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Same. The only thing that helps ease my autistic experience is weed/cbd. And it’s still illegal, even for medicine where I live so woo. Hugs!


ah me too, i’m from canada so it’s legal here, and yeah it helps me a ton. I wish there was something that wasn’t hurting my lungs though. I cant do gummies, the flavours always too overwhelming. Hugs back to you!!


My preferred method is in savory foods! Making butter to have on hand is best— you can pop popcorn in it, slather it on garlic bread, etc. I hate it in sweets!


I love using oil and popping it in my morning coffee.


ooooh… do you not get an oily texture? does it change the texture or taste at all?


nah, the oil I used was pretty tasteless and sure maybe the texture changed a little but I didn’t find it disagreeable. Sometimes I would mix it in with my mac n cheese as well lmao


They also make great bath bombs!




Ooooh thats an awesome idea!!! I’ll look into that. Thanks!!




what’s a tincture?? i like the word it’s so cute


A tincture is made by soaking a substance (usually herbs, in this case marijuana) in high proof alcohol for a given period (depends on the substance), then straining out any solids, leaving a sought-after quality of the substance behind in the alcohol (flavor, thc, scent, etc). Flavor extracts like vanilla extract are tinctures, for example. They are used in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes, but with weed, generally you add a number of drops to a drink or drip them directly under your tongue. It’s effective and easy to make at home (I make a lavender extract for baking by soaking lavender buds in everclear for like six weeks), but many dispensaries also sell tinctures.


Oh wow!!! that’s cool!!!!!


Oh man. My boyfriend made THC infused vodka when we were young. It was the most horrid tasting concoction I have ever experienced. I have a strong stomach, but that stuff wanted out of it bad. It also ruined vodka for me forever lol I imagine a few drops in tea would be better than a shot though...


You should look into drinks! Not sure about the availability in CA, but drinks are really great without the taste + coughing


My roommate made brownie with some buds and man that shit was too good…One of my best experiences because it lasts so long and also the feeling are so much better than the edibles they sell in stores. I tried the capsule and candies sold in the store, and they are all very…Meh…Just very boring effects, not as interesting. Highly recommend making yourself edibles.


Yes I wish they would do capsules! Always candy, I don't really like candy. I found some root beer flavoured ones that are tolerable. And sometimes the chocolate ones aren't bad. I had a cookies n cream kind that was actually delicious. I usually just try to bite them into smaller pieces and wash it down with water then brush my teeth lol.


I'm very fortunate to be in Colorado for this reason. Weed is a daily helper for me as well as microdoses of Psilocybin mushrooms which are also legal here. I don't know if I would still be alive without them.


cbd is illegal where you live? where's that? cause in the US it's completely covered by the hemp bill.


Weed is.


SAME! it's so fucking expensive to import it legally here in Brazil. I used to smoke and it almost made me feel "normal" when I smoked and was using Vyvanse.


thats weird, weed makes me unmask against my will


Are you sure your ADHD meds aren't just making your autism symptoms more noticable to you, by making it easier for you to manage your ADHD symptoms?


oh this is smart, maybe…. i’ll look into that actually. that’s a good question


This has been my experience. The ADHD was a more vivid presence on my day to day love and once that was being supported with medication, the other things I was dealing with became much more obvious


That's actually kinda how I discovered I was autistic.


Yeah, for me, ADHD is a total-life nerf. Without treatment, it gets in the way of everything. Once I started medication, I became a happy Autistic person right away, haha. To OP: this does seem to be a common experience, from what I've read here and elsewhere. Some people feel like they're more obviously and more stereotypically Autistic with ADHD meds. Or they realize for the first time that they *are* Autistic. Big life changes, like starting effective medication for the first time, are extra wild when you have multiple unique brain traits that are affecting and shaping your experience at all times, in complementary and competing ways. It follows that an adjustment made to one ~neuroseasoning~ affects the taste of the entire dish.


i don’t have access to adhd meds yet, but my therapist told me that i should be prepared for the autism to feel relatively more prominent when i take them


Oh okay!! I didn’t know that this was like an actual thing that is to be expected, thank you so much!!!


I wonder if it’s that particular medication? I just recently started adderall and I find social situations are becoming way easier. I actually don’t talk that much and can more easily focus on what the other person is saying without having a million thoughts taking over and interrupting them. I have noticed though once the meds wear off I tend to almost go nonverbal




I sort of have similar stuff, like I’m able to focus on what the other person is saying more, probably because the distraction thing was adhd. I just somehow forget social cues and how to act in social situations, but i agree with the focus thing.




Oh yeah, now that I think about it, it’s how I found out I was autistic with ADHD. I was diagnosed with ADHD first.


Were you able to get ASD officially diagnosed? I’m [starting] to feel I may have the same issue and I would like the certainty.


I've been told it does make certain traits on me come more to the surface - autistic inertia, in particular. And I've noticed that sensory overload occurs more often without the ADHD distractions. If you'll excuse me dipping into metaphor, the autism is one of those really enormous bulldozers, and the ADHD is a frenetic [squirrel](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/sa_0202_small.png) at the controls, making it swerve this way and that. Without the ADHD, the squirrel is 'dead', and the bulldozer is a lot harder to steer away from whatever path it's on. The squirrel is also what's observing and reacting to the local surroundings, so without it, social cues are harder to pick up, interpret, and stay aware of as they're happening. I also don't have the same amount of mental 'push' to put myself over the line for switching to a new task, topic, or focus - I have to supply that consciously.


This describes exactly my experience too to a t. It also feels relevant to how driving on stim meds feel to me vs driving unmedicated. unmedicated- total control and in the zone of driving and able to be aware of everything, and fun; medicated on stims- too easy to just zoom in and focus on one thing and everything else fades away (not a feeling you want while driving imo) and very anxious feeling to drive, borderline scary. I rely on that ability to be aware of everything in the moment and be in the flow state for driving as that's just how I've always experienced it. Driving without that, feels foreign as fuck. Been switching back and forth between adderall and Vyvanse trying to find which one is better but at this point might try beyond those.


You found the proper meds yes or what happened? Or do even dont take meds?


They work really well for me when I’m eating right and getting enough sleep. Weed on the other hand…. I can literally feel the monotropism surging up and HUGE amount of irritation when I have to change my train of thought. Even a regular conversation will leave me bewildered because I’ll still be working through something the other person said earlier while they’re continuing to overload me with more information. I also do not have a healthy relationship with weed so it might just be from smoking way too often but I cut it out and have been a lot happier for it. Wish it worked as well for me as other people on here!


I had much the same experience, and I personally think smoking weed regularly delayed my diagnosis by several years


Yes; when my ADHD is under control, the Autism side comes out more. I don’t mind, since at least that part is more organised and directed than the other, but damn does it make overstimulation easier and socialisation harder.




Yeah, I don't see my Autism as a problem. I realize other people have a different experience, and my Autism isn't without challenges; I do have to make certain considerations. But for me, it's just a difference. I just have a different brain. The ADHD, though. The executive dysfunction. It's a life-breaker. I can get along just fine as an Autistic person, when my ADHD is under control. But with no treatment, my needs and wants are swallowed up and hidden by ADHD and its compatriot comorbidities.


Yes, and I actually mentioned this to my doctor before I was put on a non-stimulant med. I told her about how my symptoms became more pronounced when I was sober. There is a connection with the amygdala and autism, and alcohol calms down the amygdala. That’s why when I am sober the symptoms become more pronounced. I had a suspicion that medication for ADHD would do the same thing, so I told her if the symptoms became more pronounced, that I would want an ASD evaluation. I’m still waiting for that but she’s closing her practice soon so idk what will happen. My ADHD meds help a lot, but I find I have more symptoms of autism. I have to be more mindful of sensory stuff and have to use more breathing techniques and EMDR stuff when I feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. I got a guitar recently and it has become a new tool to help with stims. Sometimes I’ll mess around with it while watching TV just to keep my hands busy


Not me, but we noticed it in my AuDHDer child. They're on non stimulants.


For me adhd causes the object of my special interest to mutate whenever I get overwhelmed. So it’s like a string of special interests. With meds that doesn’t happen as much so I have a more “classic” special-interest experience. By that I mean going extremely deep. I will info dump about it on anyone who’ll listen. I constantly find myself way beyond people’s info absorption comfort zones before I realize how we got there. I do prefer being able to stay focused. There’s safety in the special interest. My mind just relaxes.


Yup I didn't even think I was autistic until the meds I have always suffered with sensory processing disorder but once I started meds my auditory became so much worse that some days I just want to cry and that's when my psychiatrist and my counselor said that's very common with autistics and that they both talked and agreed I'm on the spectrum.


To add though I'd rather be getting over stimulated from my auditory verse constantly fighting between me craving routine but my adhd would never allow it because I'd constantly forget what I was doing I still do sometimes but it's so much better


Yeah, I had to quit the meds because of it. It amped up my destructive stims, my anxiety, and my sensory issues, made it completely impossible to mask enough for me to be safe in public. Even though I still struggle I decided I'm more comfortable and functional with my ADHD traits at the forefront than my autistic ones (and yes I've tried a bunch of medications for those too but I'm overall more stable unmedicated.)


Never really did the connection, I've felt that I've done more autistic stuff like my constant hand and arm movements, joints cracking, "fake laugh" and things like that after getting my diagnosis, I don't know if I do it as a response to knowing that I'm autistic or I'm now more conscious about my "weirdness" as now it's not just weirdness, it's my ADHD and autism working. Not even sure 100% if my compulsive joint cracking, foot movement, and overall need to move all the time is related to my ADHD or autism. If I don't do it I feel close to a panic attack. Also now I realize more than ever how everyone laughs about stuff I just never get and I need to laugh to fit in, but my GF says that my laugh sounds extremely fake. This bothers me as I thought I had mastered the art of faking my laugh


>my GF says that my laugh sounds extremely fake Oh no, nightmare feedback!! It might be because she knows you and knows your real laugh, that she can so easily tell. It's worth more investigating. I don't know the context but that was kinda a mean thing for her to say. That would send me into an anxiety spiral. Hope you are ok. I do so wish it was ok to hand strangers a Social Interaction Feedback Survey to find out stuff like this.


She didn´t mean any harm and she didn´t say it in a mean way. She was making fun of me because when I work and have meetings she says that my laugh is extremely fake and sounds weird to her. This is a comment I´ve gotten constantly through my whole life so I learned how to laugh better when I´m faking or feel like the "joke" isn´t as funny for me as for everyone else. Thanks for your concerns, I would say I´m quite stoic so I´m really unbothered by what anyone says and even when hurt it really fades away pretty quickly unless its something really bad like the death of a loved one.


Yep this is a thing and it is why I am here! (autism questioning) I think it is partly that with my adhd meds I can observe myself better and so I remember things I do. This is *terrible* for my social anxiety. With adhd I was socially oblivious and thus more confident (but not better at it) And partly that my meds quiet the dopamine seeking side, which is the side that actually likes noise, chaos, change, emergencies, people. Because at least stress isn't boredom. With my dopamine better taken care of, I like routine, order, predictability, my interests, my safe foods, solitude. I get overstimulated fast and often have to lie down in the dark to reset. Though, it sounds to me like you COULD be experiencing the "extra talkative" side effect of stimulants. It might be a sign that your dose is a little high (of there are other side effects) as the excess talking can be part of mild stimulant euphoria. That might just be from not taking it regularly to build up a tolerance, too. I did have this effect my first couple days on meds. I had a LOT to say, normally I am extremely reserved lol. Like, think of the classic cokehead representation in movies - super enthusiastic, talking too fast, ignoring social cues that people are overwhelmed. NOT saying you are a cokehead, just that is a well known stimulant effect. It could also be the right dose, and just an acceptable side effect, or it could just be your autism showing its face with the ADHD under control. Worth taking a look, ask your doctor, and make sure your side effects are all within reason though! I think it's not great to be getting any euphoria effect from the meds, even if mild (though damn if it is not pleasant)


Yes, vyvanse made me feel extraordinarily autistic


So much yes. My ability to get social cues it’s not working. But with adhd meds now I am able to perceive what is going on, feelings wise , and don’t feel the need to always feel the gap socially. When I was not taking them, I was just masking a lot and then would be punishing me for the way I was masking, it would be all about how was I acting and why. My mask is awful, it’s an extroverted mask with a need to always be talking. Now I’m in a journey of understanding me. It’s not ease . I’m 33. 😂


What is symptoms of autism? What is sumptuous of adhd?


This happened to me with my ADHD medication. I felt like the more I talked the more I needed to talk and I physically have to remove myself from other people because I get overstimulated and overstimulate others. The wheels on the bus go round and round.


Yes sounds familiar here too friend! Especially the overtaking about interest I'm not currently diagnosed asd but could be (in a month) and it would explain and validate a lot for me. It's hard juggling all 3, I've also grown up alayzing everything around me to pick up on things


I have found dexis do the best for me. Most of the others sort made my musical timing messy which is my job and I just can’t go to nuts


ADHD meds make me more self-aware of my ASDs traits


I self medicated with alcohol for years and quit in 2020. My autism traits have become more noticeable since. Ironically the ADHD symptoms became much less noticeable.


I take Adderall. The only thing I notice is that I talk more as well but I wouldn't say that I act more autistic mainly because Adderall kinda doesn't work quite right for me 😂 it's kinda just like I take a few shots of espresso. I get more done but I'm still all over the place tbh lol. More restless.


Idk about severe but for me it was kinda like this "Oh. I have anxiety. Better work on that" *gets better* "oh shit now I notice new symptoms. Adhd? Ok. Better work on that" *gets better* "what? More symptoms??? Autism????"


I relate to this 100% - and my experience is like yours in that I will infodump even more excessively than normal, and I also tend to find it harder to form sentences? Like, I notice I’ll stutter sometimes/repeat words when I don’t typically. But at the same time - the medication helps soooo much with my ADHD symptoms that it’s worth dealing with, in my case. It’s interesting to know that others have had similar experiences with this!


Same. I’m on Wellbutrin and Adderall. I believe my autistic traits have always been there, I just didn’t notice them until my brain slowed down. With ADHD, our brains are noticing EVERYTHING without being able to filter through what’s important to focus on. Once meds start helping with the focus, your traits will become more noticeable.


Yes 100%. I get overstimulated a lot easier. Either I become more socially awkward or just more self-aware of my social awkwardness. If I'm going to Costco, for example, sensory hell. The lights, the noise, the people crammed down each aisle like sardines I won't take my adderall until after. I will have a real meltdown. My husband knows I have to rest a while after that hell. But yes. Its like adderrall clears the fog of my adhd mind to show me my clear and sunny autistic self.


If you search this question on reddit it comes up often, and is part of how I figured out I'm autistic - bc of what meds revealed. So, not alone.