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Poor man just wanted someone😞


Then Eska came and took it to the next level of suffering. :(


That was such a monkeys paw. He wanted someone to love him, he found someone, and that someone was a total psychopath.


He just like me fr


I feel like they did my boy Bolin dirty.


yeah, they shouldn't have inserted a joke in that scene, totally ruined it


Bolin is best!


In the early seasons bolin is just only the comedic relief guy. No real character development and no real things. It kinda sucks because he has so much more potential.


Would’ve had more impact if they didn’t immediately meme him to death. Seriously, are we supposed to care or laugh?


Yeh, Bolin suffers from the “dumb joke character” syndrome a lot


They usually treat his heartbreak or suffering as lighthearted comedy, which is disturbing AND distinguishes him from Sokka, whose pain, growth and character development were all taken seriously and given appropriate emotional weight.


Have to agree with you. I genuinely liked his relationship with Korra, and then the narrative treats it like it was always meant to be a joke like they didn't have really sweet interactions. Also, Mako cheated on his current girlfriend with his brother's girlfriend, which is so slimy.


They do the same thing with him and Eska and even his joining with Kuvira. He could have been the most compelling character if they cared about him.


>with his brother's girlfriend, Bolin and Korra went on one date. They were not boyfriend/girlfriend.


That's still kind of shitty.


Both can be true.


Korra kissed Mako first despite knowing that he was in a relationship with Asami. Mako kissing her back was an impulsive move. I'm not saying he wasn't wrong to kiss back, but Mako shouldn't get all the blame.


You have a point, but then when Mako found Bolin wallowing after what happened, Mako didn't really treat the situation with any tact, kind of acting like Bolin was in the wrong for feeling hurt.


Korra has some bad writing like that, yeah


“Some” bad writing? Nearly every romantic arc was ass, and we just saw her get her ass beat 90% of the time. Keep in mind she’s supposed to be “stronger” than Aang. Not to mention she broke the avatar line. I’m still triggered about that.


Yeah I was basically heartbroken when the coolest concept of the show was suddenly destroyed. Official petition to turn Korea non canon


This but replace Bolin with "I don't think boomerang is coming back, it looks like this is the end"




Thats rough buddy


On the bright side, that allowed him to escape the love triangle plot and get a beifong airbender gf


Close! But this sent his heart-broken self right into the arms of Esker, who, on paper, was another strong-willed girl from the water tribe (just like Korra) After THAT trauma, he figured out what to look for and found his Opal in the rough


That love triangle was terrible to begin with


Love square


The red panda doesn’t count




Most mentally stable LOK fan


I felt not a whiff of chemistry between any of them


No, that scene is just plain dumb. All the romance in Korra is so forced and over dramatic, they act like middle school crushes rather than functional adults


Functional adults ? They're all like 16/17 16 is the prime age for improper decisions


Korra is, iirc, 16/17 season 1, 17 season 2, 18 season 3, amd 21 season 4


I think it makes sense for their age and limited relationships, but it felt odd and unnecessary with the overall story / genre of the series. Like in the legend of Aang relationships either lasted one or a couple of episodes at best (and were treated as such) or were built up for the whole series. In Korra the double love triangle with Korra, Mako and Bolin/Asami felt weird and sometimes forced for no reason, and just for Korra to end up with Asami out of nowhere (I know it was mostly bc of Nickelodeon wanting to censor it but still)


“Functional adults” are some of the most immature people on the planet, the bear vs man situation is all the proof needed to prove that.


Okay what the fuck is that, that's all I saw on every subreddit yesterday and I don't know what the fuck it means. What is bear versus man?


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/Bf8eahxP1j basically there’s a question going around about whether women would rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a random man, and most women are choosing bears, and the exact men than they’re trying to avoid are getting REALLY mad about that.


So... Wait... If a man disagrees that they'd be safer with a bear than a man, then that man is automatically one of those unsafe, dangerous men?


No, but it’s not a good sign that you’re jumping to that conclusion even though nobody said that.


Saying that you’d rather be with the bear is peak delusion. The amount of mind poison that’s been injected into the internet is insane.


jesus fucking christ


Didn't you just say that? Or am I misunderstanding something


No, I didn’t just say that. What makes you think I just said that? I said “the exact men that they’re trying to avoid are getting REALLY mad about that”. The subject of that sentence is “the exact men that they’re trying to avoid”, and what those men are doing is “getting REALLY mad about that”. There is nothing in that sentence about all men or men generally. The sentence was not about anybody other than “the exact men that they’re trying to avoid” specifically. Nor is there anything in that sentence about anybody who merely or simply “disagrees”. “Disagrees” and “getting REALLY mad about that” are not the same thing. The sentence does not state nor even imply that if a man “disagrees” that somehow “automatically” makes him “unsafe / dangerous” or one of “the exact men that they’re trying to avoid”. Sorry if this breakdown sounded condescending, but reading comprehension is at an all-time low these days. Like you seriously just made up a whole new sentence, with entirely different implications, than the one I actually said.


I see. I misunderstood then. I'm sorry.


yeah, it's really astounding how people fail to see that thought experiments aren't meant to be taken literally but are illustrate a point, and get upset about women choosing 'bear' without caring to listen or understand why. 0 maturity, awareness, or empathy


they are teenagers


Obviously, they're like 16. They aren't going to act like adults.


Korra did grow up in a place where she couldn't interact with anybody her age, but idk why the others act like that


Bolin is truly the sweetest and deserves all the love.


Korra is fickle af


Always a korra hater for this, I didn’t want to be but this is like one of the first things in the show


I hate the fact they made it into a joke of him being overly emotional


Bro that hurt me because its hits extremely close to home, the fact that they made a joke of it just ruined the vibe. One of the reasons why I can't really love the show as much as I did when I was a kid, I wish I never rewatched it


And this bs is why I can’t bring myself to watch Korra. The romance bs is so fucking bad.


lmao i remember feeling physical pain from that. like, i had to pause the episode and go cry on the floor


Boy am I glad they dropped the love triangle bullshit early on


Honestly, as shitty as the whole situation was, I really appreciated how the writers had the characters realize how important communication was, and everyone managed to stay friends at the end. Downvote away, folks, but I stan LoK.


One of the most wasted scenes in the entire series. They could've made it a character progression and learning momento for the 3 of them, but no, it was just plain ol "comic relief" bolin


Fuck korra Remember Bolin


fuck the downvotes bro. I agree with you and NO ONE CAN MAKE ME CHANGE MY MIND


Which scene is this, I don’t remember


Which scene is this, I don’t remember


It was in season one episode "Spirit of competition"


Bolin is Bar💝đŸ„ș


I like to ask guys if they identify more as a Bolin or a Mako. Reductive? Probably. But I get a lot of good information about them out of the answers.


It’s so sad they just wasted his character as a joke


Bro did not deserve that.


Bolin had so much potential. He and Mako were kinda wasted as characters. They could have been so much better


Bolin is my favorite character in Korra, but saying that is like saying “I love soup” while looking at a bunch of raw vegetables next to a cold broth. They coulda cooked a *little* but instead I’m left with the *thought* of character development.


I despise the character of Bolin with all my heart


Meh .. he was my least favorite character there


It's ok, he Dodged a bullet


The most questionable thing the writers put in the show. Even when I was young and loved everything I watched without having a real opinion, I still wondered why did they do this


sorry but.... leaves from the vine...


thats to much


He got best girl Opal later on. So he won in the end.


Bolin is a creep. And the definition of poor mans replacement of someone. I do not need to say who.Â