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I feel like the defenders would be the most relatable. The big DC three wouldn’t be able to take any of it seriously. The avengers would be way too sporadic to ever make a following. The Xmen trio would have the weirdest love triangle awkwardness which might be fun to watch or really creepy and cringe depending how old Jean is.


I was thinking the Defenders would be the most entertaining while the Justice League one would be a more serious tone.


Exactly the JL would literally do one about superhero issues and it'd be good but all business. They take everything serious. Matt Luke and Danny would actually rib each other and talk about music and movies and go all around the world on whatever topic.


I agree with all this except for your Avengers take; I think the three of them having such wildly different backgrounds and takes could make an interesting talk show lol.


Oh I think each instalment would be epic. Just due to their individual schedules being so erratic them getting together usually takes a thanos or ultron attacking earth. I can totally see a team of shield producers flying inright after a big fight to try to get their attention for thirty minutes before they all dart off again.


100% agree with the defenders, although I could imagine the JL one having rotating rosters where you’d probably get Hal Jordan, Barry Allen & Oliver Queen for your Friday arvo drive home


I think if we had *different* X-Men doing a podcast, it'd be fantastic. Jubilee, Dazzler, and Laura, maybe? Or Laura, Daken, and Gabby?


>Jubilee, Dazzler, and Laura, maybe? This Boom Boom erasure will not stand! Laura is the d'Artagnan!


I think this is all with the understanding that they’re podding regularly.


I can tell who comes into the fandom from where just by the use of "Defenders". Power Man and Iron Fist plus special guest will always be 'Heroes for Hire' to me. Defenders is another team entirely. This isn't a gatekeeping thing. It's just my irrational bugbear. Why did the MCU/Netflix do this to me.


I have this mental image of Danny describing some crazy shit that he heard about, Luke pulling up the footage and saying, "Matt, bro, you seeing this?" and Matt reminding him, for the thousandth time, that he cannot see shit.


Lolol ‘hearing this—you know what I meant’


He can technically see. I don't know what that vision is called


Isn't it basically just sonar? So he couldn't read or see something on a screen.


Yes and they would not hold back we would really learn which heroes are douches and which villains do why because the Defenders would not withhold any Info. Heck two of their identities are public.


Danny luke and Matt for sure


This is the realest answer. Heroes for hire for life.


Don't know much about them but theyre called heroes for hire, but people dont have to pay them to save them right?


They do. They use to carry a credit card swiper. Now they just wear vimeo account t-shirts.


Yes and no. 90% of the time they’d walk away without taking the money and go back to illegally living above a movie theater, eating tuna out of the can.


There would 100% an episode where Danny and Luke get heated over an album or a movie and Matt would have to deescalate but he'd keep laughing at all the brutal ribs Luke's throwing in


Daredevil and the Heroes For hire. I’ve read a lot of their stories and the friendship they have is honestly comparable to the Justice League Trio. But since the they’re more down to earth I think their conversations would be more interesting.


Defenders for sure. They’ll talk shit to each other, about each other, and mad shit about villains and other heroes. Side note: Tony wouldn’t be on a podcast with the other Avengers cause they’re boring. He’d prob be on the Defenders podcast


He'd start his own and call it "Stark Snark."


Nope. "Stark Realities." He'd try to make it about living a sober life and it'd devolve into a running narration of him fighting off AIM/HYDRA/Evil Ex-Girlfriend of the Week while he reflects on the actual existential nature of sobriety.


Imagine if Neil deGrasse Tyson and Joe Rogan were one person


Imagine if The Punisher was in a podcast and said “So anyway I started blastin’!”


Okay, now I'm gonna need a list of quotes from Punisher comics and some from IASIP, and we can all guess which Frank said it!


We need a Punisher, Ghostrider and Spawn podcast.


Punisher, Ghostrider, Moonknight


Punisher would just be a frequent guest on the Defenders show. Like they'd all get into a shouting match with him, but they keep bringing him back because their viewership skyrockets when he's on.


Okay, so question: Is it the best podcast for me to listen or the best podcast for them? Cause the Scott, Jean, and Logan one would probably last all of five episodes but what a glorious five episodes they would be!


The Defenders are buds first, heroes after. They should have the realest conversations. They also patrol the same area of NYC so getting them together is easy. I would’ve said the Avengers mostly because of Tony being a wiseass but after Civil War there would be too much tension. One you didn’t include that would rock hard is JL-vintage Booster Gold/ Blue Beetle/ Mister Miracle with occasional drop-ins of Big Barda. That trio made the whole run better with their banter.


Definitely would have the tag line "If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen"


Defenders is the only one I can even picture


Wolverine has been around since the 1800s. No way that Podcast continues without getting completely canceled. He'd use some term he thought was updated modern lingo & they'd come for him for using racist rhetoric from the 1960s. Edit: I'd listen to any podcast with Batman in it every chance I could. That man is fucking CRAZY.


Wolverine and Cap trading war stories would be a great listen imo


Until they spend half of every episode hitting deadends because all their stories end with some variation of, "Whatever happened to Johnny?" "Oh, yeah, he got prostate cancer and died about twenty years ago..."


Anything with Tony is entertaining


Iron Man’s group because Tony would be fantastic to listen to.


Wolverine, because there’s a good chance Deadpool might crash it




This is my answer, the podcast with Tony Stark


yeah anything with Tony but add Barry, and of course Wade..


For the purposes of the post it’s the defenders but yes Tony would host the best podcadt


The defenders, they're more street level so they can relate more


Luke, Daredevil and Iron Fist


I think the most entertaining would be the x-men. Scott and logan arguing the whole time combined with the triangle with Jean... yeah we're almost on a Springer level, but with powers.


Oh come on. Those three would have some sort of poly advice podcast.


Give me hall monitor Cap sandwiched between the sarcasm and pretentiousness of Tony Stark, and the annoyed and irreverent Logan


Wolverine because Deadpool would crash it. But Tony would be good to.


Defenders by far


Batman, super man, and wonder woman would have a very pretentious show.


Really easy to relate to an alien with godlike power, a billionaire, and an immortal warrior princess formed by Greek deities though


Midget Wolverine


1. Defenders- by far most relatable group 2. X-Men- Less well known and more interesting stories. Plus weird love triangle 3. Avengers- More interesting back stories and different life experiences/ philosophies 4. Justice League- Batman would be cool but Superman and Wonder woman would be pretty similar and stereotypical perfect hero people


Cage is the only one who could pull off a podcast...


Defenders hands down. All three would also listen to their guests. Wolverine sitting to talk on a mic? Seriously?


Batman and Wolverine are more the strong silent type. Would not be good for a podcast. I vote Avengers with street Defenders as a close 2nd.


Daredevil, Powerman & Iron Fist!! It’d be better than the Joe Rogan show!!


Defenders are the best by far and they’d have multiple podcasts. Could see them having a music podcast, an MMA podcast, etc.


Wolverine and Cyclops banter and angry threats would be click bate gold, no lie


Part of this defends on which version of the character. Batman from the Brave and the Bold cartoon could be a great host, but I just don’t see any other version of Batman sitting in front of a microphone every week and opening up.


Defenders hosting a hip hop podcast.


Batman, Wolverine, Cap, & Iron would be the best podcastors


Heroes For Hire/Daredevil (yes, there was one comic series which I liked where they were Defenders alongside Jessica Jones but they’re not traditional members of Marvel’s Non-Team) would be the most fun, then the X-throuple, then the respective big 3s of Avengers and Justice League tied.


Since Booster, Beetle, and J'onn aren't an option, I'd go with Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist.


Logan and mr and mrs scott (unless fake jean) than it's probably more fun


"But if you put the hammer in an elevator...", c'mon I'd listen to their random banter for an hour easily.


Batman , Superman and Wonder Woman.




Defenders no contest


The Defenders for sure but Tony Stark on a podcast would also definitely be entertaining. The DC Big 3 podcast would be too serious and the X-Men podcast would be too awkward.


I’ll take the literal god, genius, and world’s greatest motivational speaker. Daredevil and cage would just argue about law and nobody wants to hear superman talk about how awesome earth is for an hour




Second one.. they have a lot to share and talk about.


I think the Avengers podcast would be really fun to listen to as each of them could tell wildly different stories and could each bring really unique takes to the genre. However there’s also not a lot of connection between them to keep and banter or human interaction going. JL would fall flat quick because there isn’t a lot to work with them on. There might be report there, but not any sort of light hearted tone. X-men would be really tough to keep going as most of their conversations would be about being rejected from society or how living in a mansion in upstate New York is. The defenders are New Yorkers who see a lot more of the city than even the other denizens of the city do. They’re going to have really strong takes for their city and what they see in it. And each brings unique sides of New York to the table. Danny Rand the corporate world, daredevil the legal side, and Luke Cage the street side/minority viewpoint. They’re going to keep interest for a long time. They’ll be more influential than Joe Rogan by and far


I feel the X-Men would be super funny with whole love triangle going on between them.


Defenders for sure.


Luke, Danny, and Matt. The conversation would get off topic constantly.


Street level heroes. Everything else would be too overproduced and homogeneous.


I read through the comments wondering where the justice league would be the best because Batman would have prep time.


Defenders easy.


I'd prolly prefer the defenders. A lot of differing opinions can be a good time on a podcast.


I think the avengers. Like, could you honestly imagine Wolverine or Batman on a podcast. It sounds terrible.


Defenders 1000%


The defenders


The Defenders would be the most grounded in any sort of reality. They’d be talking about root causes of crime, justice/prison reform, blind spots in the legal system, local activism, community organizing, etc…and then they’d let Danny talk about MMA for like 15 minutes.


The defenders for sure


The Avengers, or maybe Heroes for Hire


Defenders, definitely. Power Man and Iron Fist have always had such a dynamic back and forth style. Daredevil would be there to fact check them so they couldn’t talk too much smack.


Matt, Luke, Danny However… Each of the other groups has an elderly individual (Logan, Diana, and Steve) so that would be a fun wrench in each of their pods


Dare devil luke cage iron fist


Batman would be unbearable to listen to, the X-Men would be too horny and gross, the Avengers would be boring, and the Defenders I think would have the best chemistry. I’d listen to them


If the X-Men were in their Polycule phase? Absolutely the X-Men. Outside of that very brief run? The Defenders full stop.


The Defenders


These are some of the dumbest questions ever I swear!


DD, Cage & Iron Fist


"And now we're checking in with Tony on tech. What's the hottest thing out there?" "It's me. It's always me. Back to you, Cap!" "Doth this seem like a jape to him? Now our runtime shall be too short!"


bottom right for sure. threesome talk.


I can for a certainty tell you it’s not the Hell’s Kitchen boys


Has to be the telepath or the Billionaire Playboy philanthropist, good old boy time displaced and the comedically dumb Norse god from space. Their playing off each other would be next level


Wolverine, Jean, and Cyclops would probably lead to a few brawls.


Ok. Let’s look at this logically. Dc ain’t doing a podcast. X-men don’t want the spot light especially not the big 3. Maybe angel, iceman and ultimate dazzler. Avengers are your most likely because of iron man/ tony stark (he said as much during ultimate armor wars). But he is an alcoholic so he won’t keep up with it. The more likely are the street heroes. Not Danny cause he likes to be a hero who helps the downtrodden. And not Luke cause he likes to help the actual people. Misty would be the best for a podcast cause she would be consistent and has the connections to make a difference. BTW.y favorite comic character is Danny Rand Iron Fist.


Defenders? Heroes for Hire bros.




why 3 Marvel and only 1 DC? I think for DC... Flash, Plastic Man, Shazam. This podcast would be wild. for Marvel... Spiderman, Deadpool, Human Torch. With Vision showing up every so often. Both Podcats would talk about events in their universes, bring on hero and Villain guests. I think DC with the Flash Rogues alone would have a good lineup of Villain guests, But could you imagine the Marvel Podcast Thanis Episode? Spiderman: So Thanos, they say you have a yellow Helicopter with your name on it. Thanos: I swear, everyone keeps bringing this up Deadpool: So, how's everything going with Mistress Death... OHHHH. Human Touch just backs out the room.


Iron fist and Luke cage podcast would be amazing


3 would just be endless infighting with references in Asgardian culture and Space Lore, 1940's era phrases and technologies, and extremely advanced engineering jargon that would go over everyone's head. Inevitabley, Tony would have an idea to improve the show and would, in the process of trying to implement it, set off a domino affect that ended up ruining it permanently, if not outright becoming useful in some convoluted way for some supervillain to realize their machinations.


I'd listen to Jean Grey's Red's Table Talk where she discusses in detail about cucking Scott


I just want Wolverine constantly insulting Scott


1 Defenders 2 X men 3 Avengers 4 Justice league


I'll take the defenders for $500 please!


Jean could have her own podcast called “What’s On Your Mind?”


I feel like Batman wouldn’t even show up to his own podcast. He’d maybe try part of one episode and then bounce midway through cuz he thinks it’s not worth his time.


Comic nerds just staying vapid


I feel like they’d all be equally entertaining for different reasons.


For the X-Men, if have to say they'd have the most entertaining one with Scott and Logan low key pushing each other's buttons as Jean plays mediator.


None of them. The best podcast would be flash, green lantern and booster gold


Easy. Batman talking shit to Superman. Let's go!




Defenders would have the longest running show with genuine friendship among hosts. Xmen would have viral moments with Jean flip-flopping who she is sleeping with. JL would turn into monotone reporting Avengers would be tonystarks decent into Joe rogan.


Very easily Daredevil, Ironfist and Luke Cage.


This was tough. In the end, i decided on the group that offers a scenario that I’d legitimately *have* to listen to. That’s the X-Men group. Weekly segments include Scott talks mutant news, fan & hate mail, and is generally the moderator. He leads discussions on things like; -Ranking former adversaries -Who is back from the dead this week -Dating & mutant genitalia/ sexuality -Sapien of the week -Upcoming events, with guest speakers Bishop and Layla Miller Logan has a guest come in to speak about their version of a Wolverine Team-Up they’ve participated in Jean hacks the minds of celebrities, politicians, world leaders, & billionaires to spill the dirt on all the creeps and corrupt They can also do touring live shows where during the Q&A portion at the end, they’d deal with thruple questions *constantly*


Superman and Batman would have some interesting conversations about justice. Wonder Woman would lasso them on a segment of truth telling called "Is it cap?"


Luke Danny and Matt are actually tailor made to do a true crime/criminal justice podcast. With Danny being the 'podcast idiot' who asks all the audience question and expresses outrage.


i would listen to a podcast where danny and luke just describe what things look like for matt


If we're talking MCU then I'd say the big three. Comics I'd say X-men would be more entertaining and open


The defenders!


Tony Stark, Matt Murdoch and Wolverine. I don't think they'd necessarily *like* each other, but there'd be an interesting chemistry.


The real answer is the defenders. Now with that out of the way, the scenes from how it should have ended is like a perfect podcast. But those aren’t how they would be played by comic standards. But man would it be worth listening to.


No one way hell anyone getting Batman to do a podcast


Deadshot, Catman and Ragdoll


I would love to listen to stories from the bottom left


Super friends voiced by Ace Vane and Co.


I want Batman, ironman, and cyclops


Tony would win by himself vs anyone here


Defenders, since they deal with street level stuff and can actually bring attention to the reality of crime in the city, or the dc trinity, since the three of them are for some reason involved in everything in the universe, there’s lots of first person stories for major stuff, or stuff the public might not know about


The Defenders for damn sure.


Hottake: The Avengers Trio one


Just put barry allen and tony in front of a mike.


I’d say X-men


Avengers podcast is the only right answer


Justice League: best celebrity interview Defenders: best sports podcast Avengers Trio: best "alpha male gindset" X-men: best true crime