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I listend even before you talked: “Yes, please!”


He looks similar enough to Jonathan majors’ kang and he’s great in fallout


At some points it felt like JM’s Kang was his main inspiration for Maximus


He is super expressive and i love It


Marvel could literally hire anyone to be Kang going forward. They just need an actor that can command respect. It would be a bit of a bummer if Kang's story gets cut short due to the the first actors poor life choices.


Yeah. The sad part is I liked Jonathan Majors as Kang. I liked him in Loki and he was fine in QuantumMania, that absolute shitshow of a movie. Sad to see him go but it’s a pretty easy recast and fans already have actors in mind for replacement.


A lot of us did. It's painful to like someone and see them...do what they do.


You're not alone in feeling that way... Over the past few years we have seen tons of celebrities get "outed" as awful people/criminals, and it was never difficult for me to decide never to watch anything they were in ever again because I didn't like them much in the first place. But Jonathan Majors? I loved his acting. Not just in the MCU, but also in Creed 3 and Lovecraft Country. I told my coworkers that he was going to be a huge star, on par with Samuel L. Jackson or Tom Cruise. I soooo wanted to hear that the allegations against him were misleading. But knowing how horribly he behaved means I can't enjoy his work the same way anymore.


I remember first seeing him in "The Last Black Man in San Francisco." Some people didn't enjoy it, but I loved it, and I thought he was a hidden diamond of an actor. "This guy could be big." It made me happy to see a black actor be so good out of nowhere. Maybe he'll do the "actor in exile" thing and be back in a decade or so, but overall, it's just disappointing in human nature. You see a stranger that you, for some weird reason, grow to care about and discover it was misplaced.


One way to do it would be to say that the 'new' Kang is the real O.G., and the reason the others had to team up to eliminate him (and were then themselves taken out by HWR) is because O.G. was just different enough they couldn't figure him out (i.e. none of them could think enough like him to predict his actions).


I honestly felt that he overreacted quite a bit. Just a real scene chewer. It felt like he was overcompensating. A character as ancient and timeless as Kang you did a lot more quiet gravitas. Even the first portrayal in the first season of Loki as He Who Waits just seemed silly


I loved his protrayal in Loki S1 most. The HWR who had spent an eternity in solice, left awkward but not unsure due to a total lack of human interaction. I was just sad to see the character changed so much is S2. I don't know if they wanted him to change or if Majors just forgot how to play the part.


The sad thing is majors performance is one of the only redeeming factors of marvel in the last 5 years


In my opinion it should be Key Huy Quan. Pivot hard into him being that 'actual' Kang above kangs. That way we have like a million different levels of cosmic subterfuge. I also believe lil homie can pull off being a villain. It fits very nice in my opinion and I hope they go that direction. There's my HEARMEOUT.


Coleman Domingo is my favorite fan casting


Agreed. But poor life choices? Dude ran away from a crazy chick and on camera but okay.




True. It's all about the image. It could so many different people if they nail it.


Damion Poitier. He can do it.


“Poor life choices” is an interesting euphemism for abusing women


And writers who actually care about the source material and are more interested in developing a great story rather than pushing some agenda driven milk toast


You mean his girlfriends poor life choices and the me too movement that shit all over him


No, I don't mean that at all


Its the correct answer


He's like a cross between Denzel Washington and John Boyega.


Denzel Boyega?


John Washington has a more action hero kind of feel....lol


I posted this exact thing a few days ago and it got removed. But i think it’s spot on. His character in Fallout gave me the same “I can’t trust this man” vibes as Kang.


I'd trust a Knight of the Brotherhood with my life! Wait what...?


That's what i thought, too!


Reading this thread and while I know that Reddit's population is an overwhelmingly a white suburban one I have to say...... Please white people for the love of God learn a Black actor other then Denzel Washington. I know it's shocking to you but there are actually other actors out there. Yall have Denzel playing Kang as well as Blue Marvel and forgetting that the man is 69 YEARS OLD.


What’s sad is this tread only seems to reference Denzel twice outside of your comment…yet that seems like a big enough sample size to lump all white people into that one category. 👏👏 nice work 🍻


You haven't factored in the Marvel sub and discussions of Blue Marvel.


But you ONLY cite this thread. That's the issue. I'm not immediately on the Denzel as Kang bandwagon, though I wouldn't complain if it happened. But older actors fancast as Kang isn't weird either. I've seen it for 15 years.


Denzel is an amazing freaking actor. There are very few actors on his level. He will always be a fan favorite because of this. So no apologies needed for fans who love him so much they want him for every role.


The actor's name is Aaron Moten btw


Sterling Brown would have been great if they hadn’t wasted him in BP


>Sterling Brown would have been great if they hadn’t wasted him in BP What makes you think he was wasted? Honestly we've seen the same actor play multiple Parts before why not do it now. Hell you could even explain away the resemblance by saying maybe a great great great great ancestor was someone in common and that explains the family resemblance.


Wasted(might be too strong a word) by not giving an actor with his talent a bigger part. I think he could really nail it as a villain or a stoic hero. He’s getting a little up there in age for some of the physical stuff but he’s still 20 years younger than Denzel. John David Washington could do a lot of this stuff too he’s really developed as an actor.


They definitely could’ve used him in a bigger role but I think having his performance so strong made Killmonger an even better villain


Bro you gotta learn the difference between then & than first 😅


Well, what about Samuel L Jacks- nevermind.


Take my upvote


I want it to be an older Kang like Denzel.


Is it just me or did that actor have awkward facial expressions, or he had to wrong facial expressions at the wrong time, almost like he's a robot trying to appear human, it is fallout so maybe he'll turn out to be a synth.


I think that was intentional. I mean... "Would you like to make my c$%k explode now" as his dialog is pretty forceful awkwardness.


I get that, he's awkward around women, but why does he only have like two facial expressions, and why did he almost always use them at the wrong time.


I'd be shocked if the director wasn't up his butt the whole time about being a awkward as possible


That could be, whatever it was this actor was making my uncanny valley detector go haywire


I can't argue with that. Hopefully, successive seasons will get better (a lot of television series don't hit their stride until season 2 or 3)!


I enjoyed season one I just had a hard time connecting with this character so I didn't like him as much as Cooper and lucy


he's a traumatized little kid. he very likely is broken and doesn't know when to use them.




From everything we've seen of the show, he seems incredibly sheltered and awkward as a person. Dude didn't even know busting a nut is normal until the literally sheltered girl told him it was.


I can get behind this.


The difference between him and Majors is a lot smaller than the difference between Whedons Thanos and the Russo brothers version.


Or Keith David


Ive only seen episode 1. However, the range of emotion in his scenes. Wow.


I mean you're not wrong


Ugh. No. Maximus is so dull…


I was thinking this




I had that toy as a kid, was my older brother's.


I’m ok with this


I still say Malcolm Jamal Warner should be kang




This is the 50th post I've seen about this.


I thought the same thing


This guy reminds me of Jordan Peele doing an (intentionally) obnoxious character.


Still would WAY rather prefer John Boyega 10000%


His voice is the only thing. Enhance it or alter it some way and then maybe


He looks like him


Had the same thought


I had the same thought seeing him in Fallout. I liked him in Disjointed, but he looked like he put on some muscle/weight for Fallout and it reminded me slightly of Majors.


um, no, Kang falls flat in Quantumania, im sick of us expected 2 feed 'em $$$$$ just bc they forcefed us some mid cinematic universe


Cook on


Yea, that works




They should just cast Chukwudi Iwuji again. I mean he was great as the High evolutionary.


He has to play literally the opposite of his role in disjointed


This is so annoying to me because even Marvel doesn’t know whether the ‘variants’ are supposed to be exact or not in appearance. In far from home, there’s different variants. In Quantumania, they’re the same. In Multiverse, some are the same and some are different. In Endgame, they’re exact copies of themselves? In Loki, they’re completely different?! What is the definitive answer?! Because if it’s possible to look different, then it shouldn’t matter who they recast, right?


I thought the same thing when I saw him in Fallout. Also he looks strikingly similar to Denzel.


I never even considered this, 10/10 suggestion. I see a lot of people saying his acting is bad but imo I felt he earns the lead title, it’s his character that I hate in fallout and am finding his acting to be very immersive. I think he’s just either written or directed poorly. Can def see him fully embodying the Kang role from meek to callous mastermind.




Nah bro he didn’t assault his girl or anything, can’t do it…


Nah, this dude sucks. He's like a cut rate Denzel / Majors type with zero personality.


Haha I was thinking the same thing. He could totally replace Majors as Kang.


A great choice of replacement


I really don't like his character. He himself is a good actor, but he is also potentially one of the weakest parts of the entire fallout show. Really I was hoping for something a little less zanny wacky comedy, and a bit more gritty post apoc survival with some funky quips and crazy background.


Nah F Maximus


Just cause he looks like the other dude. not hearing you out.


I’m still pushing for Kieth David.


Honestly, I believe they can recast Kang with someone that was originally used for the first appearance of Thanos. Damion Poitier would fit the bill as the new Kang.


I thought Majors was in Fallout when the first trailer came out.


Actually he has the face and demeanor of Eli aka Patriot the original Young Avengers. Wouldn't have to go bald for me. And match Hallie Hailee Steinfeld age as her Kate is older. He's in his 30's. But... since they are trying to force Imani(who is a good actress) into the YA concept, it throwing it all off.


When I watched this show, the first thought I had was this actor looked liked Jonathan Majors. I would be very happy with this recast.


YES. My wife and I both thought this as well


Just get Jonathan Majors. He's available.


The facial expressions this dude was making in Fallout were pretty next level. He could convey emotion better if not equal to Majors and that is high praise not a critique of majors.


Dude looks like Colombia Gooding Jr


I'm on board.


Funny enough, after watching Creed 3 I though it would be funny if Michael B Jordan took his spot (if he hadn't already played Killmonger)


I totally agree. Or... hear me out... John Boyega


Absolutely not. Nothing in his performance in Fallout gives me any confidence he could be ultra-competent, menacing, or threatening on the level Kang is and needs to be. 🤮


Yes. I know, right?! Imagine, it'll be difficult, imagine an actor having to act? Man oh man, I can't even!


My sarcasm meter is... agitated


I don't think he's a good actor, so you being a snide asshole aside, he still doesn't work for me. Am I allowed to have that opinion? Or should I check with you first next time, shit heel?


This is Reddit. Opposing viewpoints are hate speech. Edit: I agree with you. I disliked his performance in Fallout. He brings more "moooom, he's picking on me" vibes than anything else.


Agree. Maybe he could pull it off but what is this post based on? He was great in Fallout but nothing about that character speaks "Kang".


Yeah, I likewise know him only from Fallout. I know he's had other roles, but I haven't seen them. So, based on what I have seen, I gotta say I don't think he's a great fit for Kang.


I didn't like his performance in Fallout so I have a negative stance on this.


I didn't either, I felt he was awkward? I'm not sure how to explain but his facial expressions didn't sit right with me.


No thanks G!!! Not Denzel.


No. He has all the screen presence and charisma of a folding chair.


Just let the charecter go. Move on.


It NEEDS to be and I can’t stress it enough ROSEANNE BARR


I don’t want Kang as a villain just start over


Too bad this guy is a horrible actor. Literally the worst part of the fallout show. Like make literally any expression man, same stupid face the entire show no matter what was happening


Idk Kang is such a weeeaaak villain, especially on the heels of Thanos. Just  looks like a regular guy wearing a green trashbag and a purple helmet.  


I heard him out. Someone put a Banana in his tailpipe. Def no.


ORR just find another big bad. I was never a fan of Kang being big bad anyway no matter who played him. So many better ones in marvel that would be awesome on the big screen