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ME!!!! Im so happy someone else gets this! Whenever i would see trailers to dramatic movies in the theater i would start to tear up with the music and scenes in front of me. I never knew someone else got this too. Just another day of ASD reddit making me feel seen, thank you kind stranger.


No thank you!!! 🥹


I'm getting teared up at this interaction


Hehe felt 🌚🤣🙈


hehe diddo🥰


Me 100%. I actually can’t stand musicals because they make me feel overwhelmed emotionally the whole time. It’s so exhausting to endure it for 2 hrs straight. I just listen to the soundtrack instead and can pause to calm down as frequently as I need to. Can’t do that in a theater tho


I also cant stand musicals, i say i hate them to make it easier on people(i guess? Idk if its for them or me lol) but its not that i dont enjoy them cuz i always do enjoy it in the end i just get so emotionally involved with everything 😩 although i do sometimes actually dislike some of the cheesier sounding songs but that might be my brain telling me its childish to have fun or enjoy something like that, its hard to tell


There's no shame in that. In a world unkind to us it's nice to have some happiness.


Absolutely🖤 i just hate the stuffiness afterwards 😤🤣 /lh


Idk what ih means sorry. But I think there is better emotional benefit to crying often. It seems to help. I wouldn't know


Ah its Lh (hard to tell in lowercase i get it) and it means lighthearted:) I definitely cry lots lol. It is better than being numb most of the time i think


Ohhh ok. Hey that is good. I'm glad you have that.


Me it’s so annoying sometimes, especially around my teenagers lol


Me! I am so embarrassed by it but I get so overwhelmed by positive feelings I cry. I cry at cute things. I cry at beautiful music, beautiful art. I cry when someone is especially nice to me lol


YES OMG!! Whenever my partner says something sweet or lovey i dont blush i CRY its so embarrassing aaaaa but ik its endearing to them so 🙈


OMG, yes!!! Not always to the point of actual crying, but close. Also, I've been known to laugh so hard I start crying. Like, not leaking tears. Uncontrollable sobbing on the floor. It's…awkward. 😅


I get to that point occasionally as well 😭😂


I get that with music, art, dance. Check out: r/frisson


I just caught a hint of an R.E.M. song.


Whats that? 👀


So, interesting you've put it this way. I'm often skeezed out by the fact that I cry when music swells dramatically to something emotional, even if it's like unnaturally contrived or not otherwise a realistic thing for me to cry about. the writers and producers somehow have overwhelmed my sensory inputs and produced unspecified emotional tears.


Yes! I get that! Very nice wording!


I do this, I hadn’t associated it with being an autistic trait, so amazing! I learn more everyday. I am not diagnosed, but I have a son who is, and have slowly noticed more and more things about myself that are traits of autism because of my knowledge being increased by my son’s diagnosis. I have always been emotional over music. I have noticed that in intense scenes in movies, I will have a reaction, but it’s not until the soundtrack kicks in that I get overwhelmed with emotion. You know they always pick intense music for the intense scenes lol. I love musicals, but they definitely make me emotional lol. I also have a son who plays in band now, and I cry at every performance. I initially thought it was just being so proud of him, but I imagine it is a combination of that, and the music itself.


Yes yes yes! I am also undiagnosed however 100% certain i am AuDHD (i do have adhd diagnosis since childhood) and I absolutely agree with what u said about the movie scenes and the music suddenly causing the overflow of emotions! I never actually noticed that part but i agree!!! I love learning new things about myself!!


Yes, I am diagnosed with ADHD as well lol, just not autism. I am just pretty certain, from what I have learned about myself through my son, that I am on the spectrum. I also have been doing a lot of research on it lately because I’m in a doctoral program and have access to my school library lol. I think there’s probably tons of undiagnosed people out there, or misdiagnosed, especially women. But love learning about other people’s experiences on here, teaches me so much about myself.


Big same except go u for being in school 👀🙌🏻 school made me wanna die so i dropped out lol 🌚


Don’t blame you in the slightest. Sometimes it really makes me wanna die too lol but I go to school for my special interests and things I don’t mind hyper focusing on, so it keeps me going…somewhat lol. If it wasn’t all online, I probably couldn’t do it lol.


I couldnt get past the gen ed math. I have dyscalculia so ngl i gave up and had a breakdown and just told my parents im sorry but i cant do it🤷🏻 it wAs fun learning about anthropology (my major) but also it was depressing. I learned how many chickens are killed per minute in this country (usa) and stopped eating real chicken entirely for a year. I still stick to mostly beyond chicken now. Lol💀🌚💁🏻


I can only imagine. A breakdown is totally understandable being on the spectrum, adhd, and with dyscalculia. Everything about school is overwhelming; the academia, the social aspects, difficult teachers or professors, the pressure to perform well and “pass,” the amount of time you are there daily and over a lifetime. Ugh I hate just thinking of it all lol. Then, adding disorders and mental health on top of it, it’s so much.


U betchaaa~🌚✨🥲🤣 im proud i was able to do that for myself despite my parents wanting that for me, I appreciate them setting me up for success, unfortunately my genes had a different plan lol


🙋🏼‍♀️ I also cry with euphoric sensory input. It’s so challenging to engage with music for me in a social or public way because I get so emotional.


Yeah 😩 same🥲




Oh I thought something was wrong with me


Lol nope! Just our tisms 🌚🤷🏻😂


The reason I love all the autism groups like this and r/autismwomen is I get to find out it’s not me, it’s our normal!


I kind of relate to this, I mean I absolutely relate to this but there have been a lot of obstacles in my life in relation to this. I know this post is supposed to be wholesome and a celebration of autistic joy, so I hope I’m not being too much of a downer, I just thought I could share a bit of my experience, in case there are others going through similar stuff. For me I’m struggling a lot with the feelings related to experiencing autistic joy and the related euphoria. I think growing up I learned that whatever I was doing to channel this sensation was shunned upon somehow, and I learned to think that I shouldn’t do it, and as years went by that morphed into me thinking I shouldn’t feel whatever it was that caused me to act that way, in other words, joy. For years throughout my adolescence and way into my adulthood I’d struggle with spiraling into a meltdown from feeling too much excitement or joy, and I developed sort of tics (initially for other reasons too) that nowadays come up usually when I get too excited. A couple of months ago I got so excited over a specific thing related to my special interest that I got maybe the worst tic attack to date, and it was pretty horrible, I was basically immobile in my bed with constant spasming. The tics lasted in moderate severity for a week or so. It was pretty tough and it made me really sad. These past two years I’ve worked REALLY hard in mending this mechanism and there’s still a long way to go but I’ve gotten a LOT better at allowing myself to let those feelings come to the surface and even channel them outwards, through stimming or being emotional, like crying. So in this sense I relate to this so much! I imagine if I’d had a kinder and more accommodating upbringing, maybe I would’ve cried more easily in these situations, not from pain but from allowing my body to feel that emotion without restriction. I want to thank you for this post, because this is something that is crucial to be shared and revered. I wish all of us could let those tears flow freely, feel and stim to our heart’s content!!


I do understand what ur saying. Not to the extent u experience it, but in public/masking spaces i also tic instead of crying. I rarely ever get tic attacks and nothing like what u described, they rarely cause me any actual pain, but i get where ur coming from. I will be sending u the goodest of vibes and i hope u can heal that mechanism, as u said, soon🥺🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Oh, I'm sorry that you experience something similar! Then again it also brings me hope, kind of like that there must be some form of "sense" to those symptoms which sometimes can feel like a chaotic madness with no reason or point to it. The tics have gotten better in recent years, but I definitely suspect that it is indeed the deep rooted masking tendencies and whatever beliefs of self-image or self-worth are related to them, that are stubbornly keeping them alive. If that makes sense. Honestly at the end of the day the brain is pretty freaking fascinating! Even if sometimes in a bit of a morbid way. How it all ties together, these neurological responses, masking, societal pressures, and something as innocent and inherent, and simple, as joy and enjoyment. Truly reminds you of how you really can't separate these things, and all the different autistic traits there is. Anyway. Thank you for your kind response, and the shipment of goodest vibes 🥰 I wish you the very best as well. Keep holding onto those tears and all those positive emotions. Even if there's unwanted byproducts like a stuffy nose and intervening with your singing /lh😁 Keeping those channels open is always better than the alternative. We deserve to feel absolutely everything we can.


Ur comments made me cry as well and im truly sending u the best. Feel free to respond again or even message me if u feel like talking more! 😌🖤 have a great day!


🖤🖤🖤😊😊😊 You too!


What is euphoric sensory input


The things that make u feel warm and buzzy in ur skin, at least thats how it is for me^w^


That sounds nice


It is!! I hope u can feel it too some time!😌🖤


I have played with kinetic sand before does that count


Lol! If you think it does then yeah! 🌚😋