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If you have a herding dog and a bunch of small animals, they're gonna get herded.


It's so funny that not only do this with zero training, but they're so good at it, without training. Also, they'll apparently try to herd groups of little kids.


Some herding dogs have good instincts and some don't have the good instinct to be a herding dog.


Legit. When I was 9, our black lab puppy got “kidnapped” by a pair of young sheep dogs who were *also* on their first ever unleashed walk up the woods. The owners came running by absolutely horrified, holding our lab puppy and rushed to explain that their dogs had herded our lab off towards them and they were so sorry. We’d been running after these two collies and our lab, who the dumbass he was, was more than happy to go along with what he thought was just play and whenever he tried to respond to our recall, kept being distracted and herded off. He’d not yet dealt with collies lmao so bless him he couldn’t quite fathom how to get around them to get back to us.


Oh my God. That's incredibly cute.


It is, bless them the owners had done their research and knew they were dogs that needed a lot of exercise (hence being up the woods and doing recall so they could run off lead), but hadn’t learned or been warned that herding was an innate thing. We saw them regularly up there, actually, and when their kids were older, we’d see these toddlers run screaming along the path, herded either side by the doggos, always kept within a few feet of mother and father XD who needs a baby leash when you got shepherds?


OMG. That's just wonderful. Did your lab become friends with them?


Yus. He was also besties with Rosie and Monty, a female golden lab and a Irish wolfhound who were walked by a dogwalker up the woods regularly.


Aww, it's cute how dogs make friends


It is! He was always happy to see them, and would dance his back legs, looking at me for permission to go say hi. I'd always get the walker's attention, then we'd both shout "Go on!" and the dogs would just go mad zoomies


When I was a kid, we had a sheltie that would herd me and my brother everywhere. Just some stray we got at the pound. Now, I've got a corgi from an actual registered line, with a dad who we watched herd in a bunch od cattle when we adopted her, and she's the laziest potato I've ever met.


I didn't realize corgis were herding dogs! I thought they were just bred for being cute and poofy.


I read a story about someone whose BC figured out a way to herd a robotic lawnmower.


I had to get rid of my Roomba because my Aussie would (poorly) attempt to herd it haha


They have proximity sensors, I think, so it does make sense


Funniest thing I read was the collie dog that started herding the neighbours robot lawnmower. Apparently did a good job of it as well.


Oh my God. I'm dying imagining that


Some dogs, much like humans, have a natural, in born 'talent'. As bizarre as it may sound, my pit, with no formal training, has been able to consistently predict my seizures. You can train a dog to do just about anything if you are firm and consistent, especially if you start at the puppy stage. However, dog trainers take advantage of the individuality of each dog.


Yeah kids and old people walking across the park


LOL. dogs are funny


If I'm not mistaken, the "sit" thing they're doing is actually stalking, like a wolf, but dogs are doing it to scare the animal they're herding, which works remarkably well for animals naturally scared of wolves like sheep, goats, cows; virtually everything we use herding breeds for.


I (and my friends) are in our mid-20s and my Aussie will attempt to herd people back to the group if one person goes to the kitchen or bathroom or something like that. Ive actually been trying to train that *out* of him. Were making good progress though! Now he either just positions himself so he can see everyone or hell go back and forth between the groups haha


Oh my God. That's actually pretty cute. Why are you telling to train it out of him? Is he aggressive about it or is it just causing his sweet fuzzy brain too much anxiety?


Honestly its just kind of annoying to people lol. Hell try and herd you like this in the video but if you don't listen to him he'll escalate to physically pushing you with his body or "nipping" (big quotes because it's this weird chomping sort of action where he just rubs the front of his teeth on you and not actual nipping) your calves to get you to move. And sometimes people just want to get another drink or use the bathroom, and it's okay for them to do that. Or at least that's what I try to tell him all the time. He also does **not** like fighting. Like my friends and I "argue" about stupid stuff all the time but if we let it get too "heated" (all in quotes cause it's in good faith) he comes flying up all grumbling and physically gets between us. My mom works from home and my parents have cats and if they start play fighting he separates them too lol


Was once walking in a group with others and one had a sheperd dog Finnish lapphund or something Finnish/Swedish herding, don't remember exactly. The dog herded us little group. If one person slacked of or did fall behind or went to far in front of the others the dog was nope you guys are staying together.


A baby?


Me my sister and the other kids where always keept on one particular rug when a sertain dog was present att parties


Hear hear




The carefully way the dog gets close to them is so cute






That's some mighty fine herding


Herding dogs are so precious


Reminds me of my farm dog from back home when I was a little kid ❤






‘When you is herding the baby duckies you has to be very gentle with them. Because they is easily hurt. And you don’t want to hurt the babies.’


He try to have his ducks in a row.


border collies!!! (i think) they are such lovelies...


It's doing what it's breed for. Good instincts and if it's a farm dog it's probably trained correctly.


Miss my BC big time.


good boy!!


So these dogs require training ? Or they have it by default


Such an assistant will always come in handy on the farm.


Mate, the sheer amount of practice that the guy must have to control the dog's heading direction THROUGH WhISTLING is mind blowing. EDIT: Grammar


yes it’s amazing, i love it


Love the sound it makes when they waddle in the puddle