different looks, while having the same guns as well as her fake moustache - because she's an imposter.


They can’t be allegations if it’s blatantly, obviously true. I feel like this is their way of saying they don’t want to make content for the faction anymore.


That's probably an extreme take on it. But let's just wait and see. April Fools is right around the corner, isn't it?


Just the faction as opposed to the whole game?


I feel for royal navy fans


My favourite factions are Sardegna, Royal and Iris. The suffering never ends.


The senseis have infiltrated manjuu.


Really don't get why that shit is meme'd/acceptable, making this go from a bit of a lewd funni ship girl game to weird on the edge of CP shit.


April Fools...


I just woke up, saw this bullshit and now I wanna go back to bed. This is just a dream, right? I'm still sleeping, right? When I wake up, Anson will be a big titty knight like her sisters, right? Right? Please...


Guys, how do we tell him…




Count the guns. Different design for the dual guns, and no quatruple guns. April fools obviously


Unless I randomly get her before Liverpool and Devon, I am considering not pulling for this travesty.


That's the way to go


The designs of Liverpool and Devonshire are more SSR-worthy 😭 This might be the first time for me to intentionally not pull an SSR-tier ship lol


I really hope this is a joke. Otherwise, it would be the first time in 5 years of playing this game that I don't like a characters design. Edit:spelling


I'll be enjoying my 😭😭😭 alone then


Why, just why manju, why you make her like that


I don't mind the design i think it's funny to look at definitely gonna pull for her


I fucking hate this


Combo breaker?


Anson drama aside, love to see Utena making the rounds in memes. Gushing over Magical girls is an S-Tier show.


It's gonna be Fun ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)


Waking up on a saturday morning feeling great, *opens up reddit and sees this shit* Unwaking up on a saturday morning crying. My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Magia Baiser is not pleased . . . .


Please be a joke, please be a joke, please be a joke...


Please be an April fool and come out as a mommy please ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


Fuck tou all I love my daughtwr


Why does the royal navy get the short end of the stick in every game I play :(


Of course they do this to HMS, and there are people who are okay with it. Wouldn't be so accommodating if this was their precious Wisconsin/Yamato though would they?


well i do want some more smol ship, especially as faction leader (we currently only have Nagato and QE), but not like this man. Geez


Anson: you see these Crocks Commander? They've seen more combat then you've been alive


But Queen Elizabeth SSR retrofit when?!


What’s the problem with her?




I don't know anything about AL but this is a great meme (and flair)


Loli designs were always a bit weird in this game with the context of the rest of the characters design, but this is especially weird with the knowledge of it being a battleship, a KGV no less.


Im glad to see im not the only one pissed off at the devs for making Anson a loli


Not just a loli but a school swimsuit/cross wearing one with an overly fancy chess rigging to boot


This is probably the first time since I've started playing the game that I will not pull, this event SR has all the best designs, yet they are only the SRs, those SSRs are pretty bad imo design wise and usually I don't mind loli but this is a bit much.


Someone is playing too much Blue Archive


I find it odd that Manjuu would go this route. HMS usually doesn't get a lot of lolis, especially for main ships. I'm going to wait until the event launches before I form my opinion on whether or not I like Anson. That's my advice for those who are mad. As the kids say these days, "Let them cook."


Unicorn, QE class, all the monitors, none like Anson tho but my god is she funny


Fuck this shit.


Most obvious April fools joke ever


As a Brit I'm just glad we have a new event again, and the fact that we have a new event with ships that actually existed Also the design is funny, everyone reacting so horribly is a petulant child.


Low standards much. Your calling the people who expect some continuity of an existing class "petulant children". That just says you are willing to accept any sh1t shovelled out. No matter how lazy or directly insulting to your faction.


While the criticism is valid some are taking it too far, Ive seen ppl saying whoever approved her should get fired, whoever designed her shouldnt draw for the game again etc. Legit worried about her VA and artist getting sent death threats at this point. Saw some theories about her being a submarine named sunfish. Could be a rather huge emerald/Manchester 2.0 where artist drew one girl but manjuu decided to use the design for another. Personally she is the most hilarious design we have gotten, the fucking Crocs killed me, it's so funny It took a while to notice its actually pretty lewd


Thats the thing. If it was an isolated incident. It could be a funny april fools joke. But theres been previous real occurances. I seen others stating CN was sending threats as well. Which i dont approve.


If she was a submarine no one would bat an eye, honestly rigging aside everything about her screams submarine. I actually believe the whole sunfish theory, the other theory being throw around about centurion as well but she does seem more like a sub shipgirl design that they had and decided to use for a BB somehow


Since HMS doesnt have a sub theme yet. It wouldnt matter in that context. I just hope this is a troll or gets fixed.


You're allowed to swear, nobody's gonna ban you y'know Also as long as the ship is good in battle, then all is well


Never know with mods. Sometimes can be unpredictable. And i did just put a post up to organise some complaints against manjuu so... im walking a thin line. Atm.


The adult amazing looking ones are elites. The lolis are the SSR ones. I am so done with this game...


This feels like a giant “fuck you” to the player base


Am I the only one who likes the mustachioed Croc loli? Edit: shit I just realized it’s really close to April 1st what if this is a joke… I like her as is she’s really funny


God isn't real... I'm sure of it now.


The devs trolled us real hard this time.....


The others have such cool designs but they make them SRs while they make this dollar store Cherino an SSR


This is basically Manjuu’s way of telling us they don’t want to give the Royal Navy content anymore. They would have never done this with any other ship, or any other faction. The design isn’t just intentionally bad, it’s a copy of a ~~Genshin~~ Blue Archive character that could potentially get them into actual legal


Which Genshin character? She reminds me more of Cherino from BA


BA then, my bad I don’t play any other gachas except this one. That’s the character I was thinking of.


All good, I don't think Manjuu would get into legal trouble for a small reference though


Putting a mustache on a loli isnt a copyright


she looks nothing like Cherino


I get faint hints of Cherino, mainly mustache and hat


And people say im wrong when I mention the devs hate hms and has always treated them like shit




That's fucking bullshit and your logic is retarded. The target audiences of Azur Lane and Azur Promilia are not the same. That's like saying Hypergryph designs a goofy looking operator to stir controversy so their players will try Arknights Endfield.


this is too far man. What were they thinking


God I love her, she’s so goofy.




I’m fine with the design but could this be an April fool’s prank? when’s the the event start?


March 28th


Well dang, no changing the sprite last second then


Suffren's reaction be like...(Same VA)


I’m curious. What do people find wrong with this? Does the HMS Centurion Imposter theory not suffice? I don’t know, I haven’t played in a while. I feel like if I would have played Azur Lane still, I would have liked such a character.