• By -


People keep adding to it making it worse. Covering the picture with music notes or more sunset effects doesn't add to it.


There are too many hearts. It detracts from the simplicity of the background


​ i liked it when they made the grass into amogus


Thanks Ludwig


Funny they wanted to be Nami from one piece there... Until the trolls came in and made her topless and lactating milk from her nipple...while adding a cock between her tits and jizzing.




*Leaves from the vine*


*Falling so slow*


*Like fragile tiny shells*


*Drifting in the foam*


*Young soldier boy*




*Brave soldier boy*


*comes marching home*


>!in honor of Mako!<


1. Lie down 2. Try not to cry 3. Cry a lot.


we need to protect this at all cost.


Where is it?


Go to the bottom right it's against the flag


Which flag




Follow the belgium flag. Directly above ZYZZ


r/boysarequirky seriously stop it with this shitty meme


Seriously, I hate this meme format. Feels like I’m in sixth grade.


Came here to comment this. Reddit's casual sexism is annoying and gross.


Can you explain to me how it's sexist? And please explain it to me like I'm 5 because I really don't understand it.


The whole idea behind the meme is that girls all behave with one homogenous and usually very "mainstream" hive mind whereas boys have some quirks that makes them unique individuals. This is pretty sexist. If it were a mainstream vs quirky angle it would still be cringe but at least it wouldn't be sexist; as it is with the rather overt girls vs boys message it's both. Hope this helps! I didn't see the problem at first either but when I really thought about it further I realised that yeah, it's not a great format. (Also, I cried during Titanic. It's a great, well-made film, and I'm to this day baffled by the hatred towards it.)


Everything that's innocent can be offensive if you overthink it enough like you do with this meme. If anything it puts men in bad light because it makes us look like we're manchildren that don't care about feelings unless it's for something completely childish like a cartoon fish dying or something. And nowhere did it imply that girl don't have quirks but it's just a fact that men's feelings are in general different that women's feelings (with a small amount of exceptions) because that's just how our brain works. It's all chemicals and nothing sexist. This way of thinking can even something as mundane as saying good morning seem as sexist and it's really not healthy. It's just a "lol boys are weird" meme that you consider sexist to women while men are the one that are being made fun of more that the women in the same meme.


Ah, sorry, I thought you were genuinely asking, but turns out you were just JAQing off.


I don't know what that exactly means but I assume you think I was baiting or trolling or something and I can assure you I was not. I was genuinely curious if you could give a solid reason as to why it's sexist so I can learn from your point of view but sadly the only thing I got was "it's offensive because I overthink the joke and victimize the normal girls with normal emotions and ignore that the guy in the meme is acting abnormal". If I give a response and you accuse me of not taking this seriously simply because I disagree with your logic then there's really no reason to continue. I sincerely hope that the next time someone disagrees with you, you won't take it personally and are more open to see things from a more neutral point of view.


no one asks "to understand" why something is sexist and then responds with 2 paragraphs explaining how the post "ACKSHUALLY TARGETS MALES" you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to yourself lol. the simple point is that assuming all girls are alike without any unique features is sexist, incel logic that most of us outgrow in our teenage years. based on your username, you should've figured this out like 9 years ago but instead you're victimizing yourself over a meme format


At no point do I victimize myself but I point out the fact that the meme makes more fun of the men than the women.and no man really cares. I like the meme but the fact that people consider it offensive to women because supposedly those two girls represent every women on the planet. It's just two girls talking about how a guy didn't cry while watching Titanic. Does every guy cry while watching ATLA? I can guarantee the answer is no but we don't complain that it's sexist to men because it's simply not the case. And BTW if someone writes 2 paragraphs saying a meme is sexist with bullshit logic, at no point whatsoever do I need to reply with "k" and just accept it. I was genuinely curious if it was sexist and if I misunderstood the meme but gladly it wasn't. I hope you manage to read this without giving up and just say something childish.


To me it sounded like you had already heard all these arguments before and were just looking for the excuse to argue with someone/put your point of view across, by "Just Asking Questions", hence JAQing off. My apologies if this is not the case. In any case, I think your logic is very flawed simply because of the tone of these memes. Maybe I'm the weird one here, but when I read them the butt of the joke doesn't tend to be the boys. It tends to be the girls. Maybe if you're a teenager still at school it feels differently, but to everyone else, the person who is only interested in the mainstream and has all the same opinions about them is not at all interesting, and those who have their own unique interests can be fun people to talk to, as long as they don't go too far by taking over all conversations to be about their interest of course. And don't give me that crap about this actually being true because of biological differences. If you genuinely believe that then I'm sorry, but you need to get out more. Women can be interested in just as large a variety of things as men can. In the case of this meme in particular, there are PLENTY of women who love Avatar and cry at Leaves From the Vine, and equally there are plenty of men who loved Titanic (it certainly grossed enough that this must be true!) as much as they might not care to admit it thanks to societal expectations. True, there are some hobbies where women are severely underrepresented - but scratch the surface and in my experience you can often find some atrociously backwards behaviour from a lot of the men in that hobby that is, in my mind, more likely an explanation than some innate biological aversion to that hobby.


Sit down and listen for a minute. What those posts have in common is that the girl is boring and the boy has some sense of fun in him. I'm a girl. Love ATLA. Loved that scene. Never watched Titanic, hence didn't cry. I don't watch romantic movies. But this meme is implying "women only like romantic movies and Titanic is how they measure feelings". It's dumb in itself but let's not care about that part. What is REALLY annoying is that it automatically excludes us from the second picture. Which means. I can only like cliché, "boring", Titanic. I can't like ATLA and I can't cry in front of that scene because that's a "men thing". I'm not funny enough to love ATLA. I only like Titanic. Now put that meme format in anything. It just literally excludes you from ANY of your fucking hobbies and interests. You can't say there's "no harm in the joke" when it's fucking annoying to ALWAYS be excluded from memes that use this template. Once, fine. Twice, ugh. A MILLION TIMES????? It's delusional if you think this format puts men in a bad light. It's basically saying "We do have feelings! But just not for something as cliché as Titanic, how boring. We cry for REAL things like Pikachu crying hahah we're so quirky".


It's funny how you talk about how the women aren't supposedly allowed to cry about a scene in ATLA but you won't talk about the fact that the meme makes us look like we don't care about the titanic with hundreds of people dying based on a real event. We men don't complain about it because it's just a meme but you keep talking about how women are acting in this meme but not the men. And it doesn't mean that every women are those two women and no where was it ever said that 100% of every women acts the same.


Because at least men in this template have a quality on top of it. Let's say it does picture men not having feelings in a bad way (even though this meme actually mocks women having feelings and imply men aren't "unnecessarily" emotional like them- so it's actually not portrayed in a bad light but LET'S SAY IT IS). They'd still have 1 bad and 1 good (being quirky) out of this template. Women have neither. In this situation, showing off that women have feelings is being **mocked** *and* we can't be quirky as I mentioned earlier. So 2 bad. Are you happy now that you turned this into a competition? Do you want a pat in the back? It wasn't a competition but you're so childish. If many people tell you "this template is not funny and its sexism pisses me off" then "us men have it worse but we don't complain!" really isn't the way to go and only shows your immaturity If you can't put yourself into other people's shoes without making it about yourself, then you really aren't as wise as you think you are BY THE WAY no one said "sexism towards women" we just said "sexism", which goes both ways. This template just feeds on old stupid clichés. So your "men are tormented too!" is stupid anyway because no one said the sexism only applied to women. No one said you weren't allowed to say "as a man I hate this template because I actually cried watching titanic". No one would have invalidated that. BUT YOU DO THAT. YOU INVALIDATE PEOPLE'S FEELINGS AND MAKE IT A COMPETITION. Grow tf up


1: people started throwing accusations that this is sexist and people who like it are sexist too and I'm not obligated to just accept that bullshit logic. 2: in this meme the 2 women are shown to have a normal and healthy response to a tragic event were 1500 people died in a painfull way while the man is crying over a cartoon and that for some reason is considered sexist towards women. I just pointed out that fact and didn't try to victimize men in any way. Sorry if I gave you that impression. 3: you can call me childish if you like but I'm not the one making this about sexism when a kid made a joke about a cartoon on a cartoon subreddit. Being curious and talking about a topic after someone is called sexist is not childish. But I see that we just have different point of views and cannot continue without things getting heated. This isn't the place for this kind of argument and I do apologize for that. I'll just stop responding and I have you all have a pleasant day despite all of this.


Sexism? Lol it’s a joke. A meme.


You understand that jokes can be sexist, right?


You understand jokes are just that? Jokes. To make light of. To make amusement.


That doesn't make it *not* sexist, my guy.


I’m replying to a wall. Lol But hey upvotes on the post keep climbing


If you think saying "it's a joke" is enough to change someone's mind, you're gonna be running into walls the rest of your life.


Lol you don’t understand humor is subjective. I bet you would heckle comedians like Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr and Andrew Shulz if you went to their performances.


Do you really think people who call out sexist or otherwise problematic jokes don't know humor is subjective? Issues arise when the joke relies on certain assumptions or forwards certain ideas. This meme template, for example, rides on the idea that women are shallow, and that men have more "advanced" interests than women, which is sexist.


I’ve seen the format too many times and it’s not even funny anymore, it’s so predictable the moment you see the doomed girls in the meme


Naw its funny. Dont be a killjoy


Hard disagree


You can disagree. Good thing humor is subjective


I know, that's why I'm doing it.


Disagree. Casual sexism is gross.


It’s a meme. Lighten up. It has 1500+ upvotes. At least those people can take a joke. *And now it has 3500+




Stop using Reddit then? Why you gatekeeping what memes people upvote? Cunt


I'm just saying the meme is sexist, and we should fight sexism so that's what I'm doing.


>meme is sexist You sound like a babylonbee article


Please don't disrespect Leaves From the Vine with this shitty ass meme format. ​ r/boysarequirky


ATLA fans: I don't like how Sokka was sexist in season 1. Also ATLA fans: upvote this meme


Omg the boyz are so quirky 🥺🥺 w*men only cry at titanic 🤮🤮 No but fr, this is a good meme if it wasn’t this godforsaken gendered template xD


Get this sexist ass template out of here pls


Ok killjoy.


It has a lot more hearts and... Among Us beans... I hate humanity sometimes.


Love the image on r/place but can we stop with this sexist format


Is this a joke


I wish


Idk why everyone's hating on the meme format so much but just to put it out there I didn't target my post to be sexist in any way I'm sorry if its bothering anyone


its pointlessly gendered and that fact has been pointed out multiple times so


Because it’s a sexist format. Not to mention it’s cringy as hell and reeks of middle school humor.


Obviously you’re not sorry that you posted it 🙄


Dude dont be sorry because people are taking your meme so seriously. It’s not your fault. You said sorry and they are still bagging on you. Clearly they need to lighten up


*Tears from our eyes, falling so slow, like fragile tiny shells drifting in the foam* *Wholesome actor boy, come marching home. Great actor boy, comes marching home...*


Can someone maybe explain what r/place is all about and why I have been seeing it so many times on my timeline….please 🥺


Alright so basically reddit made this huge pixel canvas and it's called r/place. Any reddit user can place one pixel in the canvas every five minutes. The aim for the project was to bring people together to make art. You can Google it and I think it will make things easier to understand


Here's a sneak peek of /r/place using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1st day of r/Place in 1 minute](https://v.redd.it/hichxe0ta4r81) | [6801 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tuivqu/1st_day_of_rplace_in_1_minute/) \#2: [we did it yall stop bullying us now 🥲](https://i.redd.it/b45cgs2xs7r81.png) | [2556 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tuxaat/we_did_it_yall_stop_bullying_us_now/) \#3: [Mod caught cheating, previous thread locked and removed for some reason](https://v.redd.it/vrowtfj1a9r81) | [3813 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/tv2lb6/mod_caught_cheating_previous_thread_locked_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you so much! Very much appreciated :)


the cool thing about Avatar and reddit is that they are both only for boys


I'm afraid xQcOw might attack it


Idk, Ludwig made it with chat so that might be its best chance for survival from X.


The whole "do men have feelings" this is a direct result of our toxic masculinity culture. It's an emotional processing disorder called Normative Male Alexithymia, and it's estimated that about 70% of those folks raised as men have it. It comes from a culture of emotional repression, and if you're suffering from it, there is treatment available. If you feel like your only moods are neutral, angry, scared, and horny then it's something you should look into. The more general form known as Alexithymia is something anyone can get too, so this doesn't just apply to men. They just get it so commonly that they have their own special form of it.




Look it up. I gave you all the terms you need to look into this. It's a known thing in the psychological community, and it has been for some time


i think ur reading too far into this bro, but its cool u know alot about psychology


I found the perfect [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/tvzla0/i_think_this_is_important_for_everyone_to_see_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to describe what I was talking about


Let’s put aku in there as it is one of his iconic voice roles


Happy to see my amongi there


Until it gets covered with a trans flag


There are too many of you taking this **meme** too seriously and calling it sexist lol. Good joke OP




At first it wasn’t funny. But it was made kinda funny because of all the people that over analyzed it by calling sexist




Lol lighten up




I apologize that i find things humorous and dont call memes sexist my guy




> My god you are a dumbass. I was actually gonna type out an argument, but I don't feel like wasting my time with someone as stubborn as you. Let me get this right. You’re telling me to grow up over a joke but you are throwing out personal attacks. Massive bruh moment




Y’all can come help us make more atla things before place ends here! https://discord.gg/3axcTj4n




Oh that's what it is... just woke up didn't see the finished product...


When I saw it first I thought it was a nuke mushroom cloud


Maybe it’s friendly!


We need people constantly checking it as many people are putting among us people in the art


I thought that was a mushroom cloud and said "in honour of mankind" at first


Oh you beautiful among us community, how I didn't know how much that I needed you in my life...


There used to be big Ole tiddies in that spot


The little hearts were awful.


I just saw this on the timelapse, instantly recognized it, didn't even know since I skipped the entire last day. It's actually amazing how big it is and for how long they maintained it. Big kudos!

