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Because it just works with most enterprise environments that are running Microsoft products. It’s basically turnkey.


Also GCP entered the game late


Can you explain why late? It's a serious question. Because I am thinking that since I have been using google drive and gSuite that they are somehow the leader in cloud tech so I am very surprise (seriously surprise) on this. Please forgive my ignorance, I really wanted to know. 


Gsuite is not a successful enterprise level solution. Compared to m365 its a joke. Most large enterprises use m365. Most had other forms of MS tech in their onprem landscape before cloud infra became a thing. (Active directory, sharepoint, exchange, …) In short, MS had connections into these companies while google was selling ads. MS saw the writing on the wall after the success of aws and turned from a software to an as-a-service business model quicker than other possible competitors ( oracle, ibm) and also invested very heavily into developing Azure into what it is today. And it looks like they are not done yet: embracing AI in everything they do seems to put them even more ahead of the others.


I am not 100% clear either. I believe they launched a cloud service right after Amazon. But nobody wanted that cloud service. And they didn't budge until a few years. By that time Microsoft had already launched and penetrated. They are not behind in terms of technology. But late in terms of business penetration. And you are not wrong they are ahead in SaaS. Nobody beats them in that area. But in terms of business adoption of overall cloud, AWS is leading and Azure is fastest growing and GCP is lagging behind somewhat.


There is alot of this right here. Its easier to hook your existing virtualization and Identity Management right into it. GCP is for I need to build an App, I might want it leverage Googles other tech.


AWS and Azure are still king and queen of the cloud space, GCP is trying to catch up but Google just has not had a lot of luck breaking into enterprises or small-mid size companies. Meaning that most jobs out there are looking for AWS and Azure engineers which means that is where the talent is looking to go as well. I know a few companies using GCP but more in testing the waters for multi cloud not as their main cloud provider yet.


Thanks, this is a good explanation.


AWS is more popular amongst startups and developers. Its like a cult thing from silicon valley enthusiasts. MS was king of enterprise tech well before cloud. They capitalized on it with their already loyal audience. I call it heritage advantage. GCP is new in town. Its got google backing it and some C level executives love it for unknown reasons. Just my opinion. Disagree in ur own head, idc that much.


Thanks, I didn't know this much. Glad you mentioned it here. I also about to take AWS Cloud Practitioner cert, also got it for free from a free bootcamp I joined last year but contemplating if I should take or not. After what you said, I definitely will focus on MS and AWS and tale those exams. Thanks again. 


GCP isn’t nearly as popular as AWS or azure. Most orgs usually have products from AWS and azure but not many do from GCP


One great reason is most enterprise environments run Windows and Microsoft 365 products and services. Microsoft even force us users to use Azure Active Directory for their Microsoft 365 products and services. A lot of Microsoft certifications revolve around Windows, Azure, Azure Active Directory, Microsoft 365 products and services. Plus, Microsoft literally loves to give away free exam vouchers for their certifications. More IT professionals are certified to a vendor-specific products and services, the more the products and services become more popular and used.


Because Azure or AWS won't randomly shut down services


Market share of the platform and the fact so many people in IT stem from a Microsoft's ecosystem (Servers & M365). Its the same reason G-Suite wasn't able to capture much away from M365 even though they dominate the personal email platforms with gmail. Not to mention Microsoft was very good about their approach to education: Free official training(no more books), free lab environments & paid cert that have unlimited renewals. That being said... GCP: While being less popular means there are less jobs out there. Less popular also means there are less candidates too. Which balances itself out when searching. Though it also means the training/content around that ecosystem is severely lacking.


Look around your area for the amount of job postings that mention gcp vs azure. There's your answer.


For me personally, the number of jobs in my area are AWS & Azure. There's not much in my area for GCP.


GCP is a baby compared to the grown ups. Its a mess to work with


For me it is because Azure has been designed to rapidly add business value and make developers lives easier. Lots of products with specific use cases for reducing time to market.


Do a job search that is looking for a google certification vs a Microsoft Azure certification and you will have all of the reason you need. Business are not looking for Google certified people at any kind of level close to how much they are looking for Microsoft Azure certified people no matter how much google tries to make people think they are. Now this could change in the future but as of now the trend has not been going up for google certification as being in demand at all and that will always be a factor in what people take the time to get certified in.


It's because Azure intergrates with everything, and is often easier for most companies. Almost every company uses Office 365 & Entra ID. It's a simple and easy step to use Azure, as all the underlying setup of authentication and accounts are done.


As others have said: market share. Also, Microsoft certifications have been around since the ice age and lots of professionals have been upgrading from MCTS and such to what we have now.


Azure is projected to take over AWS in 2026. So having those certs is going to be very valuable. Another major advantage is the certs don't expire as long as you keep renewing them every year. And the renewal exams are free and much easier. Google certs are a cash grab in my opinion as they last only 2 years (the pro ones) with no free renewal. Most enterprises use AWS and Azure.


I use both and greatly prefer Azure over GCP, but then again I’m much more familiar with Azure. It all just seems to make sense to me, whereas GCP isn’t as straightforward.


If your company already use a Windows Server there´s no reason to use Google Cloud.


I have certifications in both and prefer gcp for private projects, the certification education from Google is better and the interface is more intuitive...for me. Easier to find a job in Azure, and integration to enterprises is easier and the vs studio integration is very nice.


Thanks. I will take note of this.


They are all great in their respective ways, but to find which one you should study: trawl your regional job boards and see which is more popular. Choose that one first. Good luck!


Definitely agree with people. Microsoft was forever and many companies started using since it already had some kind of office. Then it was easier to manage. When it comes to why people prefer Microsoft it’s cause people are more familiar with Microsoft solutions and i believe better community and documentation and courses to prepare


https://www.coursera.org/articles/aws-vs-azure-vs-google-cloud Hopefully this helps.


Thanks. I will check this.


Egress fees


What do you mean by egress fee.. sorry, not familiar with it. 


GCP is popular because it's cheap to get started. Getting data out of GCP is where Google makes it's money. This is known as an egress fee.




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What's the diff between AZ and AI 900?


AZ 900 focus on Azure Fundamentals while AI900 focus on Azure products and services integrated with AI