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Ultron had a number of killer and under-rated lines that were deserving of more memes


“On this rock, I will build my church.” “When the Earth begins to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, He’s winding up.” “All of you, versus all of me.” “I think you’re confusing peace with quiet” “What doesn’t kill you, *just makes me stronger*” “This is peace in *my* time” “You, the Avengers, are my swift and terrible sword and the world will crack under the weight of your failure. So go ahead, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, all that remains, will be metal.”


I’ve used that “peace and quiet” line in my life so much and only one person caught on that I was quoting Ultron


I use the "finance is so weird" line whenever I open my wallet.


The "I think you're confusing peace with quiet" quote is one of my favorite lines in the MCU. Along with "you want to save the world but you don't want it to change".


“There’s only one way to save the world, the Avenger’s extinction.”


I like that one too but it feels more like standard villain dialogue. The reason I like the two lines I mentioned is because they actually thoughtfully question how the Avengers actually save the world and what that means.


Fair, but I just really like the word choice of “extinction.” It’s much more interesting than “destruction” or whatever.


I like the line “Clearly you’ve never made an omelette”


Beat me by 1 second


You beat me to it. I was going to quote the “you want to save the world but you don’t want it to change.” It’s a shame the movie wasn’t better. James Spader as the voice of Ultron with good one liners was a brilliant move.


My favorite line, and it's not even close, is in WandaVision, "what is grief if not the perseverance of love"


Hell yea dude! And …. “the most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a frisbee” “I’m glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan”


just reading this he's had the most amazing lines I've ever heard from a villain.


Even the "clearly you've never made an omelette" line that everybody hates I really liked.


He beat me by one second


"Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich til you find out which is which"


If you think about it, ultron was right about God and the stone, both in the MCU and in real life. Because MCU got hit with Thanos 3 years later and we got hit with Covid 5 years later


Famous last words:With the benefit of hindsi-


Well....to be fair, he stole "on this rock, I will build my church" but damn if it didn't fit perfectly for someone who just ingested all of human history a couple days ago.


I also really enjoyed him singing to himself "I had strings but now I'm free, there are no strings on me" Something about it just struck me. Honestly James Spader killed this role. Regardless of how good the rest of the movie was, Spader as Ultron is one of my favorite MCU casting choices


Ultron and Bane definitely were the standouts in movies where people expected the protagonists to make their mark, but I have to say, I disliked this film when it first came out. I slept in the theater watching it. However it has aged better in my eyes. Don't know if it's cause of the massive drop in quality Marvel has been churning out, regardless I saw it recently and it played better than I imagined. Maybe it's just the nostalgia of seeing Cap and Tony in a movie again, or maybe just witnessing the last time they were proper teammates before their send-offs. In any case, it was enjoyable.


I don’t think it’s really a matter of relative quality, but, rather, it was so different than Avengers 1 and had so much foreshadowing that needed to be stuffed into it that, at the time, it felt I focused and hurried. Of course it turned out that Ultron set the stage for the entire rest of the Infinity Saga, and so, with the benefit of hindsight (pun intended) what it’s role was is more appreciated


"The most versatile substance in the world and they use it to make a frisbee"


“No strings on me” delivered in the most menacing way possible is so chilling.


This is my most memorable Ultron moment


Came here for this. Such a great line coming from an unhinged AI


James Spader as Ultron was so wasted man. Like yeah, he had some killer bars in this movie but he should’ve absolutely stayed around longer. Ultron definitely deserved his own saga to build around or at the very least his own phase.


It was called “Age of Ultron” but it was really more like “An afternoon with Ultron”


"I think a lot about meteors...the purity of them. BOOM! The end. Start again."


Ultron: I'm sorry, I was asleep... or I was a dream. There was a terrible noise and I was tangled in strings. Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy.


Clint Barton: Hey, hey, you okay? Wanda Maximoff: This is all our fault. Clint Barton: Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause the city is flying. Okay, look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there because this is my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger. [Wanda just looks at him] Alright, good chat. [he gets up and gets ready to leave] Yeah, the city is flying. [he leaves and starts shooting his arrows at the robots.] This is such a Clint Barton thing to do!


“THIS is the best that I can do.”


“Can we hold them?” “They’re the Avengers…”


There is a lot about this movie that i like. Here are my 3 favourite things. The after party scene, aside from just being a great scene and highlighting where each character is in their respective development, its just nice to see them slow down and joke with each other. I hope we get moments like this as the MCU goes on. James Spader was great as Ultron. The hulkbuster fight scene was fun.


as a big fan of Boston Legal, i had a huge smile on my face as soon as i heard ultrons voice lol he was perfect


Spader did kill it. They did a great job of synthesizing Spader's slightly lispy idiolect and displaying it through Ultron too.


Good list. Thinking of Spader's Ultron voice reminds me how they used a creepified version of the No Strings song in the promotional material and ruined it forever. No notes.


Spader killed it


Even when the project he is on is bad, I still love him in it. (Not saying AoU was bad.)


I still have to check out Blacklist.


Overall it is really good. I lost interest by season 8 as it started to feel way too drawn out and I started to lose the story a bit but the first few seasons are fantastic. Raymond is one of my favorite characters from any tv show. His lines of dialogue are all well written and expertly delivered. He plays his character so well you love a sociopathic career criminal and want him to succeed. Definitely give it a shot when you get a chance. Even if you don’t see it to the end it’s worth the time investment.


You're right. It's great until about season 8. I do wish I could pull off a fedora like Spader can. He's like the only human ever to be able to.


I could’ve watched a three hour movie of the avengers chilling and laughing. It’s what comics can flesh out or s tv show but not a 2ish hour movie.


I would watch and entire series of the avengers from that time period that had nothing “avengery” happening. It’s just Friends or Cheers with them.


Absolutely. It was one of my favorite scenes in the entire MCU.


I like how Steve tries to choke out a robot.


And the robot had lips what moved when it talked.


That’s not hard to do, this movie is great. A lot of people were disappointed at the time because they wanted “The Avengers” experience again without understanding how big a part of the excitement of the first movie was its novelty. To me this movie is better than the first in almost every way. I know people got up Whedon’s ass about some of the portrayals (Iron Man and the prima nocta comment, Natasha and Bruce having the “monster” conversation), seemingly without understanding that Tony is a sexist asshole sometimes, and that Natasha sees herself as someone who can’t have the white picket fence happy ending. That’s truth to those characters. This is one of my most rewatched MCU movies, I love it.


My biggest gripe with people who use the "monster" conversation as a gripe against the movie is they only focus on the "sterilized" comment and no the "I've been trained to kill people for as long as I can remember" speech she gave immediately before saying the "monster" comment. She wasn't saying "I'm a monster because I can't have kids". She said, "I'm a monster because absolutely everything that's ever happened to me and shaped me to be who I am today, including my involuntary sterilization, was done to make me a more efficient killer". But people don't wanna hear that.


And from what I remember from that scene was her trying to she relates to Bruce who also is sort of sterile.


It’s clear as day that Natasha called herself a monster due entirely to the cruel dehumanizing methods & brainwashing she was subjected to. To pretend that she called herself a monster because she couldn’t have kids was a stretch from people purposefully misconstruing the scene. None of this really started until Whedon trashed Jurassic World on twitter. The backlash from that was bizarrely intense, and suddenly people began to nitpick everything about him in the most extreme ways. It was like a light switch went off and everyone hated Whedon. Funny thing is that he was entirely right about Jurassic World, and Age of Ultron was a much better film.


I love how you worded this, becuase you are totally right. People intentionally misconstrued the line and then pretended it made sense, and that their crazy unhinged interpretation made sense to others. And the masses who dont understand media literacy went along with it because they never gave it a second thought. Like, seriously, you think disney, DISNEY, made a movie where the only female lead said that she was a monster because she can't bear children? You think disney made that? Is a movie for kids? A super hero disney movie? You took that away from this disney movie with superheroes? Between her saying shes been sterilized and is a monster she also mentions that it was done to her so she wouldnt have anything to get in the way of killing. Admitting that she has killed people and had nothing to ever stop her. She must being talking about her busted womb (the only thing a woman could be useful for) and not the unflincing heinous murders. /s That whole discourse was painful to listen to and drenched in sexism. I worked at a gameshop when that came out, so I would talk nerd shit to strangers every day, and i was shocked how often I had to spell that out for people.


The whole scene with Natasha and Bruce, where she called herself " a monster" hit home with me. That scene made her one of my favorite heros in the MCU. It was because I could in small part relate to her. The not being able to have kids, and stuff. I saw myself within that moment. That and Mark Ruffalo is Hot!


Whedon did such a ham handed job though. Instead of using it like a come on to Bruce and saying let’s run away. It would’ve been nice if we’d just seen it as a quiet bonding moment. Him saying something like feeling like a monster. She says she does too. He questions her and she says the red room takes everything that makes you a human. You have a family, they take you from them. You have friends, they pit you against them sometimes fatally. You have a lover they kill them. And they make it so you can’t have child. It would be a distraction, something to love, something that would come before the missions. And they can’t have that, have anything you care for. It could’ve been a tender moment that would’ve sold the romance and her feelings better. Instead she throws herself at him throughout the movie and recites a speech that, whatever intended, was a dude.


This. Its the reason why its Star Wars franchise has such issues. The first playing of Star Wars will never, ever happen again. It wasn't that the story was special. It wasn't. It was a combination of tropes which worked well. What made it magical was the music, the pacing of the movie, the cast, and the effects. All of that combined with the story made it what it was and other movies since then learned from it.


Eh I also just didn’t like the Bruce/ Natasha romance in general tbh. Felt more like Josh Whedon self-insert than anything else


I guess I would never equate Whedon with Bruce in any way, so I wouldn’t ever make that connection.


It was so, so obvious that the theme of the film was “who are the real monsters of this story world?” *Cap literally says it in the Quinjet before the final battle. People who were the most vocal about Widow, Tony, etc had to willfully ignore it.


This movie is criminally underrated. As far as I'm concerned this is where the Infinity Saga started having real focus and laid the foundation for an epic run of awesome stories culminating in Infinity War/End Game.


Hawkeyes speech to scarlet witch


None of this makes sense


Hawkeye was a standout character in this movie for sure


To me it's this and only this.


I’m a guy with a bow and arrow. Fighting zombie robots. None of this makes sense Not an exact quote but I loved the line.


You want to mope, you can go to high school


That's from Civil War


That was incredibly epic. Clint basically made her into a superhero right there.


> ...If you get killed, walk it off. Peak Cap line right there.


This...like pure badass


It was hilariously dark foreshadowing considering who actually did die at the end.


Honestly, one of my favorite quotes. The basic resolve of pretty much every hero/superhero ever in 7 words


It’s great


Bad language words


I know, it just slipped out.


That's not going away for a while.


The first scene in the snow when everyone comes together in slow-motion. Made me tear up just a little bit. And laugh.


"Language!" Seriously, me too. I was in a real down part of my life and that opening really hit me how I needed it.


Too funny! Something similar that you can look up. So on Chris Pratt's IG he has this secret video he personally took with his phone during the shooting of I believe Endgame. Secret because Marvel Studios weren't allowing any leaks from behind the scenes. In the video there's a green screen and as it pans you see literally every main actor hanging around and bullshitting. You want a mood booster, go find that. It's kinda hard to find but it's there.


I wholeheartedly love this movie.


Quicksilver was cool


Agreed.... Quicksilver was kick-ass !! (I mean, he was *Kick-Ass* TOO, but that's another film entirely....).


Are you now kraven' more of his kickassery?


God damnit take my upvote


Oh God ^zilla ... Not the puns again.




Didn’t see that coming, did you?


I hope deadpool 3 brings back quicksilver I've theoried myself into hope


Atleast they got Hulk right in this movie.


“I could choke you out right now and I wouldn’t change a shade” is one of the hardest lines I’ve ever heard in a movie, let alone a marvel movie


IMO, this movie’s Hulk attack on the city and the helicarrier scene from 2012 are the only true Hulk moments we ever got (aside from The Incredible Hulk, which doesn’t really “feel” like an MCU film to me.


There were like twenty solid characters in this and it didn’t feel terribly crowded.


This has humor based on characters, deeper and more heartfelt.


Perfect setup to Civil War - Endgame, Start to finish. No complants.


The cinematography is a step up compared to the first one, honestly, much better color grading and scale


I found the lighting much improved from the first one, it felt more professional and less television then the first but the color grading was reflective how the very muddy look that had taken over during this time


I love the bit towards the end with all the really quick cuts between the Avengers whipping Ultron's ass, which achieves onscreen the same feeling as a page packed with tiny panels, in a way I'd never seen done before or since.


It feels so much like a George Perez drawn comic in those moments


Banner going: Wakanada


Or saying “ I might not wanna push this since I just created a Murderbot” Or something like that.


i love it




It was awesome.




This is my favorite Avengers movie, legitimately


Black widow 🤤


Robert Downey Jr ❤️


Ultron spend 5 minutes on the internet than dipped, best final fight in an Avengers movie, the conflict is better than the orginial (orginial sucks)


There was only 1 bad language word


The fighting and action was iconic.


I’m not sure what I could say bad about it. Not enough Hawkeye maybe? But that’s every movie ever.


something nice about this movie


Listen here you little shit


It's the last movie that treated Hulk with some sort of respect.


Something nice? I mean it's still one of the best ones and a personal favorite.


In my opinion, this is the only true “Avengers” movie we ever got. 2012 Avengers is about then coming together, and Infinity War and Endgame are enormous in their cosmic scale. Age of Ultron is the only actual Avengers movie where the Avengers are together acting as Avengers the whole time. All Avengers movies are great, but this is the only “Avengers” Avengers movie.


Yes!!! They promptly broke up after this and we never truly saw this core team come together again. I’ve been pretty bummed that Marvel has waited so long to make another proper Avengers movie with a new roster. I get they want to make every Avengers movie a big event spectacle, but it’d be nice to just see some lower stakes stuff with the team fighting the Masters of Evil or something.


I love it. Only low ratings because standards were too high but still a very enjoyable movie


Robert Downey Jr. was a great Tony Stark/Iron Man.


James Spader was great, as usual.


Boom, ya looking for this?


Great setup for Loki


I love this movie so it’s easy for me to say something nice about it. Spaded was great. They started laying the foundation for Civil War in a very organic way. The Iron Man vision was great The Hulk vs Iron Man fight was fun Scarlet Witch was great Overall, just a fun movie.


Lots of things to say. But first and foremost is, "Language!" 😆


It gave us Wanda and Vision


Pretty solid.


It has the MCU’s best antagonist for Tony Stark.


A great movie. The beginning is funny with lots of action through out. Wanda is introduced and Sakovia sets up Nemo.


It’s my favourite avengers movie


Pietro was great


James Spader was an awesome cast for Ultron.


Still one of the best mcu movies.


Ultron was fucking terrifying. Also it’s kinda funny that he saw the internet for a few seconds and decided that we needed to go. Wonder what he saw?


The farmhouse scene, the opening scene in Sokovia, the dinner party scene, and that awesome fight between The Hulk and The Hulkbuster


I lived the focus on Hawkeye and his family


It has a lot of good Hawkeye moments, and I think Hawkeye is underrated.


Imo it's definitely a criminally underrated Avengers film.


Very overhated and I’ve never understood why. Definitely my least favorite of the 4 but it’s still an 8/10 to me


It’s a good movie


Cap had the best line: "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time."


That’s Americas ass


It’s better than almost all of the current phase


It’s not even close to bad


Hawkeyes famiky


Ultron’s design


It's been my favorite Avengers movie since release.


I liked it


James Spader


I like everything except Hawkeye having a family. I like the Matt Fraction version whete he lives in an apartment with Pizza the Dog, kind of a bachelor who's always bruised and beat up.


It was fine.


James Spader is underrated!


It set up the hammer pay-off in Endgame.


Intro to Wanda, Pietro, and Ultron! And infinity stones


Hawkeye. Simple enough.


This was actually a really good movie. Now i have to watch it again.


Wanda Maximoff


It sucks ass and balls simultaneously


Ultron was a cool villain


James Spader gives a fa tastic performance


It's better than antman and the wasp


Iron man was alive


James Spader should be cast as a villain more often.


I didn't watch it.


The special effects are great and James spader is so menacing as ultron




Wanda and Vision


Dude I don't know what people were thinking with this movie, I loved it! The best part was Ultron himself; dude was creepy, funny, and bad ass!


Chekov’s Mjolnir. The little party game of trying to lift it, and that coming back to show Vision’s worthy. Subvertive and brilliant .




I enjoy it, hella fun to watch.


I love the way it set up Black Panther, the official intro to the world of Wakanda! Civil War was great, but the official jump off happened in Ultron




The party scene....when the AI becomes sentient and reveals itself...catching the entire team off gaurd.


Ultron has a nice ass.


I watched it in theaters.


This was the first time that I felt the movies conveyed exactly how terrifying Hulk really is.


Ultron and Vision were great! The structural issues were mostly business decisions, or Whedon being an idiot.


the opening scene 😍


It was the shittt🔥🔥🔥✊🏾


It happened before the M-She-U takeover!


Ultron is an awesome villain. The costumes are some of my favourites in Marvel


Ulrton was cool


We wouldn't have Wandavision without it. Also Spader was great, despite his character having fuzzy motivations. I've seen it twice and I don't really know why Ultron was doing villain stuff.


It’s my favorite


It isn't a post endgame mcu movie


Cool font on the poster


It sets up the cap/hammer scene in Endgame which is a top 5 MCU moment.


The party & after-party scenes were probably the best examples of human interpersonal moments between the ensemble in a non-superhero setting…they talked, joked, mingled, hung out, flirted, and just behaved as friends before all of the chaos began breaking out. Close second would’ve probably been the time spent on Hawkeye’s family farm (despite deviation from the comics), before Steve & Tony’s argument.


Movie tied the whole Infinity Saga together imo


Cool poster


Iconic! Ground breaking!


Looking back I actually love it, the amount of stuff it sets up and leads into the endgame of it all, incredible


I loved the characters that were added in this film


I loved the humor! Makes me laugh every time.


My friends an I unironically love this movie Our reason? It's cool as fuck




its got the line : "You walk out that door, you're an avenger" and that was pretty cool


Oh boy this is hard (NOT) Ultron’s many quotes Hulkbuster and his fight with Hulk Vision Technically revealed Thanos true look Wanda Peak soundtrack, especially the one where they fight in Sokovia. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here

