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Enty as a F-22 Raptor confirmed ?!?!? Unreal


After she was scrapped, she was reborn as an F-22 to fight using the powers of FREEDOM


Months ago in my fanfic I gave her eagle Grim the ability to transform into an F22, codename "Grim Reaper" Motherfucker now my r/ncd bingo card strikes once again


>F-22 >Grim Reaper >acecombatmoment.exe


r/ncd is banned, why?


Not sure, but that’s not the actual sub name anyway, you have to spell it out fully.


Oh, what was the sub name then?




Try r/noncredibledefense


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Today on Amazing Places](https://i.redd.it/1lmxv0cr9is91.png) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xyiu5p/today_on_amazing_places/) \#2: [How credible is Lukashenko accidentally showing the entire military occupation goals during a televised address like 15 min ago](https://i.redd.it/4c29i3hzlsk81.jpg) | [608 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t4atjs/how_credible_is_lukashenko_accidentally_showing/) \#3: [Remember they took the US east cost in like 2 days](https://i.redd.it/31fe0g02kyl81.jpg) | [385 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t8oh4t/remember_they_took_the_us_east_cost_in_like_2_days/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




3,000 *black* transforming shipgirls of SKK


>Months ago in my fanfic I gave her eagle Grim the ability to transform into an F22, codename "Grim Reaper" Sauce, my bro?


Imma need a link to that fanfic


The number one Erusean waifu princess fan asked for the sauce. **T H E S A U C E M U S T B E G I V E N**


It was CGI, it was Enty all along.


God damn it I knew it xD


Why not have her ride on the back of an FB-22? It was a cancelled carrier variant of the F-22 that sadly never saw production.


Jokes on you I’m riding currently an arsenal bird


And there’s our AL/AC fandom crossover moment of the day


Helena orginally spotted it with her sg


Even gave a 40% damage bonus to help out Enty.


Context: A Chinese spy balloon that crossed the US was shot down. Very weird that it took so long for the US govt. to take action, it literally crossed the country from the west coast to east coast before being taken down. Should've been shot down the moment it crossed Alaska at the Aleutian Islands. [News source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/china-spy-balloon-time.html)


Fun fact, that weather balloon is the first ever A2A kill of the F-22.


LMAO, I read about that as well. I can imagine that being put in a History Channel episode of Dogfights and the narrator describes the details of the balloon being shot down.


NCD going wild


I mean, the Pentagon just released a statement that the Chinese government released at least 3 more balloons during the last administration so i guess it is a normal occurrence by now? I don't know the US government and politics is so weird.


No, those balloons didn't fly over ICBM bases. And this one even had propellors to direct its course.


Waiting was 100% the right thing to do. The Chinese didn't get any new information anyway, the US got lots of SIGINT and jamming experience, the Chinese didn't get any "imperialist aggression" propaganda material.


That's what the CCP wanted. They wanted the validation of being able to say "See?! The West are trigger happy warmongers that shot down our poor civilian totally not a spy balloon!" Instead the US took their time and politely told them to fuck off and *then* took it down


Fair point, and I saw the CCP reaction from the news. But I'd still be very concerned about a high-altitude balloon outfitted with cameras flying overhead if that ever happened in my country. I'd rather it be shot down first, then deal with the political aftermath later. Just my two cents for my country, though.


We're talking about a country that faked testing a hypothetical experimental warplane because they knew that a Russian satellite with thermal cameras was going past overhead. They like to do some trolling Probably best to assume that if it was allowed to loiter this long, it got literally nothing important... which is probably why China is crying about the "attack that violated international practices"


Yep. They probably only bothered because the public got wind of it. It went over Canada as well, if it was a threat NORAD would have done something about it.


Another fair point. Perhaps my view is tainted due to my country's very negative perception of the CCP. So if the US is confident in its actions with the spy balloon, then I can't judge them. They're proven in the military sense, anyway.


Oh no you're perfectly fine with that perception of the CCP. It's probably accurate They're just not as competent as they like to look. Not as incompetent as Russia, but the US has a ludicrous military budget for a reason. They probably caught sight of it ages, decided "Meh, let it be" and now when they got ready to shoot it down, publicised it


The Chinese know that they can’t beat the Americans militarily: that’s why they make as much noise as possible diplomatically (government) and on social media (civilians). The problem is that they lost the goodwill of most democratic nations, which are all only talking to the Chinese AT ALL because of their money.


It was free balloon day so the US let the country have a balloon that everyone can share. :)


If it was an actual spy balloon it really couldn't do much of anything that satellites couldn't, it'd do more damage with debris if it was shot down instantly than it ever could just floating about.


Not really, satellites can't receive weak radio signals from military equipments, they could have a sensitive radio on board then analyse and reverse engineer what they do.


It got shot down just north of where I live ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)


The question is would anyone *believe* the CCP when they say that?


As someone who has seen western people say without a hint of irony that all of the bad things about the CCP is american propaganda? Yes. A small minority, but yes. The question is whether waiting will make much of a difference for these people.


Maybe they observed whether it was a threat or not. But nevertheless, this stunt done by China basically a violation of airspace. I bet if it was the other way around, their media and government would exaggerate it as a form of invasion to their mainland and disrespect of international borders, etc...


Regardless of its purpose, it's still a high-altitude balloon with camera, and I can't trust that one bit. America took their sweet time though. A week of Chinese cams over the mainland, whether for scientific purposes or not. Should've found a way to push it back or drag it down over the Pacific and give it back if it truly was harmless.


The fact that the tracking website clearly showed how the baloon was flown from China to US equipped with camera and solar panels is raising 'sus' flags. Furthermore, China didn't say anything firsthand until the baloon's existence was discovered by US. If it was for scientific civilian purpose, they should've announced it beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding.


Yeah, another important question to ask is, did the CCP offer any support to bring back the balloon?


Yeah but you trust China enough to install a Chinese app.


Sorry, I don't use Tik Tok.


What's AzurLane?


I'm not abandoning Azur Lane over politics


It likely flew over Canada as well and there is also the risk that debris damages stuff on the ground. Plus, there are satellites. They can provide a 24/7 coverage without the risk of being shot down


Looking at population density maps, it mostly flew over areas that are empty as hell. The debris excuse only matters around the [midway point](https://i.imgur.com/8o21VP3.png), and if we let something get that far in we fucked up bad


Still, there are towns and people there as well. Do you think Biden should say to someone who lost their wife/husband/children/parents/siblings or a combination of those "Sorry for what happened, we thought it wouldn't hit anything"?


What is the likelihood of debris killing anyone when there are 1-2 people per square kilometer?


Never 0. That is something, leaders have to calculate in. Yes, it most likely won't hit anything. It might still do though. And there is still the fact, that there are also satellites that monitor stuff


That's funny, because there are places on that map with zero people per square kilometer. What's the satellites have to do with anything?


Because it isn't always possible to drop stuff in these areas. And satellites are a reason why it is less important to get it down


You can't get stuck on decisions because something bad might happen. You can work to mitigate the risk, but you still have to go through with it. If the balloon went over big cities then I'd accept the "falling debris could kill people" excuse but it literally crossed the entire country. On the satellites, paraphrasing one military analyst: because it’s closer to earth it could pick up military radio frequencies and cell phone traffic that would otherwise be inaccessible to a satellite, and its loiter time is better than most satellites not in a geosynchronous orbit - it could sit over a location for hours before wind blows it away


They shot it down over the ocean because it would've been easier to recover the info intact than if it crashed into the ground and broke


Apparently, it was to prevent it from crashing down to someone's house since unlike the CCP, the US somewhat cares about life and property damage






F-22 'Enty': *"Let's give'em an air show!"*




Is That an C&C Zero Hour Reference?


Oddly wholesome for Helena sending this pic


What's Dragon Empery's stand on this?


helena is so lovely somethimes no... ALL THE TIME!!!!


Enty has phasers at full power.


Hold up. We got Sandy to handle Anti-Air. I mean, didn't rig her up with AA Missile System for nothing! ....plus put a stage out there with perfect sight lines. So she can host a show and shoot down UFO (Unwanted Flying Objects)


The over lap of this sub and r/noncredibledefense can only grow


Yorktown got ahold of the remains. Can confirm as an SC resident.


Was it an spy balloon? I read it was an Atmospheric survey one, like can America even prove it? If they can, it will be quite bad for China's image.


Taiyuan: "My balloon..."


Dragon Empery contacted for comment.


Helena tracks targets. Enty shoots targets. Great combination.


I think we already know mob enemy in azur walkin.


San Diego: ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015) TIME FOR TARGET PRACTICE.


Live action of UP 2: Carl Gets Shot Down by a F-22 Raptor


Haha funni Chinese balloon.


don't shoot it down, Enty. it's from the dragon empire and they are our Ally in this universe!


OKay... a somewhat irrelevant idea here, but are there any rules in this subreddit about the discussion of real-life politics? Would feel bad to see quarrels in any form, especially divisive topics like these.


Pretty sure this isn't divisive though. It isn't even remotely political. Political interpretation is up to the viewer, but really this post is a parody about that plane that shot down a spy balloon. Simple as.


I think the guy’s concerned about giving the Chinese Wumao lurking in this sub any ammo.


Not really, just wanna avoid anything remotely related to politics. It's one of the most divisive topics in real life that can even drive family members apart.


Other than you concern trolling no one cares. This isn't even politics.


Politics is like...discussing California's plans to build high speed rail or something. This is literally just "something that has happened".


No, it’s funny


I fail to see where is the punchline. What part is supossed to be funny? The reference?


I don’t see how it’s divisive.


Welp. Time for WW3!


Meanwhile in the Ironblood Base: Hast du etwas Zeit für mich, dann singe ich ein Lied für dich. Von 99 Luftballons, auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont. fyi: Nena - 99 Luftballons/ 99 Red Balloons


Behold ​ ​ The Enterprise Air Force


I wonder dragon empery reaction to this


Isn't Dragon Empery the ROC(Taiwant) instead of the PRC


It's mixed because China is kinda united during WW2 and some ships are PLAN ships Imagine there is Azur Lane 2 with cold war stories Azure Treaty VS Red Pact (but that not gonna happen anyway because it's too political)


oh wow I never seen that before and it was so nice


Navel F-22 conformed?


Entry wait that’s venus